Chapter 284 Divorce is not divided into early and late

Release Date: 2024-07-05 17:27:14
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Feng Dayong is now a belly of anger, a belly of resentment, a belly of seizure can not come out, he also knows that the doctor is the duty, but this kind of thing makes his heart fire how can not go down, at this time the patient’s family words, for Feng Dayong is to be more harsh on the ears.

Liu Yun can not die, at least right now she can not die – Feng Dayong is not heartbroken her, not to spare her, just do not want to fall into a Liu Yun is his Feng Dayong kicked to death of the name, even if the Jiangtao said that he will not be convicted of a very serious crime, but carrying this charge over a lifetime, he is not too much of a wrongdoing? Besides, how can this damned Liu Yun die, she should live to suffer the world’s white eyes.

He has been refusing to sign, that is, he does not want to make any choice about that child, and even more so, he does not want to be half responsible for that child, because he does not have half a relationship with that child! The patient’s family’s kind words fell on Feng Dayong’s ears, adding fuel to the fire, causing his anger and resentment to go crazy.

“Swish swish” a few times to sign the letter, raised his hand and threw the consent form to the doctor, Feng Dayong viciously glared at the doctor: “I gave you the signature you wanted, why don’t you leave?”

The patient’s family members also saw the words he signed, immediately angry a face changed color: “Buddy, I just kindly advise you a few words ……” His friends and relatives came over to pull him did not let him say it again, but he is still exasperated, said:” Which is like this, an unformed child, have to get a body and two lives before it hurts?”

Feng Dayong fiercely turned his head and stared at the man, “Buddy, if you are not satisfied with what I signed, why don’t you sign it?”

The man was so angry that he turned his head and left, because Feng Dayong was simply incomprehensible – it wasn’t his wife so why did he let him sign it? He only thought that Feng Dayong was too nervous so he struck up a conversation, where did he think that he would meet a madman, he didn’t want to talk to Feng Dayong any more, and huffed and puffed as he sat on the side to wait for his wife’s news.

The doctor took a look at the consent form and ignored the conflict between Feng Dayong and the other patient’s family members, turned around and went into the operating room, a superfluous word did not say, to say that the man has said, but what is the result? He is just a doctor, not a lawyer and not a judge, has no right to interfere or sway the wishes of the patient’s family.

No one to take care of, Feng Dayong suddenly had no strength to sit down on the chair, looking at the operating room door to launch a dull – he is only angry to choose the mother and child are guaranteed – if the month is enough, he is afraid that he will choose the child! You Liu Yun is not true love, you Liu Yun is not to have a child for that man, well, I let you have.

“Xiao Yun, what’s wrong with Xiao Yun?” Mother Liu and Father Liu came, but Mother Liu rushed in front to come over and asked Feng Dayong: “She went home today in a good mood, how could she get into the hospital and have to do surgery?” She stared at Feng Dayong, looked like he did not know what Feng Dayong did to her daughter, but the words of reproach is obvious.

Father Liu came over, “What are you in a hurry for, ask what’s going on before you say anything.” He did not look at Feng Dayong, to this so-called son-in-law he has never had a proper eye, simply do not take Feng Dayong as a son-in-law to see.

Mother Liu was so anxious that she exclaimed, “Can I not be anxious, that is the meat that fell off my body! Feng Dayong, what in the world did you do to Xiao Yun, how did she have to have an operation!” She stared at Feng Dayong’s eyes like two knives, just did not cut Feng Dayong but made Feng Dayong more irritated.

Feng Dayong did not call the Liu family, Liu father and mother’s arrival is very let him surprised, but this is not the focus, the focus is the mother of Liu opened his mouth to say “small cloud today home” – Liu mother also know Liu Yun today from the detention center out, why is it that only he as a husband does not know? Why doesn’t he, the husband, know? Then Liu Yun and the chauffeur man’s good deed, Liu mother know it or not?

“You also know that she came home today?” Staring at Mother Liu’s eyes, Feng Dayong slowly stood up, “Ha, everyone in the world knows that she’s coming home today, why am I the only one who doesn’t know? Why did Liu Yun tell you, tell him, but didn’t give me as her husband a call? You know, she was able to come out because she’s a mother and it was for her to come home to her son.”

Liu mother’s face changed, and her gaze moved away from Feng Dayong’s face, “She, she ……, I,” she stammered for a few sentences and didn’t say anything, and brought the topic back, “What happened to Xiao Yun, how is the situation now? ”

Feng Dayong stared at Mother Liu’s face, “You do know! You do know, don’t you? Just like when Liu Yun followed me, you also knew about it earlier, she has never hidden anything from you as her mother – you do know, don’t you?!” He questioned, the anger in his chest burning his entire body, and he couldn’t help but take a step forward to force himself towards Mother Liu.

Mother Liu subconsciously took two steps back, right into Father Liu’s body, and she immediately sidestepped and stood behind him, “What are you talking about, I don’t know, I just want to know what’s going on with Xiao Yun now?”

Liu father’s brow furrowed, “What are you and Xiao Yun hiding from me again, huh?”

Mother Liu shook her head repeatedly but didn’t dare to look at Father Liu, she just used the fact that Liu Yun was still in the operating room to stall, “Xiao Yun doesn’t know how it is, what exactly happened ah ……”

Feng Dayong glared fiercely at Liu mother, look at Liu father he hemmed and hawed and laughed, the laugh was scary, scaring Liu mother’s face, Liu father looked at Feng Dayong’s eyebrows wrinkled even tighter: “What’s so funny, what’s going on just say it straight – you first say how is Xiao Yun? ”

Even if he didn’t like what Liu Yun did anymore, it was still his own daughter, naturally he couldn’t let go of her well-being right now.

Feng Dayong’s face twitched up, that expression couldn’t be seen whether it was a smile or a cry: “You guys want to know why Liu Yun went into the operating room, well, I’ll tell you, well, I want to congratulate you guys for being grandparents again, remember to get the red envelopes ready – no matter what, but I told the doctor to make sure to keep them Mother and child are safe.”

Mother Liu jerked her head up and immediately lowered it again after bumping into Feng Dayong’s vicious line of sight, Feng Dayong now didn’t have the slightest doubt, Mother Liu was definitely the one who knew!

Liu’s father, however, was so surprised that his body swayed: “Xiao Yun is pregnant, how, how is it possible?” He was aware of Feng Dayong’s birth control surgery, it was impossible for Liu Yun to have another child, and if she had one now, then there was only one possibility. When he thought of that possibility, his eyes went a little black, wondering how a good daughter had turned into such a state.

He felt that he really have no face to stay on, really have no face to face Feng Dayong, and he also understands that the female big not by parents, Liu Yun’s things he long ago can not care, he turned around and went out: “I do not have this daughter, do not have this daughter.”

Liu mother hurried two steps: “old man, what are you doing, a thousand not ten thousand not she is also our female ……” words did not finish received Liu father a slap: “You are aware of it, right? You actually are aware of it, actually only hid it from me one, do you know do you know what you are doing?!”

Mother Liu caressed her face tears also flowed down, “Feng Dayong is a kind of person you also see, Xiao Yun’s life is so hard, and have to be a mom and work, the usual daily necessities have to be reported to Feng Dayong – that can be called a husband and wife? Xiao Yun is wrong, but you can’t blame it all on Xiao Yun.”

Father Liu slapped Mother Liu’s face again, “She brought this on herself! What did I say in the beginning, and what did you say, and what did Xiao Yun say? The person she sees, the path she chose, no matter how she can’t be wronged by others, if she can say she can live her life well, she can still be considered a person, but ……” he said here disheartened, glanced at his old wife: “Forget it, we can’t live our life anymore, let’s divorce , Divorce.”

Mother Liu looked at Father Liu extremely surprised: “You, what are you talking about?” She never thought that Liu father would say divorce words, decades of wind and rain ah, she and he together to today.

Father Liu turned his head and walked away, “I don’t have the face to stay in Blue Water City anymore, I don’t have that kind of daughter, and I can’t afford to have a wife like you, from now on we’re not related to each other, lest the rest of my years be stirred up by you again.”

Liu mother tore her heart and lungs like a pain screamed: “Daughter now life and death do not know, but you want to divorce me?!” But Father Liu was ironclad and just walked out the door without looking back.

Father Liu had really had enough. If it was his daughter’s momentary mistake, of course he could wait for her to wake up, and he could also educate her so that she would no longer go down the wrong path, but his wife had led his daughter further and further down the wrong path, so far that there was no turning back. In this life, he can let his wife in everything, just for the sake of family harmony, but in the end, but harmed his own daughter, he is powerless to change anything, at least he can choose to leave.

People to the old age, if not really disappointed would not mention the word divorce, but also people to the old age, he raised the word divorce, is never take back.

Walking out of the hospital, Liu father saw Jiang Tao nodded: “You are a lawyer, right? I want a divorce, I’ll leave the matter to you, the sooner the better.” After getting Jiang Tao’s answer, he thought again and said, “Say sorry to Li Zisan on my behalf.”

Jiang Tao looked at Liu father’s hunched over body and sighed softly, for a split second he felt as if he had gone a little too far, but seeing Liu mother who chased him out, his heart hardened again – Liu father is a good man, at least he still has a conscience, and the divorce is an escape for Liu father.

Liu Yun is not the only one who is sorry for Zi Shan, Liu mother is even worse, he won’t let anyone who insults Zi Shan, and he won’t let Liu mother have a chance to “revenge” Zi Shan – Liu Yun won’t come back to find Zi Shan’s trouble again, but what about Liu mother? The mother’s provocation of Liu Yun is likely to come back, he, to give Liu mother a hard lesson so as to eliminate future problems.

Jiang Tao moved two steps to put his body in front of the mother of Liu, lest the mother of Liu chasing husband anxious not to see him.

Liu mother saw Jiang Tao and did not want to care about him, shouting Liu father, but Liu father head nor return, Jiang Tao hands in the pants pockets and looked at her: “Liu old uncle just told me that he wants to divorce you.”

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