Chapter 22 – The Hardworking Luo Feng

Release Date: 2024-07-11 18:41:43
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Inside the realm within the realm.

Whew! Whew! Whew! The thousands of massive Stellar level adventurers that had come in from the black hole, one by one in small groups, quickly flew off in every direction, cloaking the sky for a while.

“Lao San, which way are we going?” Hong looked at Luo Feng.

“Time can’t be wasted.” Thunder God was also eager.

Luo Feng looked around, and at this time, He Ruo, who was connected to the virtual universe network to report the news, opened his eyes and glanced at Luo Feng and the others with a slight apology, “Luo Feng, Hong, Thunder God, I’m sorry, I have to follow the instructions within the organization to go to the rendezvous.”

With that, their squad company quickly flew away.

“Follow me.” Luo Feng also rose up in the air.

Hong, Thunder God, Tie Nanhe, and Ao Bone followed, and the five person squad quickly flew close to the ground.

Before, the adventurers were densely packed in thousands, but after spreading out and flying for just a few minutes, Luo Feng couldn’t see anyone else around their squad. This realm within a realm …… was too big, tens of thousands of people coming in was simply a drop of water falling into the ocean.

“Lao San, we’re just going to fly like this?” Hong looked at Luo Feng.

“It can only be like this.” Luo Feng explained, “The realm within the realm is a world. It’s very huge, who knows where the treasures are hidden? So one can only search for a needle in a haystack aimlessly. Luckily we can detect a range of 20 kilometers, as long as there are any treasures within this range we can definitely find them first!” Luo Feng knew very well that with the vastness of the realm within the realm, his best method was this. Stick to the ground and then have Babata search within 20 kilometers and tell himself as soon as there are treasures.

“Big brother and second brother.” Luo Feng smiled, “Before He Ruo went to gather with their northern dragon city people you guys should have seen something right?”

Thunder god nodded, “The major powers are arranging for their centaurs to converge and join forces.”

The realm within the realm to capture the treasure!

It was important to have many people, and the four major organizations, and the sixteen major clans all had many people in the realm within the realm, once they converged, they might form a team of hundreds of people. And if an idle one such as Luo Feng, without a big background, were to compete with a team of hundreds of people, it would be purely looking for death.

“So, let’s keep a low profile now.” Luo Feng smiled, “Find treasures if we can, and if we can’t find treasures, dig for cosmic crystals too!”

Every world had cosmic crystals.

Undeveloped worlds had even more cosmic crystals!

This was hard currency in the universe!

There were no ferocious beasts in the Realm Within Realm, but rather a silent world.

“It’s so quiet.” Luo Feng lamented.

“Quiet is normal, the ferocious beasts in that Thunder world, that’s entirely the ferocious beasts that the universe mercenary alliance specially shipped in and sent into it in order to test and screen out trainee mercenaries.” The Thunder God muttered, “Actually, without a little bit of ferocious beasts, it feels like this flying rush is really not interesting at all.”

“Stop!” A voice snapped in Luo Feng’s mind.

“Stop!” Luo Feng immediately channelled his thoughts and bellowed, the voice exploded in the ears of the other four.

“Shit.” Thunder God couldn’t help but cover his ears and glared, “Luo Feng, keep your voice down.”

Luo Feng however couldn’t be bothered to talk nonsense with his second brother, his consciousness quickly communicated with Baba Towers, then he looked around and shouted in a low voice, “Everyone be careful, let’s find a place and start drilling!”

“Drilling?” Hong and Thunder God were stunned.

“Well, this ground is 3200 meters deep, there are cosmic crystals.” Luo Feng whispered.

“Cosmic crystals?”

“Shit, cosmic crystals?” Thunder God instantly glared.

“This land is a clay structure, and the 1900 meter depth down is probably a rock structure. However, the rocks here shouldn’t be too hard, unlike the rocks in that Wind and Thunder Canyon, which have been through the ‘gale’ and ‘thunder’ for a long time, they should be able to be dug through in a day.” Luo Feng whispered.

Cosmic crystals, that was wealth!

And it was absolute hard currency, much more valuable than Qian Wu Coins.

And right now Luo Feng was very short of money!

To be precise, once the golden horn beast broke through to the “universe level”, then Luo Feng would be very short of money. The first account left by his teacher was 10 billion Qianwu coins, Luo Feng still has less than 5 billion Qianwu coins left, but once the Golden Horn Beast breaks through, it will take 1,000 years to grow from the first stage of universe level to the first stage of domain master! If you want to evolve faster, you need to buy many precious metals to form combinations!

The metal combinations needed for cosmic level could be much more expensive than at stellar level, and the amount needed was large! This led to the fact that Luo Feng’s 5 billion Qianwu coins wouldn’t even be enough for a month’s worth of food for a universe level golden horned beast if he used the best metal combinations! Of course if you devour ordinary alloy remains and such, it’s cheap, but the evolution speed is slow.

Luo Feng couldn’t afford to waste time!

It wouldn’t take long for the Nolanshan family to arrive on Earth. So …… he had to get enough money as fast as possible to make the Golden Horned Beast evolve at the fastest speed!

“Snort ……”

Ao Bone used the “Red Mixed Copper Mother Fragment” to drill down to the ground as fast as he could, Luo Feng followed closely behind. Hong and Thunder God also followed down, while Tie Nanhe was in charge of masking the ground down to prevent it from being discovered by the other stellar level adventurers. That 1900 meter deep layer of dirt only took half an hour to dig through.

But with the rock layer below, the speed immediately decreased greatly.

“Too slow.” Luo Feng was also a bit anxious, “It seems like it will truly take a day.”

“Luo Feng, use the Mo Yun vine to take that blade fragment and drill down, maybe it’s faster.” Hong said.

“Right!” Luo Feng’s eyes lit up, the difficulty of drilling out passages under the ground that would allow advancement, but it was much easier to let a vine man penetrate.

“Ao Bone, back off.” Luo Feng even said.

“Yes.” Ao Bone even stepped aside.

Luo Feng drilled to the bottom, with a thought, the Mo Yun battle suit that was attached to his skin immediately extended a vine, at the same time, the “wrist protector” that was originally worn on his wrist was quickly set on the long vine, and the wrist protector shrunk! This wrist protector is where Baba Towers stays, and also Baba Towers’ storage space.

This one long vine is slender but tough, the top of the vine leaves, vine leaves wrapped around the red mixed copper mother debris, quickly extended downward! Red Mixed Copper Mother fragments drilling the ground, the slender long vine continues to become longer and longer to drill downward, it is too fast! Back then, on Earth, the planetary level five-step six-step Mo Yun vine was that amazing in length.

Now the “stellar level fourth order” of the Mo Yun vine, extending ten thousand meters long is very easy. So …… about twenty minutes or so, with the red mixed copper mother debris as the “pointed cone” of a vine man has arrived at the depth of 3200 meters underground.

The depth of 3200 meters underground.

Huge blocks of dark blue, as if the color of the starry sky, huge crystals in the rock, a winding Red Mixed Copper Mother fragments of the Vine Man, extending more than a thousand meters, finally arrived at this. There was also a bracelet on the vine-man.

“Wahaha! Collect it for me!” Babata shouted in triumph.

The huge dark blue crystal, directly disappeared, and was included in the storage space.

Inside the storage space.

This was an incomparably huge storage space, and even the Meteorite Ink Star was parked aside.

The huge dark blue crystals appeared out of thin air, a metal robot next to it immediately flew in, the robot’s red eyes lit up, and a voice came out of its mouth, “Luo Feng, that idiot, he even divided the loot according to the rules of martial arts squads on Earth, he got this cosmic crystal master, and was prepared to divide 40% of it between Hong and Thunder God. What an idiot!”

“This Cosmic Crystal, it’s quite big, about 9,000 squares! Hmm, cut it for me!” Immediately some small robots appeared.

Rapidly began to decompose this huge cosmic crystal, the cosmic crystal energy was amazing, but it wasn’t difficult to decompose it, in the universe, it was usually broken down into the shape of a coin. The unified specification of the universe was that a party of cosmic crystals would be broken down into 1,000 cosmic coins.


Luo Feng’s Mo Yun Battle Suit extended out of the vine man quickly retracted, at the same time the bracelet flew into Luo Feng’s wrist and merged into the hand gland.

“Babata, how many cosmic crystals were gotten?” Luo Feng even asked in his mind.

“Haha, good luck, the cosmic crystals scattered all over a party’s world are usually less, only the center will have a lot of cosmic crystals. I didn’t expect you to get 3000 parties of cosmic crystals this time, luck is considered good.” Babata voice sounded in Luo Feng’s consciousness.

Luo Feng nodded slightly as he listened.

“Big brother and second brother, let’s go up.” Luo Feng said.

The five quickly flew towards the surface again and soon broke through the surface.

“Well?” Thunder God looked at Luo Feng.

“How many universe crystals did you get?” Hong also asked.

“Luck is okay.” Luo Feng looked around, the surroundings were dark and silent, only the pale earth that could be vaguely seen, “This kind of cosmic crystals scattered all over the realm within the realm, there aren’t many of them. We got 3000 cubes this time, it’s considered quite a lot.”

“3000 squares?” The Thunder God’s eyes glowed, “3,000 squares, that’s equivalent to 3 million universe coins. One universe coin, as if exchanged now, can be exchanged to more than 3,000 points of Qianwu Coins. That means about 10 billion Qianwu Coins.”

“10 billion Qian Wu Coins?” Hong also felt the enormity of this figure.

“The first time Lao Er and I went to the Killing Fields, we heard a universe level powerhouse talk about discovering a new world and supposedly getting 100,000 squares of universe crystals. For us to get 3,000 squares at once is considered not bad.” Hong sighed.

“Worthy of being a sector lord world, getting this much in the first stroke.” Luo Feng couldn’t help but praise, “In universe adventurer lore, discovering a new world is all about making a fortune! But the first time such new worlds are unearthed, most of them are snatched up by universe level, or even domain lords.”

“Hold on tight!” Luo Feng said, “Let’s continue!”

Getting 3,000 cubes in the first stroke caught up with the wealth of the first account left by his teacher, which made Luo Feng even more tantalized. Boundary master world, it really was a great treasure! The most insignificant cosmic crystals, that was all great wealth.

“However, once the golden horn behemoth becomes cosmic level, it consumes a staggering amount of money. This is not enough, continue!” Luo Feng’s heart was filled with anticipation.

At this moment, Luo Feng didn’t even know that the cosmic crystals he got this time were actually 9000 cubes, it was just that some evil baba tower had deliberately hidden 6000 cubes.

Maybe other squads, some of them with energy sensors, but …… how many of those instruments and devices can catch up to Baba Tower’s probing? Luo Feng was guided by Baba Towers and soon discovered a second location with cosmic crystals under the ground.

“Maybe by relying on this sector master world, we can really get all the money needed for the golden horn beast’s “universe level” stage.” Luo Feng’s eyes were glowing as he controlled his vineman and bracelet to drill into the ground, “Drill for me!”

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