Chapter 27: A Pillar of Light into Space

Release Date: 2024-07-11 17:57:24
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The gazes of the 12 powerhouses on the rooftop of Luo Feng’s house all fell on the black metal robot.

“Luo Feng, are you confirming that you’re letting the robot control the B6 grade laser cannon?” Thunder God couldn’t help but say”

“If we don’t use a robot, who will we use? Who among us will use this B6 grade laser cannon?” Luo Feng laughed, everyone else laughed, but there was a hint of nervousness embedded in their smiles! It couldn’t be helped, everyone’s mental pressure was extremely high. After all, once it fails …… that is the end of humanity!

Luo Feng looked at the metal robot.

“Action.” Luo Feng said.


The metal robot’s red crystal eyes steeply brightened up, and then it stretched out its steel arms and directly grabbed the laser cannon that looked like a giant crystal carving, whoosh! Directly rose up in the air!

As the sun set, that black metal robot grabbed the crystal laser cannon and quickly disappeared into the sky.

Luo Feng and the other 12 people all looked up.

“Don’t look, let’s hurry into the house. Watch the satellite tracking.” Hong Lian shouted, instantly everyone else one by one even entered the audio visual room on the second floor of Luo Feng’s house.

Clattering ……

The boundless waters of the Pacific Ocean were slightly undulating, now the time in China was more than five o’clock in the evening, but here, it was late at night.

Tonight, it was pitch black and there was no moon!


In the sky above the Pacific Ocean waters, a huge monster with its entire body as black as ink and golden secret lines wrapped around its sharp horns flew across the sky, and the pair of wings covered in black scaled armor was like a burst of black shadows as it swung.

It! It was the existence that terrified the entire Earth’s human race – the “Golden Horned Beast”, the peak bloodline of the Devouring Star Beasts.

As it flew, its dark golden eyes looked downwards, and there was nothing but coldness and tyranny in its eyes.

More than ten thousand kilometers away from the Golden Horn Beast, the sun had just set and the sky was not completely dark.

A black metal robot with a height of two meters and two meters, is easily grasping a huge laser cannon that looks like a crystal carving and rapidly flying, leaving the land range of China and entering the ocean area …… The direction it is flying in is exactly the same as the Golden Horned Beast that is constantly approaching.

Yangzhou City, Luo Feng’s home second floor audio visual room.

On the left half of the screen that almost filled one wall, there was a scene of the Devouring Beast in flight under the dark night, while on the right half, there was a scene of the Metal Robot grasping the crystal and running in flight.

“Metal robot flight speed, at 2109 meters per second.” The electronic voice echoed inside the audiovisual choke, “Devouring Beast flying speed, at 15,218 meters per second.

Inside the audiovisual chamber, 12 strong people from the earth complex were gathered.

“Luo Feng, this narrated electronic voice, is an intelligent system.” Hong and Luo Feng whispered.

“Everyone, I’ve prepared the wine for the success celebration later.” Next to him, Thunder God took out wine glasses from within the wine cabinet and poured out the wine, a total of 12 glasses of wine, “Everyone, let’s just see how that Devouring Beast really died.”

“Haha, you can prepare more wine for the celebration.”

Luo Feng and the others laughed.

Everyone was laughing!

Yet every single person was in the middle of tension, this was all just everyone pretending to be relaxed. No one could completely relax at this point! Time passed by, although it was said that the distance between the black metal robot and the Devouring Beast reached more than ten thousand kilometers. However, it was important to know that the Devouring Beast had a speed of more than ten kilometers a second! Time passed by one second.

The atmosphere in the audio-visual room became more and more tense, as if it had frozen, making it impossible to breathe!

“Distance between both sides is 2100 kilometers.”

“The metal robots have stopped.” An electronic voice rang out.

On the screen, on the left half, the devouring beast was still flying, seemingly directly towards the mainland of the Chinese nation. On the right half, on the other hand, the metal robot had stopped and was suspended high in the sky.

“The laser cannon has light.”

“It’s been activated.”

Luo Feng and the other twelve people were staring with bated breath, the metal robot was grabbing that B6 grade laser cannon with one hand while the other hand was nimbly maneuvering it, only to see that the entire body of the laser cannon which seemed like a huge crystal carving started to gradually produce bright light, the bright light was rapidly flowing along the grain towards the center.

“It takes 50 seconds for the laser cannon to brew and prepare once.” Luo Feng lowered his voice and explained.

“Hm.” Next to him, Jia Yi was slightly nervous and nodded, “The laser cannon attack is along a straight line, before the two sides were straight across the earth. It has to be closer, 1000+ kilometers away, just right.”

Luo Feng also nodded.

This laser cannon was a weapon in the universe, although it was said that there was resistance from the air dust and other things inside the planets, it had almost no effect on the laser cannon.

50 seconds passed.

On the right side of the screen, the muzzle of the huge laser cannon controlled by the metal robot, snorted …… white light along the muzzle of the cannon in a circle, making the entire muzzle of the cannon extremely dazzling.

“It’s ready.” Luo Feng whispered, “Ready to attack.”

“Almost ready to attack.” Thunder god couldn’t help but say.

“It’s fine, there’s enough time.” Jia Yi gulped in his throat and stared at the screen dead on.

“Come on, come on, come on.” Merhanderson murmured.

“Okay, okay, it can attack.” Hong also whispered.

Everyone was in the middle of unprecedented tension!

The 12 people present were all absolute elites on Earth, and their mental qualities were absolutely first-rate. However, at this moment – everyone had never been this tense. Even in the face of death, they hadn’t been one millionth as nervous as they were at this moment!

The United States of America’s General Command Headquarters.

“God, bless your children.” Beads of sweat broke out on the dark-skinned president’s forehead, and he made a cross on his chest, but his eyes were glued to the screen.

The generals and cabinet ministers next to him were all holding their breath.

The General Command Headquarters in Kyoto, China.

The No. 1 chief, Zhou Lao, stood straight and stared at the screen in front of him. Next to him, none of the other leaders said a word.

The European Union, India, Soviet Union, HR Alliance, 25 base cities, leaders from all sides of the earth were all staring at this scene with bated breath, unprecedented pressure pressing down on the earth’s human race!

Is it survival?


All will be revealed!

Metal robot and devouring beast, the distance of 1200 kilometers, 1150 kilometers, 1100 kilometers …… the entire Earth concerned about this scene of people are nervous, while the black metal robot forever steel face type, did not have the slightest tension. Its red crystal eyes suddenly lit up greatly! A trace of signal was transmitted directly into the laser cannon!

At once!

An incomparably dazzling, radiant, and mesmerizing column of white light. It shot out from the five-meter diameter muzzle of the laser cannon, spanning over the Pacific Ocean waters!

It was in an instant!

This white pillar of light that mesmerized the entire human race had already reached its target, the devouring star beast “Golden Horn Beast”, 1,082 kilometers away!

In the darkness of the night, in the sky above the Pacific Ocean, the Golden Horn Beast’s wings were in a slightly raised state, and its dark golden eyes were looking down on the sea below.

This is the moment!

Time was frozen here!


With an extremely short “snort” sound that sounded like hair being burnt by flames, the dazzling white pillar of light directly passed through the Golden Horned Beast’s head! The entire upper part of its head, even including the edge of its slightly raised left wing, was “passed by”! It was almost silent! There was only that extremely brief “snort”.


The head of the Golden Horned Beast was instantly reduced to just the horrifyingly large beak and jaws at the bottom, with the nose disappearing all the way up! What was placed in the brain shell and the like was even reduced to nothingness!

White column of light dazzling incomparable, after shooting through the Golden Horn Beast, continue straight ahead, and then flew into the atmosphere, even through the atmosphere, directly into the space filled with bright stars!

Time was frozen at this moment!

In the audio-visual room.

On the left half of the screen, there was a flying Devouring Beast, but the head of this Devouring Beast only had a mouth left, and there was nothing on it.

On the right half of the screen was a dazzling pillar of light that had shot into space!

The 12 people in the audio-visual room almost instantly had their eyes rolled back in their heads, and then one by one, they went crazy!

“Haha! It worked, it worked!” Jia Yi, the No. 1 person in the Chinese nation’s military jumped up violently in excitement, with a wave of his fist.

Merhanderson was wiggling his ass in triumph.

“Haha, it’s done, it’s done!!!” Luo Feng shouted excitedly.

“Come on, come on, hurry, drink, celebrate success.” Thunder God shouted and directly grabbed the wine glass next to him.

“Great!” Hong also had an excited look on his face.

And from Luo Feng’s sea of consciousness came Babata’s excited shout, “Luo Feng, I’m awesome, right? I told you earlier, this laser cannon that can kill a stellar level 6th stage blasts it, just brush it off, it’s a breeze ah, it’s bound to die ah, wahahahahaha.” Babata was also smug.

The entire Earth’s countries, in an instant, were all abuzz!!!!

Excited ah!

“It’s finally a done deal. This disaster is finally going to pass.” Luo Feng excitedly walked towards the Thunder God.

“Eh?” Luo Feng was stunned, the audio visual room that was just so excited all of a sudden went quiet, even the only Councilor Zhu Xi who was shouting excitedly stopped, Luo Feng also had a tremor in his heart and turned his head to look at the screen.

On the screen.

On the left side of the screen, the devouring beast’s head was still only left with a mouth, but the weird thing was that it was still suspended, and two long and short pointed horns were also suspended next to it.

The golden secret patterns on the two pointed horns steeply released dazzling golden light!


The Devouring Beast’s gigantic body, especially the scaled armor on the overlying part and the back that also had golden secret lines, also lit up, and this golden light was quickly transmitted along the secret lines directly to the Devouring Beast’s gigantic pair of wings! For a moment, it was as if that pair of wings had slightly become one size larger, and their shapes had all changed slightly.


It was like a golden stream of light!

The Devouring Beast, whose head was only left with a mouth, unexpectedly swooped directly into the sea, and boom! The sea water all exploded!

“Failed?” Hong’s face instantly paled and his body trembled.

Jia Yi looked at the screen in horror, constantly shaking his head, shaking his head, shaking his head, while tears flowed silently.

Thunder God, who was holding a few wine glasses and was ready to disperse the wine to celebrate, also stared at the screen with wide eyes, the wine glass in his hand slipping down unconsciously!

“Pop!” “Pop!” “Pop!”

The glass exploded, the fragments splashed, the sound as if a sharp sword stabbed on everyone’s heart, Luo Feng froze and looked at the screen, already without any expression ……


Heart sad as if dead?

This moment! The hearts of the entire planet stopped beating, the entire human race of the planet had despaired!

This moment!

It’s like seeing the end of humanity!

“The Devouring Beast is advancing at breakneck speed on the seabed, at a speed of 36,062 meters per second! It’s 2.37 times the previous speed!” In the audio-visual room, the electronic voice reported out the data without any emotion, however, there was no reaction in the audio-visual room, everyone was silent as if they were statues, as if they were dead!

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