Chapter 89 – The Triple Realm of Heart Cultivation

Release Date: 2024-07-11 21:27:02
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Virtual Universe, Black Dragon Mountain Island Nine Star Bay near the lake, there are three people sitting there.

A tall black inch-long short-haired youth, wearing casual clothes sitting there, but vaguely like a lance that wants to pierce the dome of the sky. And his left hand side is sitting in white robes with a smile bald youth, this white robes bald youth’s smile is so holy, let a person’s mind are intoxicated by it.

Next to these two, sat a slightly lean youth, the fury hidden, the whole person as if a cold blood knife from the sea of blood to break out, that share of murderous coldness strong amazing.

“Third son, this state of mind of yours is increasingly going to the limit.” The bald youth shook his head and laughed.

“Second brother, I’m not as good as you in the realm of mind cultivation, I can’t see through it for a while, so let’s continue to go to the limit, this is at least an improvement.” Luo Feng laughed, he himself also noticed, because in reality it was a long stay in the ruins of the ancient gods in the ‘blood Luo world’ of the Tai primordial secret realm, and was affected by the baneful qi for decades.

Originally, his bones were bloodthirsty and cold, then he was infested by the baleful qi, and the golden horned beast doppelganger had fused so many blood Luo crystals, resulting in Luo Feng just faintly exuding baleful qi even in the virtual universe network.

“Going to the limit is ultimately a small path.” Thunder God shook his head.

“Second.” Hong smiled faintly as he sat there, “You don’t have to force the oldest three, this cultivation of the heart …… oldest three is also an anomaly! To be able to condense his mind to such a point, not stained with a single speck of dust, not subject to a single cup of confusion. Absolute purity, absolute repulsion, absolute cohesion …… This kind of absolute is actually a kind of elevation of the state of mind.”

The Thunder God was stunned, then nodded slightly, then said doubtfully, “Big brother, but this is ultimately ……”

“Hmm.” Hong looked at Luo Feng, “Oldest three.”

“Big brother.” Luo Feng smiled and scolded Hong.

“Your second brother and I, we also instructed you a lot on cultivating the heart, but cultivating the heart …… is completely different from other cultivations, it’s a transcendence in the realm of the mind.” Hong smiled and looked at Luo Feng, “In the past many mysteries told many, today I’ll divide the realm for you from the highest.”

“Hm?” Luo Feng’s eyes lit up.

“Heart? What is the heart?”

“Heart realm, and what is the heart realm?” Hong smiled, “From a martial cultivation perspective, heart is actually will!”

“The strength of your will is already considered an anomaly.” Hong slowly said, “But …… in general, in terms of the larger realm, you are still only considered the first of the three major realms of heart cultivation.”

“The first realm?” Luo Feng was shocked, “The three great realms of heart cultivation?”

“This is sort of a generalization of mine.” Hong smiled slightly, “In my ancient Chinese culture, the cultivation of the mind has always been highly valued …… and all sorts of torture, sharpening of the heart and so on, are in fact directly referring to the heart, see through the heart, the so-called ‘Bodhi is not a village, the mirror is also not a platform, there is nothing in the first place where to stir up the Dust’ are actually all a realm of cultivating the mind that refers directly to the nature and seeing through the heart.”

Luo Feng frowned slightly.

“Right now, your heart is like a clear mirror, not stirring up a speck of dust, your heart is condensed like a sword, cutting down all obstacles. It’s already considered to be the cultivation of pointing straight to the heart and seeing the heart clearly, reaching an extremely high point.” Hong lamented, “And now, you are still continuously condensing your heart, making your will even more condensed! Any more condensation is still considered the first realm.”

“What about this second realm?” Luo Feng even asked.

“Simply put …… heaven and man are one!” Hong pointed to the Thunder God next to him, “Your second brother, is considered this second realm.”

“What do you mean by celestial unity?” Luo Feng asked afterward.

“The unity of heaven and man, the great circle of the mind.” Hong smiled, “What is great perfection? Yin and yang are in harmony with the Tao of self birth, what is yin and yang in harmony? You are directing your nature …… to pursue the extreme, which is considered to go to the limit! The so-called yin pole yang birth, yang pole yin birth, walk the limit alone may be able to improve, but yin and yang together is the real consummation.”

“For example, when dealing with people in the world, you need to combine the square and the circle, when it’s rigid, it’s rigid, when it’s soft, it’s soft!”

“This state of mind is also the same, when it should be condensed like a sword, it should be condensed. And should be gentle as water, should be gentle as water, the so-called …… draws the knife to break the water to flow more, the water will never cut through! In terms of defense, water is more powerful than even a harder shield.” Hong smiled, “The combination of yin and yang, the unity of heaven and man, the great perfection of the state of mind, of course, this ideal height of perfection …… is also known as the heart of the naked! It is already considered a peak in theory. Your second brother is like this.”

Luo Feng listened with bated breath and even asked, “Heart like a sword, I understand. But how is the heart like water?”

“The reasoning speaks to you, but the realm is unknown.” Hong smiled and shook his head.

“Then …… the first realm is to point straight to the heart, see the heart clearly, and see through all falsehoods. The second realm is yin and yang, heaven and man united, the heart of the naked child, the great perfection of the mind.” Luo Feng even asked, “The second level is the peak of theory, what about the third level?”

The Thunder God next to him laughed, “Third gravity, big brother has sort of touched the edge.”

“The third weight.”

Hong softly said, “It’s me, I’ve only touched an edge, the heart is ethereal and boundless, the heart, can be infinite. Heart, can embrace everything.”

“What do you mean big brother?” Luo Feng asked.

“It’s impossible to say.” Hong smiled, “Let’s explain it this way, the second weight of yin and yang, if it’s considered the unity of heaven and man, perfect harmony with heaven and earth. Then the third weight …… is that the heart is infinite, inclusive of heaven and earth, inclusive of the infinite universe, inclusive of everything. Any and all wills can be tolerated, no matter if it’s killing, no matter if it’s desire for money, no matter if it’s desire for beauty, no matter if it’s desire for power, everything can be tolerated.”

Luo Feng was shocked to hear this.

Everything can be tolerated?

“If the third realm of mind is accomplished, even if there is another great powerhouse, another great form of life, all wills …… can’t affect me.” Hong smiled.

“Shit, pervert.” Luo Feng glared.

“Perverted, right?” The white robed bald Thunder God next to him laughed, “The unity of heaven and man, the heart of the naked child, no matter if it’s in ancient yoga or ancient Chinese culture it’s considered a theoretical limit. But your big brother this …… has been mentioned by someone in the history of ancient Chinese culture, as to whether anyone has reached it. Don’t know.”

Luo Feng looked at Hong and became even more impressed.

The threefold realm of mind cultivation.

The first one, clearing the mind and pointing straight to the heart. In many Buddhist and Taoist texts, it is considered a manifestation of “attaining the Way”.

Second, the unity of heaven and man, the heart of the child. This is already considered a theoretical peak.

Third, the heart is infinite, the heart embraces everything. This was a bit unbelievable.

“Big brother, how can this third heart realm be reached?” Luo Feng couldn’t help but ask, “The second heart realm, I vaguely touched it somewhat, but I never realized it.”

Cultivating the heart was all based on one heart.

Luo Feng’s clarity of mind could be described as a limit, he did vaguely understand the reasoning behind “yin and yang”.

“It’s impossible to say, I also read some books and experienced some things to realize it.” Hong laughed, “There is a saying – no desire is just, there is also an ancient saying ‘the only thing that the world can not compete, so the world can not compete with’, in fact, my ancient Chinese culture contains a lot of cultivation of the heart of the axiology, these two sentences …… are considered to be an enlightenment for me to touch the edge of the third heart realm.”

“No desire is strong? The only thing that a man can do is not to compete, so nothing in the world can compete with him?” Luo Feng frowned, “These two sentences are simple in reasoning, I understand. But what you mean is ……”

“The Chinese civilization is brilliant, countless men of style, those who can reach the unity of heaven and man and have a heart of redness are all ancient sages. You should reach this second level first.” Hong smiled, “Oh, I recommend a way for you to read some ancient Chinese books, it might help you.”

“Hmm.” Luo Feng gently nodded his head, suddenly his mind moved, “Demon slayer race bilocation has arrived!”

The devil slayer race bilocation was traveling in a mechanical race ship, after months of flying close to the speed of light in the void outside the blood Luo world, it had finally returned.

In the blood-colored clouds, an ethereal figure instantly crossed thousands of kilometers and landed on the edge of that giant pit, followed by a flash and entered the giant pit.

The Mansion of the Giant Pit.

Luo Feng who was wearing a bronze battle suit had already stood up from the stone bed and looked at the hole in front of him, only to see a black figure appear out of thin air, it was none other than Luo Feng of the Demon Slayer Clan.

“Ten blood Luo crystals.” The Demon Slayer Clan’s detachment casually left ten Blood Luo Crystals, and then quietly left once again, directly crossing the 18th cloud layer, taking the Mechanical Clan’s airship and hovering in the void outside the Blood Luo World. For the sake of safety …… letting the Demon Slayer Race bring the original core outside the void, at least it is safe.

And in the Mansion of the Giant Pit.

“Finally, there are Blood Luo crystals.” Luo Feng put away these 10 blood Luo crystals, a helpless smile appeared on his face, “Last time, I gave all the blood Luo crystals to the Golden Horn Beast to fuse, and didn’t leave a single one behind, leaving me with no blood Luo crystals to fuse in this original body.”

Thirty years.

Thirty whole years of enduring the transformation of the body by the baneful qi all the time, but there were no Blood Luo Crystals to try fusing at all.

“Try it, see if you can fuse the third one.” Luo Feng took out a blood Luo crystal, this honored one had fused two earlier …… thirty years later, once again trying to fuse a third.


The palm of his hand was cut, the blood Luo crystal was placed on the wound, the will to kill impacted Luo Feng’s will.

“Compared to the Golden Horn Beast fusion, this killing will is ridiculously weak.” Luo Feng sighed, then his whole body had a sharp pain, his body began a transformation metamorphosis rise …… However, for Luo Feng who had successfully experienced the 91st and 92nd fusion, the pain of fusing the third one at the moment was really nothing.

The blood silk energy not only poured into Luo Feng’s body ……

The blood Luo crystal became more and more transparent.


The sound of a sternum breaking suddenly appeared on Luo Feng’s chest.

“Surprisingly failed.” Luo Feng looked at the nearly transparent blood Luo crystal on his palm, a large amount of blood silk energy flowed back, causing the blood Luo crystal to quickly return to its original state, he couldn’t help but feel helpless.

“It’s true that the more you fuse, the harder it gets, I fused the second one before when I stayed in the ancient god ruins for two years. But now after staying for a whole 30 years, I can’t fuse the third one.” Luo Feng shook his head, “That golden horned beast’s body genes, it seems like it’s indeed too much more perfect than human genes, or at least very superior in certain special aspects.”

Despite his failure, Luo Feng wasn’t annoyed in the slightest instead he was looking forward to it, “Looking at the situation, there’s still hope for me to fuse the third blood Luo crystal. Become a blood martial artist and get the blood Luo medal. Go back and get 100,000 points.”

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