Chapter 56: Fighting the Turtle

Release Date: 2024-07-11 15:48:14
A+ A- Turn Off Light

This is a fist-sized oval crystal, the crystal has a smooth touch of green, also mixed with a hint of gold. Placing it in the center of the palm and viewing it with the naked eye alone, it made the heart and soul palpitate. “Ten thousand years willow heart!” Luo Feng smiled faintly and quickly placed the ten thousand year willow heart into the inner pocket of his combat uniform.

“Li Yao! You can’t escape!” Luo Feng laughed aloud.


The sound of an air explosion rang out violently, Xi Luo Feng had already erupted with incredible speed and quickly chased after Li Yao in the direction he had thrown himself! Nowadays Luo Feng’s physical limit speed reached and over 500 meters per second, and once he assisted that spiritual thought power that reached the peak of war god, Luo Feng’s speed even soared to around 700 meters per second! In the distance. Li Yao, Katran, Keita, and Ivan were all running at a fast pace.

“That Luo Feng is chasing after us.” Katran’s face changed.

“Luo Feng.” Li Yao’s heart was filled with grief and anger, how could he not expect that Luo Feng who he was able to crush like an ant back then, all of a sudden grew to this level, as he flew away, Li Yao anxiously even said, “Cattelan, the four of us join hands together to solve this Luo Feng!”


Cartland smiled faintly and signaled a look towards Keita and Ivan next to him, the three of them had experienced an unknown number of battles, of course they understood each other’s meaning.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Phantom Demon Katran, Blood Shadow Ivan, Giant Bear Keita, these three powerhouses almost simultaneously turned the corner and darted towards the left. In an instant, they parted ways with Li Yao! Knowing that their speed was more than 600 meters per second, at this speed, when Li Yao reacted, the distance between the two sides was already more than 500 to 600 meters.

And Luo Feng was already chasing after him!

“Bastard, a bunch of idiots.” Li Yao cursed in his heart while Luo Feng’s figure behind him was speedily approaching.

“This Luo Feng, this Luo Feng’s speed is surprisingly …… surprisingly a hair faster than me.” Li Yao was grieving and gnashing his teeth!

And the speed of Cattelan and the other three who had already parted ways with Li Yao began to slow down.

“Fortunately.” Cartland secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

“That Luo Feng really went after Li Yao and didn’t chase us.” Cartland looked behind him and said in English, his spiritual thoughts had worked hard to release to a distance of one hundred and fifty meters, and he hadn’t even found anyone. Next to him, Blood Shadow Ivan sneered, “Then Li Yao is also seeking his own suffering!”

The sound of a gas explosion in the distance was very obvious in the silent black night.

“Katran, why don’t we help Li Yao?” The giant bear Keita frowned.

“Help him, why help him?” Cattleya snorted, then his expression solemnized, “What’s more Keita, even if we want to help him we simply don’t have the ability to do so, you have to know that Luo Feng is definitely a ‘peak Higher War God’ Spiritual Nihilist, an invincible existence amongst the Higher War Gods!”

Giant Bear Keita, Blood Shadow Ivan and the two of them both looked at Cattleya in shock, Ivan even couldn’t help but say, “Cattleya, even you aren’t his opponent?”

“My Illusory Demon Strike, Spiritual Numinaries only need to attach their Numinous Power to push the Javelin from the side to naturally crack this move. As for the Illusory Demon Eye …… this is an attack that belongs to the spiritual category. For Luo Feng who is even more powerful than my spiritual nimbus, I can’t hurt him at all, instead I’ll mentally damage myself.” Cartland’s face was unsightly.

“A few of us join forces?” The giant bear Keita even said.

“Yes, join forces to put up a fight.” Ivan’s gaze chilled.

“To a Spirit Numinous Master, a large number of people is simply useless.” Cattleya gently shook his head, “I’ve confirmed that this Luo Feng is indeed a peak Higher War God Spiritual Numinous Master, we must not provoke him in the future.”

“Hmm.” Keita and Ivan nodded slightly.

“Let’s hurry up and seize the time to get some more grass and wood spirits, then immediately leave in our flying fighters.” Cattleya whispered, “Remember, everyone doesn’t have to walk big and fast, don’t make a big noise to prevent Luo Feng from hearing the sound later and chasing over.”

Keita and Ivan nodded solemnly.

Cattleya sighed in his heart, “Another invincible war god has appeared in the circle of war gods in this world.”

Invincible War God ……

It is the honorific title for a particular strong person in the circle of war gods, Cattleya’s status in the circle of war gods is extremely high, much higher than that of the vulture Li Yao. However, he has not been honored with the title “Invincible God of War”. Although Vulture Li Yao and the others possessed the Black God’s suit, they were only powerful in defense.

Attack is not enough, is not qualified to be called “invincible war god”.

“Rumble …… “The air waves generated by Li Yao, who was running at the maximum speed, often shattered some grass and plants wherever he ran.

Li Yao is now running away from the world!

Li Yao only had one word in his mind right now – escape! Since that Luo Feng that six flying daggers to bombard the body, Li Yao is very clear about the gap between himself and Luo Feng …… must know that even Fantasy Demon Katran, were bombarded by Luo Feng to escape, he Li Yao does not run away and what can be done about it?

“Li Yao!” Luo Feng’s body at the back was like a phantom, his eyes were like electricity.


Instantly six black streams of light flew out from Luo Feng’s body, their speed could be unknown how much faster than the running speed of Luo Feng and Li Yao. These six black streams of light instantly traversed a distance of less than fifty meters between the two sides, and then without even allowing Li Yao to dodge, they bombarded Li Yao’s body one after another.

Each of the flying daggers was like a small mountain smashing through!

Each flying dagger possessed amazing penetrating power!

The black leather membrane on Li Yao’s body surface was slightly dented, but it was not pierced by the flying daggers at all, while the terrifying impact force contained by the six flying daggers was not to be underestimated.

“Rumble ……” Li Yao’s entire body was once again blasted quickly and sharply flew out, he even utilized this force that blasted him to once again pull away from Luo Feng.

“What’s going on?”

Seeing the distance between the two sides once again pulled apart, Luo Feng’s face changed, “Plus the one time I bombarded him before, this is already the third time, three consecutive bombardments …… how is this Li Yao still not dead? Still not seriously injured and fall to the ground?” This is six handles of flying daggers, each handle of flying daggers contains more than 500,000 kilograms of impact force!

Six handles of flying daggers is more than 3 million kilograms!

It was smashed three times with this kind of terrifying power!

That is, even the strongest God of War, if the body hard against three times, also be smashed into mud. However, this vulture Li Yao was still running at a fast speed, without the slightest decrease in speed. “Could …… it be because of that Black God suit?”

“That Black God suit, is it that magical?” Luo Feng’s brows furrowed.

“Luckily I have the black god suit, otherwise I would have died a long time ago.” Li Yao who was running at his fastest speed had a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth, but his powerful body was rapidly recovering and adjusting, every blast from Luo feng, the shocking injuries to him, he, Li Yao, only needed a few moments to recover most of it, so until now –

Li Yao had only spat out a few mouthfuls of blood.

“The Black God Suit’s defense power, it is indeed incredible. It’s claimed that even a king level monster can’t tear through it, and can only be shocked to death by the endless impact.” Li Yao sighed in his heart.

The Black God Suit, was very subtle.

The material was extremely tough!

It was mainly just a toughness, any sharper and more pointed, could not pierce through! And not only so …… any attack contains the impact force, when passing through the Black God Suit transmission, all to weaken ninety percent! That is to say 3 million kilograms of impact force, after passing through the Black God suit that layer of skin membrane transmission, the real role in Li Yao’s body, only 300,000 kilograms left!

And this 300,000 kilograms is still scattered to Li Yao’s whole body.

If 300,000 kilograms of impact force, acted on one spot of the body, the damage to the Higher War God would be quite large, but once it was dispersed to the whole body. Li Yao wouldn’t care!

There is this saying-

A God of War wearing the Black God Suit cannot be killed by any other method except for the existence of a transcendent God of War, a king-level monster, or a laser cannon! This is to praise the “Black God Suit” of the divine effect …… Of course, there are also exaggerations, such as Li Yao last time trapped at the bottom of the lake, can not breathe, a longer period of time still suffocated to death!

But to summarize, the Black God Suit’s protection ability is indeed incredible!

Six black streams of light, once again bombarded on Li Yao, this time …… Li Yao unexpectedly did not run in a straight line with the help of the impact, but violently a corner! Luo Feng, who had been chasing for a long time, had formed inertia and thought that Li Yao would always run in a straight line with the force of the impact, so he rushed out a long way at once.

When he turned back, with the amazing speed of both sides, he had long since pulled away, beyond the range of spiritual thoughts dispersion.

“Hmph!” Luo Feng grunted angrily in anger.

But Luo Feng is also clear …… before and after a full six blasts, did not get Li Yao killed!

“This black god suit is indeed magical, although I can ravage this Li Yao, but it’s very difficult to kill him.” Luo Feng said in his heart.

“Turn around and customize a net, one made of SS grade material!”

“Spiritual thoughts control that net, directly bind this Li Yao, hmmm, I can’t kill him. I’ll just bind him! When the time comes, I won’t give him anything to drink and starve him to death! Or even directly put him directly into the water for a long time, directly suffocate him to death!” Luo Feng secretly said, there’s no other way ……

Can only rely on this simple method!

Trapped first, before starving or suffocating!

As for killing a war god wearing a black god suit head on, unless the other party took the initiative to take it off, Luo Feng couldn’t do it either.

“This Li Yao is also cunning, not making a sound at all.” Luo Feng listened carefully, wanting to find some traces from the sound.


Luo Feng leapt up while stepping on his shield, instantly flying one or two hundred meters in mid air.

Looking down from mid air, his spiritual thoughts spread out and searched while listening carefully.


A very faint sound came from the distance.

“Eh? There’s a sound over there!” Luo Feng’s eyes lit up, and with a movement of his mind, he instantly flew directly over with his feet on the shield.

It turned into an arc and landed over.

And at this moment, Illusion Demon Katran, Giant Bear Keita, and Blood Shadow Ivan were surrounding two golden yellow weeds and were rapidly digging the soil on the ground.

“Hey, what are you all doing?” A voice rang out.

Phantom Demon Katran and the other three changed their faces and turned their heads to look at …… Luo Feng, who had his feet on a shield, was slowly descending, smiling as he looked at Katran and the others.

Phantom devil Cattleya and the other three people each cursed in their hearts, isn’t this Luo Feng chasing after that Li Yao? Even if they made some noise they shouldn’t attract Luo Feng. They didn’t want to make noise, but once they fought with the spirit of grass and trees, how could they not make some noise?

“Go!” Cattleya roared lowly.

The three of them immediately darted.

“Hmph, Li Yao has the Black God Suit, it’s like I have no way to fight against a shrunken head turtle, and two of the three of you also have the Black God Suit! But after all,…… there is one without a Black God suit.” Luo Feng’s gaze locked onto the lanky savage hulk, Giant Bear Keita, a hint of a smile on his face.


Directly chasing towards Giant Bear Keita!

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