Chapter 15 I’ll cooperate

Release Date: 2024-07-11 15:13:33
A+ A- Turn Off Light

I’ll cooperate with you “Attack me, together!” The furious and crazy Zhang Hao Bai’s face was red and he angrily waved his hand and roared.

This Luo Feng dared to come to his house to cause trouble and beat up his bodyguards.

“Be careful, this guy has heavy legs.” The short fat bodyguard who fell to the ground rubbed his stomach, blood was oozing out from the corner of his mouth, for a while he couldn’t even get up.

“Kid, tough enough.” The bodyguard surnamed Wang and the other bodyguard both quickly surrounded towards Luo Feng, having seen the power of Luo Feng’s kick just now, these two bodyguards didn’t dare to be careless at all. And Luo Feng at this time has rushed to his father Luo Hongguo’s side, but before he had time to speak, Luo Hongguo even said, “I’m fine, Xiao Feng, be careful back there!”

Almost instantly two bodyguards, one on the left and one on the right, attacked Luo Feng at the same time. And that Zhang Hao Bai also quietly forced his way over.

The three joined hands!

“Hmph!” Luo Feng glanced out of the corner of his eye and instantly made a turn, through his waist and hips borrowing this rotational force, he swiftly swung out his right arm, at the same time erecting his palm into a sword. The entire small arm of his right arm was like a battle sword instantly slicing across!


Before the hand blade arrived, the strong wind was already blowing.

“Not good.” The bodyguard surnamed Wang’s face changed, immediately both arms went to fend off this horizontal slice from Luo Feng!

Peng! Low impact sound.

Luo Feng’s hand blade heavily chopped on the bodyguard surnamed Wang’s arms.

The bodyguard surnamed Wang only felt as if his arms were not his own, the pain was so great that he instantly lost his senses, he only felt a wave of weakness in his right forearm, he couldn’t help but quickly back away while hissing, “My right arm is fractured!”

“What!” Zhang Hao Bai who was ready to make a move was shocked, these three bodyguards of his family were all senior martial arts school students, by logic Luo Feng was a senior martial arts school student, there should not be a big difference in strength, it was not possible that a single hand slash chopped the right arm of the bodyguard surnamed Wang, who was also a senior martial arts school student, to be fractured.

“Not good!” The bodyguard surnamed Wang was injured, leaving only the taller black-clothed bodyguard, the two partners of this black-clothed bodyguard were defeated one after another, for a moment he was shocked and angry.

The black-clothed bodyguard clenched his teeth, and with a low roar was a lightning-like kick plus a punch.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Luo Feng however was nimble, two wobbles and he had already avoided both attacks, followed by a most violent slash without mercy!

The right hand was raised high, as if the Guan Gong sword was slashing down violently!

“Too fast.” The black clothed bodyguard who couldn’t dodge could only hold his hands above him, gritting his teeth and resisting this chop! When Luo Feng’s terrifying slash of the hand blade slashed down frantically, the black-clothed bodyguard already had fear in his heart.


The black clothed bodyguard only felt that his arms instantly lost their intuition, surprisingly he was directly smashed by Luo Feng’s slash of hand knife and his arms went limp, while Luo Feng’s slash of hand knife didn’t even reduce his momentum, pressing against the black clothed bodyguard’s arms and smashing on the black clothed bodyguard’s shoulders again, more than a thousand pounds of force instantly made the bodyguard’s entire body kneel and sit down on the ground.

“How is it possible?” Zhang Hao Bai, who was about to sneak attack, stopped in shock.

Of the three major bodyguards, one couldn’t crawl up with his stomach covered, one had his right arm fractured, and another was knelt on the ground by a hand slash!

“Zhang Haobai!” Luo Feng’s eyes wanted to spit fire, like he wanted to eat someone.

“What are you doing. Luo Feng, what are you doing!” Zhang Haobai violently retreated two steps in a row and roared, “This is my house! You trespassed and injured my people, you’re still arrogant!”

“How dare you hit my dad, how dare you kick my dad!” Luo Feng’s fists were clenched, his whole body’s muscles were as if they were steel, the veins were even jutting out like earthworms, it looked that hideous.

“Your dad, who is your dad I don’t even know, how can I beat your dad and kick you ……” Zhang Hao Bai suddenly glared at the three workers in the distance who were dirty and still full of footprints. He instantly understood why Luo Feng rushed in and beat people directly without asking anything else.

Zhang Haobai looked at Luo Feng who wanted to eat people and immediately yelled, “Luo Feng, I’m warning you, you-”


Luo Feng’s stern kick, as fast as lightning kicked Zhang Haobai directly in the stomach, causing Zhang Haobai to be kicked directly to the ground, his face reddening.

“Warning my ass!” Luo Feng grabbed Zhang Haobai’s neck clothes as soon as he could, giving him a handful, causing Zhang Haobai’s entire body to hang in the air.

“You, you ……” Zhang Haobai wanted to speak, but grabbing the neck clothes and suspending his whole person in the air, this caused a lot of pressure on his neck, it was hard to breathe, let alone speak.

“Quickly put the owner down!”

An angry voice came from a long way away, only to see more than ten security guards fully armed, one holding a warning stick rushed over. There were cameras in many places in the Tian Du district, the fight that happened here was known by the district security guards in the first instant, those who could live in the district townhouses were not ordinary people, how would they dare to be careless.

They rushed over at the first moment and called the police at the same time.

Luo Feng glanced at the neighborhood security guards who rushed over, coldly smiled and glanced at Zhang Hao Bai, casually threw his hand, Zhang Hao Bai directly fell on the courtyard lawn, the white clothes on his body had long since been dyed green by the grass juice.

“Dad, is everything alright?” Luo Feng walked over to his father, Luo Hongguo.

“It’s fine, just some flesh wounds.” Luo Hongguo looked at the three bodyguards who all climbed up in some pain as well as Zhang Hao Bai who had an ugly face, he whispered in a somewhat worried voice, “Little Feng ah, why are you so unaware of the lightness of your punches and kicks, you’ve beaten people up like this. You’ve hit someone like this, you’ll have to pay a lot of medical bills. Even people can sue you.”

“Right, Little Feng. You hit him too hard.” Another worker also worried.

“Not too heavy, well done, they didn’t treat us as human beings before.” Another taller worker said angrily.

This group of security guards in the district were still very clear about the several wealthy families in the district, and the three bodyguards of the Zhang family belonged to the elite level bodyguards, all of them were at the level of senior students of the martial arts school. But now these three people are even injured quite seriously, these security guards for a moment do not dare to mess with Luo Feng.

After all, being a security guard is also getting a salary, no one wants to be beaten and fractured like those three bodyguards.

“Doo …… doo ……”

Suddenly the sound of a police car came, everyone couldn’t help but turn their heads to look, only to see a police car quickly stop in front of the Zhang family’s entrance, the four doors of the police car opened and four police officers quickly ran out.

“The police are here.” The security guards immediately moved aside.

“Not good, the police are here.” Luo Hongguo’s father and the other three were shocked, Luo Hongguo even pulled Luo Feng to the corner and eagerly whispered, “Little Feng, you injured someone, things will be more troublesome when you get to the police station. Don’t be anxious, I’ll go and help you find a lawyer right away.”

“Dad, I passed the quasi martial artist test.” Luo Feng said softly.

Just this one sentence made Luo Hongguo, who was originally anxious, relaxed all of a sudden, even to the point of revealing a smile, “Really, Little Feng you passed the test. Then aren’t these police officers ineligible to arrest you?”

Quasi-martial artists, as long as the practical test is followed by a martial artist, the physical quality reaches the pass line, representing that quasi-martial artists are just as capable of cultivating genetic original energy.

Therefore, the state regulations-

Quasi-martial artists, martial artists involved in various cases, all by the base urban security bureau responsible. Jiangnan City was naturally under the responsibility of the Jiangnan Security Bureau, while the general police system’s departments were not qualified to arrest people.

“However, Dad. After I pass the test, I have to go through the approval process from above, and it will take a few more days before this quasi-martial artist certificate will be sent to my house. Only then will it be recorded into my citizenship information.” Luo Feng whispered, “So legally speaking, I’m not a quasi martial artist yet. It’ll be a few days before I am!”

As long as it was recorded into the citizenship information, then Luo Feng would officially be a quasi martial artist.

“In these few days, even if there’s really trouble, big deal, I’ll just notify the Extreme Martial House and ask them to provide a guarantee that I’ve passed the quasi martial artist test. I can then just come out of the police station.” Luo Feng said, “However, there’s no need to labor that much without trouble. It’s just a few days at the police station, they won’t dare to keep me if I want to stay then.”

Luo Hongguo nodded.

“Luo Feng!” Only two police officers walked over, one of them drank, “You dared to trespass and beat someone severely! Go, come with us to the station.”

“Comrade police, I’ll cooperate with you.” Luo Feng smiled and stepped forward, “Let’s go, you guys just have one car, it seems like a few people can’t fit.”

This caused the two police officers to flinch.

“Don’t worry, my family has a car.” Zhang Haobai turned his head to the man leading the group of these four policemen, “Uncle Liu, these three bodyguards of mine and me, were all injured by him, we are all witnesses.”

“Take them away together.”

The policeman who was called Uncle Liu waved his hand and said.

“Luo Feng.” Zhang Hao Bai looked at Luo Feng fiercely, his heart was full of grievances, the grievances accumulated in three years of high school were just that, today Luo Feng once again beat him up, making him recall when he was also beaten up once in the martial arts center, “This time, Luo Feng you will have to take off all of your skin even if you don’t die. Even my bodyguard was injured so badly, it’s enough to constitute a criminal case. Sentencing you to a few years in jail, let’s see how arrogant you still are!”

Luo Feng smiled and got into the police car with the police officers.

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