Chapter 50 Rabbit

Release Date: 2024-07-11 23:57:03
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The control room of the ship.

“There have been 5,729 transport ships arriving, bringing the planetary class humans to 5,729 million.” Babata’s shrill child’s voice echoed from the control room, “Another cosmic transport ship has arrived, 5730 ……5733 ……5734… …”

Luo Feng and Dylan however silently looked down below.

On this planet, the planetary level people who were forced to participate in the “Blood Demon Trial” were constantly gathering, almost every one of them had an unconcealable fear and anxiety on their faces, and every one of them was careful to look at the other people, and only the ones who had really good feelings would rely on each other to trust each other. That kind of fearful and suppressed emotions ……

Luo Feng inside the high altitude airship all vaguely felt it.

“10 billion ah.” Luo Feng said softly.

“It’s bad luck for them to be ruled by the Blood Demon King.” Dylan shook his head.

“The virtual universe company and the like just don’t care?” Luo Feng shook his head and frowned, “After all, these are planetary levels, they’re all considered cosmic citizens, this is tantamount to mass abuse, 10 billion ah. And every galaxy is like this, the Blood Demon King rules the “Dutuo star field, but there are tens of thousands of galaxies …… and this kind of Blood Demon trials are carried out over a long period of time, abusing and killing so many cosmic citizens, there’s no argument at all?”

Dylan looked at Luo Feng and shook his head, “The bottom line of the restriction has not been reached, and the Virtual Universe Company, Giant Axe Fighting Stadium and the others can’t control it.”

“Restriction bottom line?”

Luo Feng’s heart stirred.

He remembered that the previous mission content had said something …… about not being able to crusade because the killing population wasn’t much hadn’t touched the bottom line.

“This hasn’t reached the restriction bottom line, what is the restriction bottom line?” Luo Feng couldn’t help but ask.

“Luo Feng, the restriction bottom line is calculated by planet.” Dylan explained, “Assuming that each living planet can slaughter 200 planetary levels per year, assume a galaxy has 500,000 planets. Then a galaxy’s slaughter limit for one year would be 100 million planetary levels. Then the slaughter amount for 100 years of this galaxy is ……100 billion! Of course the status is different, the bottom line owned is also different, for example the sealed king level immortal and universe honored naturally different, universe honored slaughter billions of counts, will not enter into the counting of felling, of course …… universe honored also has a limit bottom line.”

Luo Feng listened with some understanding.

This is called privilege!

Just like “Lord of Void Gold” and other great existences, I’m afraid that “Lord of Void Gold” and other existences even if they destroy half of the universe country, death countless, I’m afraid that it’s all fine, at most by the entire human management some simple punishment.

“You can’t prohibit killing when managing a planetary territory.” Dylan said, “That Blood Demon King rules the entire Dutuo star field, billions of planets, and has countless children under his command …… Blood Demon Trial that bit of slaughtering people.” It didn’t even get to the bottom of the restriction. After all, in addition to the Blood Demon Trials …… Blood Demon King will not be massacred on those planets, he also understands the reasoning of a thin stream of water, those billions of planets developed well, cultivating an unending stream of experts, his power is naturally more solid and powerful.”


Luo Feng frowned, “This method of selecting elites, he’s not afraid of those elites harboring hatred.”

“So what if they hate, these elites are constantly being cultivated, only when they become sector masters …… will they be eligible to be soul infested into ‘blood demon warriors’.” Dylan shook his head.

“Blood demon warrior?” Luo Feng was stunned.

“The Blood Demon King, created his own set of secret techniques, he can now control 999 immortal slaves.” Dylan smiled faintly, “Those immortal disciples and immortal slaves of his, the sector master disciples, who similarly cultivate this set of secret methods, may only be able to control a few slaves, but all those who are controlled are elites.”

“The Blood Demon King controls the immortal slaves and cultivates the disciples, the immortal slaves and disciples then control a group of servants, and the outstanding ones among the servants may be qualified to cultivate the secret method to continue controlling the slaves again ……” Dylan sneered, “but wherever they are controlled, the is the so called blood demon warrior.”

Luo Feng’s face changed.

“And the so called blood devil trials are to select and train candidate blood devil warriors.” Dylan laughed coldly, “The entire Dutuo starfield, an endless stream of elite geniuses were cultivated, and all of them eventually became the Blood Demon King’s henchmen! The Blood Demon King’s rule is incomparably solid …… He is definitely an extremely terrifying figure amongst the sealed king level immortals.”

As Luo Feng and Dylan silently waited high in the sky for those transport ships to gather, the cargo bay hatch of the dark purple flat ship in command opened, admitting a flying saucer about a hundred meters in diameter to enter.

“Lord Rabbit is here.”

“Quickly, go greet Lord Rabbit, all hurry.”

Inside the deep purple flying saucer.

A group of richly dressed silhouettes the weakest one was at the third stage of the universe level, a domain lord was at the head of the group, and hundreds of universe level executives all quickly ran to that hatchway, where the one small flying saucer had already entered.


The flying saucer opened one side of the hatch, then the black battle armor man with crystal white skin and short snow white hair took the lead to walk out of the hatch, this black battle armor man’s eyes were stern, and the invisible aura that surrounded him made a group of Veli Galaxy executives who came to greet him respectfully not dare to raise their heads.

Behind him were two guards, both of them at the ninth level of Realm Lord!

“Greetings, Lord Rabbit!” Hundreds of people bowed respectfully.

“Hm.” The black battle-armored man with snow-white skin and short snow-white hair nodded his head indifferently, “Are the Blood Demon Trial members all together?”

“It has reached 7 billion, all should arrive within half a day.” The domain lord at the head of the greeting respectfully said.


This Lord Rabbit nodded indifferently.

He, a Realm Lord of the ninth rank, a core part of the Blood Demon Planet. He also cultivated a Blood Demon secret method, and the two guards behind him were two of the Blood Demon warriors he controlled.

“This time, I’m the one in charge of overseeing the conduct of the entire Blood Demon Trial.” Rabbit swept his cold gaze over a group of executives in the Viri Galaxy, who were all apprehensive, “The regulation of the entire trial must be done properly, to ensure that the final 100 people selected are the ones who survived through endless killings, and not the ones who relied on luck to hide and survive until the end, understand?”


A group of executives answered the order.

“Go to the control room.” Rabbit brought two Blood Demon warriors with him and walked directly towards the control room, while the group of executives from the Viri Galaxy obediently followed behind.

A transportation ship arrived, the cargo bay doors opened, and a large number of planetary star level humans released from their cages stepped out, and the densely packed humans quickly spread out in all corners of this planet of minerals.

With the aura sensing degree and flight speed of planetary star level powerhouses, the density of tens of billions of planetary star levels gathered on such a mineral planet …… is too exaggerated.


The teenager standing on the rocky ground had a battle sword at his waist, he was holding the hand of the soft young girl next to him, carefully and cautiously looking around, while the densely packed planetary star level humans around them all felt invisible and oppressive, “Later on, we will follow the method we discussed before, you assist your brother, we will join forces and try to survive the first batch of killings before looking for a remote place. ”

“Uh-huh.” The young girl cautiously looked around, her invisible thoughts encircling away.


Watching a spaceship arrive in the sky just once in a while, delivering millions of planetary levels, made this oppression expand.

“Ah, ah, ah …… mom, mom!” Someone had a direct mental breakdown, crying like a well Buddha baby only knowing how to shout for his mom.

No one laughed at him.

Almost 99% of the planetary star level people felt like collapsing, from childhood to the time they heard the legend of the Blood Demon Trial …… The days inside the cage on the airship, coupled with the convergence of countless planetary star levels now, that fury, that fear, that depression …… was enough to make a person collapse away.

Inside the deep purple flat airship.

That snow-white skin, snow-white short hair Lord Rabbit, is overlooking everything, looking at those people below the panic, collapse all kinds of expressions, Lord Rabbit eyes instead have a trace of excitement, the muscles around the corners of the eyes are twitching, the whole person seems to fall into a vaguely maniacal state.

“Lord Rabbit, 9,992 cosmic spaceships have now arrived, and the last 8 spaceships will arrive soon. The Blood Demon Trial has officially begun …… Please also ask Lord Rabbit to announce it.” The domain lord at the head of the group of executives from the Viri Galaxy said respectfully.

“Hurry up.”

Rabbit’s eyes had a hint of madness in them, “I can’t wait.”

The last plunge transportation ships also arrived one by one, and when the last 8 million planetary levels were placed on the Mineral Planet and those transportation ships took off to leave, an ice-cold voice echoed over the entire Mineral Planet.


“Only 100 of you out of 10 billion are destined to survive, and those who pass the great Blood Demon Trials will all become the most loyal and best warriors within the Blood Demon Planet. Now …… start killing! Kill those around you, kill them all!”

The voice had just echoed.

But at this time-

Two silhouettes quickly rappelled down from high altitude.

“Babata, open the Virtual Universe Network Synchronized Transmission.”


Of the two silhouettes, one was a black-haired youth wearing a green-colored battle armor, and on the black-haired youth’s brow was a golden sword imprint, as if the entire person had an incomparably terrifying aura of sharpness of gold, as if countless golden swords were bursting out. Next to him was the bald man wearing a black robe that looked ordinary.

Tens of thousands of kilometers, the duo instantly rushed to the surface of the Mineral Planet.

“One side world, collect!” Luo Feng triggered the world power in a world ring he was carrying and quickly spread out, instantly spreading out to wrap the entire planet.


The 10 billion planetary level people who were just about to start killing instantly all disappeared, this mineral planet became desolate all of a sudden.

Instead, 10 billion planetary star level humans appeared on the vast prairie of that one world ring Luo Feng was carrying.




The 10 billion people who had entered a state of madness hadn’t noticed the changes around them, and some of them had already begun to kill when Luo Feng collected them. But immediately after that, they were all thrown onto the prairie, tens of billions of people were completely dumbfounded, even the brother and sister who had just dyed blood looked around in shock.

Luo Feng instantly collected all the planetary level humans on the mineral planet while commanding, “Close the virtual universe synchronized transmission.”

“Yes.” Babata responded.

“The second ring mission is so simple, it’s just done.” Luo Feng shook his head.

Right at this moment-

“Dare to sabotage the blood demon trials, seek death!” An angry roar instantly resounded throughout the entire mineral planet, while a terrifying blade light instantly tore through cosmic space, slicing through tens of thousands of kilometers and slashing directly at Luo Feng.

51. Mission accomplishment

It was a fox shaped blade shaped nimbus weapon, under the infusion of sector lord ninth rank world power, it directly drew a several kilometers cosmic space crack, the blade light spanned tens of thousands of kilometers, directly chopping towards Luo Feng with an unrivaled stance.


Dozens of flexible vines suddenly stretched out from Luo Feng’s shoulders instantly broke through the air and flew away, also rapidly expanding and getting bigger, instantly turning into thousands of kilometers long main vines hanging in mid-air horizontally, dozens of main vines entwined with each other in mid-air, directly wrapping up that one nimbus weapon in a heavy package.

“Aang ……” Nian force weapon constantly chopping, will be a large number of vines cut, but Mo Yun vine’s self-recovery speed is really too fast, will completely exceed the speed of destruction of the Nian force weapon, hard to bind the entire Nian force weapon to bind there struggling not to open.

“Dare to bind my weapon!”

A furious shout.

A snow-white stream of light broke through the air in the distance, and around him followed eight streams of light at the same time, all of them at the ninth stage of the Realm Lord’s strength.

“Your Highness, that white short-haired kid is called Rabbit, when he was inside that airship before, there were only two Realm Lord guards behind him, but now it has suddenly turned into eight. I reckon – these eight are all Blood Demon warriors under his control, and this Rabbit clearly belongs to the elite elements under the Blood Demon King’s command.” Dylan smiled as he transmitted his voice, he was an immortal deity proficient in the aspect of the soul, and every move within that airship would be partially probed by him.

Rabbit and the eight streams of light under his command came to kill.

Nine Domain Lords of the ninth rank!

“Domain Lord level bastards, how dare you sabotage the Blood Demon Planet, looking for death!” Rabbit roared, his eyes burning with rage, the Blood Demon King was rampant in the entire Ancient Wheel Cosmic Kingdom, aside from the Ancient Wheel Cosmic Kingdom’s “Cosmic Kingdom Lord”, who else could restrain him?

He had already gotten used to his dominance over the past hundred million years.

Now that someone dared to sabotage the Blood Demon Trial, wasn’t he looking for death?


Dylan who had been standing at Luo Feng’s side smiled faintly, before he had been restraining and hiding his strength, but at this time, he suddenly erupted with a powerful aura, a strong dazzling golden light instantly covered towards those nine realm lords, as if tough ropes instantly bound the nine realm lords.

“Ah!” The nine Realm Lords would be bound by the power of immortality, and Rabbit gritted his teeth and struggled desperately, but he simply couldn’t break free.

“Immortal deity!” Rabbit stared at Dylan in death.


The eight Realm Lords under his command also struggled and called out at the same time.

“Hiding well enough.” Rabbit stared angrily at Dylan and growled, “Just now, I checked your strength, but you, an Immortal Deity, hid your strength, only to suddenly explode now. How …… proud of bullying me, a realm lord?”

Rabbit’s crazy gaze swept towards Luo Feng and Dylan.

“Who are you guys!”

“Who the hell are you? And who are you immortals to dare sabotage the Blood Demon King! Isn’t it too long to live.” Rabbit stared at Dylan.

“What guts.” Dylan smiled slightly, looked at Rabbit and spoke softly, but his voice echoed in Rabbit’s mind, “Although your old ancestor, the Blood Demon King, is powerful, he is nothing compared to my Virtual Universe Company. But after all, the Blood Demon King counts as my predecessor, so I’m not going to take your little life.”

Dylan’s smile bloomed slightly.

Rumble ……

The eight Realm Lords under Rabbit’s command were simultaneously invaded by the powerful immortal force and exploded apart, sending blood and flesh flying.

“Ah!!!” Rabbit gritted his teeth, looking as if he was mad.

Ah the eight Blood Demon warriors he controlled!

He was now controlling up to nine slaves, and this had already accounted for eight! Eight slaves killed …… doomed him to only have one slave slot now.

“Your highness, let’s go.” Dylan looked towards Luo Feng.

“Hmm.” Luo Feng nodded.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The two streams of light broke through the air and left behind only Narabit’s angry roar to the sky.

Luo Feng and Dylan rode the Meteorite Ink Star ship and flew through the dark universe while heading to one of the mineral planets within the Ancient Wheel Cosmic Kingdom’s Dutuo star field to meet up with the people from the Virtual Universe Company.

“That Rabbit is really arrogant, arrogant even in front of Immortal Deities, Immortal Deities don’t want to offend the Blood Demon King, so they usually don’t kill him. But it’s normal to punish the punishment, this is not it, eight soul slaves were destroyed poor not poor, guess it’s not more than ten slaves quota in total.” Luo Feng recited and smiled.

Soul slaves were something that needed to be done very carefully.

Every control consumes a slot, even if Luo Feng who practiced the Ten Thousand Heart Soul Control Secret Method, right now, he could control at most just 100 soul slaves.

“He’s used to being overbearing.” Dylan also laughed.

“Is qualified to be overbearing, what about eight sector master slaves.” Luo Feng teased.

Sector master slaves?

Luo Feng indeed didn’t put it in his eyes right now, the insect mother nest persistently cultivated insect warriors, for more than two years and nearly three years, it had cultivated about ten thousand peak sector lord insect warriors! These 10,000 peak realm lord insect warriors, under the control of the insect mother empress Irina’s power, were completely capable of fighting with a normal feudal immortal.

Naturally, both Luo Feng and Dylan didn’t put that Rabbit in their eyes.

The flight was just over three days.

In the outer space of an unnamed mineral planet in the Dutuo star field, the starry sky rippled, a blood-colored triangular spaceship emerged, the hatch opened automatically, and two silhouettes flew directly towards the unnamed planet.

Three silhouettes also flew out from the black spaceship parked in a pit on the surface of the nameless mineral planet.

These three people converged with Luo Feng’s duo.

“Your highness Luo Feng.”

The three people who flew out were led by a white browed old man with feathered wings, the white browed old man smiled, “Your highness can release all those 10 billion planetary levels.”

“Hmm.” Luo Feng nodded.

Hooking the world ring, he instantly released the massive amount of planetary level humans in a brain, only to see that the entire hemispherical surface of this desolate nameless planet was filled with people all of a sudden, densely packed planetary level humans were suddenly transferred here, each and every one of them looked bewildered as they looked around.

“Rumble …… “The white-browed old man suddenly released an endless green-colored gale, encircling the entire planet, encircling all of the planet’s planetary star level humans.

The white-browed old man directly stood high in the sky.

Behind him, a hundreds of kilometers tall silhouette even appeared, and divine might spread out, causing everyone to be able to clearly see the lofty silhouette.

“From today onwards, nearly 10 billion of you will be able to break away from the Dutuo Starfield, and you won’t have to undergo the Blood Demon Trial anymore, my Virtual Universe Corporation will give you a peaceful life.” The white-browed and feathered old man’s voice resounded in everyone’s mind, instantly causing the nearly 10 billion planetary levels to freeze.

Then they were ecstatic! Howling! Crying out! Cheering!

“Maiwa, Maiwa, we don’t have to die anymore, we don’t have to die anymore.”

“Brother, brother!”

The two siblings hugged each other tightly.

Because nearly 10 billion people were divided over half of the planet Mineral Planet, this brother and sister duo just happened to be very close to Luo Feng, Dylan, and the others in mid-air, and with their planetary level strength, they could see Luo Feng, Dylan, and a few others at a glance.

“It’s Lord Black Demon God.” The young girl even said.

“Ah, it’s him.” The teenager’s eyes also lit up and she even said, “It’s the Lord Black Clothed Demon God who forbade us from killing in that grassland before. It’s just that the battle armor has changed.”

Before ……

Luo Feng put 10 billion people into the world ring, but he was worried that these 10 billion people would kill each other, so the devil killer Luo Feng showed up to directly deter these 10 billion people.

After the white browed feathered winged old man finished speaking, he also put these nearly 10 billion people into the world ring partially, and the entire planet once again returned to being calm and desolate.

“Your highness Luo Feng.” With a flash, the white browed feathered old man landed in front of Luo Feng, “This second ring mission of yours is complete, the mission completion level should be there. The third ring quest should also be told to you.”

“Oh?” Luo Feng was stunned.

At the same time-

“Luo Feng, there’s mail.” Babata’s voice rang in Luo Feng’s mind.

“Haha.” The white browed feathered old man laughed when he saw Luo Feng’s expression, “Your highness should have received the mail, please view the mail first, later on I’ll have to take your highness on the third ring mission.”

A sliver of Luo Feng’s consciousness immediately connected to the virtual universe network.

Virtual universe rain phase mountain primitive area, within Luo Feng’s manor.

In the study.

“Open up.” Luo Feng sat in front of his desk, looking at his laptop screen, gently tapping on the email.


The email unfolded, the content was-

“The second ring of the highest points mission you have completed, as judged by the members, Luo Feng, your second ring of the mission is 90% complete, you can get points 180,000 points. And you are eligible for the third ring of the mission.”

“Judgement: you who are murderous in your bones would even choose the 10 billion planetary levels that are weak in number, obviously you are more cha compassionate or fair to the weak ones to look at the stellar levels and planetary levels. Killing millions of counts are as quiet as water, yet you are willing to choose these weaklings, it makes us quite surprised, this second ring of the mission gives you a 90% completion rating, I hope that in the next third and fourth ring, you can surprise us.”

Luo Feng laughed, and so did Babata on his shoulder.

“Babata, I bet that among the judging members of this highest point mission of mine, the ones who really hold the power of judging should be the ones who don’t like killing and are relatively kind.” Luo Feng laughed, “The first ring mission gave me 82% just because I was bloodthirsty and killing, luckily I was calm and didn’t go crazy. This time, seeing that I chose to be weak …… surprisingly gave me a 90% completion judgment.”

Between the lines of the judgment.

Luo Feng could feel the benevolence in his bones of that senior who wrote this email.

“Don’t be complacent.” Babata shook his head, “The first and second ring may seem easy, but this is after all the highest point mission, the one that truly tests the heart and has a fundamental judgment on the core members. This mission isn’t just the superficial points …… it also represents whether or not you’ll be reused by the virtual universe company in the future.”

Luo Feng nodded.

Last time teacher had talked about it.

This is a task used by the virtual universe company to truly “recognize” the core members, assuming that a core member has a murderous and bottomless bone in their body, and is crazy beyond measure. Perhaps in the future, this core member can become a super strong person! But at most, they will become “war generals” for the human race to fight with other races, but they will never have real power, and the degree of cultivation will be weakened.

“Third ring mission.” Luo Feng gently clicked on another email.

Smiling, he watched the content.

Immediately …… Luo Feng’s smile froze, his eyes rolled round and looked at the content dead on.

“Damn! The Virtual Universe Company is so damn bullish.” Luo Feng was completely shocked by the third ring mission.

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