Chapter 52: The Third Ring Mission

Release Date: 2024-07-11 23:57:06
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Woah ……” the small eyes of the fist sized Babata on Luo Feng’s shoulder also glared round and exclaimed, “Virtual Universe Company is Virtual Universe Company, this is a naked slap in the face. ”

Luo Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, “Which is he forcing the Blood Demon King, he’s forcing me.”

The email reads-

“Third ring mission: the Blood Demon King controls the entire Dutuo starfield, there are hundreds of immortal deities under his command, although the Blood Demon King hasn’t done anything beyond the bottom line of restriction, yet there are a very small number of members of the strongest under his command who have done things beyond the bottom line of restriction, 21 of them have been confirmed.

There were two Immortal Deities and nineteen Realm Lords.


Apurlad: an immortal deity who was assigned the “Ruler Iron Galaxy” as his territory by the Blood Demon King, where he slaughtered hundreds of planets in the Ruler Iron Galaxy and plundered a large number of people to take into his god’s kingdom. ……

Aesop: Immortal deity ……

Eti: a realm lord ……

Okefi: Realm Lord, had gathered tens of billions of young maidens on his planet for the craziest blood demon rituals, tens of billions of maidens turned into a sea of flesh and blood. Also had ……”

“Mission requirement: the virtual universe company has sent an order to the blood devil king, ordering him to capture these 21 people, now the blood devil king has captured and imprisoned these 21 people within the blood devil planet. Luo Feng you quickly go to the Blood Demon Star …… for the trial of these 21 people, the result of the trial can be – “death penalty” “millions of years in prison “”Prison for a hundred years””Innocent”.

The fate of these 21 people is in Luo Feng’s hands, Luo Feng you can make the sentence according to your own thoughts.

Whether they die or live is all under your control, Luo Feng.

Remember: when Luo Feng you arrive at the Blood Demon Planet you must turn on the virtual universe network synchronized teleportation, and only when the trial is over can you turn off the synchronized teleportation.”

In the study.

Luo Feng couldn’t help but smile bitterly, he had known that this highest points mission could never be this easy, the first and second rings were not at all difficult for him, not even a little dangerous. And this third ring ……

The Virtual Universe Company is very bullish, directly ordering the Blood Demon King to capture those 21 people.

Although the Blood Demon King is a member of the Hong Kong Alliance, but the Virtual Universe Company obviously power has long reached an extreme, how would a small Blood Demon King dare to disobey? Naturally, he obeyed and captured the 21 people. But now the matter of judging the fate of these 21 people was for Luo Feng to do, and he also wanted Luo Feng to personally travel to the Blood Demon Planet!

Blood devil planet!

That was the Blood Demon King’s lair!

Going there by himself would obviously meet that Blood Demon King, judging his men in front of the Blood Demon King, wasn’t this a naked slap in the face?

“The weight of the trial is naturally hated by the Blood Demon King!” Luo Feng shook his head, “After all, how heavy the judgment is is entirely up to me, while a lighter judgment is making me go against my heart.”

“It’s really forcing me.”

“The virtual universe company ordering the blood demon king must have caused the blood demon king to have a belly full of bad anger, yet he didn’t dare to disobey.” Luo Feng laughed bitterly, from the way the Blood Demon King did things it could be seen that he was obviously not a good person, offending a powerful Sealed King Immortal for no reason?

On that mineral planet.

In mid air, Luo Feng, Dylan and the white browed feathered old man were standing in the void talking.

The white browed feathered old man smiled, “Your highness Luo Feng, already checking out the third ring quest?”

“Uh-huh.” Luo Feng nodded, revealing a hint of helplessness.

“Haha ……” the white browed feathered old man laughed instantly at the situation, “Don’t worry, that blood demon star is that blood demon king’s lair, but give him ten guts, unless he blood demon king seeks death. Otherwise he definitely wouldn’t dare to touch you, Luo Feng.”

“Don’t dare to move now, what about in the future?” Luo Feng shook his head.

“Then it’s up to you Luo Feng to make your own choice, sentence the punishment lighter, that Blood Demon King will naturally remember your favor.” The white browed feathered old man teased, “Alright, not much more to say. Your Highness Luo Feng please follow me to the Blood Demon Planet.”


Luo Feng was in a bad mood, still he nodded and collected the Meteorite Ink Star ship, then he and Dylan entered the black ship sent by the Virtual Universe Company and traveled to the Blood Demon Star together.

Blood Demon Star, the true core planet of the entire Dutuo Starfield.

Tens of thousands of galaxies to carry out the blood demon trials to absorb some of the elite are sent to the blood demon star, a large number of blood demon warriors gathered here, even those sector masters, immortal deities will often appear in the blood demon star, and …… the high and mighty “Blood Demon King” is also living in this, obviously It’s a real devil’s cave like place.

“Deception is too much! The Virtual Universe Corporation is really too deceitful!

Roars echoed throughout the entire Blood Demon Palace, and all the servants within the entire Blood Demon Palace were trembling with fear.

Inside the palace.

The deity wearing scarlet battle armor and a helmet was standing there roaring in anger. The eighteen Immortal Deities at his side were all respectful.

“He wants to arrest my men directly, but instead, he wants to force me to take matters into my own hands and capture Applard and the 21 of them!” There were flames burning in the Blood Demon King’s eyes, “To condemn my men and force me to do it myself. Just now, he even dispatched his men to destroy the Blood Demon Trial of a galaxy under my command! You really don’t put me, the Blood Demon King, in your eyes!”

Those eighteen Immortal Deities were all outwardly righteous and angry, but in reality, they were all muttering in their hearts ……

Not putting the Blood Demon King in your eyes?

Just kidding.

How could the Virtual Universe Company put the Blood Demon King in its eyes? With a behemoth like the Virtual Universe Company, the Blood Demon King was just a piece of dough that could be rounded if it wanted to be round, or flattened if it wanted to be flattened!

“Deceiving people, deceiving people too much!!!” The Blood Demon King roared in anger, unable to hide his rage.

“I’ve long said that I’ll divide up the galactic territories of you and the others and leave you to manage them, but bear in mind not to cross the bottom line.” The Blood Demon King turned his head to look at the eighteen Immortal Deities at his side, “See, now that the fate of the Apurlad and Iso duo has been seen, each of you and the others, remember.”

“We will remember.” The eighteen immortal deities bowed respectfully.

“My lord.” One of the short and stout Immortal Deities respectfully said, “Didn’t the Virtual Universe Company send an order saying that it would send Primordial Mystery Realm member Luo Feng over for judgment, how to sentence the 21 people of Apul Lad is all up to this Luo Feng. A small domain lord, at least adults slightly show the majesty …… He certainly does not dare to offend adults, when the time is sure to light sentence, or even get a not guilty sentence.”


The Blood Demon King responded in a low voice, “That’s a good point, I’ll forgive that Luo Feng kid for not daring to mess around in front of me! Regardless of the fact that Applard and the others threw themselves under my banner in the first place, I’ll naturally try to keep them alive as much as possible.

This kind of lone warrior like strong man is generally more favorable to his subordinates.

People come to defect to you, you naturally have to have the burden of the responsibility that the boss should have, Apurlad, Iso came to defect …… in the first place if even the lives of the two of them can not be preserved. Although the blood demon king those under the banner of immortal deities do not dare to say anything, but to the blood demon king absolutely will not be so blind obedience, internal cohesion will naturally decline.

Six days later.

A black spaceship appeared in the star system where the Blood Demon Star was located outside.

“Your Highness Luo Feng, look that’s the Blood Demon Star.” The white browed feathered old man pointed remotely into the distance.

Luo Feng took a glance, in the distant starry sky there was a planet that was glowing with a blood red color, viewing it with the naked eye alone made people palpitate.


The spaceship quickly flew towards the blood devil star, as it approached, it was already able to see some huge mountain peaks on the surface of the blood devil star, the entire blood devil star from the outside, you can’t see any technologization, those huge buildings are made to look like mountain peaks. And the inside of the mountain peak is actually completely hollowed out.

“Whoosh!” Piercing through the atmosphere, the airship flew directly towards the most majestic palace in the entire Blood Demon Planet.

“Your Highness Luo Feng, that’s the Blood Demon Palace.” The white browed feathered winged old man pointed to the distance, that had the most majestic palace, around that palace there were many small palaces, said small, in reality each had a few kilometers in circumference, many small palaces surrounded that large palace.

In front of the large palace, there are dozens of kilometers square, at this time there are a large number of strong people standing in unison, at a glance there are thousands of people, the weakest are sector masters, the leader is wearing scarlet battle armor of the gods, that overbearing bloody breath even through the airships let Luo Feng and the others feel.


The airship slowly descended and landed on the square the hatch opened.

The white browed feathered old man, Luo Feng, Dylan and a total of five others walked out of the hatch.

“Greetings Blood Demon King.” The white browed feathered old man bowed slightly and then introduced, “This is my virtual universe company’s primordial secret realm genius, your highness Luo Feng.”

Luo Feng also bowed slightly to show his respect to his seniors, at the same time, he also quietly observed the Blood Demon King, this Blood Demon King at the moment, although he had already restrained his aura and wouldn’t make Luo Feng feel oppressed, the scarlet red battle armor and the Blood Demon King himself, faintly exuded a faint aura, it was still as if he was seeing an endless sea of blood.

He was wearing a helmet mask, so his face was hard to see.

“You’re Luo Feng?” The Blood Demon King laughed out loud, “The True Diffusion King has indeed taken in a good disciple ah, I heard that not too long ago, you destroyed the Blood Demon trials in the Viri galaxy under my command?”

Luo Feng was stunned and even said, “Yes ……”

“Haha, no need to explain.”

Blood devil king waved his hand and said, “A galaxy’s blood devil trial is nothing, for billions of years, I don’t know how many times the tens of thousands of galaxies under my command in the Dutuo star field have held a blood devil trial, it’s nothing to be less than one time or ten times.” Different positions, different horizons, for the Blood Demon King, one or ten Blood Demon Trials is indeed nothing, but for those under his command, the Blood Demon Trials is a great event in the sky, how can they be careless?

“This Blood Demon King seems to be quite bold.” Seeing this, Luo Feng secretly said, “But he was forced to capture 21 elites under his command, among them there are even two immortal deities. As long as he has a bit of a temper he’s definitely not happy, maybe he doesn’t care about the eight or ten blood demon trials, but me destroying the blood demon trials is slapping him in the face, so I’m afraid it’s a lie to say I don’t care.”

In his heart, he thought so.

Luo Feng’s face was full of gratitude, “Thank you Blood Demon King for understanding.”

“Understand, of course understand, you are also doing things for the virtual universe company, but when it comes to doing things, you have the right to decide on a lot of things.” The Blood Demon King laughed, “Am I right?”

The white browed feathered winged old man interjected, “Of course your highness Luo Feng holds some power, this time whether those 21 people will be sentenced to death, prison sentence, or not guilty, it’s all up to your highness Luo Feng to decide.”

“This old man-”

Luo Feng was instantly furious.

“Luo Feng power really isn’t small, haha ……” the Blood Demon King laughed even louder and looked at Luo Feng.

The hundreds of immortal deities that arrived under his command also looked at Luo Feng, and the thousands of sector lords also looked at Luo Feng.

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