Chapter 4: AAA Divine Spirit Base

Release Date: 2024-07-12 00:26:08
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“So many people!”

“So many spaceships.”

Luo Feng and the others looked at the scene in front of them in awe, it was a hall with a diameter of over 30,000 kilometers, such a huge hall was enough to hold billions of universe warriors assembled!

“There must be millions of them.”

“Well, there definitely are.”

“There are thousands of spaceships lined up in front of the front.”

One could only see a spaceship parked in the hall in order, some of these spaceships were thousands of meters in diameter, some were only a hundred meters in diameter, and the number of universe warriors varied as well. Some held a million universe warriors in a single universe ship, while others held just a few strong people.

“Don’t just stand there, get into the spaceship.” Captain Taiwo let out a low shout while quickly taking out a flying saucer-shaped universe ship with a diameter of a hundred meters from the world ring he was carrying.



Taiwo took the lead and quickly boarded the ship along the hatch, and the nine Realm Lords under his command, “Wild Dance,” “Divine Spirit,” “Poison,” “Rock “”Madman”…… also quickly boarded the ship one by one.

“The material is an E9 grade alloy.” Luo Feng swept his gaze as he boarded the ship and took a closer look at the secret pattern of laws on the surface of the ship, “Surprisingly, it’s the most basic and common secret pattern of laws? Taiwo, after all, is an immortal deity, and one that has lived for a long time in the extradimensional battlefield, it shouldn’t be hard to get a better ship.”

Luo Feng stopped thinking and quickly boarded the ship.

Wow, the hatch closed!

Only to see a densely packed airship, parked in this assembly hall, casually and slowly flying towards the front, entering the passageway in turn.

Luo Feng and his group had just entered the airship when Taiwo, who was at the front, droned, “Go to the lounge!”

“Not going to the control room?” Luo Feng asked with a smile.

“It’s an intelligent control airship anyway, in the lounge, it’s just as capable of ordering the intelligence.” The “mad dance” walking next to Luo Feng laughed, mad dance is a purple haired handsome young man, amiable, is the closest one to Luo Feng in the entire sector lord squad, in fact there is another reason why they are close.

Because crazy dance, Luo Feng are spiritual masters, and looks are also relatively close, after all, there are many races in the human community, looks all sorts of strange looks, looks close is also easy to get close.

A few moments.

Arrived at the lounge, the lounge is roughly twenty meters in diameter, ten meters high house, a full four hundred square meters of space, so that the ten realm masters sitting is also considered spacious.

“Coming to a safe nest, the heart is just soothing.” With a single leap, Poison jumped directly onto a sofa and rolled around on it.

“Safe nook?” Newcomer Rock looked around, slightly puzzled, “The wall material of this lounge seems ……”

“F9 grade metal tungsten inflammatory stone mother.” Luo Feng said softly.

“F9 grade metal?” Rock looked at Luo Feng in shock.

“Right.” The “god spirit” who always wore a big smile and a gorgeous white battle armor smiled, “The lounge is the safest place of the entire ship, the main material of the ship is E9 grade alloy, but on the battlefield it can’t even carry some of the fearsome attacks of the foreigners, so the captain ordered a lounge made of tungsten inflammation mother of pearl, so the captain ordered a lounge made of tungsten inflammation mother of pearl. Stone mother cast into a lounge, this is also our safe nook, we can also have reaction time in case of danger.”

Luo Feng nodded.

He was also smart, he couldn’t afford an F class spaceship, so he simply made one of the cabins an F class metal cast.

“A lounge alone, I can afford it. But the spaceship …… that won’t work.” Captain Taiwo laughed, while ordering, “Exterior virtualization 100%.”


Even though Luo Feng was sitting on the couch, the naked eye could no longer see the couch or the ground, only the vast hall, and a spaceship that was lining up. As time passed, a spaceship quickly flew into the passageway, and soon the ship Luo Feng was traveling in also flew into the passageway.

Flying along the passage, after flying in a straight line for roughly hundreds of thousands of kilometers, they began to turn and fly along a curved passage, all the spaceships were flying along this curved passage.

In just a few moments!

“Rumble!” “Rumble!” “Rumble!” “Rumble!” “Rumble!” “Rumble!”

A gate fell down on that hundreds of thousands of kilometers long linear passageway, and it began to close dead.

At the same time!

The outermost channel gates of the entire gigantic barracks base began to open, densely packed with tens of thousands of channels, yet only hundreds of channel gates were opened.

“Open the energy defense.”


Captain Taiwo ordered.

The spaceship that Luo Feng and the others were traveling in flew out instantly from one of the passage gates of the huge barracks base.


Flying out from the huge barracks base instantly into the void caused the entire sector lord squad of ten members would all turn their heads to look at the huge barracks base at the back, even the veterans who had already been out to fight many times couldn’t help but turn around and watch even Luo Feng who had an extremely high level of eyesight because …… it was too spectacular!

“This is the barracks base.” Luo Feng shocked, through the outer virtual clearly saw the huge barracks base suspended in the void.

The entire barracks base, according to Luo Feng’s visual estimation at the very least reached millions of kilometers in diameter!

This was a war base that was bigger than the sun!

At the same time, this huge war base was completely covered with a layer of colorful energy cover, this was the energy cover that covered the millions of kilometers of diameter of the war base, it was too huge. If one were to view the sun from a close distance, how shocking would it be? Not to mention watching this hideous war base up close.

“Colored energy shields,” “mysterious and powerful secret patterns of solidification laws,” “a single mechanical cannon port with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers,” “densely packed channel points “”countless energy points.”

This was a perfect existence that elevated violent war machines to the stage of “art”!

“It’s spectacular.” Tevo exclaimed.

“Look at the gun ports. Usually spaceships use energy light pillars. And this deity base is still using huge gun ports that look backward. It looks backward, but when it really sends out power …… that’s really a scene that makes people’s hearts tremble ah, a cannon out, a piece of starry sky is completely turned into nothingness.” The eyes of the white-robed battle armor realm lord “Divine Spirit” had a trace of fervor.

Recruit rock was completely shocked.

Luo Feng was also in shock with such eyes.

“Divine spirit base, what size divine spirit base is this.” Luo Feng couldn’t help but ask.

“AAA deity base.” Poison also had a mesmerized look in his eyes and said softly, “Extraterrestrial battlefield, it’s a war between communities and communities. The entire seventh battlefield only has a total of so many hundred barracks bases, that’s a human’s base camp on the battlefield, of course it’s the highest specification deity base. Even a powerful person like a Cosmic Kingdom Lord would physically want to destroy AAA spirit bases.”

Luo Feng also nodded lightly.

He had looked up some of the terrifying weapons of the mechanical race, some of the mega weapons were very expensive, like the “star fortress”, it was still an expensive mess, but that was just some fortresses. The “Spirit Base” is the peak level of super large weapons, each Spirit Base is very expensive!

The ……AAA deity base belongs to the highest specification deity base.

At least the highest known specifications! Perhaps in the Mechanical Race lair, there are even more terrifying it ……

In the barracks base is the most peaceful will, each barracks war base as AAA deity base, let billions of strong people kill, I’m afraid that can instantly the surrounding huge star space instantly into nothingness.

“The barracks base is the harbor of the cosmic warriors.” Poison lay on the sofa, holding a bottle of wine, “In the barracks base that’s the safest, you don’t need to be scared at all. But once you leave the barracks base …… that’s a crisis, after all, this cosmic secret realm …… with a diameter of millions of light years the entire huge star field is a battlefield.”

Luo Feng however looked at the void outside.

With a glance.

With Luo Feng’s eyesight, it should be known that Luo Feng was able to keep flying at almost the speed of light and still be able to easily dodge obstacles, so although the speed of this spaceship was sub-light speed, Luo Feng was able to clearly see the outside world, such as some broken bug corpses, broken spaceships wreckage, some human wreckage and so on, floating in the void. Some of them were directly hit by the spaceship in one collision!

“Some of the wreckage, corpses, and so on, are worth money too, right?” Recruit Rock asked with a frown.

“No one’s an idiot.” A low voice came out from the throat of the Yan Brahma Clan’s Realm Lord “Hammer”, “The spaceship’s detection signals have long been scanned, and those wrecks and corpses floating in the void are worthless, if they were worth anything, they would have long been snatched away. If it was not snatched away …… then instead it could be a trap. Recruit rock, have you noticed …… that our spaceship, instead of following a straight line, is avoiding a land wreck, a large spaceship wreck?”

Luo Feng’s eyes lit up as he listened, indeed.

“Because those places are likely to harbor alien enemies, you have to know …… that the entire star field, except for the barracks base, everywhere else is a battlefield.” Hammer said in a low voice, “Don’t look at us veterans as relaxed, but every one of us is ready to fight right away.”

“Alright, don’t scare the new recruits.”

Captain Taiwo smiled, “Our destination this time is a place about 80,000 light-years away from the base of Barracks 026, where many strong people fight extremely grueling battles. Elite Realm Lord squads like ours do sharp things. In a moment, we’ll be able to arrive at an area where there is no wreckage and no garbage, and where we can accelerate recklessly for cosmic shuttling. Once we enter the dark universe, then it’s safe to take a good rest …… to fulfill in the dark universe, everyone has three days of rest, and after we arrive at our destination, it’s time for bloody battles.”

Luo Feng nodded.

Universe secret realm, different from normal universe starry sky, all kinds of dust and debris are too much, so must deliberately clear a large area without any obstacles to accelerate in order to universe shuttle.

In the Seventh Starfield Battlefield, there were hundreds of millions of such cosmic shuttle points.



The spaceship tried to avoid some dangerous areas, and arrived at the cleared area a few moments later, but just this distance …… Luo Feng saw several powerful energy bombardment explosions aftermath, and the other sector masters and generals were all tense because they knew that the battle could happen at any time.

“Entering the dark universe, everyone won’t have to have their strings taut.”

“10……9……8……7……6 ……5……4……3……2… …1, shuttle!”

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