Part 4 The Undead Chapter 77 Crisis in the Darkness

Release Date: 2024-06-26 10:55:47
A+ A- Turn Off Light


  The loud gunshot echoed in the open area where the trees were sparse, spreading out in all directions, if it was a normal night forest on a normal island, at this moment there would have been many birds startled, fluttering their wings and circling and flying to the hissing of the beasts, but the place was still quiet, so quiet that it seemed like no living creatures existed.

  And the black, curly-haired baboon, its head suddenly exploded, spilling plasma, brains and debris violently in all directions, making it seem as if a sharp rain had fallen on the area.

  The black crystals in its head were similarly shattered, none of them intact.

  Klein bent his arm, slowly retracting the gunpowder-smoking revolver, and watched as the mutant curly-haired baboon’s more-than-human body collapsed.

  ”The proximity of the Traveling, the strong control of the Grievous Spirit, and the fatal blow of the Deathstroke that seized the opportunity amounted to an instant kill!

  Klein didn’t do this just to show off his own strength, but through his observation just now, he thought that this mutated curly-haired baboon had special abilities, and if he didn’t take advantage of the fact that he didn’t know anything about him to finish him off quickly, then he had a great possibility to turn the battle around, and make things quite tricky, and this is something that must be avoided as much as possible in a dangerous and primitive island, as no one knows what the fierce battle will bring in! Something.

  Therefore, after the “spirit” possessed the mutated curly-haired baboon, Klein gave up the attempt to manipulate the “spirit line” to solve the opponent in a longer time and more securely and without leaving any traces, and directly pulled out the hammer, and caught the enemy with the “death knell” revolver to take a blow from the “death knell”. “The revolver caught the enemy’s stiffness and retardation caused by the influence of the “ghost”.

  The effect was as he expected, and the possible surprises in the middle were as he imagined, the mutated curly-haired baboon was indeed capable enough to get rid of the unfavorable situation of the “ghost” possession through “distortion” or “confusion”. The mutant curly-haired baboon was indeed capable of escaping from the unfavorable situation of the “spirit” by “twisting” or “disorganizing” the body and making the trajectory of the bullets irregular, forcing them to avoid its body.

  Unfortunately, all of its efforts came to an abrupt end before they could produce any effect, and Klein seized that brief lull and launched his “fatal blow” decisively and swiftly.

  If he had manipulated the “Spirit Thread” instead, things would have ended differently.

  For this reason to bear a weakness, but also worth it …… And the further we go, the more likely to use the “death knell” revolver, rather than in a dangerous situation to realize what they are afraid of, in advance to figure out the problem, to adapt to and avoid a similar situation, is a better choice! …… Klein let the iron black pistol droop naturally, and took two or three steps to the mutant curly-haired baboon’s side.

  At this time, under the control of the “spirit of resentment”, the extraordinary characteristics of this extraordinary creature is accelerating to precipitate.

  Alger, with his lantern, saw this scene from afar, and for several tens of seconds he did not completely regain his senses, his mind being fixed on the image of the sparks coming from the muzzle of the iron-black revolver in Germaine Sparrow’s hand, and the head of the mutant curly-haired baboon crumbling into pieces.

  The “chaotic” encounter at the very beginning had already made him realize that the level of this transcendental creature was higher than that of the Psychedelic Wind Chime Tree, and it was a type that was not easy to deal with, and that he had to be cautious and careful enough to fight with it and that he might not be able to win, but Germaine Sparrow resolved the battle in two or three seconds, as if he were just practicing his shooting! .

  Being a Sequence 5, the difference was unbelievable!

  Short-range “teleportation” and the strange ability to control the opponent for a certain period of time, together with that amazingly powerful revolver, the effect is beyond imagination and terrifying …… If it was the first time I encountered it, I would have been killed instantly, and even if I had been prepared for it, it wouldn’t be so easy to counteract it. Even if you are prepared, it is not easy to resist, the best way is to use the “song” in advance to affect the surrounding area indiscriminately, so that Germaine Sparrow can not be so smooth to complete the “teleportation” …… worthy of the bounty of 50,000 pounds of crazy adventurers. Even without the help of Mr. Fool, if he relies on himself, he is still no worse than the “Admiral of Hell”, or even stronger. …… Alger withdrew his thoughts and made a decision to go back to his own place. Alger retracted his thoughts and sighed a few times while assuming that he was in the position of the mutated curly-haired baboon and considering how to react.

  Compared to other people’s stories and their own guesses, the situation witnessed with their own eyes seemed to be more convincing and shocking!

  Inside the body of the curly-haired baboon, a little bit of shimmering light precipitated out of the broken black crystals, coalesced together, and turned into a tightly gripped, translucent, pitch-black fist.

  This fist intuitively gives people a sense of power and evil, above the lines, points of light and nails seem to follow the normal rules, but also full of incongruous implications, seems to be a large number of latent madness and chaos.

  Sequence 5 “Mentor of Chaos” of the “Black Emperor” pathway? I don’t know what weakness I’ve acquired this time, I hope it’s not too weird. …… Well, within 6 hours, “Deathstroke” can be used as you wish. …… Klein grunted while bending down and picking up the extraordinary mass. He picks up the extraordinary properties and puts them into the metal box he prepared in advance.

  In fact, he could try to graze this mutated curly-haired baboon to see if he could obtain the extraordinary ability of the “Tutor of Chaos” and replace the “Baron of Corruption” inside the glove, but in the end he gave up on this idea because he didn’t know what this extraordinary creature had done before and whether it should be tortured. Whether or not he should be tortured.

  The encounter just now belonged to the collision on the battlefield, and it was normal for you to die, but herding is something that makes the spirit very painful and thirsty for relief, Klein had his own principles and insisted on it, and would not do it easily, and always chose the target carefully.

  Of course, in his heart, creatures with little intelligence are not equivalent to humans, even if he tries to graze, he won’t be able to pass the hurdle in his heart, but many previous experiences have told him that sticking to one’s own principles and not relaxing one’s self is not only a matter of morality, it is also a dam against uncontrolled floods, you can’t just play ball because you feel that it’s nothing, a little bit of small things accumulates, and it will eventually lead to a The little things add up and eventually lead to big mistakes.

  This crazy chaotic mystical world, things are not for others to see, is for their own, a person can deceive others to deceive the gods, but can not deceive their own, uh, I do not know the “audience” pathway of the high sequence, can not deceive their own …… Klein thought for a moment, is about to take out the hidden chest of “the”, “the”, “the”, “the”, “the”, “the”, “the”, “the” and “the”. He was about to take out the Grocer’s Travels, which was hidden in his chest, and apply the blood of the mutated curly-haired baboon to the surface.

  Just then, his heart tightened and the sweaty hairs on the back of his neck stood up one by one.

  It was a strong premonition of danger!

  And in such a premonition, no corresponding image surfaced within Klein’s mind!

  Not good! A thick layer of shadow instantly covered Klein’s heart, and everything in front of him was like a layer of dark glass.

  Not bothering to consider what had happened, the surface of his left palm hanging down at his side, the glove once again became transparent.

  His figure became invisible for a moment, and immediately appeared beside Alger, the “upside-down man”, and reached out to grab the other party’s shoulder.

  At that moment, Alger also sensed the change, his heart contracted and swelled as if it were the source of a storm, and blood rushed through his arteries and veins like a tidal wave.

  At the same time, he saw that Germaine Sparrow’s right hand, which grasped his shoulder, starting from the nail cap, turned a little bit gray, a little bit lost its luster, like the kind of stone that could be found everywhere within the Black Forest, and his legs, with stiff knees and solidified muscles, as if they no longer belonged to him.

  The two figures quickly transparent, disappeared from the original place, entered the spirit world of rich color blocks, clearly overlaid, and quickly shuttled in the direction of the ancient ruins.

  Suddenly, the scene of red, green, and black colors layered in front of Klein’s eyes strangely unified into a deep black, and presented a fine texture, just like long, dark hair with well-defined roots.

  Ebony long hair!

  A coldness jumped up from the soles of his feet, Klein did not hesitate to take the “inverted man” out of the spirit world, back to reality, landed in an area of debris and weeds, not far away from a building that had collapsed most of the way.

  Out of the corner of his eye, the “inverted man” below the waist and back, has become gray, like a stone sculpture!


  Klein snapped his fingers and ignited a clump of weeds a few dozen meters away, ready to jump directly over.

  At this time, his heart suddenly shook and his body actually trembled involuntarily.

  The rising flames were so terrifying to him now!

  ”Deathstroke” revolver this time to bring the weakness is, afraid of fire!

  The dark colored “glass” in front of his eyes was getting thicker and thicker, and before Klein could get rid of his fear, he felt the howling gusts of wind swirling up from underneath his body, causing him and Alger to fly at the same time, leaping over the invisible boundaries, and entering the surrounding area of the ancient ruins.


  Both of them landed at the same time, falling with the resounding sound of rocks hitting rocks.

  The thick shadow in their hearts then disappeared, and the tide of danger lurking in the darkness around them receded.

  Hoo…… Klein breathed a sigh of relief, seeing the grayness that had spread to the crook of his elbow fade a little, shrink back a little, feeling that the condition of his body was recovering rapidly after being removed from the corresponding environment.

  His undershirt, dripping with sweat, had soaked his shirt.

  The most terrifying thing for him is that he doesn’t even know what kind of monster attacked him just now, and what kind of ability it used!

  Was it the sound of the revolver of “Deathstroke” that alerted some monster around him, or was it the one that dominated the forest in the darkness of the night? Luckily, it doesn’t dare to enter the area where the ancient ruins are located …… This is not too good, it means that there is really something in the depths of the ancient ruins that would make the one just now afraid of it …… Be ready to retreat at any time… …Klein moved his hands and slowly stood up.

  At that moment, Alger also got rid of the layer of gray and white, and looked back at where he came from and said:

  ”That area is petrifying us.”

  That area …… petrified …… Klein nodded thoughtfully and stepped towards the mostly collapsed building, overgrown with weeds and vines, and responded in a low voice:

  ”The problem now lies ahead.”

  Without further ado, Alger quickened his pace and walked sedately to his side.

  As he drew nearer, Krynn looked at the building, his gaze sweeping over the spires, the stone pillars, and the crumbling walls that still stood.

  He paused and asked, as if casually:

  ”What kind of building do you think this ruin was originally?”

  Alger said after a few seconds of silence:

  ”A church.

  ”A piece of church.”

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