Part 3 The Traveler Chapter 65 The Priest

Release Date: 2024-06-26 10:50:39
A+ A- Turn Off Light

  The huge black-and-white eyes appeared translucent, floating silently behind the rich, stark overlapping blocks of color, looking neither hostile nor friendly.

  This instant, Klein remembered a passage from the notebook “Spirit World Insights”, in which the ancestor of the Abraham family said so:

  ”Try not to lock eyes with any spirit world creature for more than three seconds, this is a provocative behavior unless they have expressed a message they want to communicate; also do not allow yourself to appear frightened and nervous, this will increase the desire of certain predators to attack.”

  With the appropriate words running through his mind, Klein withdrew his eyes and continued to “chase” the flying hardwood cane in front of him, neither too fast nor too slow.

  His figure in black armor, black crown, and cloak of the same color entered the round eye, and quickly swept past and away without provoking the slightest change.

  In essence, the spirit world is a very dangerous place, if you are not careful, you may encounter a demigod level terrifying existence …… Klein continued to travel, found that this place is really quite chaotic, the seven clear light that could have marked the location of the light, although it has always been located in a high place, covering the “sky”, but also from time to time, it is not easy to find a place to go. “, but then from time to time, the Ks could be seen at their feet, left and right, front and back.

  If not for the black cane to locate them, Klein would not have been able to tell the direction at all.

  Suddenly, through the mist of pale nothingness, he saw what a normal person would conceptualize as a floating castle to the lower left, which was black in color, with a high spire, covered in vines, and extremely gothic in style.

  At the top of the castle stood a translucent woman, she was nearly as tall as the castle, wearing a long, complicated, ornate and dark, gloomy black dress, she had no head, there was a neat cut at the neck, and her sagging hands were carrying four blonde hair, red eyes, bright-looking heads, which, if examined carefully, would be found to be identical.

  When Klein, dressed as the “Black Emperor,” passed by, the four heads the woman carried blinked together.

  Klein didn’t respond, and flew forward as if he hadn’t noticed.

  The woman slowly turned her body so that the heads in her hands could see him off.

  What kind of monsters are these …… Klein’s thoughts just flashed, and then he saw the black cane falling rapidly “down”.

  He rushed to catch up, and once again got a taste of free fall.

  Seven or eight seconds later, a collapsed building appeared “in front” of him.

  Beyond the building floated a giant jellyfish-like Spirit World creature, which stretched out a slime-covered transparent tentacle, incorporating the surrounding area into its “territory”.

  At the top of each tentacle was a white skull with deep eye holes, swaying with a light and slow swing.

  The black cane passed through the strange creatures of the spirit world and hovered in front of the collapsed, almost illusory building.

  Found it? Kraven was pleased at first, but then he looked at the giant jellyfish waving its skeletal head in disbelief.

  He was ready to fight, but he didn’t do it right away. Instead, he tried to radiate the deep sense of majesty brought by the high status characteristic of the “Black Emperor” card outward, and his gaze indifferently stared at the dark and deep eye holes.

  After three seconds of freezing, Klein uttered a low voice and spat out an ancient Hermetic word:


  The tentacles on top of the skull’s head twitched twice, and the giant “jellyfish” slowly floated up and disappeared into the depths of the spirit world.

  This “Black Emperor” card is still very useful. …… I was thinking about throwing Mr. Aztec’s brass whistle, the descendant of the God of Death should still have some face in the spirit world. …… Klein breathed a sigh of relief and descended down. and descended downward, gripping the black hardwood cane.

  Then, with hidden anticipation, he fell within the ruins of the collapsed building.

  To him, even if the people from the Storm Church and the Kingdom’s military had found this place ahead of time and taken away the most valuable items, as long as there was still something left, he would be quite satisfied.

  Even if there was nothing left, it was still enough to study the elven relics and see what information they had left behind……. Klein pierced through the curtain-like “barrier” of nothingness, and suddenly realized that the air around him had become sticky and heavy.

  The air around him became sticky and heavy, and there was a wavering wave of light around him, which came from the deep blue sea water that filled this area.

  At the bottom of the seawater was an ancient and obscure ruin, all the buildings had collapsed or semi-collapsed.

  A massive pillar, inscribed with strange patterns and symbols, stuck out from the center, tending to go straight to the top, and seemed to have supported the place in the past, but now it had snapped and was leaning half upside down against the top of a nearby building.

  Klein recognized this place, recognized this pillar, this is the hiding place of “Neptune” Kavituva, the hidden place where reality and spirit world meet.

  At this moment, a reluctant, agonizing, angry, crazy hissing echoed for a long time, not to be weakened, it is Kavituva’s death roar full of resentment.

  It did die …… Klein held the black cane and landed on the greenish gray stone avenue in front of that ancient ruin.

  On both sides of this avenue stood a pillar that was not too thick and not too tall, with the same strange pattern that differed somewhat from the current symbols and magical markings.

  And at the bottom of each pillar, there was a figure sitting against it, some of them wearing ancient robes, some of them draped in the popular brown jackets.

  As soon as they sensed someone approaching, they picked up their long swords, axes, and other weapons, and with stiff but swift movements, they climbed to their feet and turned to where Krynn was, revealing their weathered, gray-black faces and shriveled bodies devoid of any sense of flesh and blood presence.

  Their frenzied and numb eyes turned simultaneously to Krynn, who wore a pitch-black crown and black armor.

  Kavituva’s devout followers …… However, this also shows that the Storm Church and the kingdom’s military have not yet found this place …… Klein sighed, poured his spirit into the “sun brooch”, and whispered an ancient Hermetic message. He whispered an ancient Hermetic word:


  He turned on the “Sacred Oath” attached to the “Sun Brooch”, and briefly added Sacred damage to his attacks through the corresponding Ghomeshi word.


  Kraven shook his wrist and flicked his cane.

  He slightly crouched his body and rushed towards the first “Poseidon Guard” that came running towards him.

  In the midst of running at high speed, Klein suddenly turned his body to the left, dodged the axe that came down from the enemy, and threw back his small arm, using his cane to draw a sharp mark on the opponent’s body that made the gray and white crack.

  Inside the mark, bright golden flames rose up silently, wrapping the “Poseidon Guard” inside and burning it to the ground.


  Kraven’s feet were so strong that he crossed over the enemy.

  Behind him, the dried up Poseidon Guard finally collapsed and turned into ashes in the golden flames.

  Stomp! Kraven’s back was lowered, and his footsteps flew forward, sometimes sideways, sometimes diagonally, as he passed by one of the Poseidon Guards.

  At the same time, he waved his cane, either jerking, stabbing, chopping or slashing, leaving different marks on the corpse-like guards.

  Stomp! Stomp! Stomp! Klein passed through this avenue and reached the front of the half-collapsed ruins.

  Behind his gently raised black cloak, the “Poseidon Guards” turned into a golden torch, illuminating the greenish-gray stone slabs and the patterned pillars.

  In a flurry of activity, the guards collapsed one by one and were no more.

  Klein stepped up the steps and entered the building where the half-fallen pillars stood.

  The first thing that caught his eye was a greenish-blue sea serpent of unimaginable size, its body covered in slippery scales and patterned with symbols similar to those found within the ruins.

  Its huge open mouth bit into the pillar, its curved milky white fangs piercing in.

  Its body below its head hung down on the ground, coiling around to occupy a third of the vast hall, as if it were an undulating greenish-blue hill, but it was covered with various wounds, or blood and flesh, or white bones could be seen.

  Dots of greenish-blue mysterious light had already precipitated from its body, not-so-quickly converging towards one of its teeth, which was longer than a human’s arm, making the slightly curved, sharp white bones straighten at a slow pace.

  Its dying howl echoed fiercely through the area, causing even Klein’s substantial spiritual body to show slight signs of instability.

  At this moment, beside Kavituva’s body lay an old man in a clergyman’s fedora.

  His hair was white, his body was like gray rock, his face was close to the snake’s body, and he was making meaningful noises in his throat, not knowing what he was doing.

  Around the huge snake body, there was also a set of weathered dry corpses, which were the same as the “Poseidon guards” outside, but even more bizarre, appearing to have swollen abdomens, or even ruptured, in addition, their mouths were stained with dark red blood, hanging a strip of slightly greenish-blue meat.

  The same greenish-blue points of light were seeping out of them, surging towards the white fangs that were gradually straightening out before.

  Before Klein had time to ponder what such a scene signaled, the old man lying on top of Kavituva, wearing a clergyman’s fedora, shakily straightened up and turned around.

  His eyes were flashing greenish-blue, the sides of his mouth were blood-red, and his teeth were tearing hard at pieces of flesh.

  Where his face had been, Kavituva’s serpentine body was in such disarray, with so much flesh and blood missing, that you could almost see the white bones.

  He was eating the body of “Neptune” Kavituva raw!

  This …… Klein frowned, roughly understand what happened here:

  After Kavituva’s death, the priests and guards in the hall lost control and frantically ate its flesh and blood.

  At this time, the extraordinary properties had yet to be fully analyzed, and Kavituva’s body contained a significant portion of it, so many of the guards suffered from an overdose of the “magic potion” or a clash of properties from different pathways, and collapsed on the spot, dying completely.

  However, there are always lucky people who will survive the violent death stage, or lose control and become disgusting monsters, or directly cross several sequences and become strong, or due to the mixing of the characteristics of different pathways, become a madman with twisted and evil abilities.

  And either way, it was something quite dangerous!

  Klein’s eyes moved down from the surviving priest’s face to his stomach that bulged like a pregnant woman’s.

  There was a strong bulge and contraction there, as if there was a huge heart.

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