Chapter 74: Target, Earth’s Treasure

Release Date: 2024-07-11 17:59:26
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“This, this is simply not on the same level.” Luo Feng couldn’t help but feel panicked.

Hacking into that adventurer ship’s intelligent system to get information revealed that-

This time, the Norrashan family conquered Earth with small spaceships as the vanguard and the Norrashan family fleet as the main force. The Nolashan family fleet consisted of two battleships, and the leader of the army inside the battleships was the Nolashan family patriarch’s personal disciple “Pula”, with seven other personal disciples assisting him!

Beside the eight personal disciples, there were more than thirty Nolan guards!

The status of the Patriarch’s personal disciple was honored, and one had to reach the “Stellar Grade Nine” in order to qualify!

The Nolan Guards were the most elite warriors of the Nolan Mountain Clan, each one of them was precious, and their strength was at the Stellar Grade Ninth Order.

There are more than forty Stellar Grade 9s, and other Stellar Grade 8s, 7s, and more……. The Stellar Grade powerhouses on the two major battleships should be around a thousand, according to the information speculated by Bro Nolashan’s intelligent light brain “Atuka”! There were also more than ten thousand planetary stars.

“A single Stellar Grade 9 would be able to sweep the Earth. This time, however, more than forty came!” Luo Feng grimaced.

“It’s troublesome now.” Thunder God’s eyes were like electricity as he said in a low voice, “More than forty stellar grade ninth order, leading around a thousand stellar grades, and tens of thousands of planetary grades. How can we fight? It’s simply impossible to fight! Unless we have a universe-level powerhouse, we’ll have a fighting chance. But – where can we get universe level powerhouses?” Luo Feng clenched his teeth anxiously.

Universe level?

If you give yourself a year or two, your Golden Horned Beast’s body could reach universe level!

But the Nolan Mountain family fleet was arriving in three months.

“Three months, only three months left.” Luo Feng murmured in a low voice.

Hong, who was originally sitting there in silence with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes.

“Found out?” Thunder god looked towards Hong.

Luo Feng also looked at Hong.


Hong nodded his head, his expression more serious, “The Caro Empire’s ‘Nolanshan family’ is only a small family in the vast universe, it’s easy to check the general information on the virtual universe network.”

“The Norrashan Family, was established 81,066 years ago by the universe level powerhouse ‘Norrashan’ himself, Norrashan himself was the first generation patriarch, and his name became the family’s surname.”

“This person, Nuo Lan Shan, was extremely gifted and enlightened, and after reaching the Cosmic Rank, he widely accepted disciples.”

“Nowadays, Nuo Lashan himself is at the ‘ninth stage of the universe level’, and he has many disciples under his command and is very good at teaching them, with six of his disciples being at the universe level. Among these six disciples, two of them are members of the Nolan Mountain family. Respectively, they served as the second clan leader, and the current, or third, clan leader.” Hong said in a low voice.

“What?” Luo Feng was shocked in his heart.

Although he had known that the probability of giving birth to a cosmic level was higher after having a division. But a “Nolan Mountain clan” had seven universe level including the clan founder!

“How can we fight this?” Thunder God was also anxious.

“The Nolan Mountain Family is the third largest family in the Karo Empire.” Hong introduced, “The Caro Empire, is a cosmic primary civilization country, one of the more than five hundred dependencies of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, but it’s one of the top three in terms of strength amongst the more than five hundred dependencies, the first great family of the Caro Empire is the royal family ‘Caro Family’, and the first strongest person of the Caro Royal Family is the ‘Domain Lord’.”

“The second largest family within the Caro Empire is the ‘Wei Di family’.”

Luo Feng’s heart stirred, Wei Di family? The close friend he met on the gnarled dragon star, Gao Sheng Wei Di, seemed to have said ‘Caro coins’, this Wei Di family was a family within the Caro empire? But Gao Sheng said on the Dragon Planet …… that there was no one on the Dragon Planet that he couldn’t afford to mess with. If he dares to say that, it shouldn’t just be a family from a Primary Civilization Kingdom, right? Perhaps, Gao Sheng Wei Di, and this Wei Di family are not the same family?

“The Wei Di family, is a business family, with only its old home being in the Caro Empire.” Hong continued, “Nowadays, the vast majority of the Wei Di family’s power is in the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, and even extends into the Qian Wu Cosmic Kingdom. The overall strength is even more terrifying than the entire Caro Empire. However, the …… within the Caro Empire is only the old home of the Weidi Family, and there are only a dozen or so Universe Levels of strong people left behind.”

“The third family of the Caro Empire is the Nolan Mountain family!”

“Because he was able to teach six Cosmic Levels, Nolan Shan himself is extremely famous, causing many people to throw themselves under his command! In addition to tens of thousands of years of operation, the entire Norrashan family territory has more than a thousand living planets, and the most elite Norrashan guards are known as the ‘Eight Thousand Norrashan Guards’, which means at least 8,000 Stellar Grade Nine rankers!”

“The most terrifying of all is Nolan Shan himself!”

“Nolan Shan himself, he is quite famous within the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, and his combat prowess is extremely strong.”

Luo Feng felt a bit powerless, facing this huge Nolan Mountain family, he really couldn’t resist.

Eight thousand Nolan guards!

Seven cosmic levels!

“What the hell should I do?”

In just three months, it’s simply too late for my Golden Horned Beast body to reach universe level.” Luo Feng thought quickly, “Become an Earth Lord? Then I have to reach the “stellar level” in three months and obtain the bank account number left behind by my teacher before I can buy the planet.”

There were three options for discovering an unowned planet.

One, get a reward without any other benefits. How to dispose of the planet, Luo Feng couldn’t interfere.

Two, pay money to become a lord of the planet, but the ‘Black Dragon Mountain Empire’ had the right to levy import and export tariffs on the planet.

Three, buy the planet directly and have 100% power.

The first one didn’t want to choose himself, and once he did, the fate of the Earth’s human race would not be guaranteed.

“I can only think of a way to reach the stellar level as fast as possible.” Luo Feng gritted his teeth, “Bibo marrow combined with wood sae crystals, three months time, or …… it’s still possible.”

“Second, third, the leaders of the countries have almost arrived at the war god palace, go in the virtual space.”


“Go in.”

Luo Feng, Hong and Thunder God all entered the personal retreat room next to them, then entered the virtual space “War God Palace”.

For countless years, Earth humans had never really come into contact with the cosmic kingdom, and now there was a powerful family from the cosmic kingdom that wanted to conquer and control the entire Earth? Especially when Luo Feng’s trio spoke about the other party’s strength, it made the Earth’s senior staff feel anxious, flustered and confused.

What to do?

This group of executives were worthy of being Earth’s elites, and finally formulated a detailed plan.

On the rooftop of the castle.

Luo Feng, Hong, and Thunder God all looked down at the earth.

“We have no choice.” Hong said softly.

“Luo Feng, you didn’t lie to us, is there really such an account?” Thunder God looked at Luo Feng.

“Yes, but I have to reach the stellar level to get this bank account.”

Luo Feng also looked at the endless stream of people on the streets in the distance, he could get a bank account by reaching the stellar level, Luo Feng had only told his wife and also Hong and Thunder God, no one else had said anything.

“Spell it out! Can only put up a fight.” Thunder God said.

“Spell!” Hong also said in a low voice.

“Yes, spell.” Luo Feng nodded slightly.

Luo Feng said in a low voice, “Within three months, if I become a stellar level, everything will be fine.”

“If within three months, I can’t become a stellar level. Then …… can only send the samples, data, etc to the Black Dragon Mountain Empire and get a reward of 100 billion black dragon coins. The ownership of the planet goes to the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, so at least the Nolan Mountain family won’t dare to rob it.” Luo Feng slowly said, “And for the Black Dragon Mountain Empire to control Earth, after passing through the wormhole, it will take more than two years of interstellar travel.”

“More than two years, I relied on spaceships! Quietly transfer the humans of earth!”

This was the plan!

Two-handed preparation!

Succeed and become an Earth Lord.

Failure, let Earth have a golden escape, and let Earth’s humans transfer as much as they can in more than two years! Of course this path would be arduous, having nearly seven billion humans relocated in a big way was a very difficult and painful thing to do. Luo Feng wouldn’t choose to do this until the last moment.

It was more than three o’clock in the afternoon that day.

Thunder God’s daughter, Hong’s children, Luo Feng’s relatives were all gathered on this castle, and quite a few of Earth’s top leaders also came here!

“Be careful on other planets in the universe.”

“The hopes of countless people on Earth are on you.”

“Cheer up.”

Under the words and expectations of the crowd, Luo Feng kissed his wife and child, and then flew towards the black dragon ship in mid-air with Hong and Thunder God.

“Dad, come back early.”

“Dad.” The two children who were being held by Xu Xin shouted loudly.


Luo Feng, Hong, and Thunder God entered inside the cabin door of the black dragon flying ship at the same time.


The hatch closed and the Black Dragon flying ship quickly climbed up, carrying the hopes of Earth’s humanity away from the planet! And the entire Earth’s nearly seven billion people, the vast majority of people don’t know …… that under the peaceful life, there are three people who have left the Earth, going to the vast universe to win a ray of hope for them to go.

Inside the control room of the Black Dragon spaceship, the exterior is 100% virtual.

Luo Feng, Hong and Thunder God all turned their heads to look at the beautiful azure planet behind them.

“Babata.” Luo Feng’s voice was cold, “Accelerate, prepare for cosmic shuttling, first destination – White Orchid Planet.”

The black dragon ship carried the three strongest people of earth and started the cosmic shuttle!

Last time it was Luo Feng alone, to see the world and buy metals for himself.

Whereas this time it was three people, for the hope of Earth’s humanity.

Somewhere in a vast starry sky not too far from Earth.

Two long flat gray warships are one in front of the other, the body type is huge, the two warships look similar, the length of both reached a staggering more than six thousand meters. At this moment, they were turning into two blurred streams of light, rapidly flying in the starry sky.

Inside the front warship.

Inside the control room.

The handsome young man who looked a lot like Bro Nolashan was sitting there, and on his side were three other men.

“What’s going on?” The handsome youth frowned, “Can’t connect?”

“Uh-huh.” The dark-skinned man nodded.

A hint of fury swept through the handsome youth’s eyes, “This Buro, the old patriarch promised him that he would be able to take up the position of ‘Lifetime Elder’ afterward. He really thinks he’s stepping on our heads. About that planet’s intelligence, he didn’t even tell us a single thing, how ruthless!”

“He didn’t connect even when we invited calls.” Another handsome young man also gritted his teeth and said in a hateful voice, “Pula, I think we are ……” said and also waved his hand!

The other two were also startled.

Handsome young man “Pula” slightly shook his head: “Don’t mess around, family matters are important, anyway, there are still three months to arrive at that planet, according to the old patriarch said, there is likely to be a huge treasure on this planet!”

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