Chapter 37: Passing on Memories

Release Date: 2024-07-11 17:57:50
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At the bottom of the dark sea, countless sea monsters were scattered around, each of them looking with respectful eyes at the Devouring Beast that was coiled in the distance, and the Devouring Beast’s dark golden eyes slowly closed as if it was asleep.

However, under the pressure of the invisible aura, this area was incomparably tranquil.


Luo Feng vaguely felt a headache, obviously the speed of the memory influx reached the soul’s tolerance limit.

“Just how much knowledge?” Luo Feng couldn’t believe it, “This, this has lasted for over an hour.”

One hour, two hours, three hours!

These memories were like a steady stream of raging seawater constantly pouring in, an unending stream! All sorts of memories flashed by and were completely integrated into Luo Feng’s soul, Luo Feng only had time to recognize some “golden horned beast cultivation” diagrams and so on before being completely drowned out by other memories.

Half a day!

One day! Two days! Three days!

Golden Horn Beast this terrible starry sky beast, lying on the bottom of the sea, as if sleeping.

Sixteen days later!

Deep seabed, mud strewn seabed, black as ink Golden Horn Beast lying there, finally, its dark golden eyes open, eyes naturally have cold, killing intent. It was bone-deep.

“Whew, jeez.” Luo Feng then felt a wave of relief.

Inherited memories flooded into the middle of the sixteen days of fusion, completely reaching the limits of the soul, under this kind of pressure, Luo Feng felt tired even from extra thinking.

“This, how much knowledge must this be.” Luo Feng lamented.

“Luo Feng, Luo Feng!” An excited voice rang out in Luo Feng’s sea of consciousness.

“Babata.” Luo Feng shouted.

“You completely received the inheritance memories? What an exaggeration, with your current soul bearing capacity, you can receive many messages every second. How many messages must you have received in these sixteen days.” Babata looked excited, “Quickly look, what knowledge is there? What marvelous secret techniques?”

“I’ll check it out first.” Luo Feng was also curious.

Although he had now become a Golden Horned Beast, he had absolutely no idea about what a Golden Horned Beast could do.

“Babata, big trouble.” Luo Feng had just checked the inherited memories and was somewhat helpless.

“What’s wrong?” Babata even asked.

“Although this knowledge is in my mind, but, I have to learn it all by myself one by one. When will this have to be learned?” The so-called inherited memory was a means of knowledge transmission, where knowledge was passed down from the previous generation of Golden Horned Beasts to the next generation, but for the knowledge to be truly grasped, it still had to be carefully comprehended and learned.

“No surprise!” Babata even said, “The reason why this inheritance memory is huge is mainly because of some secret methods, and one secret method may have many, many words.

Just like the master’s Soul Seal secret method, if it’s printed as a book, it’s normal to get hundreds of books and tens of millions of Chinese characters written down.”

“Luo Feng.”

Babata said excitedly, “You will now completely organize the inherited memories, you don’t need to look closely at the details of some of the secret methods, just know the names and roughly what they talk about. Categorize and summarize them all. It should be very quick. You can really! In the universe, the strongest of the clans are willing to spend countless fortunes to buy some secret techniques and so on, and you even think it’s too much, it’s really speechless.”

Luo Feng smiled, “I’ll organize it.”

Summarize it according to the whole.

Golden horned giant beast cultivation knowledge, 18 special secret methods that can be cultivated, 3199 ordinary secret methods.

Starry sky behemoth some other behemoths introduction, human many races introduction, control master, illusionist, beast tamer, puppet master, hunter-killer, martial arts fighter …… blood and flesh creatures, in addition to “human” “starry sky behemoths “There are also the “Demon Race”, “Insect Race” and so on, each race has a large number of introductions.

In addition to the flesh and blood races.

There are also metal-type races, such as the mechanical race and so on, as well as rock-type races, spirit-type races, and plant-type races ……”

At the same time, there are also some peculiar races that are extremely rare in number and possess incomparably strong power like the starry sky giants, but are very rare ……

Explaining the countless races, cultures and so on of human beings alone, if recorded in Chinese characters, ten billion words are far from enough.

And the human race is just one of the peak races in the vast universe.

Another month and three days had passed, Luo Feng had finally made an organized division of the inherited memories! In the future, if you need to know that knowledge, you can quickly search and find it from the huge inheritance memories. As for learning?


It was impossible for any Golden Horned Beast to learn all of this knowledge. It would take an unknown number of years to read through all the contents of the 18 secret techniques and 3199 ordinary secret techniques alone.

“Luo Feng, you’re rich, you’re rich!!!! Goodness gracious, you actually have this much memorized knowledge?” Babata was completely stunned after learning from Luo Feng, how many classifications were combed through, “So the universe actually has so many races, there are even rare races comparable to starry sky giants?”

“Not bad for a Starry Sky Beast, awesome, awesome.” Babata marveled, “Even your teacher, with a lifespan of more than sixty million years, the knowledge he has gathered is far from catching up with you.”

“There’s no comparison.” Babata was still in shock, “Starry sky behemoths have been passed down from generation to generation, this kind of heritage even in the human community, I’m afraid that only a national knowledge collection like the Qianwu cosmic country can be compared to the inherited memories of the starry sky behemoths, it’s too powerful.”

Luo Feng was also impressed after combing through it all.

The nobility of a bloodline was multi-faceted.

The talent itself was one aspect, sort of hardware, and this knowledge base, was the software!

“Babata, amongst the star giants, it’s only the peak twelve bloodlines that can carry so many memories from generation to generation.” Luo Feng explained.

“Twelve bloodlines?” Babata said in surprise.

“Well, amongst the starry sky beasts, the peak bloodlines that can grow up to directly reach the ‘sector lord’ level are twelve in total, and the Inferno Star Beast that you recounted in the beginning was also one of the twelve bloodlines!” After Luo Feng combed through it, these basics were also completely clear, “The twelve bloodlines have the most and richest inheritance memories. And each generation can also add their own memories.”

Luo Feng was now very clear about how the golden horn giants were passed down.

Golden horned giant beasts, if they wanted to leave behind offspring. One way to do this is to use up almost all of their life force to form an “egg” and spit it out.

The original Golden Horned Beast will die within a few years. After the egg hatched, a Golden Horned Beast hatchling would appear, starting a new cycle.

“Tsk, tsk, Luo Feng, hurry up and see. How long will it take you to reach the sector lord level.” Babata even said.

“Let me see.”

Luo Feng flicked through it slightly, reading it roughly in a few seconds and couldn’t help but be surprised.

“After the Golden Horned Beast hatches, if it doesn’t eat the eggshells, but instead eats ordinary metal, it will take ten years to reach the stellar level first stage. However, if one eats the eggshells and a large amount of ordinary metals, one year is enough.” Luo Feng said.

“One year? This little guy that you took over is only one year old?” Babata was speechless.

Luo Feng also sighed.

The devouring beast that caused the entire planet to face doomsday calamity was only a one year old golden horned giant beast toddler?

“Ordinary evolutionary speed, stellar level first order to cosmic level first order, it takes 100 years.”

“Cosmic level first order to domain lord first order, it takes 1,000 years.”

“Domain lord first order to sector lord, it takes 10,000 years.” Luo Feng said directly, “This is the slowest speed, if you use some special methods, you can also speed up the evolution. Using some of the metal dispensing orders is beneficial to the accelerated growth of the world inside, strength can increase even faster!”

“Pie in the sky!” Babata couldn’t help but say, “Your teacher in order to prepare so well, cultivation plan and so on all the best, you also need more than 100,000 years, before it is possible, to reach the realm lord!”

“Without your teacher’s detailed plan, countless money and treasures to cultivate. It would be good for you to reach the universe level in your lifetime. But now with the ordinary evolutionary speed, 10,000 years will do?” Babata didn’t know much about the Golden Horned Beast in the past, but now he finally had first-hand knowledge.

“It’s not that long. That’s the slowest speed.” Luo Feng said, “If there are countless amounts of money to spend to accelerate the growth of the world inside. The time can be sped up a few times, or even more.”

“However, 18 special secret techniques and 3199 ordinary secret techniques, I don’t know which ones to learn.” Luo Feng said, “All of these secret methods have been passed down from generation to generation of Golden Horned Giant Beasts, and only Golden Horned Giant Beasts can practice them. According to the key reminder in the inheritance memories, greed is not good enough to chew on, reminding me that I should learn a maximum of two special secret methods and no more than six ordinary secret methods. Any more than that and there won’t be enough energy to learn them, instead, the fewer the better!”

“Oh?” Babata even said, “You first tell me the approximate effects and cultivation conditions and so on of the 18 special secret methods and 3,199 ordinary secret methods, I’ll sift through them for you and see if I can achieve an optimal match.”

In terms of screening ability, Luo Feng was certainly no match for Babata.


Luo Feng started to tell Babata the approximate effects and cultivation conditions of the many secret techniques, as for the secret techniques themselves? That was too much too much, Luo Feng relied on idea transmission, even a few years would not be enough I’m afraid.

8 hours later.

18 special secret methods, 3199 ordinary secret methods some rough introduction and so on were all transmitted to Baba tower, Baba tower began to quickly sift and match through this intelligence of it.

“Luo Feng, this ‘Golden Horned Beast’ should possess natural secret techniques. I once watched it’s speed skyrocket or something.” Babata said, “Tell me some of the messages of the talent secret method as well, so I can make the finest match.”

“Talent secret method? Wait a moment.”

Luo Feng learned from his memories that the Golden Horned Beast’s secret talent method had a total of three, as for the detailed information …… as long as the soul enters the “inner world”, it will naturally understand it completely.

The so-called gifted secret method, there is no need to learn it at all, it can be performed naturally.

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