Chapter 57 Price, Rapture

Release Date: 2024-07-11 15:15:36
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Walking out of the elevator, there was a super large lounge. The area of the lounge alone was nearly three to four hundred square meters, and there were striped sofas on the side of the lounge, and at this time, several people were sitting on the sofas waiting to be received by Manager Fang inside. But they saw …… a team dressed as martial artists not needing to wait, and even walking directly towards Manager Fang’s office.

“Manager Fang is inside, please.” Ms. Liu directly brought Luo Feng’s group of people, into Manager Fang’s office.

Inside the office, Luo Feng looked around, the surrounding decorations were crystal clear, the floor was paved with tempered glass, while underneath the tempered glass, there were streams, fish and so on. Standing on this tempered glass, one could see quite a few fish under their feet.

“How extravagant.” Luo Feng secretly said.

“Gao Feng, it seems like you guys made a hard profit this time.” Only to see a bald, round faced old man leave his seat and come over with a smile, “Come, sit over here.”

A group of people sat opposite each other on the sofa on one side of the office.

“This time, what kind of goods are they?” The round-faced old man smiled, “Take it out and take a look.”

“Old Fang, I’ll let you open your eyes.” Gao Feng hemmed and hawed, “Although this big manager of yours receives many martial arts squads, but I’m afraid you’ll rarely see this stuff a few times. Luo Feng, take it out.”

“Oh?” This Fang manager was taken aback, his eyes lit up.

Luo Feng laughed and looked at this party manager, placed his backpack at his feet, and then directly took out the most valuable silver moon ferocious wolf’s fur from his backpack, the entire fur was placed on the ground and spread out flat, as if it was a flattened silver moon ferocious wolf, all of which could vaguely be seen in the ferocious dominance of the silver moon ferocious wolf.

“Huntress!” Manager Fang couldn’t help but stand up in shock.

“Good boy.” Manager Fang couldn’t help but marvel in his hometown dialect, “Old Gao, this is a big enough handout, a hunter-killer of such a large size, I’m afraid it’s a high-level beast general level. With the speed of the Silver Moon Fierce Wolf, even if it’s a strong person who has just stepped into the War God level, it’s usually very difficult to catch and kill it.”

The speed of the Silver Moon Fierce Wolf was indeed incredibly fast. It could even reach the speed of sound when it exploded under severe injuries! One could imagine its speed!

“Tsk, this fur is complete.” Manager Fang looked carefully, “It seems that the fur’s incision was cut along the wound. But …… this completeness is indeed high.” Manager Fang’s eyes glowed, the Silver Moon Fierce Wolf’s fur was indeed considered the topmost raw material for clothing in the entire world’s upper circle.

Although the fur had other uses as well, but when used to make clothes, some of the world’s big shots were still willing to pay a high price for it.

“Wait for me.” Manager Fang immediately ran towards his desk.

And then quickly took out a password box from within the bookshelf behind the desk, carrying the password box this, this Fang Manager quickly ran over.

“Gao Feng, you guys just don’t be slow, take out all the other materials of the Hunters.” Manager Fang smiled and urged, at the same time opened the password box, inside the password box was carefully placed a set of precision instruments, starting this set of instruments, a red light immediately emerged from the top of the instrument.

Luo Feng took them out one by one from his backpack.

Strange eyeballs, sharp claws, fangs, leg bones ……

“The collection is full enough.”

Manager Fang’s eyes glowed, that instrument’s red light shone on the fur, and for a moment it shone on the eyeballs, sharp claws, fangs, etc……. That instrument’s small screen surfaced with a flurry of data, Manager Fang’s expression was serious as he stared at the data, and also entered a message through the virtual keyboard, and a moment later – –


“These materials, are indeed the materials on the same head of the hunter-killer. This hunter is, indeed, a high-level beast general level!” As soon as Manager Fang’s words fell, beside him, Gao Feng smiled and said, “It should be in the Advanced Beast General level, close to the Lord level of existence!”

Within this Advanced Beast General rank, the differences were also great.

Just stepping into the expert Beast General level, and a senior Beast General close to the Lord level, the difference in strength could be several times. Naturally the price also differed greatly.

“Hehehe, yes, of course this point cannot be hidden from you.” Manager Fang hemmed and hawed, “Alright, you guys make a price.”

A few people from the fire hammer squad looked at each other, Gao Feng’s eyes signaled Luo Feng.

Luo Feng smiled and spoke, “Manager Fang, what do you think is the right price?” This ‘House of Limits’ and the HR Alliance online shopping mall, both had many quotes for this hunter, Luo Feng was also relatively clear in his mind. High level beast general level monsters, selling to the extreme martial house would be lower because the extreme martial house would give quite a few contribution points.

And to the HR alliance mall, high level beast general level monsters, usually between 50,000 and 500 million.

Of course this hunter was strong in itself, plus it was extremely rare and a wolf-type royal family, the price was going to exceed the upper limit of the general price.

“How about this, these materials are indeed good, 600 million Chinese coins!” Manager Fang took a deep breath and reported directly.

Even he rarely did such a large business.

Some Primary Lord level monster corpse materials were usually at this price.

Gao Feng, Luo Feng and the others knew each other, before they came, Luo Feng and the others had discussed the price and still had a little idea in their hearts. Luo Feng had seen in the martial forums back then, in South America there was someone who got a ‘intermediate beast general level’ hunter and sold it for roughly 50 million earth coins.

50 million earth coins was equivalent to 175 million Huaxia coins.

An intermediate beast general level hunter could sell for this much. This one of his own was an advanced beast general level, and close to lord level, so the price should be much higher.

“Old Fang, your price is low.” Gao Feng frowned, “Over there in South America, an intermediate beast general level hunter can be sold for 175 million Huaxia coins. For our head, it’s no problem to ask for 900 million or 1 billion.”

“Ah Gao Feng, don’t play with me. Nine billion and one billion, it’s impossible to reach that price.” Manager Fang laughed bitterly.

Luo Feng laughed in his heart when he saw this.

Actually, when the team was talking about it, this hunter-killer could be sold for 700 million – 800 million, even if it was about right. Captain Gao Feng saying this was also to scare Manager Fang a bit.

“This time, we even broke my brother’s arm in order to get this Silver Moon Fierce Wolf.” Gao Feng’s expression wasn’t too good, “I won’t talk …… to you much about the price of one bite, 800 million Chinese coins! If you promise, the matter is done. Otherwise I can only go find someone else. This time, I didn’t look for anyone else, I directly looked for you, Old Fang, on the basis of your friendship with me.”

Manager Fang glanced at Zhang Ke, indeed ……

Zhang Ke’s arm was broken.

“Looks like Manager Fang can’t afford this price. Let’s go.” Gao Feng stood up and Luo Feng immediately put away the Silver Moon Fierce Wolf’s fur and other items one by one.

“750 million, my limit.” Manager Fang frowned.

Gao Feng but didn’t make a sound, Luo Feng directly put everything away.

“Go.” Gao Feng directly headed out.

“Gao Feng ah, 750 million is not bad.” Manager Fang gasped in anger at the situation, seeing Gao Feng and the others all opened the door and headed out, he even shouted, “Come back, just the price you said!”

Luo Feng, Gao Feng, Chen Gu and the others at the door looked at each other and revealed smiles.

The manager who acquires monster materials within the HR alliance mall, is a good dozen of them, this HR alliance mall adopts a final elimination system within the HR alliance mall, if it’s said that a year down the line, whoever has the worst performance, then they will be directly deprived of the manager’s qualification. Naturally, there are new people to replace, so that under the pressure ……

Each manager naturally wants to find a way to collect monster materials from the side of the martial artists.

Inside the office.

“Now you martial artists, one by one, are too ruthless.” Manager Fang lamented as he made the transfers, “The managers of each region, and even the agents. There are also some martial artists themselves that have come to acquire martial materials. Under mutual competition, one by one, the prices have become clear, and our profits are getting lower and lower. Seeing that you guys are making eight hundred million dollars in a single breath, my old Fang also wants to enter the wilderness area to kill monsters, but unfortunately, I’m afraid that my old bones can’t even fight Beast Soldier level monsters.”

While talking, Manager Fang carried out the various formalities for transferring the money.

“Manager Fang, you’ve been around for so many years, your personal assets are probably not less than mine.” Gao Feng laughed.

“Luck, occasionally encountering a big order, the share can earn a fortune.” Manager Fang revealed a hint of a smile.

Gao Feng smiled, “This one, you’ll earn eight figures at the very least.”

“Not that much.” Manager Fang shook his head, “Well, it’s done, eight hundred million Chinese coins have already been transferred into your martial arts squad’s account.”

Gao Feng and Chen Gu, the head and deputy captain duo, both received a balance change notification in their communication watches, informing that eight hundred million Chinese coins had been added to the account.

“Old Fang, quick enough.” Gao Feng hemmed and hawed.

“In the future, for this kind of big order, you have to take care of me on this point.” Manager Fang laughed, “Right now, we who are managers are under a lot of pressure. If I can mix up to the level of regional supervisor in the base city, then it will be easy for me.”

“Hmm.” Gao Feng nodded, “But powerful monsters are hard to deal with, my brother’s arm is broken.”

“Yes, broken arm ……” Manager Fang shook his head and sighed, “Although it is said that in the world now, there are treasures that allow broken arms to be reborn. But that price is sky high, ordinary martial artists can’t even think about it.”

“Rebirth of a broken arm?” Luo Feng’s mind was blinded for a moment.

When he had just become a martial artist, Luo Feng had looked up some strange drugs in the online shopping mall, but the drug that could make a broken arm or leg grow back again was not found at all, Luo Feng had always thought that …… this kind of drug didn’t exist.

“There is this kind of drug?” Gao Feng also exclaimed.

“Manager Fang, what is that? Can a broken leg be reborn?” Luo Feng also excitedly even asked after him.


His brother had been crippled for so many years, if he could make his brother stand up again, it would be worth it even if he had to fight for his life.

“There is, it’s the legendary ‘water of life’. Not to mention broken arms and legs, even if half of the body is broken, it can grow back.” Manager Fang lamented, “But this thing, it was created using the essence of an existence beyond the lord level – the invincible king level monster ‘Earth Dragon King’ as the main material. How many Earth Dragon Kings are there in the world? Therefore, every single serving of Water of Life was astronomically priced! And it’s so rare that the online mall won’t even sell it. Our alliance doesn’t have it in stock either. The price has now reached 30 billion Huaxia coins a serving, and it’s still priced out.”

“30 billion dollars a copy? Priced without a market?” Luo Feng’s heartbeat accelerated.

When he thought of his brother sitting in a wheelchair through the window, silently looking at the scenery outside, Luo Feng couldn’t help but clench his fists, “No matter how …… I must make my brother, stand up again! Definitely!!!”

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