Chapter 3: Mount Tontine

Release Date: 2024-07-11 21:48:09
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A few moments later, at the entrance of the Taichu district.

“Your Highness Luo Feng, this is the secret technique tome we just received, it was purchased by you, Your Highness.” Mrs. Fuse’s fluffy tail flicked slightly while handing over the suitcase.

“Thank you.” Luo Feng took the silver suitcase.

The item arrived!

This was the third book of the Spacetime Essay worth 100,000 points (since Luo Feng had the first and second book, the one sent by the Virtual Universe Company was only the third book).

Carrying the suitcase, Luo Feng turned his head and was about to take off into the air.

“Luo Feng, you crazy person stand still!” A loud voice rang out.

Luo Feng turned his head to look, a silver stream of light flew in the distance and landed on the grass, it was the black haired teenager “Uka” wearing silver battle armor. This Barbarian Card Star Prince’s body growth was indeed very slow, after such a long period of time, he had not yet reached adulthood.

“Why are you shouting at me?” Luo Feng smiled and went.

“You didn’t attend even one of our several small gatherings on the star land, or even the large gathering of the members of the Tai Chou zone. Shit, recently you even played missing in the ‘virtual universe’.” Uka said, at the same time, he hammered Luo Feng’s chest with a very irritated “pong” sound.

Luo Feng’s chest shook slightly and the force was removed.

“The last few months have been tight, so I didn’t come to the virtual universe.” Luo Feng explained, in the last few months, one was getting the beast god statue, and the other was some encounters in the sky eclipse palace, so it was true that he hadn’t been in the virtual universe for a few months.

“Hey, Luo Feng.” Uka had a mysterious face and lowered her voice, “Tell your secret.”

“What secret?” Luo Feng said suspiciously.

“I just came from the ‘sparring ring’ side and got a message, just today, Buran went to break through the sky bridge again.” Uka heatedly whispered.

“Went to break in again?” Luo Feng was surprised.

The third level of the Tong Tian bridge was considered a threshold, and the further back it went, the harder it got!

Levels 1-3, 4-6, 7-9 ……

During his own 80 years in the bloodlo world, Buran, Long Yun, Rong Jun, Uka, Qianshui, Galesi and the others had chosen their own paths, one by one, they progressed at a faster or slower rate, but everyone was occasionally going to break through the TongTian bridge! The vast majority of these geniuses made progress.


Buran was at the sixth layer in Chaos City, and for these 80 years, this supreme genius ‘Buran’ had been working hard, but had never managed to break through the seventh layer of the Tong Tian Bridge! From this, it could be seen how difficult the seventh layer was!

Nowadays, among his own group of people ……

There were only three people who had reached the sixth level of the Tong Tian Bridge, Buran, Rong Jun and himself! Both Buran and himself, reached the sixth layer early. Rongjun had just made a breakthrough in the later part of these 80 years.

As for those on the fifth layer of the Tongtian Bridge, there were now four of them.

“He broke through again, did he pass?” Luo Feng even asked.

“Hehehe.” Uka laughed strangely and whispered, “That lonely guy, he failed once two years ago and went to break in again today. But, still failed la …… haha …… Is this seventh layer so good to break into? The difficulty of the sixth to seventh layers is comparable to the difficulty of the first to sixth layers combined!”

“Failed?” Luo Feng nodded slightly.

It was also right.

He had extraordinary encounters in these 80 years, the three main doppelgangers cultivated together, and had the power of blood Luo to improve his sense of fit, but he didn’t have the certainty of breaking through the seventh layer.

“Cheer up.” Uka even said, “That savage, Rongjun, just reached the sixth layer not long ago. Want to reach the seventh layer, at the very least a few more centuries …… Now among our batch, the fastest to reach the seventh layer. It’s only you and Buran who have hope! Luo Feng, you have to fight for our Tai Chou three males.”

“Scram.” Luo Feng couldn’t help but laugh and curse.

The three majors of Tai Chou?

Goosebumps rose when he heard this name. Because himself, Rongjun, and Uka were on good terms amongst this new batch of geniuses, along with the fact that each of them performed well, others naturally treated Luo Feng and the three of them as a clique. This Prince Uka, on the other hand, was very proud of himself and named himself “the three males of the Taichu”.

Luo Feng was very uncomfortable anyway, Rong Jun also frowned, but Uka was satisfied.

“I won’t talk to you, I’ll go back first.” Luo Feng said.

“Hey, what did you buy?” Uka curiously looked at the suitcase Luo Feng was carrying.

“The Essay on Time and Space.” Luo Feng said.

“Buying the third book? That’s a hundred thousand points!” Uka glared and said evenly, “You’re ruthless, you’re so rich!”

Luo Feng didn’t say much and immediately rose up in the air.


Cutting through the long sky, he soon returned to his manor.

In the study, Luo Feng sat in front of the desk and opened the suitcase with a breath held.

Inside the suitcase was simply a thick metal book, the entire book was about 50 centimeters long, 40 centimeters wide, and a staggering 50 centimeters thick. What concept? A half-meter thick book, much thicker than the previous Book 1 and Book 2, the entire book still used gold-colored metal pages, with a total of thousands of pages.

“Book 3!”

Luo Feng was like a wolf who saw a sheep, his eyes were glowing, he didn’t care about anything else, he immediately flipped through this third book of secret techniques and began to greedily read and comprehend.

The third book of this “space and time essay” just corresponded to the third picture “rainstorm picture”, with the enlightenment research, coupled with the golden horned beast’s daily observation of the beast god’s statue to comprehend the “tearing the sky and cracking the earth”, majoring in the “tearing the sky and clawing the earth”, corroborating with each other, Luo Feng’s realm improvement The speed increased significantly.

As the saying goes, “easy to learn, hard to master”, it’s easy to understand the skin, but harder to master, and it’s hard to truly understand the 108 mysteries of the fundamentals!

Luo Feng is now trying to have a superficial understanding of the “rainstorm diagram”.

“Luo Feng, there’s an email, it’s from the virtual universe company.” In the cultivation field, Luo Feng was sitting on the alloy ground, the thick “Spatio-temporal Essay” was open in front of him, and at times he was maneuvering the “Diffractive Divine Soldier” to perform drills, countless small dark golden swords were flying around in mid-air.


Luo Feng’s mind moved.


The countless small golden swords immediately seemed like birds returning to their nests, all flying into the dark golden long stick carried behind his back.

“Mail?” Luo Feng directly clicked on the void and a screen appeared out of nowhere, the screen was showing that he had just received an email.

“Secret realm qualification battle?” Luo Feng saw the title, his heart fluttered, he even clicked on the mail and started reading it.

The core members of the virtual universe company, from high to low, were categorized into the primordial secret realm, the primordial secret realm, the heaven and earth secret realm, and the end of the world secret realm.

It wasn’t as if one could stay in the Primordial Secret Realm permanently after being selected to enter the Primordial Secret Realm! At the core level, there was a fierce competition. The weak were kicked to a lower level of the realm, the strong stayed in the realm, and only the strongest could enter a higher level of the realm! Competition is always present!

If you don’t try hard ……

In the Genius Battle, you may be the first genius to be selected to enter the “Original Secret Realm”. If you don’t work hard, you may be eliminated to the Primordial Realm in the first qualification battle. In the second qualification battle, you may be eliminated to the heaven and earth secret realm!

Resources are limited!

Talents are unlimited!

With the passage of time, there will always be a batch of geniuses emerging, your strength does not meet the level of the “primordial realm”, naturally, you will be relegated to the “heaven and earth secret realm”.

The members of the Primordial Secret Realm of Yu Xiang Mountain are divided into “Sector Master Level”, “Domain Master Level” and “Cosmic Level” according to their strength.

In the Primordial Secret Realm, there were 100 Realm Lords, 10 Domain Lords, and 3 Cosmic Levels!

In the Primordial Mysterious Realm, there were 1,000 Realm Lords, 100 Domain Lords, and 30 Cosmic Levels!

In the Heaven and Earth Secret Realm, there were 10,000 Realm Lords, 1,000 Domain Lords, and 300 Cosmic Levels!

The Endworld Secret Realm …… core members who fail in the competition are all swept into the Endworld Secret Realm, which is considered to be the lowest stream of the core layer.

Among them ……

Cosmic Level members, it is 100 years to conduct a qualification battle!

Domain lords, it’s 1000 years for a qualification battle!

Realm Lords, it’s 100,000 years for a qualification battle! Because most of the domain lords were stuck in the Limit Society for a long, long time, the Virtual Universe Company held a Genius Battle and a Hero Battle once every 10,000 years, plus it had especially absorbed some geniuses, and there were also some domain lord geniuses who had emerged at a later stage. Therefore, there were the most number of Sector Lord level geniuses and experts, and even with 100 original slots, the competition was still incomparably crazy.

100 slots ……

Let the hundreds of Genius Battles, Heroic Battles, and the many experts that rose up afterward fight it out.

Luo Feng looked at the screen in front of him and secretly said, “Qualification battle?”

“I’m at universe level now, once in a hundred years the qualification war will start in a little over 6 years?” Luo Feng secretly said, “Look at what the email said, the original quota, the competition is incomparably fierce ah, not only fighting with contemporaries. There’s also fighting with previous seniors.”

“Qualification battle, it’s grueling!”

“But to enter the ‘primal zone’, besides the qualification battle, there’s actually another method?” Luo Feng looked at the mail and smiled.

End of the world secret realm member, wanting to enter the heaven and earth secret realm.

Heaven and earth secret realm members, want to enter the primordial secret realm.

Members of the primordial secret realm, want to enter the primordial secret realm!

What to do?

Two methods, one is the Qualification Battle, and the other is the Mountain of Heaven!

The qualification war is a large-scale elimination selection war, the universe level members compete, and finally selected. 100 years once a qualification war. And to the realm master level …… even more 100,000 years only once qualification war!

However, “Tongtian Mountain” is different.

The core members can go to the Tongtian Mountain at any time, and there are three Tongtian Mountains – Primordial Tongtian Mountain, Beginning Tongtian Mountain, and Heaven and Earth Tongtian Mountain. If a member of the End Times Mystic Realm succeeded in breaking through three consecutive Heaven Passing Mountains in one breath, he or she could be directly elevated to the status of Primordial Mystic Realm Member!

“According to the meaning of the email, as long as I break through the ‘primordial mountain of passage’, I can directly enter the primordial secret realm?” Luo Feng’s eyes lit up.

“Try it!”

“After a month or two of comprehending the third book of ‘Spatio-Temporal Essay’, I’ve gained a shallow sense of understanding of the ‘Stormy Rain Diagram’. Casting ‘World of Swords’ can also last for 30 seconds nowadays! A high level battle, 30 seconds is enough.” Luo Feng secretly said, “Try to break into this primordial mountain of heaven.”

Virtual universe, specialized in opening up a dimensional space.

A vast land in the space, on the vast land there were three lofty mountains, one higher than the other!

“This is the Tongtian Mountain dimension?” Luo Feng, who was carrying a dark golden long stick on his back, tilted his head to look at those three lofty mountains, halfway up the three mountains were two characters emitting golden milliluminous light – heaven and earth, the beginning of the world, and the primordial! Among them, that primordial mountain of heaven and earth was even more majestic and tall!


Luo Feng turned into a stream of light and flew directly towards that Primordial Tong Tian Mountain.

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