Chapter 126 – Ten Thousand Heart Soul Control Secret Method

Release Date: 2024-07-11 21:53:40
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Getting the points was mainly due to the 10 dangerous level missions and 2 desperate level missions that accumulated to 1316060 points, compared to other universe level geniuses, Luo Feng’s points were already extremely high.

The price of this “Ten Thousand Heart Soul Control Secret Method” was 1.5 million points, self being a member of the primordial secret realm could get a 70% discount, it also needed 1.05 million points.

“I bought this ‘Ten Thousand Minds Soul Control Secret Method’, what about purchasing the fourth book of ‘Spacetime Essay’ in the future, now that I have almost realized the third picture ‘Stormy Rain Picture’, what I need to do below is to realize those 72 essences, then after that… . it’s time to comprehend the fourth diagram.” Luo Feng frowned slightly.

That first four books (or fourth book) of the Spacetime Essay required 1 million points!

Where would one get the points?

Moreover, this “Spatio-temporal follower” was as if that great being who created the Nine Universe Chaos Stele was guiding from the side at any time, so that when one’s Demon Slayer Race alter ego sensed the spatial laws, once they encountered doubts, watching “Spatio-temporal follower” would easily enlighten them, this was the best reference secret codex to cultivate the Nine Universe Chaos Stele, one would definitely have to buy it.


“The boat will naturally straighten out, can a living person still be suffocated by urine?” Luo Feng clenched his teeth, “The insect mother nest is well cultivated, the potential is infinite, the whole body has to be spent even if the points are depleted!”

At that moment, Luo Feng gently clicked on purchase.

Three prompts quickly appeared on the screen page-

“Transaction successful!”

“Deducted 1.05 million points, balance 266,060 points.”

“Please wait, someone will deliver the secret method soon.”

Luo Feng looked at the personal points balance column on the page, that “266060” number really made people feel a little heartbroken, points really aren’t enough to spend ah, where would he get the points to buy the fourth book of space and time essays? The domain masters need to wait for the Virtual Universe Company to send them on a mission.

If the Virtual Universe Company doesn’t dispatch, there is no mission.

It was only when it was dispatched that there were missions to earn points.

“Book 4 is 1 million points, book 5 is 10 million points, book 6 is 100 million points, my god ……” Luo Feng blinked his eyes, want to get the best resources then you have to pay a big enough price, his only remaining 260,000+ points is really a mouthful. Points are really not enough to stuff your teeth.

A few moments later.

The members of the virtual universe company sent the “ten thousand heart soul control secret method” to the rain phase mountain primitive area, Luo Feng personally went to receive the silver suitcase containing the secret method.

“The Ten Thousand Heart Soul Control Secret Method!” Luo Feng placed the suitcase on the table and opened it with a click.

Within this silver suitcase was placed just one book, this book was one size bigger than a normal inch laptop, while the thickness was at 12 centimeters, the paper was extremely thin, the entire “Ten Thousand Heart Soul Control Secret Method” secret method book had nearly 5000 pages.

Book cover.

There are “Ten Thousand Heart Soul Control” four words, edge corner has “Tip” signature.

“Tipu? The being who created this secret method?” Luo Feng pondered, casually typing into the laptop next to him to find information about “Tipu”, but the search results showed that …… didn’t have enough permissions and was forbidden to look into it.

“This “Ten Thousand Minds Soul Control Secret Method” is one of the top few secret methods of controlling the insect mother nest, the creator of this secret method must have a very high status in my human community. I still don’t have the authority to look into it as a member of the primordial secret realm.” Luo Feng shook his head, no more thinking, so he flipped through the thick chunky book, understanding more and more as he read.

Of the 29 secret methods that could control insect mother nests, such as the “Ten Thousand Heart Soul Control Secret Method” the effect was indeed stronger, sector lord level could control sector lord level insect mother nests, but the requirements were also extremely harsh. According to Luo Feng’s initial information, the important thing about the “Ten Thousand Minds Soul Control Secret Method” was the word “Ten Thousand Minds”.

The main thing was to have multiple uses of one mind, and in extreme cases.

Luo feng’s thought amplitude strength had reached more than 3200, that is to say, Luo feng could manipulate more than 3200 thoughts at the same time while keeping each thought under extreme control!

The Ten Thousand Minds Soul Control Secret Method was divided into five layers.

First level: one mind realm

Second level: ten mind realm

Third level: Hundred Minds Realm

Fourth level: Thousand Minds Realm

Fifth level: Ten Thousand Minds Realm

The first layer is the simplest, generally as long as the realm master level spirit master a little effort can be easily practiced, once practiced, you can control up to 1 soul slave!

The second layer is very difficult, after practicing can manipulate 10 soul servants, the general sector master spiritual masters need to spend a great deal of energy to be able to practice.

As for the third layer, it was very difficult, first of all, the soul amplitude strength reached at least 100 before it could be practiced, this was a prerequisite! Even if the soul amplitude strength reaches the limit of 100 of a normal realm master, it will still take many years of research and study to finally be able to practice, and once practiced, you can manipulate 100 soul slaves.

The fourth level, the limit of difficulty realm master level spirit master almost no possibility of practicing, because the prerequisite is that the amplitude strength of the thought power reaches 1000!

Even if the amplitude strength of the mind power reaches 1,000, it is still very difficult to practice. After practicing, you can manipulate 1000 soul slaves.

The fifth level, the realm of legends.

Prerequisites …… Nian Li amplitude strength to reach 10,000, however, even if the great such as that of the existence of the master of the universe, Nian Li amplitude strength to reach 10,000 is also less pathetic, according to the book description, this layer even the creator has not been practiced, but only in accordance with the laws of reasoning, logical imagination, and ultimately write the secret method.

Because the creator himself, have not reached the “thought amplitude strength of 10,000” this incomparably harsh requirements.

This prerequisite would negate countless immortal deities, not to mention the difficult cultivation method. And once practiced, the power was terrifying, capable of manipulating up to 10,000 soul slaves.

“10,000 soul slaves ah, this is soul slaves that can each cultivate on their own.” Luo Feng sighed, “But the conditions are too harsh, according to my guess, that magic sound god general inheritance is split into three stages, the first stage is 3333 layers, it is estimated that the entire magic sound god general inheritance is fully accepted, the numinous amplitude strength is only 10,000. And the magic sound god general inheritance for countless years, but no one life can go to the highest point to get the complete inheritance, this thought amplitude strength of 10,000, the difficulty can be imagined.”

“The fifth layer, not even the creator has practiced it, it’s just legal reasoning and logic and imagination.”

“However, to be able to have the Virtual Universe Corporation confirm to come and sell it, it’s estimated that the pinnacle of the Virtual Universe Corporation’s super existences, confirmed that the fifth layer of this secret law is capable of being practiced.” Luo Feng was well aware that some of those pinnacle existences of the virtual universe company, that were not even willing to fight against the mighty ones who built the demon mountain.

Closing the secret method book, Luo Feng smiled and sat in front of the desk in a very good mood.

According to the description in this book, one needed to practice the third layer of the “Ten Thousand Heart Soul Control Secret Method” to have the certainty of controlling a sector lord level insect mother nest with sector lord level strength. One needed to practice the fourth layer of the “Ten Thousand Hearts Soul Control Secret Method” to have a glimmer of hope of controlling an Immortal-level insect race mother nest with Immortal strength.

As for the fifth layer?

Even the creator hadn’t practiced it, and the creator had only said that it would definitely be powerful after practicing it.

It must be known that even the “immortal-level insect mother nest” will breed so many immortal-level insect warriors, and once the fifth layer of practice, you can manipulate tens of thousands of soul slaves, soul slaves can be cultivated individually with independent will, such as controlling ten hundreds of immortal-level slaves, that is simply across the universe.

“The creator is purely masturbating and daydreaming.”

Luo Feng shook his head, “The prerequisite soul amplitude strength of 10,000 alone is not to be graciously discussed, even the magic sound god general inheritance for billions of years has not had a life to get it in its entirety, obviously this fifth level prerequisite is even harder than becoming a cosmic venerable.”


“According to the secret method, the higher the intensity of the numinous amplitude, the easier it is to cultivate.” Luo Feng revealed a joyful color.

This secret method, the so called soul amplitude strength was a “foundation”, the stronger the foundation, the easier it was to cultivate, the foundation also determined the highest achievement.

Soul amplitude strength is 100, which determines the highest achievement is practicing the third layer of the “hundred hearts realm”! In general, the closer one gets to one’s limit, the harder it is to progress. This made it necessary to study and cultivate for an inordinately long period of time.


Luo Feng’s soul amplitude strength was more than 3200, to cultivate the third level of the “Hundred Hearts Realm” was like killing a chicken with a bull’s knife!

The foundation is too solid, naturally it’s a thousand times easier to cultivate than those with a “Soul Amplitude Strength of 100”.

“According to the books, I can practice up to the fourth level.” Luo Feng secretly said, “But obviously the fourth layer is very difficult to practice, after all, although this secret law …… emphasizes soul amplitude strength, there are requirements in terms of laws, quality of thoughts, etc. Generally, the fourth layer is for those who don’t have the ability to practice. Generally the fourth layer, is to let the immortal power to cultivate. It’s much harder for the power of the world to cultivate.”

The plan was set, while Luo Feng began his submerged cultivation career in the Beast God Canyon.

The earthling’s consciousness was immersed in the original core’s “origin bead” to manipulate the world’s power and cultivate the “Ten Thousand Minds Soul Control Mystic Method”, the origin bead was Luo Feng’s soul core and energy core, the domain lord level was split into the original power and the thought power, but when it became a realm lord it was fused into the world’s power.

The Demon Slayer detachment was studying the laws of space!

The Golden Horned Beast’s bilocation was to continue the tedious carving, experiencing the “Beast God’s Intent”, and when tired, it turned to practicing the Tearing Heavenly Claw, and once it wasn’t tired, it continued to frantically carve and think about the “Beast God’s Intent”, and this study of the Beast God’s Intent, on the contrary, made the power of the Tearing Heavenly Claw increase faster. This study of the Beast God’s intent, on the contrary, caused the power of the Heaven Tearing Claw to increase even faster.

The three branches cultivated at the same time.

The Laws Sense, the “Ten Thousand Heart Soul Control Secret Law”, and the Beast God Realm, all three were progressing!

Beast God Canyon, vast and silent.

Hundreds of millions of ascetic cultivators were cross-legged around that giant Beast God statue, and there were also many ascetic cultivators within that cliff wall cave, with hundreds of thousands of Immortal Deities alone.

On the cliff face.

At the edge of one of the caves, there was a rocky grey battle armored man sitting on his knees, it was that Elder Ke Bu, he was looking downwards, seemingly overlooking the giant Beast God statue, but in fact out of the corner of his eye he noticed one of the members of the group surrounding the giant Beast God statue, “Luo Feng”.

“It’s been a hundred years, this human is still sitting there motionless, even the two immortals Dylan and Terrapin Qi are also there motionless.” Elder Ke Bu was furious, “That Dylan, Temple Fan Qi simply prevented any Golden Horn Clan from approaching the past, forbidding disturbing Luo Feng’s cultivation. There’s really no way to kill Luo Feng …….”

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