Chapter 67 The dead god of war ‘Lu Gang’

Release Date: 2024-07-11 15:16:05
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Luo Feng couldn’t help but smile, this world was indeed interesting, five months ago he was a martial arts school student who came here to conduct the assessment, at that time his family was living in a low cost housing complex. In the blink of an eye, he was already living in the bright moon neighborhood, and even tens of millions of dollars came with ease!

“The test is better for you, Uncle Wu, I’ll stop by then.” Luo Feng smiled and also went to the side to sit down, immediately a waiter brought tea and desserts.

“Crazy.” A man in practicing clothes, who was also an instructor at the extreme martial arts school, smiled and said, “I heard that you’ve killed thousands of monsters in the last two months? And almost all of them were High Beast Soldier level monsters? Have you reached ‘Junior Battle General level’ strength by now.”

“I think it’s about the same.” Someone beside him nodded in agreement.

Wu Tong also nodded, “It’s impossible for a high level warrior level martial artist to kill so many monsters like chopping melons and chopping vegetables, Luo Feng is almost there even if he hasn’t reached the junior battle general level, I remember that Luo Feng practiced the ‘Nine Heavy Thunder Blade’, so I guess the ‘Nine Heavy Thunder Blade’ has some achievements.”

Luo Feng was stunned.

It wasn’t?

Killing more than 10,000 monsters by himself, and that was in just less than two months, and the vast majority of them were high level beast soldier level, this kind of efficiency, it was really hard for a high level warrior level martial artist to do. No wonder many people thought that they had reached the strength of the ‘Junior Warrior General Grade’.

“The ‘Nine Thunder Blade’ is hard to practice, isn’t it, and that secret book is super expensive.” The other martial artists opened their mouths.

“It is hard to practice.” Luo Feng nodded his head with a smile, “I just had a slight small breakthrough.”


Everyone present, including Wu Tong, looked at Luo Feng differently. The Nine Heavy Thunder Blade was an advanced level secret book, there were quite a few people who had purchased this secret book, but the barrier of entry alone had prevented many martial artists from making a breakthrough. Cultivating this kind of secret book …… meant that one could fight over the level!

“Luo Feng.” A voice came from outside, Luo Feng turned his head to look, it was none other than Chen.

“Luo Feng, I heard you came back, I didn’t expect to come here early in the morning.” Chen Gu laughed and came over, “Right, do you have any plans for tomorrow, to attend senior Lu Gang’s memorial service?”

“Such a big deal, we’ll all go, Luo Feng, go there together then.” Curator Wu Tong said.

Luo Feng let out a sigh of emotion and nodded as well.

Go, of course he had to go for this matter.

This dead senior Lu Gang was the War God powerhouse who had unfortunately died the day before in the middle of the level 3 rat tide outbreak! Luo Feng although he didn’t really experience the rat tide, but when the rat tide broke out, he was also in the wilderness area …… so called the rabbit died but the fox grieved, seeing his senior die, Luo Feng naturally also went to mourn.

The quasi martial artist test that day, Luo Feng and a group of other people also watched the test of those tender juniors, a total of eight people, three people passed.

These eight people amongst them there was even one person Luo Feng recognized, the senior student of the extreme martial arts school in the Yian district, but this senior student, didn’t pass.

The next morning, the temperature was very low. The area around the ‘Hall of Heroes’ funeral parlor in Jiangnan base city was completely cordoned off, as many people would be coming to mourn senior Lu Gang today.

The five members of the Firehammer Squad were all gathered together, all five of them dressed in black.

“There are so many people today.” Chen Gu couldn’t help but sigh, Luo Feng also looked around, the few streets around alone were full of people coming to mourn, most importantly today is the first day of mourning, only martial artists, family members loved ones, government executives and a few other special characters can come in.

And from tomorrow onwards for seven days, only the general public to come in to pay tribute.

Even so, there are tens of thousands of people gathered here today, these are the upper class people of Jiangnan Base City. There were the upper echelons of some families and consortiums, the top echelons of the government and the military, and most importantly, a large number of martial artists. Among these martial artists, there were even War God level powerhouses!

The rabbit died and the fox grieved, it was only natural for a War God to die and for other War Gods to come and mourn.

“The national TV station is also here.” Luo Feng looked at the interview van.

“A mourning event for a war god dying, that’s nationally televised.” Gao Feng lamented, “How many little bit of war gods die every year in the whole of Huaxia land?”

It was nationally televised, but this kind of treatment could only be enjoyed by War God level, and even higher, martial artists. The warrior level and battle general level martial artists, on the other hand, could not enjoy this kind of top level treatment, knowing that even the generals of the army only had so many at the very top, qualified to enjoy this kind of treatment.

“Look, over there is the mayor of Jiangnan City Base City. Next to him, is that leader who often appears on TV, right?”

“Tsk tsk, look at that one, HR Alliance domestic twelve families, our Jiangnan Xu family’s patriarch.”

Luo Feng heard the Xu family, he couldn’t help but look, it was an old man with white hair and a slightly chubby figure, he looked to be in his eighties or nineties, but the whole person naturally had a flavor of being in a high position for many years, he was followed by four subordinate figures behind him.

“Over there is the War God level powerhouse Zhuge Shan, the brother of Zhuge Tao, the supervisor over at our Extreme General Hall.”

Many martial artists murmured.

Those who came here today were indeed first-class big shots. Regardless of whether it was the political, military, economic or martial artist circles, they were all top tier figures.

“The memorial service in front has begun.” Gao Feng looked ahead, “But we have to wait until the back to go in.”

“Just wait, it’s rare to see so many experts.” Chen Gu smiled.

Luo Feng and a few of them stood at the edge of the street, waiting at the back like a large number of other martial artists. Some of the big names in the front had already gone to carry out their mourning activities.


A black colored saucer shaped warplane flew directly over from the distance, the army that was on guard around the Hall of Heroes funeral parlor didn’t stop it at all, and one by one, all of the War God level powerhouses that had gone in to mourn earlier, the mayor of Jiangnan base city, and the high ranking officials of the political and military world all came out to greet them.

“Here come the big shots.” Chen Gu’s eyes lit up.

“Shit, what kind of person has come?” Gao Feng was also shocked.

It was important to know that the characters present were almost already considered the upper echelon of the upper class in the upper class of the Huaxia Country, such as the God of War level powerhouses, who were bulls amongst the martial artists. For example, the mayor of Jiangnan Base City was definitely a first-class high official. After all, there were only six base cities in the entire Huaxia Country, which could be much higher than the provincial governors before the Great Nirvana Period.

But now this group of people, together, came out to greet them.

“What people?” Luo Feng looked carefully, all the martial artists including the TV station people, each stared, no one dared to make a sound.

There was a silence.

The flying saucer fighter slowly landed and the door opened.

Only to see a lean eagle-nosed man, all in black, walk down the warplane steps. His face didn’t look too good, and his eyes had hidden tears in them. As he stood there, it made people feel as if the surrounding area of tens of meters was plunged into darkness, and he was the god within those tens of meters.

“Councilor Zhu.” A greeting War God level powerhouse spoke.

This hawk-nosed man let out a low sigh, didn’t say anything, and nodded to the greeting War God level powerhouses, the mayor of Jiangnan Base City, the high-ranking officials from Kyoto City, and the generals of the army, and then walked directly towards the funeral parlor.

Everyone else followed him.

There was a silence.

It was only after this group of bigwigs went inside that murmurs gradually appeared outside.

“Who is this person?” Luo Feng was full of doubts, this was definitely the topmost and pinnacle kind of big shot in the whole of Huaxia country, after all, even the national leaders would usually rarely let those few war god level powerhouses all respectfully wait over here. War God level powerhouses generally rarely looked down on high ranking officials.

“I don’t know.” Chen Gu and the others also shook their heads.

Gao Feng’s ears twitched as he whispered, “Someone on the opposite side said that the being just now, was named ‘Zhu Xi’, I’ve heard of the name Zhu Xi, back then, he was a War God ranked powerhouse of great fame, but I haven’t heard of him since then, and he rarely shows his face. I’ve heard from people on the internet that this Zhu Xi has already surpassed the War God level and has become one of the pinnacle existences.”

“Beyond the War God level of existence?” Luo Feng and the others sucked in a breath of cool air.


That kind of existence, a person could be treated equally with a country ah! The country would have to cajole and hold up even that kind of person. That was definitely the pinnacle of existence in human society. It was no wonder that all these family consortiums, the top echelons of politics, the military, and so on, and even a single extremely high status War God, had come over to greet them.

It can be–

This kind of person was the existence of a “god” amongst humans.

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