Chapter 2: Meeting Again

Release Date: 2024-07-11 17:56:17
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As a planetary level powerhouse, Luo Feng was certainly clear about some of the big names on Earth. Isadona! This queen of the underground world, her story could totally be written into a biographical novel.

In a quiet cafe tun in Hong Ning base city, in a private room.

Luo Feng and Speaker Isadona sat opposite each other.

“Mrs. Isadona.” Luo Feng tore open a sugar packet and poured it inside a coffee cup, stirring it slowly, “I wonder what you’re looking for me for?”

“Inspector Luo is so direct, I’ll get right to the point.” Old lady Isadona, smiled, crow’s feet also appeared at the corners of her eyes, “This time in Misty Island all parties went to fight for the Moksae crystals, Inspector Luo’s strength was actually comparable to the third speaker, fourth speaker and the others, it also impressed all parties!”

Luo Feng smiled faintly, the battle on Misty Island had indeed caused him to be on par with the three Speakers behind him!

“Inspector Luo’s harvest this time, it’s not small either.” Isadona looked at Luo Feng, “My HR alliance also wants this Moksae crystal very much, of course, the conditions can be mentioned by you, inspector Luo, we will definitely be fair.”

Luo Feng smiled.

Moksae Crystal?

Of course he understood that all the forces in the world would compete for this Moksae Crystal, there are many effects of Moksae Crystal, one of them is “it can make an apprentice 8th and 9th ranked martial artist transform to planetary level in a month’s time”. In other words,……, a single Moksae Crystal can directly create a strong councilor! How many councilors are there on Earth? To the five great powers, a councilor was equivalent to a mobile nuclear weapon.

“Stupid, again, I’m preparing to use Moksae Crystals to create a planetary level first stage martial artist.” Inside the wrist guard space, Babata, who was wearing a gorgeous royal robe, was eating at the dining table with a big mouthful of food, and cursing, “To use a treasure like the Wood Saeki Crystal to create some planetary level first-order martial artists, what a waste!”

It was a waste!

Wood Saeki crystals, to the meteorite ink star owner is nothing, but after all, the meteorite ink star owner have collected a lot, this wood Saeki crystals in the universe are considered treasures …… and in the universe, planetary level first-order martial artists, but the road goods, countless, this has been considered the weakest martial artists. Who would waste a Moksae Crystal to create a martial artist?

Such as Hong and Thunder God, they couldn’t afford to take it to help War God martial artists. Without the Moksae Crystal, it would be hard for them to break through to the Stellar level, but with the Moksae Crystal, their hopes would be much higher.

However, it was obvious that on Earth, a planetary level first rank martial artist was already at the peak of Earth.

“Moksae Crystal? I’m really sorry, I just exchanged something at the pavilion owner’s place.” Luo Feng apologized with an apologetic face.

“Oh, so that’s how it is.” Speaker Isadona looked at Luo Feng, “Inspector Luo, is there any left?” Even a single Moksae crystal could create a councilor!

Luo Feng smiled mysteriously.

Speaker Isadona was instantly enlightened, understanding that Luo Feng had a stockpile.

“In that case, Mrs. Isadona, next time I’ll visit you directly.” Luo Feng smiled, “But then, I prefer some things from ancient civilizations, such as airships and other rarities.”

“Oh?” Isadona was startled.

To countries, some ancient civilization items were indeed secrets, after all, studying ancient civilization technology might lead to research.

“Alright, I’ll prepare the forms and wait for you, Inspector Luo.” Isadorena laughed.

Some ancient civilization remains that could be exchanged for Moksae crystals, Isadona didn’t hesitate.

Luo Feng knew very well that some of the ancient civilization remains on Earth had long been discovered by now, and those that could be moved were probably moved long ago! And what Hong and the others couldn’t move away, I’m afraid that he himself couldn’t move away either! Since this is the case, he can only think of ways to contact the countries, HR alliance and martial arts schools to see if he can get the materials needed to assemble the spaceship and so on.

It’s a good idea to shop around!

Anyway, the Moksae Crystal was a treasure that all parties wanted!

At noon that day, Luo Feng returned to his home in Yangzhou city in his intelligent fighter jet.

After lunch.

On the second floor of Luo Feng’s home, there was only Luo Feng, Luo Hua and his parents, a family of four.

“Mom, dad, Luo Hua, you’ll feel tingling all over your body and have a cooling sensation after you swallow it!”

Luo Feng placed the light green pulp that had been cut into three sections in front of his loved ones, these three sections were actually the same spirit of grass and wood, the medicinal effects of the spirit of grass and wood were almost always very soft and did no harm to the body.

However, a plant of the spirit of grass and wood, to give three ordinary people to eat, not many people do this kind of thing, is really very wasteful.

A plant of the spirit of grass and wood, can let a “high war general martial artist” directly jump to “medium war god” or even “high war god”, and there are a lot of medicinal effects latent in the body, with the cultivation gradually absorbed, strength will increase. Cultivation gradually absorbed, strength will increase very quickly! Therefore, a plant of the spirit of grass and trees is almost equal to a “High War God”.

And for ordinary people to eat ……

would at most create a Battle General martial artist!

“Quite sweet.” Luo Hongguo gently bit into it and it melted in his mouth.

“It’s a bit tastier than a carrot.” Gong Xinlan also commented.

“It is delicious.” Luo Hua also swallowed.

Luo Feng watched his family members eat all of them before saying, “Oh, this is a bit tastier than carrots, but the price is quite a bit higher than carrots! It’s a bit more expensive than the last thousand year black crow root.”


More expensive than the Thousand Year Black Crow Root?”

Luo Hongguo, Gong Xinlan and Luo Hua were shocked. Last time, Luo Feng was trapped in the 9th ancient civilization ruins and his family suffered hardship……. It was still Luo Hua who used the Millennium Black Crow Root in order to directly become the eighth largest shareholder of the Industrial and Commercial Bank. That thousand year black crow root was already incredibly sky high in terms of price.

“Just now a mouthful of big tens of billions?” The people of Luo Hong Guo looked at each other.

“Mom and dad, you guys don’t use money to yammer. There are some treasures on earth that money can’t buy.” Luo Feng shook his head, “You guys just took a total of one of these grass and wood spirits. There are still eight more plants of the spirit of grass and trees in the code box I brought, and two copies of dragon blood, Luo Hua, these are for you to keep.

“Eight plants of the Spirit of Grass and Wood? Two portions of dragon blood?” Brother Luo Hua was clearly stunned.

Luo Feng smiled at this.

Different positions, different ways of looking at things. In terms of strength alone, when he received his teacher’s inheritance, Luo Feng was on the same level as Hong and Thunder God! Like Hong, Thunder God and the others that were all high up, a little higher than the five powers power. This kind of identity to earth currency is indeed of little use.

And talk about identity ……

The only heir of the master of the Meteorite Ink Star, this identity is higher than the status of the Emperor of the Silver Blue Empire that rules the eight galaxies. Unfortunately …… the master of the Meteorite Ink Star died and the power he possessed went up in smoke. Of course Luo Feng still had to be grateful because the Meteorite Ink Star hadn’t been destroyed and it wasn’t his turn to be the Meteorite Ink Star master’s personal disciple.

Looking at his parents and brother trying to wield his blood shadow battle sword, Luo Feng smiled.

“Babata, test it, my parents and brother’s physical qualities.” Luo Feng said, “What level.”

“Your dad is at apprentice level three, mom is at apprentice level two, and your brother is at apprentice level three. Ordinary people’s absorption efficiency is really low, although that portion of the spirit of grass and trees is divided into three, the effect of each portion is no weaker than a portion of dragon blood. A portion of dragon’s blood, your so-called quasi-martial artist can become a junior war general by drinking it.” Babata said.

Luo Feng however was satisfied.

It was enough that his parents were in good health, and he himself didn’t want his parents and them to go hunting monsters in the wilderness area.

“Dad, mom, I have something to tell you guys.” Luo Feng said.

“What is it?” Luo Hongguo and Gong Xinlan were still immersed in the joy of being “transformed”.

“I got some news, there are still relatives alive in our family!” Luo Feng said.

“Alive?” Mr. and Mrs. Luo Hongguo immediately got excited, “Little Feng, quickly say, how many?”

“There are two families that have been discovered now.” Luo Feng said directly, “One is mom’s cousin Gong Xinhua.”

“My uncle’s family’s little flower?” Mother Gong Xinran was a bit surprised, but obviously not too surprised.

Because when the Great Nirvana period first started, mother was very young and still didn’t remember, and then in the midst of fleeing, she only knew from Luo Feng’s grandfather’s mouth that there was such a relative. So that …… mother’s mind didn’t have a detailed memory of Gong Xinhua.

“Where is the second family?” Luo Hongguo even said.

“The second family member, is Dad your aunt ‘Luo Hongqin’, that is, my aunt. Auntie’s child ‘Tang Cheng’ is also alive. Now Tang Cheng is married and has a boy and girl twins, those twin siblings, they are the same age as me this year.” Luo Feng said.

“Little aunt is still alive?”

“Little aunt is still alive?” Luo Hongguo’s eyes widened.

Luo Feng’s heart sank when he saw this, in the past when he lived in the low cost housing, he often heard his father mention this aunt, because before the great nirvana, his father already remembered things and had a deep impression of his little aunt! So reciting past relatives, besides Luo Feng’s grandparents, it was this aunt of Luo Feng.

“Little aunt every time she visited me in the past, she brought delicious food and bought me a handheld game console, I remember her clearly now.” Luo Hongguo tears were flowing down his face, “I didn’t think that my little aunt was still alive, yes, when my little aunt and her family happened to be traveling in Kyoto, when the disaster broke out, they were stuck there, and later that expanded into Kyoto base city.”

Luo Feng nodded.

The Kyoto side should be considered as the Chinese country, one of the places with the highest survival rate during the great nirvana period back then.

“Little Feng, do you know where your aunt is? I want to go see my little aunt now.” Luo Hongguo even said.

“Now?” Luo Feng couldn’t help but look at his mother, who also nodded at him.

How many years of anticipation.

Where to wait?

“Then let’s get ready and leave right away.” Luo Feng also nodded.

At around 4pm that day, the dark blue intelligent fighter jet was parked in the small area where the Extreme Club was located in “Tianjin City”, one of the eight guardian cities in Kyoto base city.

Luo Feng didn’t let anyone pick him up or drop him off, instead, the family of four took a sedan and headed to his father’s sister-in-law’s house.

“Director, information from Tianjin City.”

A balding middle-aged man received the file handed to him by his men, waved his hand for his men to go down, opened the folder and watched this intelligence.

“Luo Feng has come to Jingdu base city?” The balding middle-aged man jumped in shock, immediately picking up the phone next to him and dialing the secret line.

“Please pick up chief number 1.”

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