Chapter 28.

Release Date: 2024-07-11 17:57:27
A+ A- Turn Off Light

In the dimly lit audio-visual room, Luo Feng only felt like his mind instantly went blank, and outside sounds were completely inaudible.”


“Failed? Surprisingly failed? How can it fail? How can it fail!” Luo Feng was overwhelmed by raging emotions of remorse and pain, he had placed too much and too great hopes on this attack! Ever since the hydrogen bomb attack failed, it seemed that Earth humans were left with only one last move – letting Hong and Thunder God, the two strongest people on Earth, fight to the death.

But fighting to the death is simply not a sure thing.

However, the “B6-class” laser cannon that he had obtained was very certain, and the elites of all the countries in the world were excited because of this laser cannon! Everyone was looking forward to that strike!


The laser from the B6-class laser cannon was incredibly powerful! It easily pierced through and destroyed the Golden Horned Beast’s head and shot it all the way into the middle of space. But! No one thought that the Golden Horned Beast, whose head had been destroyed with only its mouth left, would still be alive, would not even die!

“It can’t be undead, how could it be?” In the wrist smart space, Babata shook his head in shock, “No, no. Regardless of whether it’s a human or an animal, the soul is in the sea of consciousness, and the sea of consciousness is in the head! Destroying the head will lead to certain death. Unless it’s the point where the spirit imprint is integrated into every cell and the cell can be reborn.”

“But it’s simply impossible for a Stellar level to reach that step!” Babata also shook his head repeatedly, “Could it be that this Golden Horn Beast has a special talent?”


Among the universe, there was too little and too little known about starry sky behemoths. For example, the owner of the Meteorite Ink Star had never encountered a Golden Horned Beast in his entire life. Knowing too little about the Golden Horned Beast is too little!

In the audio-visual room.

“Quick, Laser Cannon, hurry and bring back the Laser Cannon!” Jia Yi suddenly roared and shouted.

The other eleven people in the room jerked awake.

“Laser cannon!”

Luo Feng’s eyes also rolled round as he stared at the screen, only to see that the black metal robot on the screen was grabbing the Laser Cannon and fleeing in a frantic flight, while the other screen was outlining a huge silhouette that was frantically chasing after it at the bottom of the sea.

“The metal robot is flying at a speed of 2110 meters per second, the Devouring Beast is chasing at a speed of 36,069 meters per second at the bottom of the sea, and the distance between the two sides is 520 kilometers, 460 kilometers, and 398 kilometers …… “Inside the audio-visual room, the emotionless electronic voice was continuously saying said, causing everyone’s faces to change drastically.

“Hurry, hurry, hurry.” Thor said eagerly.

“It’s too late.” Hong’s face turned pale as he shook his head, “Before the two sides were about 1000 kilometers apart, this Devouring Beast reached a speed of 36 kilometers per second, the robot’s speed is too slow. 30 seconds would be enough to catch up. The laser cannons won’t even have time to attack a second time.”

The group of planetary level powerhouses next to them were so anxious that their fists were clenched with a snort.

Luo Feng stared at the screen dead on.

The Devouring Beast was unable to be photographed by the satellite because it was traveling at extreme speeds under the sea, yet it was able to track and sense the Golden Horned Beast’s massive life breath! After all, its life breath was too huge. Especially now, after its speed soared to more than twice its previous speed, its life breath was instantly much stronger.

At a depth of about 3200 meters below the surface of the sea, the Golden Horned Beast’s wings were bigger than in the past, the scale armor on its wings was even tighter, and some of the golden secret patterns on its scale armor seemed to have a strange magical power at the moment, causing the Golden Horned Beast’s speed at the bottom of the sea to reach an unbelievable level!


The Golden Horned Beast was unprecedentedly furious, it was the last time it suffered a hydrogen bomb attack, which could only be considered a flesh wound for it. But this time, it was injured ten or a hundred times heavier than the last time! Unprecedented heavy injuries, but instead provoked the tyrannical madness in the Golden Horn Beast’s bones.

Suddenly, the Golden Horn Beast’s speed suddenly decreased!


The two sharp horns that had been attached to its back, one long and one short, the long one of which had a golden light that rose greatly! Turning into a golden ray, it violently rushed towards the top!


As fast as lightning!

The golden tip almost instantly broke through the 3,000 meters deep seawater and rushed out of the water, the speed was so fast that it did not allow the black metal robot above to dodge! The B6-class laser cannon grasped by the metal robot’s hands was still in the process of brewing and preparing.


Golden sharp horn directly penetrate this seems to be crystal carving exquisite laser cannon, which makes the laser cannon brewing preparation instantly interrupted, Peng’s sound, like glass directly shattered, at the same time that the golden sharp horn violently stabbed in the black metal robot body “Boom ……” by the yttrium! The metal casting of the robot is very hard.

Buzz ……

The robot turned into a meteor, in mid-air was sent flying dozens of kilometers, and then directly towards the sea below fell down, plopped into the sea water. Inside the audiovisual room, Hong, Thunder God, Luo Feng, and the other twelve people all stared at the screen silently. On the screen, the silhouette in the seabed kept diving and diving deeper and deeper into the seabed ……

“Luo Feng, the robot was hit by a strong shock, causing the control system inside it to be damaged by the shock, it can’t be recalled anymore.” Babata’s voice rang in Luo Feng’s mind, Luo Feng closed his eyes, the loss of a maintenance robot was nothing at all, but …… this attack that involved the fate of mankind had failed!

“I’m sorry, Luo Feng, in my database, there was originally very little about starry sky behemoths. Placed in the Golden Horned Beast, it’s even less. Only some common sense knowledge.” Babata apologized.

He was also well aware of what this failure would mean to the entire earthlings. Silence. There was silence in the audio-visual room.

Jaya stood by the window, pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket, lit one, and smoked alone in silence.

“Give me one.” Zhu Xi brought over a cigarette and smoked there as well.

The others either sat silently or closed their eyes in pain, in short, one after another were unprecedentedly quiet.

“Strong defense, fast speed, and even more amazing bursts of speed! Not only that, even with his head extinguished, he can still live to attack! And Luck is able to manipulate its unicorn horn to attack from a distance as if it were a Spiritual Numinous Master! And, extremely powerful.” Luo Feng swept through these messages in his mind, “Having an internal world, it can directly swallow a large amount of metal into its internal world.”

“And the growth rate, extremely amazing!”

Gosh! How did such a starry sky beast descend on Earth, how to resist?

“Buzz ……”

Suddenly communication watch vibration sound rang, audio-visual room 12 people almost at the same time to look at, is Mer Henderson’s communication watch, on the Henderson pressed the button, at once the watch came from the American English: “You guys over there have a way? There is a way? You ask Luo Feng, you ask the two Speakers, is there any way?”

“Yes, I’ll ask.” Just Henderson answered in a low voice and hung up the communication. Just Henderson looked at the others. Luo Feng shook his head slightly.

Hong and Thunder God looked at each other, but a hint of a smile surfaced coincidentally! A strange hint of a smile that contained a death-defying, soul-shattering smile.

This failure had dealt a very large blow to all the countries around the globe. Originally full of hope, even before seeing the Golden Horned Beast head destroyed instantly and excited, even to the point that some people fainted on the spot in excitement.

However, immediately afterward, they fell from heaven to hell, plunged into a nightmare. The Devouring Beast, it was even more terrifying and powerful than what humans had imagined! With its head gone, it was still powerful and flew faster!

“Oh my god.”

“God, save your children.”


Some of Earth’s high-level elites, who never burned incense or worshipped Buddha in the past and didn’t believe in gods, many of them prayed silently in their hearts. Only when people were desperate and helpless did they look forward to a spiritual support! And at this moment, even these elites are looking for their spiritual support! Obviously …… they are desperate and helpless!

The rocky layer under the seabed, about 23,000 meters deep from the surface.

The huge body of the Golden Horn Beast was perched in the darkness, its entire body was vaguely having silk golden light flowing, only to see that its original head with only its mouth connected to the whisker part, at this moment the blood and flesh were tangled, the skin was extended, the scales surfaced, and it was actually growing rapidly! The ears also grew out, and gradually, the pair of dark golden eyes also grew out again.


The entire head grew out completely, and one long and one short pointed horn also merged into the head, only that the scale armor of its head was a bit delicate and not as hard as the scale armor of the other parts. All it had in its dark golden eyes was anger, endless anger! It was like flames burning!


“Wooo–!” Low, rage-filled roars continued to emanate from its throat.

Its injuries were too severe!

It could never forget the white light that instantly struck it, under that white light, it was simply too late to dodge and had no power to resist! And the essence of its whole body’s power accumulation – the horn! It was indeed unrivaled in hardness and sharpness, and although it was sent flying far away under the laser, although it was traumatized, it was not destroyed.


After fully recovering its body injuries, the Golden Horned Beast felt an unprecedented hunger! Its internal world was also extremely hungry! Every cell in its body was crying out as if it was crying out!

It had consumed too much power and its strength had regressed a lot.

It was in dire need of replenishment now, “Oooh-” The Golden Horned Beast let out a low roar and quickly burrowed its way upwards through the rock layers. It needed to feed! Eat metal!

Luo Feng’s home audiovisual room, it was almost dark outside.

Luo Feng and the other ten people were looking at two people – Hong and Thunder God.

“There’s no way we’ll survive going down like this, this devouring beast is too powerful, too weird.” Hong shook his head, “If we let it grow stronger like this, even the humans hiding in the ruins of the ancient civilization will end up being killed by it. Moreover, I determined that it suffered from the laser cannon’s attack, and its injuries are definitely not light, I suspect that its final speed outburst was a struggle under severe injuries, maybe it was a ‘flashback’ before it died!”

Hong was a bit disbelieving himself after he uttered the last sentence.

“Even if it’s not a flashback, its strength must have been reduced a lot from when it was intact.” Hong solemnly said, “Take its life while it’s sick!”

“Well, the opportunity is gone if you miss it.” Thunder God nodded slightly.

Luo Feng and the others were a bit sad.

Watching Hong and the Thunder God go and fight to the death to get killed?

“The Thunder God and I, we both possess our own domains, really fighting for our lives, there’s hope.” Hong revealed a smile, next to him Thunder God also smiled and nodded.

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