Chapter 10: Leaving Earth

Release Date: 2024-07-11 18:41:13
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The three exchanged glances with each other.

“Lord Hei Yu, I would like to ask.” Hong looked at the burly man in front of him, “If we join the Virtual Universe Company, what do we need to do and what are our obligations?”

“In the early stages, you are weak and the company is cultivating you. So the management is very strict! You must abide by the company’s orders to train, go through life and death tests, and so on, but as your strength rises, your free permissions will continue to expand. Universe level, domain lord, sector lord, the stronger the strength the freer you will be, you only need to do something at the critical moment.” Hei Yu directly said.

Luo Feng’s trio all hesitated.

Being strictly managed?

Hong and Thunder God, those were the ones who founded the martial arts school, where else could they stand to be strictly managed by others?

“Weak strength, during the cultivation period, can’t you move freely?” Hong asked.

Luo Feng and Thunder God also looked at the lanky man in front of them.

“There are vacations, prescribed vacations.” The lanky man solemnly said, “During the weak strength cultivation period, it’s very strict, this is something you must understand! Vacation? There’s the virtual universe network to meet and chat with loved ones and friends, there’s not really much point in vacations.”

Hong, Thunder God, and Luo Feng recognized each other and all shook their heads.


During cultivation? Perhaps the entire stellar level was designated as a “training period” in the virtual universe company, hundreds of years or even longer, under strict management. Luo Feng’s trio couldn’t accept it.

“Hm?” External deacon Hei Yu frowned slightly, sighing in his heart.

Can’t stand strict management ah!

He had encountered this kind of thing quite a lot, as an external deacon he often invited some geniuses to join their virtual universe company. However, since they were geniuses, there were forces pulling them in early, and most of those geniuses were unruly, which would be willing to be under strict management for a long period of time, so there were a lot of refusals.

But ……

The Virtual Universe Company cultivated important internal personnel, it was necessary to go through strict management, brainwashing, and other processes.

“We can’t accept it.” Hong said.

“Oh, of course ……” Hei Yu smiled, “I just said ‘internal members’, our virtual universe company, divided into internal and external, internal members have very many benefits, the management is a little stricter. And external members …… are more free, but the benefits are much less. Far less than internal members.

“I, for example, am an external deacon.” Hei Yu laughed, “If you guys become external members, although you can’t get evolution agents for free, you can also spend money to buy ‘evolution agents’. When you buy the first copy, you can still enjoy a low price. Purchasing the second copy will have a higher price, and an ordinary external member can purchase a maximum of three copies.”

“How much is the price?” Luo Feng even asked.

“For the bloodline evolution agent, purchasing the first copy, the price is 100 million Qianwu coins. If it’s the second copy, it will require a high price of 1 billion dry witch coins.” Hei Yu said, “Bloodline evolution agent, the amount flowing outside is very small, only those with monstrous wrists can get their hands on it, and the price is also speculated to be very exaggerated. At the same time, the virtual universe company strictly prohibit you from selling evolution agent, if you are found to have secret selling behavior ……

“Death!” Hei Yu casually said.

Luo Feng instantly killed the idea of trafficking.

“These are some of the rules for becoming an external member of my virtual company, take a look and see if you can accept them.” The burly man, Hei Yu, pointed to the screen, and a large number of rules immediately appeared on the screen.

Five minutes later.

“Welcome you to join the virtual universe company, now you are our virtual universe company, black dragon mountain branch of the external members, temporarily subject to my jurisdiction, something can be directly to my mail.” The burly man, Hei Yu, smiled.

“Yes, Lord Hei Yu.” Luo Feng, Hong, and Thunder God bowed with a slight emblem.

Leaving the killing field, they returned to their place of residence, the Nine Stars Bay on the Black Dragon Mountain island.

“Outside members are really free.”

“It’s incredible that we’re allowed to join some ordinary organizations, even to the point of allowing us to join the Dry Witch Dojo or something like that.” Thunder God walked on the cobblestone road along the lake, sighing in awe, “It’s just that we’re prohibited from joining trans-universe country forces such as the ‘Giant Axe Fighting Martial Arts Arena’.”

The Martial Department of the Virtual Universe Corporation was divided into internal and external.

Internally, it was the most loyal and would be the most important part of the Virtual Universe Corporation, and it was absolutely forbidden to join other forces.

Externally, it was much more lenient.

For example, if a certain “sector master” of the Qianwu Dao Dao is invited, he can “hang out” outside the Virtual Universe Company. Generally, when they encountered some important fights, they could let the external members go to fight! Normally, there are not many constraints on the external members, as long as they don’t join other super powers of the same level as it.

“The Virtual Universe Corporation, simply didn’t put the Qian Wu Dojo in their eyes.” Luo Feng laughed.

“Haha, joining the virtual universe company, Luo Feng, I was going to let you borrow the Qianwu dojo’s ‘power’ in the future, but if you can be on the ‘outside’ of the virtual universe and have a high enough status. That would also be something great.” Babata was excited.

“Big brother, second brother, to purchase that evolution agent, do you have enough money?” Luo Feng asked.


“It’s still plenty.” Hong and Thunder God both said.

Luo Feng heart helpless, mainly because now his funds are indeed tense, because the use of evolution 89 times efficiency of a large number of metal combinations, crazy devouring to make the world within the body evolution …… believe that there is still less than a year to break through to the “cosmic level”, the cosmic level golden horn Beast, the price of the metal needed, that is a hundred times a thousand times up.

I don’t know how much money I have, but it’s not enough!

“Back then, my teacher, I’m afraid I didn’t expect, his re-transmitted disciple, will have a Golden Horned Beast body, Golden Horned Beast …… is really a gold cave.” Luo Feng secretly said in his heart.

“Oldest three, after talking to the external deacon, I decided that I’m ready to enroll in the cosmic mercenary alliance.” Hong’s eyes glowed, “Even though I can’t do the ‘trainee mercenary test’ yet, but …… I can’t hold back anymore.”

“Me too!” Thunder God licked his lips, his eyes had a hint of wild light, “Dancing on the blades of life and death, such days have passion.”

“You guys …… “Luo Feng was stunned.

“Lao San, are you leaving?” Hong asked.

“Going together or not?” Thunder God also looked at Luo Feng.

How many martial artists on Earth were timid?

“Go, of course we’ll go together!” Luo Feng said.

“Haha ……” Thunder God laughed out loud.

“Brother.” Hong also patted Luo Feng on the shoulder.

Luo Feng looked at his two big brothers who were already burning up inside, while in his heart he silently said, “Adventure? Yes, I also want to take risks, the feeling of dancing on the blade is indeed wonderful!” Back then, in the wilderness area, fighting with the monsters to the death, that feeling did make one’s heart hang in the air at all times.

“If big brother and second brother really suffered a crisis that they couldn’t resist, I can also release the golden horn beast body and save them!” Luo Feng secretly said.

The existence of the Golden Horned Beast was to be kept secret.

But if they encountered a danger they couldn’t resist, of course they still had to release the golden horn giant beast!

Killing field hall.

An incomparably old green skinned old man sat in a corner of the hall, holding a cup of water, that wrinkled forehead raised, those cloudy eyes looking around from time to time. He, was this Black Dragon Mountain Island’s Killing Ground General Manager One by One Man Lu, an old man who was quite famous here.

Right at this moment, that burly man, Hei Yu, quickly walked over and came directly in front of this green-skinned old man.

“My lord.” Hei Yu whispered.

“Well?” The green-skinned old man’s cloudy eyes looked towards him.

Hei Yu lowered his head and respectfully said, “Your Excellency’s guess was spot on, all three of them were not willing to join the interior, they only joined the exterior, and that Hong is indeed very powerful, planetary level ninth rank, domain third weight.”

“Domain threefold?” Green-skinned old man’s eyes lit up, originally cloudy eyes at this moment all of a sudden very penetrating, as if containing endless wisdom, able to see through people’s hearts as if, in front of this old man, Hei Yu this universe two-star mercenary incomparably respectful, that is purely from the bottom of the heart.

“Well, very good.”

The green-skinned old man smiled and nodded, his eyes regaining their cloudiness, “Being able to discover a ‘Tier 1 Elite’ is not bad. After all, an Extraordinary Grade Elite, that’s something that can’t be found. It is indeed impossible to force such a talented person, and to be able to join the exterior is already considered good! Let them develop on their own.”

“Yes.” Hei Yu respectfully said.

The so called testing of Luo Feng’s trio, the so called observing for a month …… these words, all of them were commanded to him by this Lord Man Lu. He, Hei Yu himself, in fact, how would he really leisurely observe Luo Feng’s trio for a month?


Spring blossomed, in Yangzhou city in the Chinese country, a C9 class dark blue triangular spaceship hovered above the castle, this was a spaceship that Luo Feng and the others had just purchased, costing 11 billion black dragon coins, which really wasn’t that big of a number for Luo Feng and the others nowadays. After all, the planet defense system, Luo Feng spends money is tens of times that of the airship.

“Don’t cry, daddy is just going out, and we can meet in the virtual universe too. Come on, good boy, give daddy a kiss.” Luo Feng half squatted in front of his two sons, the two boys who now appeared cute and handsome, each gave Luo Feng a few hard kisses on his face, and hugged Luo Feng tightly, seemingly reluctant to give up.


Luo Hongguo patted Luo Feng’s shoulder, “I won’t say much more, pay attention to your safety outside.”

“Hmm, right, where’s Luo Hua?” Luo Feng looked around.

Zhen Nan, who came to see him off next to him, even said, “Luo Hua, he’s in a very tense moment in financial investment these days, it’s trading time now, he doesn’t dare to be the slightest bit lax at all. So, let me tell you, turn around in the virtual universe, and apologize to you again. This kid.” Luo Feng shook his head and lost his smile.

Luo Feng said goodbye to his family, and next to him, Hong’s relatives and Thunder God’s relatives, also sent them off individually.

Afterwards, Luo Feng, Hong, and Thunder God took two slaves and got on the cosmic flying general.


The dark blue triangular cosmic flying ship slowly lifted off, under the watchful eyes of the three families’ relatives, it swiftly flew into the atmosphere and disappeared within their eye sight.

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