Chapter 28 Renewable

Release Date: 2024-07-11 15:46:53
A+ A- Turn Off Light

There were five reward clauses in total, and the rewards for each of them were considered tantalizing.

But the requirements were also very high.

“Battle power amplitude 12? “Luo Feng sighed darkly, “If one can have a battle power amplitude of 12, it’s definitely a solid top 20 ranking.” After reading the trainee reports and talking to some of the older trainees such as Shi Jiang and Zhao Ruo, Luo Feng was well aware of the difficulty and significance represented by the various numbers of battle power amplitude.

1 – 2 is elementary ……4 – 8 is advanced, 8 – 16 is superior!

Suffice it to say, sometimes the entire training camp for five years all the trainees didn’t have a single battle power amplitude that could exceed 16!

That is to say, generally speaking, if you have a battle power amplitude of 14 – 15, you will be able to rush the top five of the training camp.

If you reach 13, you’ll be in the top ten.

If you reach 12, you’ll be in the top twenty.

This a rough level.

“The clauses on here have amazing rewards and harsh conditions! This third clause, allowing me to reach 16 in Battle Power Amplitude by January 1, 2060, which allows for so many rewards, is an incredibly astronomical price if you count money.” Spending money on it was something that an existence beyond a War God wouldn’t be able to spare!

“But this clause is for me to reach 16 in battle power amplitude in less than three years,” Luo Feng felt the pressure.

Nowadays it was hard to say if there was a single trainee out of all the trainees within the entire training camp that had a battle power amplitude of 16, however, in the history of the training camp, there were still trainees that graduated with a battle power amplitude of over 16.

“These five clauses, the first two closest to me, both say that the battle power amplitude reaches 12.” The earlier one reached it, the higher the reward would be, and if one reached it before August 1st, that reward would be extremely frightening. If one reached it in the current year, the reward was lower.

If one reached it next year or the year after, there was no reward at all.

“Finished reading?” A hoarse voice rang out.

Across the tea table, Inspector Wang looked at Luo Feng.

“Finished reading.” Luo Feng nodded.

“Any comments?” Inspector Wang said faintly.

Luo Feng respectfully said, “Lord inspector, I want to ask. These last five reward clauses, can we exchange treasures of equal value for 30 billion dollars worth of water of life?” His younger brother Luo Hua was relying on the Water of Life to grow his legs again, and he had no idea when the Water of Life would be auctioned off. Might as well, get it from the Extreme Martial Arts School here.

“It can’t be replaced!” Inspector Wang shook his head slightly, “Anywhere in this contract, it cannot be changed.”

“Anywhere cannot be changed?” Luo Feng was surprised.

Negotiating a contract wasn’t this overbearing, and this was the Extreme martial arts school coming to invite themselves, and it was the inspector who stepped in, clearly the Extreme martial arts school had a sincere attitude and was very sincere.

“Cadet Luo Feng, this contract, was drawn up by the pavilion master he himself, so no one has the right to change it except the pavilion master.” Inspector Wang spoke.

“Pavilion master? Hong?” Luo Feng was stunned.

Young people such as Luo Feng’s generation grew up listening to the legend of Hong. That was the world’s number one powerhouse, the world’s number one landlord, the absolute number one!

This contract was actually drawn up by Hong himself, no wonder this inspector didn’t dare to change it.

“You want the Water of Life badly?” Inspector Wang observed the young man in front of him.

“Yes.” Luo Feng nodded.

“That’s not difficult, according to the usual practice later this year, there should be an auction for the water of life, at that time, you can just participate in the auction.” Inspector Wang said while rattling these Buddha beads, his voice was hoarse, his speech was slower, talking to him made people unconsciously fall into that atmosphere with a Zen flavor.

“Later this year?” Luo Feng couldn’t help but be surprised.

Inspector Wang blandly said, “This water of life, it wasn’t a rare thing in the first place. If it wasn’t for the United States of America’s military being shabby and purposely trying to squeeze money out of other organizations and people, there would be no need to auction it at all.” In front of Luo Feng, Inspector Wang didn’t keep this secret secret at all.

“Not a rare item?” Luo Feng was shocked, “Isn’t this only possible using the essence of a Beyond Lord level existence – the king level monster ‘Earth Dragon King’ as the main material, along with …… ”

“Who did you hear that from?” Inspector Wang calmly asked back.

“The internet.” Luo Feng was stunned.

Inspector Wang picked up the tea cup in front of him and gently took a small sip, saying, “How exactly is the water of life made, and how can such a secret be made public? What the internet says is nothing more than a rumor that the United States of America government intentionally put out in order to raise the price, in order to make everyone think how rare and precious this thing is.”

“Rumors?” Luo Feng frowned slightly.

“Remember.” Inspector Wang looked at Luo Feng, “Ordinary martial artists are able to go on the internet and know about treasures. Almost all of them are renewable and have a stated price! Even if they’re intentionally auctioned, they won’t fetch a terrible price.”

“Renewable?” Luo Feng’s heart stirred.

Inspector Wang nodded slightly, “Renewable means that this kind of treasure can be made again with a monetary investment! For example, the ‘water of life’ is actually a medical device from a set of ancient civilization relics obtained by the United States of America government, investing a large amount of energy and materials to be able to create a potion!”

Luo Feng was stunned.

So it was a medical device from an ancient civilization that could create a potion.

“With a large investment, you can create a potion. You say that this potion can sell for a sky-high price?” Inspector Wang smiled faintly, “For example, the dragon blood worth 80 billion dollars, do you think …… it’s really the heart blood of a king level monster ‘dragon’?”

“Right now, all over the world, there are no more than ten king level monster dragons on the entire planet!”

“However, on my Ultimate Martial Hall, dragon blood is sold at an explicit price! As long as you have the money, our Extreme Martial Hall can sell it to you.” Inspector Wang said, “Even if you want to buy ten copies, we can sell them to you. You said that …… there aren’t even ten dragons in the whole world, where did this dragon blood come from?”


The dragons all killed couldn’t even make ten copies of dragon blood.

But the Extreme Martial Hall was able to sell it at a clear price!

“This dragon blood, is indeed dragon blood as well.”

“Killing a king level monster ‘dragon’ and using the blood from its heart to make a single portion of dragon blood, compared to the dragon blood provided by our martial arts hall, the effect might even be better than what our martial arts hall provides, even better!” Inspector Wang said, “But dragon blood manufacturing is something that only the pavilion master can do. It’s not a secret.”

Luo Feng nodded, understanding. These ones that were openly able to be sold at a clear price were precious, but they could be regenerated. As long as one invested monetary resources, they could be recreated!

“True treasures, such as unique ones around the world that can’t be regenerated. That’s what’s sky-high!” Inspector Wang said, “But treasures like that, you won’t be able to see on the internet. That’s because they are not sold publicly at all, nor are they auctioned publicly. For example, the ones that can strengthen the body, there are more than a dozen of them all over the world.”

“The only one that might be sold at an explicit price is dragon blood.”

“Of the other ten-odd kinds, some, although non-renewable, are even less effective than dragon blood!”

“And some, the effect is even better than dragon blood!”

“Dragon blood, is to double one’s strength. And there are treasures that are the same that increase one’s strength by three or four times, or even ten times. Unfortunately, this one treasure was taken twenty years ago. It’s gone from the world now.”

Luo Feng was shocked to hear this.

Originally, this treasure was also divided into “renewable” and “non-renewable”. Truly rare things, unique in the world, will not be sold openly. Existences such as “Hong” and “Thunder God” didn’t lack money at all. Whether it was with their fists or with money, they would have gotten their hands on it in the first place. How would they let this treasure be sold publicly?

“No wonder the Extreme Martial Hall, the rewards are so good.”

“Dragon’s blood, it’s the martial arts school’s own. The secret book? Seemingly sky-high, it’s actually being sold by the martial arts school itself. Combat suits, the martial school only needs to pay the cost.” Even though Luo Feng wanted to understand, he knew that those rewards were still very high, manufacturing dragon blood was definitely not made out of thin air, it definitely required inputs. Combat suits and the like also required materials, the cost price alone was still staggering.

“This contract can’t be changed, you are now, willing to sign it?” Inspector Wang revealed a rare smile.

“Uh-huh.” Luo Feng nodded and signed the contract immediately.

“This one sign again.” Inspector Wang handed over another identical contract, “One for you to keep, and one for my martial arts school to keep.”

Signing the contract, Luo Feng was now a member of the core of the martial arts hall, for the time being, the annual activity funding was 5 billion for the alliance.

And now the first goal is –

Strive to reach 12 in battle power amplitude by August 1st.

“If I can succeed, I’ll get a copy of dragon blood!” Dragon blood can double one’s strength and cultivate faster in the future, Luo Feng’s most important thing right now is to improve his physical fitness, the stronger this physical fitness is, the stronger the mental nimbus will naturally be!

Becoming a high war god level spiritual ninjutsu master was Luo Feng’s goal!

And dragon blood, can make this process faster!

In the evening of April 31st, on the first floor of the training camp dining hall.

The trainees of all colors were divided into groups, sitting around eating dinner.

“Luo Feng, look at you in a good mood.” Zhao Ruo laughed.

“Not bad.” Luo Feng grinned.

Signing the contract was one thing, the other was knowing that the “water of life” turned out to be a renewable resource, since that was the case, there was no worry of not being able to buy it if you had the money!

“Cadets, cadets.” Suddenly a thick voice echoed throughout the entire restaurant.

All the trainees looked up, only to see a Chinese Warrior Teacher, with a face of excitement, saying aloud, “To tell you all the good news, before the departure of everyone’s ‘Life and Death Adventure’ this year, that is, on the day of August 1, the Chief Pavilion Leader of our Extreme Martial Arts School, the world’s number one strongest man ‘Hong’ will personally come to the training camp.”



“It’s Hong, it’s Hong, Hong!”

The entire restaurant boiled over at once, and the trainees from all over the world, one by one, exclaimed and shrieked, their faces filled with surprise.


On the present-day Earth, that was a god-like existence!

Regardless of which country, which region, no matter if it was a martial artist, or an ordinary person, they all knew one name – Hong! They all knew that the world’s number one powerhouse was “Hong”!



Some black people even danced on the spot, and all the trainees stood up and talked. God, it was very difficult to see ‘Hong’ in person at the elite training camp, and generally Hong only came to the camp once every few years. And I didn’t realize that this summer, Hong was coming over.

“Luo Feng, it’s Hong.” Zhao Ruo pulled Luo Feng, bouncing up with excitement, “I’ve been here for the third year, I haven’t seen Hong yet.”

“Uh huh.” Luo Feng was also excited in his heart.

Must meet this world’s number one with his own eyes.

“August 1st, before the life and death adventure departs?” Luo Feng was also excited in his heart, “Hmm, I’ll try to reach a battle power amplitude of 12 before then.There’s still three months to go!”

Today April 31st.

There were indeed three months left until August 1st. And if Luo Feng wanted to obtain the dragon blood, he couldn’t afford to slack off for these three months.

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