Chapter 27: Learning by Fighting

Release Date: 2024-07-11 21:23:59
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The Tongtian Bridge Plane of the Virtual Universe Network.

Three figures appeared on the beautiful island at the same time, all of them superpowers in the Virtual Universe Corporation.

“King True Diffusion, King Pupil Difficulty, and King Longyu.” Supervisor Bafen Lian bowed respectfully.

“Has Luo Feng’s battle on the third level started?” Long Yu droned.

“It’s about to start, he just rooted up to the end of the third layer.” Supervisor Bafen even said, the supervisor of the entire TongTian bridge realm was Bafen, he was most familiar with everyone’s situation on the TongTian bridge, even super powerhouses such as True Diffusion King and Pupil Difficulty King couldn’t directly probe other people’s battles on the TongTian bridge, everything had to rely on Bafen.

“Shake and play the situation on the Tong Tian Bridge where he broke through.” Longyu solemnly said.

“Yes!” Supervisor Bafen waved his hand, a screen that was more than ten meters long and almost eight meters wide appeared in front of him, an image appeared on the screen, it was a section of the through heaven bridge as well as a white mist, Luo Feng was standing on the through heaven bridge looking at the white mist.

“It’s about to start.” Long Yu’s eyes lit up.

“Look at him, stile confident.” True Difficulty King smiled slightly, “This time it shouldn’t be a close combat.”

“Hmm!” King Pupil Difficulty also responded.

The three great super existences were all watching this screen.

King Longyu, because he was under the orders of Venerable Nine Swords, came to see who was more promising in this batch of newcomers.

King Pupil Difficulty, on the other hand, was following the Longyu and True Diffusion duo over.

King Zhen Yan was the one who really wanted to see if the young man who was also comprehending the “Nine Universes Chaos Tablet” had a better future.

“Let me see the progress you’ve made in these ten years. I knew that recommending you to cultivate ‘Drifting Blood’ was correct.” True Diffusion King secretly said in his heart.

At the end of the third level of the Tongtian Bridge.

“I choose ……” Luo Feng looked at the cloud of mist in front of him, “Controller!”

This huge cloud at the end of the bridge to heaven, just like the first two layers, as the black liquid flew out it directly coalesced into a black clothed man, this black clothed man had his feet on a dark cloud shuttle, his back was carrying a dark golden long stick, under his mask it was hard to reveal the eyes that were locking onto Luo feng, “Want to pass the third layer?”

“Right.” Luo Feng grinned.

Boom …… instantly golden qi waves erupted around his body, the dark golden long stick behind him instantly shot out strings of golden light, instantly coalescing into nine golden swords within the golden qi mumble! These nine golden swords were like roots, echoing each other, causing countless sword qi to erupt, as if they were commanded armies.

The third level of the Diffractive Divine Warrior – Heavenly Sword Style, also known as the “Domain of Swords”.

Compared to back then, the field of swords Luo Feng was able to do what he was told, and the forces in the field could be merged into one.

“Heavenly sword style?” The man in black sneered.

Boom …… around the man in black also quickly erupted golden air waves, in just a split second, the same field of swords was formed.

“Peng!” , “Peng!” , the two orb-shaped Sword Domains caused countless sword qi to impact each other with every collision.

“Don’t think that if you pass the second layer, you can easily pass the third layer.” The man in black stood distantly in mid-air and snorted, “This third layer can be much harder than the second layer, go!” Fingers pointed at Luo Feng remotely, instantly the nine golden swords in the field of swords, eight of them instantly merged together, golden threads flowing, transforming into a mesmerizing huge golden sword.


Luo Feng’s domain of swords was instantly broken apart, the huge golden sword was like a large ship breaking the waves.

“Go!” Luo Feng pointed over remotely.

The nine golden swords around him leaned in at the same time, a large number of complex golden silk remnants flowed and quickly combined to form the golden silk giant sword. With a roar, the golden giant sword controlled by Luo Feng, and his opponent’s golden giant sword exchanged blows in mid-air, just in the blink of an eye, they exchanged thousands of blows.

“Just with eight swords in one, you want to defeat me?” Luo Feng looked at the black clothed man in mid air in the distance.

“Haha, take it easy!” Along with an open-hearted laugh, “Since you’re in a hurry to seek death, I’ll satisfy you.” At that moment, the last golden sword around the man in black also fused into that golden colored giant sword, causing the misty giant sword to rise in size even further.

Luo Feng and the man in black, both had nine swords in one.

However, there was a difference in the golden giant sword formed in the outer layer, Luo Feng’s seemed to be slightly larger in size, while the golden giant sword manipulated by the man in black was more meticulous, with more of those golden filaments, and was also slightly smaller.

“You’re bound to lose.” The man in black’s eyes were burning with flames.


The two golden giant swords clashed again, the golden giant sword controlled by Luo Feng was directly shaken back, the man in black immediately controlled the golden giant sword and stabbed at Luo Feng.

“Really powerful.” Luo feng’s eyes lit up, his feet stepped on the dark cloud shuttle and the whole thing moved in a phantom motion, instantly forming 100 phantom bodies around him, the 100 phantom bodies had completely covered the surrounding area with a diameter of a thousand meters, and his stance had been so ghostly that it made people’s hearts tremble, every dodge was incredibly fast.




It was like lightning, making the opponent’s golden giant sword unable to catch up with his real body at all, while Luo Feng also manipulated the golden giant sword to intercept it.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Time and time again, in terms of attacks, Luo Feng seemed to have been at a disadvantage. But in terms of stance …… alone, Luo Feng actually avoided the golden giant sword’s attacks, it was unbelievable.

Beautiful central island.

The lanky and tall True Diffusion King, the slim Pupil Difficulty King, and the beautiful Mast Jade King, all laughed as they watched the screen in front of them live.

“Haha, this brat, he’s actually treating breaking through the Heavenly Bridge as an opportunity to learn.” King Zhenyan laughed out loud.

“Hmm.” Long Yu King even nodded, “This stance of his reaches the third layer of ‘Ten Thousand Money Streams’ ‘Hundred Threads Streams’, alone the Hundred Threads Streams stance is simply impossible to dodge the Diffractive God Soldier’s attacks time and time again with such ease. The main thing is this Luo Feng, this stance of his …… has clearly touched the root of the cosmic space origin, every time his stance changes, it goes straight to the essence.”

“Right, he’s already truly initiated.” The Pupil Refugee King also nodded his head.

“He has already glimpsed a trace of the root of the Law of Cosmic Space Origin.” True Difficulty King smiled and nodded.

What kind of strength did the three of them have?

All of them were sealed kings, existences that could directly obtain the status of permanent residents of Chaos City, far more than that god general “Thirteen”, and far more than the master of the Meteor Ink Star! If Luo Feng had probed into the essence of the cosmic law of space, then all three of them had already entered the very essence of the law of space or the law of time!

All just a little bit away from complete mastery, naturally they easily saw Luo Feng’s achievement.

“Peering into the essence of a hint of the laws, as long as you don’t fall, your achievements won’t be bad in the future.” King Longyu smiled and marveled.

“Look, how beautifully this stance is used, how dry and precise is the arc …… of that stance, it’s the arc along the fluctuations of space.” True Diffusion King marveled and praised, “Even that Buran, who practiced both time and space, and whose stance was able to instantly perform nearly ten thousand phantom bodies, that stance arc wasn’t this perfect and precise!”

“Hmm.” Longyu king smiled and nodded.

Luo Feng was performing the “hundred lines of flow” stance, according to that essential hint of mastery of the space origin law, every time the other party’s golden sword came, he was able to dodge along that most subtle of subtle lines, it was as if he was swimming in the seawater along with the undercurrents in the most energy saving way!

“There’s indeed a difference between the nine swords in unison he’s performing and mine.” Luo Feng relied on the heavenly sword style and stance to fend it off, while carefully observing how his opponent executed the Diffractive divine weapon.

“First of all, the nine golden swords he receives and controls are more tightly combined, this is slightly stronger than me in terms of the overall perception of the Raindrop Diagram.”

“Secondly, after the nine swords were united, his attacks were erratic, with the nine moods constantly changing, ghostly and unpredictable. That’s why I can’t block it by relying on the nine swords unity alone.” Luo Feng secretly said, “Obviously, his nine swords in unison …… nine golden swords each represent a different realm of the ‘rain drop diagram’, the realms alternate, mysterious by heart!”

“I, on the other hand, am not yet able to do this.”

“My only advantage is that …… I’ve already glimpsed a hint of the essence of the law!” Luo Feng’s eyes lit up, “Alright, end it!”

Mid air.

The man in black had gotten angry, “Don’t hide if you’re capable, what’s the point of always hiding?”

“Then ……” Luo Feng suddenly stopped, his phantom body all but disappeared.

“Huh?” The man in black rejoiced.

“Go to hell!” Luo Feng indifferently pointed at his opponent remotely.


The golden giant sword controlled by Luo Feng was no longer as stupid as before, but instantly drew a mysterious arc, instantly arriving in front of the black clothed man at an unbelievable speed, fast, too fast.

“Sh-” the black clothed man who was still in surprise, was shocked to find that the other party’s golden giant sword had killed in an instant.


The black-clothed man barely maneuvered the dark golden long root behind him and used the entire long pike to fend off the golden giant sword, with a clang, the golden giant sword only slightly rotated, and the sharp and unparalleled blade of the giant sword spun around and slashed through the black-clothed man’s head, directly slicing off his head.

“Dissecting the essence, the time spent may be long, and the requirements for enlightenment and so on may be high. But the power …… is much stronger than these shallow application of laws.” Luo Feng revealed a hint of a smile and looked ahead, the clouds in front of him had dissipated and the fourth level of the bridge to heaven appeared, leading directly to the top.

Rumbling …… far above, Luo Feng could clearly see, terrifying as if a knife like gray airstream enveloping the Tong Tian Bridge.

“It was once mentioned on Drifting Blood that every third level of the Tong Tian Bridge is a threshold, I didn’t expect that from the fourth level onwards, even the scenery is different.” Luo Feng smiled as he charged straight up into the sky, rushing into the gray gale that was whistling above.

The center of the beautiful island.

“So easy?” Longyu king was surprised.

“It shouldn’t be this light, he’s only glimpsed a hint of the essence of the law, he shouldn’t be able to defeat an opponent at the third level so easily.” King Pupil Difficulty was also surprised.

“It’s the realization.”

True Difficulty King’s eyes lit up, “The strength of his consciousness is several times stronger than the geniuses at the first stage of the universe level! It’s because the consciousness is strong …… so when manipulating a Nimensional weapon, the power is also a cut above what you guys expected.”

Luo Feng’s consciousness was that of the Golden Horned Beast.


That was normal!

While King Zhenyan, King Longyu, and King Pupil Difficulty were discussing, Supervisor Bafen, who was waiting by the side, had a change of heart, “According to the instructions from above to promote this batch of geniuses to compete with each other, hmmm, it’s time to tell this news to Rongjun, Galaxie, Biran, and the others.” Supervisor Baffin quietly sent the news of Luo Feng passing through the third level to the same geniuses who were practicing hard in an instant.

Rongjun, Galesi, Buran, Qianshui, Tao, Gus Luo, Uka ……

They all got the news at the same time.

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