Chapter 18 – Marquis Proud of Yu

Release Date: 2024-07-11 21:48:48
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Luo Feng smiled slightly.

This magic mountain is divided into “magic sound mountain, cold ice mountain” two places, which cold ice mountain, as the name suggests, to extreme cold famous! Temperature has been low to the point of incredible, the so-called “absolute zero” is only a perception of the earth’s technological system, in the vast universe than the absolute zero temperature is even lower than the existence of the same!

Such as the beginning of the mysterious realm Luo Feng resides in the star continent surrounded by that huge ice star.

Such as the cold ice mountain!

All of them were super low temperatures, even capable of harming the genetic cells of the bodies of universe level powerhouses, the temperatures within the Cold Ice Mountain weren’t all the same, there were places where they could harm universe levels, and there were places where the low temperatures were even capable of harming domain lords and even sector lords! So assuming that one wanders within the Cold Ice Mountain and enters a certain terrifyingly cold zone, one might instantly freeze their cellular genes to the point of complete collapse.

The Cold Ice Mountain, was mainly targeting the body.

The Magic Sound Mountain is for the soul.

The Magic Sound Mountain is vast and deep, with cold winds, sometimes accompanied by a variety of sounds. Those sounds can be called “natural illusions”, and if you are not careful, you will be tricked. Because the sound produced by different areas, the power of illusion is different. In some terrifying regions, it was feared that it would instantly cause many universe-level powerhouses and even domain lords to lose their autonomous consciousness and become walking corpses!

“I’ll choose the magic sound mountain.” Luo Feng said.

“Magic Sound Mountain?” The white robed youth was taken aback and even said, “Your Highness Luo Feng, don’t blame me for being nosy. This ancient magic mountain is two sides of the same coin, that cold ice mountain is dangerous but it’s only for the body, compared to the physical body and the soul, of course the soul is the root. In the cold ice mountain there’s still a chance to struggle, but in the magic sound mountain once you get hit you’ll directly lose your autonomous consciousness, not even a chance to resist and struggle.”

“It’s fine.” Luo Feng smiled.

Magic sound?

Natural illusions?

In terms of will alone, Luo Feng surpassed almost all peak realm lord existences, even comparable to an immortal! The Blood Luo world’s eighty years of fury honing had long ago made Luo Feng’s will even more powerful.

“Since that’s the case then I’ll arrange for someone to send your highness Luo Feng down to the demon mountain.” The white robed youth bowed slightly, “Your Highness Luo Feng please make sure you remember to bring your identity token with you when you come out! A lost identity token counts as a mission failure.”

“I know this point.” Luo Feng nodded.

“Please wait.”

The white robed youth then turned his head and walked within this vast hall, his figure was like electricity, instantly arriving in the distance. In just a few moments, an oval airship about a hundred meters long broke through the air and flew in, stopping directly in front of Luo Feng, the hatch opened and out walked three white robed people, including the white robed youth from before.

“Your highness Luo Feng, please!”


Luo Feng instantly took a step and crossed into the spaceship.

The devil mountain was lofty and tall, the spaceship seemed like a fly flying around the devil mountain.

Inside the control room.

Luo Feng took a glance, from time to time a hole could be seen in the body of that lofty demon mountain, that hole was all filled with cold air.

“Your highness Luo Feng, the demonic sound mountain accounts for about half of the range of the demonic mountain’s body, with the looming height of the demonic mountain, there are billions of holes in this that lead to the depths of the demonic sound mountain.” The white-robed youth pointed away remotely, in the distance on the Devil Voice Mountain, densely packed with holes ranging from a few kilometers to hundreds of kilometers wide could be seen everywhere, “Your Highness can just choose one to enter at will.”

“Fly for a few more moments.” Luo Feng commanded.


After flying for a few moments, the spaceship was completely far away from the previous canyon, only then did Luo Feng choose a cave entrance to enter.

At the foot of the devil mountain, a palace stretched out, either large or small.

On the platform at the foot of the “Cold Ice Mountain” near the magic mountain, one of them was about tens of thousands of kilometers high with a turquoise body that looked like an umbrella standing there, outside the palace was a group of deacons wearing green war clothes, this group of deacons were all handsome to the point of woe, each had a turquoise snake tail, which was covered with dense scales! The tail of the snake had dense scales.


The spaceship that had sent Luo Feng earlier instantly stopped in front of the palace, the hatch opened and that white robed youth alone flew to the entrance of the palace, his face full of respect, standing respectfully outside the palace.

“Yichang, come in!” A gentle voice rang out.

The white-robed youth’s pupils shrunk slightly as if he was frightened, but on the surface, he still showed a respectful expression and stepped inside the solemn divine palace.

The palace was huge and complex.

The white-robed youth flew inside the palace for a long time, and finally came to a cold hall filled with cold air, the cold hall was about several miles wide and several miles high, and there were no servants inside the hall, only the suffocating figure sitting on the throne above the hall that was about one kilometer high.

“Greetings to Marquis Prana Yu!” The white-robed youth bowed respectfully.

He didn’t dare to raise his head in the slightest to look at the figure on the throne.

“Luo Feng, going in?” A gentle voice came.

“Yes, His Highness Luo Feng just went in.” The white robed youth said, “Into the Demonic Sound Mountain.”


The gentle voice continued, “When Luo Feng comes out, have him come see me.”

“Yes.” The white robed youth bowed.

“Yichang, you step back.” The gentle voice said.


The white-robed youth didn’t dare to say much at all, and quickly withdrew from the great hall, followed by then quickly leaving this morose palace, when walking out of the palace, the white-robed youth, Yi Chang, only then secretly breathed a sigh of relief, “This pervert of Prana Yuhou Hou, temperamental, randomly killing me in a fit of rage, that would be a grievance. Fortunately, today is fine.”

Where there are interests, there are fights!

In a cosmic super large giant like the Virtual Universe Corporation, there would of course be some internal strife, it was just that everything was under management suppression. But with an existence like the Pura Yu Hou, killing a realm lord at will was indeed nothing.

Luo Feng, Buran and the others were respected everywhere, as if the Virtual Universe Company was a paradise.

But that was because Luo Feng and the others were geniuses, so everyone else respected them. On the other hand, people like “Yichang” who had worked hard step by step to get to the realm master level were still cautious. The status is not enough …… anytime because some big brother is not in a good mood, directly waved his hand to kill.

Inside the cold hall.

High on the throne, a tall figure slowly flew down and landed under the great hall.

She, with more than ten meters long jasper-colored sheer snake tail, while the upper body was impeccably perfect, especially the jasper-colored long hair under that peerless face was even more thrilling, and a pair of eyes with charming might was even looking away from the great hall, as if seeing somewhere billions of light years away.


“Ha!” She suddenly let out a nervous laugh, “Hahahahaha ……”

“Opportunity, here it comes!”

Murmured in a low voice.

Immediately thereafter!

Snorting …… body began to change rapidly, that jasper colored snake tail quickly morphed into two naked legs, while the clothes on her body naturally extended, directly turning into a stunningly beautiful woman of about eight meters tall.

“Let’s collect some interest first.”

“Killing him is just the first step.

The absolutely beautiful woman murmured in a low voice, and then her figure disappeared with a shake.

Just a few minutes later, within one of the nine ancient planets surrounding the Demon Mountain that was dark red in color, a spaceship quickly rushed into it.

Inside the planet.

An ancient city that covered an area of about ten thousand miles and was also one of the top three ranked ancient sects on this planet, the “Thousand Star Sect”.

“Rumble ……”

One by one, the old ancestors of the Thousand Star Sect quickly came out from their places of seclusion, or rushed from some of the surrounding meditation places, and almost all of them rushed to the Thousand Star Sect’s Divine Hall in just a few minutes.

Divine temple, what is a divine temple?

There is a god, in order to establish a divine hall. The Thousand Star Sect currently had an immortal existence, the “Thousand Star Elder”, in attendance!

“What is the Supreme Sovereign calling us for in such a hurry?”

“I don’t know.”

“Hurry up, the Supreme Sovereign has never ordered us in such a hurry before.”

The realm lords and domain lords all quickly rushed to the Thousand Star Sect’s holy land, the divine hall, where a tall and beautiful woman was sitting on the throne of the majestic divine hall, and under the hall stood an old man with two black horns more than a meter long on his forehead respectfully, which was precisely the Thousand Star Sect’s Supreme Sovereign “Thousand Stars! Old man”.

“Supreme Sovereign.”

“Supreme Sovereign.”

The group of rushing sector lords and domain lords all bowed respectfully.

“Master!” The black long-horned old man knelt respectfully, “All of my Thousand Star Sect’s closest sector lords and domain lords have arrived, there are a total of six sector lords and 53 domain lords.”


Those Realm Lords and Domain Lords with either long black horns or long silver-white horns all froze.

The beautiful woman on the throne’s gaze looked towards the temple door, and an invisible force seemed to be pushing the temple door.

Rumble ……

The gate automatically closed, which made the group of Realm Lords and Domain Lords even more nervous in their hearts, each nervous and terrified couldn’t help but raise their heads to occasionally glance at the beautiful figure on the throne, but they simply couldn’t see the appearance of the person above them, and only felt that an invisible pressure permeated the air making them naturally fearful.

“Those of you who have broken through the Magic Mountain, stand on the left. Those who have not broken through the Magic Mountain stand on the right.” A gentle voice rang out.

As if under control.

The 59 people naturally moved towards the two sides, with 32 standing on the left and 27 on the right.

“You six stay!” Six halos of turquoise light descended from the sky directly onto six of those 27 Realm Lord Domain Lords in the crowd, three of those six were Realm Lords and three were Domain Lords of the ninth rank, “The others can go out.”

The gate opened automatically.

The other 53 Realm Lords and Domain Lords walked out one by one like puppets, and then the gate closed once again.

Outside the main gate of the divine hall.

“What happened?”

“What just happened?”

“Didn’t the Supreme Sovereign summon us, why did we come out?”

As if they were waking up from a big dream, these Realm Lords and Domain Lords looked at each other and simply couldn’t remember what exactly had happened within the great hall earlier.

“All of you go back! Immediately! Don’t have any doubts!” An old, angry voice resounded in the minds of this group of Realm Lords and Domain Lords.

“Yes, Supreme Sovereign.”

This group of people immediately respectfully complied with the order and each of them scattered and left.

And in the great hall.

The beautiful woman sat high on her throne, scrutinizing the three Realm Lords and three Domain Lords standing below.

“It is my Thousand Star Sect’s honor to serve my master, but if my master has any orders, please command me, and my Thousand Star Sect disciples will definitely complete them.” The black horned old man below, “Thousand Star Elder”, respectfully said.

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