Chapter 105: Dark currents raging

Release Date: 2024-07-11 18:45:14
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When the internal selection of the Qianwu cosmic country had just ended, in another human cosmic country that was extremely far away from the “Qianwu cosmic country”, the barbaric cosmic country, the internal selection was still going on.

The reason why the Barbaric Cosmic Kingdom was named as such was because there were two very special human cosmic kingdoms in this cosmic kingdom.

It was because there were two terrifying human races in this cosmic country – the Barbarians and the Desolate God Clan, both of which ranked among the top ten in the universe’s human bloodlines, and even without cultivation, they could easily become a powerful Domain Master when they reached adulthood. Can let the racial bloodline evolve to such a point ……

The ancestors of the Barbarian Cardinal and the Desolate God Race had naturally given birth to many immortals!

The populations of these two races were very, very small, but they were the core of the entire Desolate Savage Cosmic Kingdom, truly high and mighty royalty! There was once a realm lord who plundered away a Barbaric Cardinal human toddler, and when he was discovered …… Barbaric Cardinal sent a group of immortal existences to destroy all of the organization that this realm lord was in, killing even the two immortals in this organization!

As for that realm lord who dared to plunder, he was tortured for millions of years until that realm lord’s big day came, and only then did he die sadly.

“Dare to touch my Barbaric Cardinal Clan’s young children, die!”

“Dare to touch my Desolate God Clan’s young children, kill! Kill! Kill!”

The Barbarian Cardinal and Desolate God Clansmen could die in battle, and it would be an honor for them!

But whoever dared to rob their toddlers and utilize their bloodline would be offending a clan!

The Barbarian Card Star served as the homeworld of the Barbarian Card Star people, and the entire planet was transferred to the middle of the One Vast Divine Kingdom.

In the Barbarian Card Star.

In an oval shaped castle, the ones guarding at the entrance were all universe level warriors.

“Congratulations, Your Highness.”

The two Realm Lords laughed as they looked at the teenager who was casually sitting at the dining table, feasting. This was a Barbarian Cardinal teenager …… with the traditional handsome beauty of the Barbarian Cardinals, he was wearing a silver battle suit and black hair, he was eating loudly with his head down and muttering, “What’s there to congratulate, isn’t it just a quota, it’s just not normally easy!”

The two Realm Lords looked at each other and laughed.

“Your Highness.”

One of the slightly fatter Realm Lords smiled, “The internal selection for the Qianwu Cosmic Kingdom has ended.”

“Dry Witch Cosmic Kingdom?” The Barbarian Cardinal teenager raised his head and frowned, “I’ve heard of it, Father said that that ‘Dry Witch Country Lord’ was very powerful, but in the recent hundreds of Genius Battles that Dry Witch Cosmic Country didn’t produce any remarkable characters, right?”

“There’s one that needs attention this term.” The Fat Realm Lord respectfully said.

“Oh, say!”

The Barbarian Cardinal teenager lowered his head again, quickly sweeping the food on the table.

The two Realm Lords looked at each other and smiled, their highness had the fine tradition of the Barbarian Cardassians – love to eat! Loves to fight! Rough and tumble! However, although the Barbarian Cardians are rough and loose, but after all, their brain area is extremely broad, so they are still very smart …… so that they can join hands with the Desolate God Race and rule this “Desolate Savage Cosmic Country”.

“Your Highness.” The fat Realm Lord smiled and said, “The Qianwu Cosmic Kingdom produced a supreme genius named ‘Rongjun’. He is extremely accomplished in the ‘earth and space’ origin laws, and has already achieved the ability to cause space to leave behind an illusionary body.”

“Illusory body?” The Barbarian Card Star teenager looked up sharply.

“Right.” The two Realm Lords nodded at the same time.

“This is troublesome.” The Barbarian Cardinal Junior slammed the table and stood up, “To cause a phantom body to be left behind in space, this isn’t just a quicker burst of speed. And an achievement in the Earth Origin Laws as well? When the two are combined, his attacks must be very, very fierce and irresistible.”

“Yes.” The two Realm Lords nodded their heads.

This Barbarian Card Planeteer teenager was the most outstanding genius teenager of the current generation of the Barbarian Card Planet Era. From a young age, he had received guidance from many immortal existences on the Barbarian Card Planet.

Therefore, his eyesight was very high, and after listening to a little bit of information, he was able to simulate the opponent’s approximate fighting style and strength in his mind.

Of course–

They said that they were the best geniuses, but in reality, there were less than a thousand youngsters who were still at the “stellar level” on the Barbarian Card Planet.

“Your Highness, according to the information we have gathered and our judgment. This youth named ‘Rong Jun’ has the strength to hit the top ten in the overall rankings, and from the intelligence, he has been hiding his strength, and may not have broken out his strongest strength in the final battle.” The Fat Realm Lord continued, “He even said that his goal is to be the top of the total universe ranking!”

“Top ten? Number one?”

The Barbarian Card Star teenager glared, “How come every one of them is so arrogant, and their strengths are all pretty good. Well, there are too many cosmic countries.1008 cosmic countries, but this group of arrogant guys, all of them will be swept away by me when the time comes! The first …… is mine!”

Both Realm Lords laughed.

This His Highness of theirs was sufficiently warlike, but this time, after all, it was the pinnacle of all human racial geniuses in the universe facing off. Racial geniuses with higher bloodlines, and those with poorer bloodlines, but those racial people. The base was very large, picking one out of tens of billions or even millions of billions was generally stronger than picking one out of these hundreds of teenagers.

“Your Highness, in the Qianwu Cosmic Kingdom besides ‘Rongjun’, there is also one called ‘Luo Feng’.” The fat realm lord said.

“Another one?” The Barbarian Card Star teenager glared.

“No.” The Fat Realm Lord shook his head, “His strength is much worse than Rong Jun. However, it should be noted …… that he has improved his strength very much compared to three years ago! We guess …… that he has a certain probability of being able to rush into the top 1000, and he is very calm when he fights, so he might be able to coldly defeat the ones stronger than him, so Your Highness also needs to pay attention to him, don’t be careless.”

“I said Uncle Fatty.”

The Barbarian Card Star teenager said helplessly, “There’s a probability of charging into the top 1,000? Don’t tell me about this kind of character. Not challenging at all, not threatening at all. The top one thousand in the overall universe ranking is no difficulty for me.”

“But the top one thousand, from the first place to the thousandth place, the treatment is different. My goal, that’s a step to the sky, directly into the highest level of the core of the virtual universe company ‘primordial secret realm’, so I’m asking you to focus on the ones that can impact the top ten strengths, as for the one that’s what …… called Luo Feng? Just leave it alone, I’ll solve it with one move.”

The two Realm Lords looked at each other and could only smile, “Then we’ll wait for Your Highness to enter the ‘Primal Secret Realm’.”

In the vastness of the universe, humans were one of the pinnacle communities, occupying a very large range.

And at this time, there were quite a few internal selections regarding geniuses in the 1008 universe countries that were still going on. There were also many that had already been conducted. Each and every one of the supreme geniuses that ranked first and second in their respective cosmic countries were gathering information about threatening rivals in other cosmic countries with a little bit of ability.

In the Qianwu Cosmic Kingdom, in a vast starry sky.

A giant was standing in the starry sky, the space around him completely distorted, and it was impossible to recognize his appearance under the distorted space.

“I, who asked you and the others to cultivate the younger generation in the Qianwu Secret Realm, selected hundreds of millions of geniuses within the entire Cosmic Kingdom to be cultivated in the best places and under the best conditions. But the best ones selected in the end of my universe country were called ‘Rong Jun’ and ‘Luo Feng’ respectively, neither of which were cultivated by my Qian Wu secret realm!” The voice rumbled, and a piece of the surrounding starry sky trembled as if it was about to shatter.

The three immortal existences wearing plain white robes all bowed, unable to hold back the cold sweat seeping from their foreheads.

“You guys, what use is there?”

The thick voice seemed as if a giant axe had cleaved onto the souls of these three Immortals, causing the three Immortals to turn pale as they all bowed down at the same time.

“To be able to appear stronger than the Qianwu Secret Realm cultivation also means that the two of them are outstanding. Especially Rong Jun, having a top ten strength in the overall universe ranking is also a good thing. I hope he can enter the Primordial Secret Realm, it will also be of great benefit to our Qianwu Cosmic Kingdom …… in the future.” The anger contained in the mellow voice dropped significantly.

“Cultivating the younger generation has wasted a lot of your time, so the three of you should first cultivate well and improve your strength. As for training the younger generation, I will arrange for others.” The thick voice did not have the slightest obstruction in this starry sky, and directly transmitted into the ears and souls of the three immortals.

“Yes, Kingdom Lord!”

The three respectfully responded.


At this point, the three immortal existences breathed a sigh of relief and even respectfully left.

The thousand geniuses of the Qianwu Cosmic Kingdom who had qualified, they had a year and a half of rest, of course all of them couldn’t possibly relax, this year and a half …… no matter if it was Rong Jun, Luo Feng, or those geniuses cultivated by the Qianwu Imperial Clan who were being pressed head to head by Rong Jun and Luo Feng, each and every one of them were working desperately hard!

Rong Jun, to become the strongest!

Luo Feng, was even more unwilling to go to a fight and then return home.

As for the geniuses cultivated by the Qianwu Imperial Clan, they were actually suppressed by Rong Jun and Luo Feng, two people whose cultivation conditions weren’t as good as theirs, so they naturally held their breath!

Each and every one of them were fighting for their lives!


“Luo Feng, you lost again.”

“Still lost.”

“Alright, today’s three battles with Rong Jun ends here.” On the desert of the killing space, Imp Babata waved his hand, instantly the savage Rongjun standing next to him instantly disappeared, this was the Rongjun that was simulated in the killing space. As for strength, wisdom and experience naturally they were set according to reality.

Luo Feng stood on the desert, his brows furrowed, “Still lost.”

“Luo Feng, don’t be discouraged.”

“You and Rongjun, the main difference is that the difference in law perception is too great. You only perceived the origin law of gold, although you have progressed a lot. But that Rong Jun, the earth origin law perception is no less than you, the space origin law is equally profound, the absolute strength difference is big. It’s not strange for you to lose.” Imp Babata said.

Luo Feng nodded slightly.

Killing space simulated opponents, experience wisdom could be set very high, that simulated opponent “rongjun” because he knew some of Luo Feng’s best moves, knew himself and his enemy, suddenly victory was even drier.

“His defense is too strong.”

“The earth origin law, originally emphasizes defense.” Luo Feng lamented, “And the spatial law perception, after integrating it into the domain, made his control over the space around him even stronger. His defense makes me control three golden illusionary swords …… can’t help him.”

Originally very confident.

But a Rongjun made it difficult for himself.

“By the way, Luo Feng, the Demon Slayer Clan split should be conceived in three days.” The little evil banner said.

“Hmm!” Luo Feng’s face showed a hint of anticipation, the Demon Slayer race was known as the strongest assassination race in the universe, able to claim the strongest in assassination amongst the countless races of mankind. A single mutilated skin after death sells for an astronomical price …… The power of this Demon Slayer Clan clan can be imagined.

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