Chapter 22 – Crazy Devouring Beast

Release Date: 2024-07-11 17:57:11
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Jiangnan Base City’s eight guardian cities of Yangzhou City, at this time, the entire Yangzhou City was completely plunged into a kind of madness, painful hissing and screams echoed in the night sky, some skyscrapers were either broken in half, or rushing flames burning in the sky, a look as if the entire city was going to be destroyed.

Inside the Bright Moon Small District.

A flying saucer fighter had stopped and landed on the lawn, three soldiers from the special department jumped off the fighter, as if it was a gust of wind, quickly rushing into Luo Feng’s house.


The three quickly rushed up to the second floor of Luo Feng’s house.

On the second floor, there were beds, sofas, and computers in the gravity room.

Luo Feng’s parents, Luo Hongguo and Gong Xinlan, his younger brother Luo Hua, and his girlfriend Zhen Nan and her parents, as well as Xu Xin! All stayed in this gravity room, fortunately the gravity room was six meters long and six meters wide, such a large space was enough for a group of people to stay under. Zhen Nan’s parents were also under Zhen Nan’s anxiety before, after Luo Hua called to let this future father-in-law and mother-in-law come over.

“Mr. Luo Hongguo! Please leave the gravity room and come with us quickly! It’s not safe for you guys to be over here.”

Three soldiers stood outside the gravity room, the man at the head of them anxiously said, “The ground building may become the target of that Devouring Beast’s attack at any time, the headmaster has ordered us to come and pick up your family, Mr. Luo! Time is tight, better hurry up.”

“I already told you guys on the phone, I won’t be leaving.”

“We won’t leave.”

“A few of you, you’d better leave. I’ll wait until my brother comes back.”

Luo Hongguo, Gong Xinlan, and Luo Hua all said.

The three soldiers outside were helpless.

Suddenly, the communication watch of the leader vibrated, he looked down and his face changed slightly, “A call from the chief.”

Immediately, he connected.

“Chief, Councilor Luo’s family refuses to leave.” The head soldier even reported.



The soldier stood straight and even responded, then ended the communication.

“Mr. Luo Hongguo, we have just contacted Councilor Luo, he will be here soon.” The head soldier spoke into the gravity room.

Luo Feng’s family in the gravity room were pleasantly surprised.

Luo Feng was coming back?

Tonight had indeed been a nightmare and they had been worried about Luo Feng inside the gravity chamber.

“Withdraw!” The head soldier waved his hand and instantly these three soldiers quickly left.

Over the Asian continent.

In the dark night, a streak of light quickly broke through the air, Luo Feng was wearing the Mo Yun battle armor, his feet were on the recluse shuttle, and his right hand was holding the “arc shield”, it was the arc blade disk, a weapon that his dead teacher had prepared for him in the Meteorite Ink Star ship! The Arc Blade Disk and the Heaven Escape Shuttle were of comparable levels.

One was stronger in escaping.

One was stronger in attack.

In fact, regarding the use of the nimbus weapon, nowadays Luo Feng also understood it! As at the time when he was just able to control 18 strands of thought power, trying to catalyze the second layer of the “recluse shuttle drilling cone”, tried countless times to fail! It was because he was too rough and weak in controlling his mind power.

After the gradual refinement of the “Nine techniques of control”, Luo Feng’s foundation was very solid.

These two weapons only needed two or three attempts before they could be used!

“Luo Feng, how come I couldn’t get through to you on the phone before?”

“I went to the ruins of an ancient civilization before, maybe the signal is isolated there.” During the flight, Luo Feng was talking to Jia Yi, “How is it now?”

“How is it? That devouring beast went crazy with rage after being seriously injured! After destroying all the ‘war bases’ in the Asian country of Huaxia, India, and many base cities, it’s now even more frantically attacking the major human cities like a vent.” Jia Yi anxiously said, “By the way, your Yangzhou City has also been affected.”

“What.” Luo Feng was anxious in his heart.

“Your bright moon neighborhood wasn’t affected, the entire Yangzhou city was attacked by a total of twelve golden lights, it’s considered more serious.” Jia Yi said.

Luo Feng became even more anxious.

Luckily Yangzhou city was already very close to the east coast, Luo Feng quickly flew over Yangzhou city.

“Oh my god!”

Looking down from high above, Luo Feng couldn’t help but take a deep breath.

The entire Yangzhou city screams and cries of pain spread far and wide, the extremely densely populated city of nearly ten million people, at this moment there were twelve places that had deep craters and the twelve surrounding skyscrapers, neighborhoods and so on had flames rushing to the sky and buildings collapsing, it was almost as if they had suffered from thousands of tons of TNT explosives.

In these twelve places, a large number of military and police gathered, and many surviving people were crying in pain.

“Bastard.” Luo Feng cursed angrily in his heart.

“Luckily this is just it venting, it’s venting on all the human cities!” Ba Ba Ba Ta’s voice in the sea of consciousness rang out, “If it specifically attacked this Yangzhou city, destroying the entire city would be a breeze!”

Luo Feng certainly understood this!

Throwing out 12 golden lights was indeed a very ordinary attack against that Golden Horned Beast. Perhaps in the view of the Golden Horned Beast, this kind of acropolis is a small city, the main city is a big city! It’s not worth spending too much energy on a small city. Luo Feng quickly swooped down to the bright moon neighborhood, and then directly entered the second floor along the windows of his house.


The metal door of the gravity room opened automatically, a total of seven people were stored in this gravity room.

“Brother.” Luo Hua was the first to stand up from his chair in front of the computer.

Luo Hongguo and Gong Xinlan even took a closer look at Luo Feng, seeing that Luo Feng had no external injuries, they felt more at ease. Next to them, Zhen Nan’s parents also nodded slightly and smiled, but it was obvious that they were pale.

“Just now we entered this gravity room, after the metal door closed, how could we not open it.” Luo Hua said.

“It’s the program I set.” Luo Feng said with a straight press.

Compared to some of the government’s defense places, Luo Feng trusted the sturdiness of the gravity room more! The gravity room, even “Hong” could only barely leave small marks. That golden horned beast …… even if a golden light hit the gravity chamber, it would be impossible to damage the gravity chamber!

“Xu Xin.”

Luo Feng naturally held Xu Xin’s hand, Xu Xin’s hand was cold and her face was a bit pale, “Luo Feng, come see.” Xu Xin turned the computer screen around, Luo Feng looked down.

There were tons of videos and photos on the screen.

One of the photos at the top was exactly the scene of a skyscraper wreckage burning up.

“The devouring beasts are wreaking havoc all over the world! It was ravaging our Asia before, but now it has run to Africa to Yu. Looking at its speed, it’s estimated that it will soon go to Europe to wreak havoc.” Xu Xin said.

“How many of us in Huaxia have been killed or injured?” Luo Feng asked.

“Not sure.” Xu Xin shook her head.

Luo Hua, who was next to him, said, “Brother, judging from some satellite pictures and videos, the number of people who died in the six base cities of our Chinese country is conservatively estimated to be no less than 5 million people!” As soon as these words were uttered, the expressions of the others in the gravity chamber changed one by one, and it was obvious that they were all somewhat mournful and grieving.

“Conservatively estimated 5 million?” Luo Feng’s heart sank.

Millions of his own compatriots.

“The Devouring Beast attacked most of all in the main downtown area, which is much more populated and densely populated than Acropolis. It had some crazy attacks …… bombarded in some commercial buildings is okay, those buildings are empty at night. But bombarded to some residential buildings, neighborhoods …… “Luo Hua looked at some photos on the screen densely packed corpses, some can not say.

Next to the mother Gong Xinlan, Xu Xin and Zhen Nan, tears are flowing down.

It was too tragic!

Luo Feng’s face turned blue.

“Golden horned giant beast.” Luo Feng’s gaze chilled, but then a wave of powerlessness washed over him!

The peak bloodline in the universe, the “Golden Horn Beast” which is known for its ferocity and tyranny among the star beasts, although it has only reached the stellar level, but for the earth humans …… is the end of the world.

From birth to now, this is the first time the Golden Horn Beast was injured! It is very angry!

So, it wants to vent its anger!

So, Asia, Africa, and Europe were followed by North and South America! For ordinary acropolis, it just casually sprinkled a few or a dozen golden lights as it flew by. But some mega cities, it would just go on a massive frenzy to vent some of its fury. Humans were like weak ants.

And the Golden Horn Beast was like a giant, running into ant nest after ant nest, constantly trampling to death groups of ants after groups of ants. The entire Earth’s human race trembled under the Golden Horned Beast’s fury.

The retaliation lasted for more than four hours.

In the sky above a city in South America with a mixture of screams and explosions, the Golden Horned Beast opened its huge scaled wings, its abdominal scales had completely grown back without a single scar. Only to see it looking down at the city below, its icy eyes had the madness after venting, then it violently tilted its head!


A high-pitched and terrifying roar rang out, the roar caused the air to shake, forming shockwaves visible to the naked eye! It was as if it was declaring its honor and inviolability!


And then the Golden Horn Beast quickly flew away, flying into the sea and resting at the bottom of the sea.

This night …… it destroyed all the war bases of the human race, and then it was heavily injured, and finally it went crazy and vented! It did consume a lot of energy, and it was tired and needed to rest!

Yangzhou city bright moon neighborhood, Luo Feng’s home.

The television in the living room was playing a live broadcast, the No.1 leader of the Huaxia country was giving a national live speech.

“Feedback from my compatriots!”

“Tonight, I am overwhelmed with pain and sorrow. This is a disaster for all of humanity, and we are fighting for survival!”

For a while, almost all the common people in the country of Huaxia were watching the live TV speech.

At the same time, during the live broadcast, there was a large number of video interjections from the small vice on the side. This scene was not only in the country of Huaxia, but other countries in the world were also going on at the same time! All the common people around the world knew …… what kind of things had happened! A catastrophe, a catastrophe that was even more terrifying than the Great Nirvana period had arrived!

At once ……

The common people who were still somewhat resistant to the military control were seeing a large number of dead people and a large number of dead soldiers on the television. Many youths one by one took the initiative to cooperate and even join the military! A large number of trained reserve soldiers went to enroll! A large number of martial artists joined the army!

And ……

The television was always broadcasting live the scenes of the countless sea monsters killing in the countless rivers of the motherland. It also broadcasts live the scenes of the army and the monsters engaging in battle. There were also frequent interjections of other countries around the globe.


Humans and monsters, this was a battle of races!

“For survival!” Luo Feng looked at the TV, his heart was heavy. Suddenly Luo Feng’s communication watch vibrated, Luo Feng connected.

“Luo Feng, Luo Feng.”

“To the east of your Yangzhou city, twelve sea king level monsters just flew out of the sea, six of them are heading towards the southeastern military region. Please provide immediate support, immediate support.” Jia Yi’s voice was anxious.

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