Chapter 1 Luo Feng

Release Date: 2024-07-11 15:12:51
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The sky was blue, as if it was a huge blue emerald, the sun in the middle of summer seemed like a big fireball, hanging high in the middle of this huge emerald, looking at the position of the sun, it was estimated that it was just about three o’clock in the afternoon.

The third high school of Yian district.

“Ding ding ding ding ……” with the loud bell ringing throughout the entire campus, a clamor rang out throughout the entire campus, a large number of students then surged out of the various teaching buildings, laughing and joking in groups of three to five as they headed towards the entrance of the school.

“Senior brother Luo Feng! Brother Luo Feng!” A thick voice rang out.

“Feng, someone is calling for you.”

In the middle of the crowd of students, the young man walking with books alongside his classmates was wearing a plain blue tracksuit, roughly one meter seventy five in height, and appeared relatively lean. At this moment, he turned his head to look in confusion, the one who called out to him was a male student, roughly one meter nine in height, with a long tiger’s back and waist, and his arms were even more stout and shocking.

“You are?” Luo Feng looked at the visitor in confusion, he didn’t seem to recognize the person in front of him.

This duo, one was burly as if he was a black bear. And “Senior Brother Luo Feng” was just like an ordinary person.

In terms of height ……

There was a huge difference between these two. However, this boy with a tiger’s back and a bear’s waist appeared a bit formal, he carefully looked at the “Senior Brother Luo Feng” he admired and secretly said, “It looks like the rumors are right, Senior Brother Luo Feng, is quite a good talker.”

“Senior brother Luo Feng, I, I have something I want to ask senior brother Luo Feng for help.” The burly man said apprehensively.

“What is it?” Luo Feng smiled and said.

“When I practice boxing, when I throw a punch to generate energy, it always feels wrong, I wonder if you have the time to give me some pointers, senior brother.” This burly boy, even said, “According to what my martial arts school teacher said, with my strength, it’s logical that a punch can be punched with 50% stronger force. However, my punching power always fails to reach that high.”

The burly boy looked at Luo Feng expectantly.

“Oh, it’s like this ……” Luo Feng paused slightly and nodded, “How about this, this week’s Sunday afternoon, when you’re at the martial arts center look for me.”

“Thank you senior brother, thank you senior brother.” This burly boy even thanked.

Luo Feng smiled and left with his classmates.

Seeing Luo Feng leave, the burly boy revealed a look of excitement, fiercely clenching his fist, veins popping out on his arm, he let out an excited low roar, “Success!”

“Senior brother Luo Feng, it was so easy to agree?” A boy in school uniform was surprised.

“The rumors were right, senior brother Luo Feng is very talkative and nice.” The burly boy grinned.

“But …… it’s not right, our third high school, out of the 5,000 students, there are only three in total that have earned the title of ‘martial arts school senior cadet’. Among the three advanced students, the other two, ‘Zhang Hao Bai’ and ‘Liu Ting’ are both very arrogant and simply refuse to waste time instructing us.” The uniformed boy was puzzled, “Senior brother Luo Feng is actually so good-tempered?”

Nowadays, throughout the world, in every country and region, almost every high school student, on top of receiving cultural education, would also join a martial arts school to develop their human potential.

In Yian District’s Third High School, there were three grades, totaling nearly five thousand high school students.

The vast majority of them, were junior students of the martial arts school! Only a very few, were ‘intermediate cadets’. There were only three people in total who could obtain the qualification of ‘Senior Cadet’!

“Hearing is not believing, seeing is believing. Hmph, see? Senior brother Luo Feng isn’t like the other two.” The burly boy skimmed his lips, “That Zhang Haobai and Liu Ting, their families are both rich. From a young age, their families spent tons of money to cultivate them to be this strong. As for senior brother Luo Feng, he’s not like them!”

The uniformed boy nodded his head as well, “I’ve also heard, senior brother Luo Feng is just like us, his family’s financial condition is average, he still lives in low rent housing.”

“Right, Senior Brother Luo Feng, being able to get to this point today is entirely due to hard practice. Relying on his own fists and feet to practice out. Which is like Zhang Hao Bai and the two of them.” The burly boy clenched his fists and took a deep breath, “My goal is senior brother Luo Feng, I must pass the martial arts school examination and get the title of ‘senior student’ of the martial arts school within four years, that is, before I graduate from university!”

At this moment, the one they were talking about, Senior Brother Luo Feng, was walking with a sportswear boy down the student stream towards the Third High School gate.

“Ah Feng, tsk tsk, just now that big guy who asked you to give him instructions on ‘punching out and generating energy’ was still praising you with his classmates when he left.” The sportswear boy, couldn’t help but laugh, “Complimenting you for being nice, complimenting you for being a good talker.”

Luo Feng smiled, “What, Wei Wen, are you jealous?”

“Jealous of you?” Wei Wen touched his nose and laughed hehehehe, “You’re dreaming. I was sighing, that big guy doesn’t know the true face of the ‘Senior Brother Luo Feng’ he admires. I can remember clearly …… that time on the martial arts stage of the martial arts hall, his admired ‘Senior Brother Luo Feng’ picked three people in a row and beat three senior students who couldn’t crawl up.”

Luo Feng smiled.

That battle was indeed his famous battle.

Luo Feng slapped Wei Wen’s shoulder and laughed, “Let’s go, go home.”

Wei Wen’s shoulder pretended to shake in an exaggerated manner, and he even shouted, “Feng, lighten up. My shoulder is about to break with this slap of yours!”

“Pretending again!” Luo Feng bristled, Wei Wen was a dead friend who wore crotch pants with him since he was a kid and played together until he grew up. Although they weren’t blood brothers, their feelings were similar.

Elementary school, middle school, high school.

All the way through, the two of them did have deep feelings.


Wei Wen suddenly stared ahead, “Feng, look, it’s the one you have a crush on!”

“Huh?” Luo Feng also even looked, only to see that in the crowd of students at the school entrance in the distance, there was a ponytailed girl wearing jeans and a light white polo shirt walking along the road.

Luo Feng’s heartbeat accelerated slightly.

A name swept through his mind – Xu Xin!

I have a crush on Xu Xin, this secret is known to very few people, but naturally his good brother “Wei Wen” knew about it a long time ago.

In the first year of high school, himself and Xu Xin was assigned to a class, the first time I saw Xu Xin, I felt a light in front of my eyes,……, so, in class, he sat in the back, I do not know what happened, always can not control themselves, can not help but look at the front of the back of the Xu Xin sitting, so silently watching.

As long as you can see Xu Xin’s back, it has been satisfied.

The second year of high school because of the split class, resulting in the second and third year of high school, himself and Xu Xin is no longer a class. But whenever he saw Xu Xin, he always couldn’t help but look over ……

“There’s only one month left until the college entrance exam.” Luo Feng said silently in his heart, “In the past, I didn’t have the courage or time to chase girls and fall in love. And now in the last month, everyone is busy reviewing for the college entrance exam and Xu Xin is also a very strong girl. How can you be distracted from falling in love at this time? And I can’t be distracted in the last month before the college entrance exam, or else I’ll regret it for the rest of my life later.”

“Forget it, this crush …… just treat it as a memory.”

Crush Love ……

It was bitter, it hadn’t blossomed yet but had already withered.

Luo Feng just wanted to silently keep it all in his heart.

“Letting you chase Xu Xin, you didn’t. Now there’s only a month left before the college entrance exam.” Wei Wen shook his head, “In the future, I’m afraid I’ll never see Xu Xin again. After you, it’s too late to regret.”

“Wei Wen,” Luo Feng shook his head, “Stop it, I won’t be distracted from falling in love without obtaining the ‘martial artist’ title.”

“Brother, you’re tough enough!”

Wei Wen gave a thumbs up, “A martial artist title? None of the five thousand people in our entire high school can obtain the ‘martial artist title’. You went so far as to say that if you don’t obtain the martial artist title, you won’t be distracted from falling in love. Bull, you’re bull!”

“Huh?” Luo Feng suddenly glanced at the other five people at the school entrance, “Zhang Hao Bai?”

The five people who looked eye-catching in the crowd of students at the school entrance, the youth at the head was a full meter eight tall, wearing a white body shirt, white pants, and his pecs protruding clearly. In his surrounding four people, or body strong, or face with knife marks, a look are very fierce characters. The youth in white shirt and white pants was none other than the third high school of Yian district, one of the three advanced students of the martial arts school – Zhang Hao Bai.

“Luo Feng.” Zhang Hao Bai glanced at Luo Feng and couldn’t help but let out a low hum.

In the entire high school if there was anyone he, Zhang Haobai, hated the most, it was clearly this Luo Feng!

After all, out of the three people who had received the title of ‘advanced student of the martial arts school’, one of them was a female. Among the boys, only the two of them were martial arts school advanced trainees!

Moreover, Zhang Haobai was from a rich family, while Luo Feng was from an ordinary family, living in a low rent house.

In terms of academic performance – Luo Feng was on top of Zhang Haobai!

In terms of force – Luo Feng and Zhang Haobai both received the title of ‘senior trainee’, and Luo Feng had once fought three senior trainees in a row in the martial arts center. Beating those three so much that they couldn’t get up, and one of those beaten three was ‘Zhang Haobai’. That time, he was beaten and lost a tooth!

And in terms of family conditions, Zhang Haobai’s family was obviously rich!

The conditions were good, but his academic performance and force were both crushed by Luo Feng. In school, when someone praised Zhang Haobai, someone would often take Luo Feng out and compare him!


Zhang Haobai’s resentment towards Luo Feng was too great.

“Let’s go.” Zhang Haobai licked his teeth, they seemed to be vaguely painful, that time he was beaten with blood and lost a tooth.

“This Zhang Haobai, since that time in the martial arts center, after being beaten up once, he is much better behaved, and will never come to mess with you, Feng.” Wei Wen watched Zhang Haobai and the others go away, he couldn’t help but smile and said to Luo Feng.

Zhang Haobai?

For this dude, Luo Feng never put it on his mind.

“It’s better to do more than less.” Luo Feng said and went home with Wei Wen.

On the way home.

“Drip-drip-drip…” on the streets, car horns sounded from time to time. Nowadays, all the energy used by cars is “electricity”, at least the smell of gasoline doesn’t exist on the streets anymore.

“Wei Wen, the college entrance exam is in a month. This month, we all need to work hard.” Luo Feng and Wei Wen were walking on the sidewalk, “Over at the martial arts school, you can relax a bit for now. Just do some restorative training every day, and focus mainly on cultural studies. The college entrance exam is important after all, we can all have studied for twelve years. Just look at this time.”

“Right, twelve years of cultural learning, on this one exam to determine the outcome.” Wei Wen also sighed, “The college entrance examination ah the college entrance examination, but a thousand armies of horses over a single wooden bridge.”

“Hmm.” Luo Feng also nodded.

His family’s economic conditions are not good, although his “martial arts school senior student” title, destined to him Luo Feng is the cultural performance is even worse, can also mix a “elite bodyguard” job, annual salary of 200,000 to 300,000 is not a problem. But …… Luo Feng will not be willing to just be a bodyguard?

At this time, in the sky above Yian district, about a thousand meters high.

A huge black crowned golden eagle was flying through the city high above, it’s body was about twenty meters long, just like a large fighter jet, the feathers of the whole body were vaguely glowing with cold metallic luster, the feathers on the top of the head were ghostly black, just like a black crown, and it’s sharp and huge sharp claws were also golden yellow in color.

A pair of sharp and icy eyes with blue light, looking down towards the human city below, surprisingly, there was a hint of killing intent.


The Black Crowned Golden Eagle, which was already flying at a very fast speed, surged in speed, instantly breaking through the sound barrier and reaching an appalling speed. At the same time, an extremely high-pitched sound of an eagle erupted from the Black Crowned Golden Eagle’s mouth, and the terrifying sound waves unexpectedly generated shockwaves that were visible to the naked eye, rapidly spreading out towards the bottom.

At an intersection on Baitian road in Yian district, Luo Feng was waiting for the traffic light with Wei Wen.


“Aang ……”

A piercing occasion chirping sound rang out violently, this sound was not the same as the sound of spring thunder exploding, the sound of thunder was very loud and deafening! And this high pitched chirping sound is ear piercing, Luo Feng only felt that his ear tympanic membrane is vaguely painful, can’t help but some hard to wrinkle his brow. Many pedestrians on the road covered their ears.

“It’s the sound of flying birds chirping.” Luo Feng couldn’t help but look up at the sky.

“Eh?” Luo Feng was startled.

The high-pitched ear-piercing chirping sound vibrated, a huge piece of glass on a skyscraper next to the street, emitting a low “ka …… ka ……” sound, a lot of glass cracked! Even on the spot, there are more than ten pieces of glass fell from the sky, some glass smashed on the sidewalk, or smashed into people, some smashed into the street lamps on the side of the road.

“Pop!” “Pom!” “Crack!” ……

There was a burst of explosions.

Among them was a piece of glass that smashed down on the street lamp next to Luo Feng, shattering on the spot and bursting out in all directions, causing many pedestrians to even dodge.

“Wow!” Wei Wen even took two steps back, dodging the broken glass.

One of the glass shards seemed to shoot towards Luo Feng as if it was a razor blade.

“Eh?” Luo Feng swept his gaze.

He didn’t dodge, but calmly stood in place, his right hand stretched out like lightning, instantly grabbing out this broken glass that burst over. This broken glass vaguely reflected Luo Feng’s appearance, pawed it twice, casually threw it, the broken glass as if it was a concealed weapon directly shot to the distant dumpster, clanging, accurately shot in from the dumpster’s mouth.

On the road, the affected traffic quickly returned to normal, while the pedestrians on the sidewalk were talking, some unlucky people were injured, but most people were not injured at all.

“Amazing.” Luo Feng couldn’t help but tilt his head and look at the sky, “A chirp high up in the sky is so powerful. I’m afraid it’s an extremely powerful flying monster. Wei Wen. Aren’t you familiar with all kinds of monsters, do you know what kind of monster this is?”

Wei Wen narrowed his eyes, the slits in his eyes were filled with excitement: “Feng, our city has a defense system five hundred meters above the sky, this flying bird monster is definitely above five hundred meters above the sky, such a long distance, the sound emitted, and still have such a great power. And normal monsters wouldn’t dare to scream like this over a human city!”

“So powerful, so arrogant, and then based on the sound, if my guess is good …… it should be among the flying monster beasts, the extremely terrifying ‘Black Crowned Golden Eagle’!” Wei Wen solemnly said.

“Black Crowned Golden Eagle?” Luo Feng’s eyes lit up.

Of course he had heard of the Black Crowned Golden Eagle’s great name.

“Black Crowned Golden Eagle, ranked third amongst the eagle type monsters.” Wei Wen’s eyes were glowing as he said in a low voice, “Adult body Black Crowned Golden Eagles usually reach 21 meters in length, with a wingspan of around 36 meters, and can reach a top speed of Mach 3.9 when flying. That’s a full 3.9 times the speed of sound. If the speed of sound is calculated at 340 meters per second, that’s 1,326 meters per second, or 4,774 kilometers per hour.”

Luo Feng knew that the Black Crowned Golden Eagle was powerful, but when he heard the speed limit of 1,326 meters per second, he still felt his heart holding his breath.

One second, that’s a blink of an eye. It’s just a thousand meters away.

“This Black Crowned Golden Eagle, feathers are harder than diamond, should reach the hardness of the third grade Crowe alloy.” Wei Wen excitedly even said, “online but there is a video, the black crown golden eagle once with the monster group impacted the army, suffered a caliber 20mm Vulcan cannon bombardment, Vulcan cannon is a minute 7000 rounds of bullets, 7000 rounds of bullets, ah, that’s a bullet metal flow! And every shot can blast through 50mm thick steel plate, but …… the crazy bombardment of the Vulcan Cannon, bombarded in the Black Crowned Golden Eagle, but even a feather did not bombard down.”

“Later on, it was still a mysterious martial artist powerhouse, holding a Crowe alloy battle knife, turning into a stream of light, and splitting the Black Crowned Golden Eagle in half with a single slash!” Wei Wen spoke with boiling blood.

Luo Feng’s heart was also racing and his blood was boiling!

That video, which had spread widely on the internet, he had also seen it.

“Martial title, I will definitely obtain the martial title, one day …… I will be like that senior, able to wield a battle sword and forcefully slash monsters like the Black Crowned Golden Eagle and the Vigorous Demon Ape.” Luo Feng said silently in his heart, every young man has a dream in his heart, Luo Feng has such a dream in his heart!

Although it is said that ……

The internet claimed that the mysterious strong man who split the black crowned golden eagle into two halves with a single slash was a top 100 super martial artist in the entire international scene!

“Feng, Feng, what are you thinking about? It’s home up ahead.” Wei Wen couldn’t help but shout.

Only then did Luo Feng recover from his surging thoughts, looking up at the neighborhood in front consisting of a large number of silos – South Bank neighborhood, a low rent housing neighborhood built by the government, Luo Feng’s home was in this neighborhood, a place where he had lived for eighteen years.

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