Chapter 22 – Foreign Mighty One

Release Date: 2024-07-12 00:48:44
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“Qualified to be ranked amongst the universe’s starting level powerhouses” this sentence touched Luo Feng’s heart, this sentence is the universe’s strongest person …… who can rival the giant axe founder of the alien powerhouses said, in the eyes of the alien powerhouses, can be called the universe’s superpower, I’m afraid that at the very least, it also has to be In the eyes of the foreigners who can be called a cosmic superpower, I am afraid that at the very least they must be the Lord of the Universe.

The alien mighty man had two disciples.

The first disciple, Puti, was the Lord of the Universe.

The second disciple, the leader of the Amazing God Race, was also a Master of the Universe.

He himself was about to become the third disciple, so he guessed that he also had the hope of becoming a Lord of the Universe! This made Luo Feng’s heart burst into flames, the Lord of the Universe …… reached the peak of the universe venerable such as “Heavenly Eclipse Palace Lord” “Shirodor” that would be called the universe hegemon, if it is to further cross into the level of the Lord of the Universe ……. If you go one step further and cross the level of Master of the Universe, you will be able to control all of space and time.

If you are able to control space and time, you can reverse time and space to resurrect a strong person, and then you can make a group of people have an unending supply of vitality.

“The Earthling lineage, the Amazing God Clan lineage, are all my children.” The towering old man as tall as a huge mountain looked down at Luo Feng, his voice booming, “You’ve gone through many tests in the dark and were able to pass the Star Tower inheritance test, you’re my disciple, and presumably my last disciple.”

Luo Feng was secretly stunned.

Last disciple? Who could say in the long years to come, this alien powerhouse seemed to confirm that there were only three disciples.

“Don’t be surprised.” The lofty old man’s gaze was like sunlight, shining in Luo Feng’s mind, “For the sake of your second senior brother and you, as early as in the earliest days of cosmic derivation, I scouted out ideas and plans, spending countless hours and countless years capturing wealth and treasures, the majority of the wealth and treasures are on the two of you.”

“Most of the wealth and treasures?” Luo Feng was stunned.

“Such as creating this star tower, even if your human race poured out the entire strength of your race, even if you have my means of refining supreme treasures, how many of them can you refine?” The lofty old man turned his head to look at Puti, “Instead, I am the least helpful to Puti.”

Puti even bowed, “Teacher, without your help, I’m afraid that in my life, my disciple would be an Immortal Deity.”

“Even without me, you would still be able to become a Cosmic Exalted.” The lofty old man shook his head, “Back then, the many servants I received, each with excellent natural talent, I also each helped with similar natural talent, and the same with my guidance help, but the rest of them were all Universe Exalted, and you were the only one to become the Lord of the Universe.”

“Nay, every supreme treasure in the universe recognizes the lord is very harsh, I for your second and third disciples before they were even born began to prepare.”

“Disciple already has a supreme treasure.” Puti even said.

“That’s not even close to what you have, among the six peak clans, the many forces of the Masters of the Universe, your treasures can only be considered of ordinary caliber.” The lofty old man shook his head, “I am preparing a supreme treasure for you, collecting endless epochs, already have a rough prototype, estimated that in another ten million epochs there will be hope.

Puti excitedly prostrated down, respectfully grateful, “What the teacher has done, it is difficult for my disciple to repay by pouring out his strength.”

“Haha, my disciple should be extraordinary.” The lofty old man laughed, “I just hope that one of the three of you can catch up with me, haha …… That would be a great story in the universe, teacher and disciple are all the strongest in the universe, hahaha …… ”

Luo Feng was secretly convinced as he listened.

This alien race great power collects the number of disciples is very few, and the second and third disciples, or respectively take the initiative to guide the breeding of a new community, take the initiative to create secret methods and so on to select the most outstanding person as a disciple. It can be seen, this foreign race mighty man choose disciples is how harsh.

If it wasn’t for the two veins that he had taken the initiative to guide and nurture, the lofty old man would have chosen the only Master of the Universe as a great disciple among the servants who had deep feelings for him.

Other than that!

In spite of the billions of ethnic groups in the universe, in spite of the infinite number of years in the past, in spite of the countless geniuses and strong people, the foreign great masters did not accept a single disciple.

Like “Chaos City Lord” is not the same, shoulder the responsibility of the human community strong, but where there are some super geniuses, the best characters, the human universe Lords will you a, I a disciple, resulting in a bunch of personal disciples, named disciples is even more scary, even the giant axe founding father is not an exception.

There are ethnic group ties, that’s all.

And the alien race mighty person, the universe unique life, there is no community ties, no matter how talented you are, I don’t bother to teach. The ethnic group I cultivate is like my child, only then will I carefully arrange it.

“Apprentice Luo Feng, you haven’t called me teacher yet.” The lofty old man looked at Luo Feng.

Luo Feng even kneeled down respectfully, forcing his excitement to shout, “Teacher!”

This foreign race powerhouse was the guide of the earth lineage, it could be said that he was the “creator” of the earth lineage, if there was no foreign race powerhouse, there would be no earth lineage.


“You are my disciple, and I am the teacher, so I should do my duty.” The lofty old man’s voice boomed as he looked down on Luo Feng, “I have three habits in teaching my disciples, one, I like to prepare my disciples with conditions that can be called the topmost resources in the universe. Two, I however will not teach any kind of secret techniques. Third, I won’t care if you live or die, much less if I go and reverse time and space to resurrect you after you die.”

Luo Feng was stunned.

Not teaching secret techniques? Don’t care if you live or die?

“A true superpower can’t be taught.” The towering old man said in a low voice, “Everything relies on you, any lord of the universe created the secret method himself to step into that layer.”

“Having a teacher sheltering you at all times, that won’t make you a strong person.”

“I teach my disciples, I don’t teach secret methods, I don’t care if they live or die, I only provide resources to treasure.” The lofty old man said, “If you perish on your way to becoming a superpower, I will choose another candidate from among the Earth lineage to come back to receive the life and death inheritance and find another third disciple. The two tribal communities I guided to nurture are both destined to have chiefs, and chiefs don’t necessarily only have one generation, you can only be said to be the chief of Earth’s generation, and hopefully forever as well.”

The voice boomed, straight into the soul.

Moreover, the voice of this foreign race’s great powerhouse seemed to have endless magical power, making people involuntarily convinced.

“Understood.” Luo Feng respectfully said.

“You understand the reasoning, even if the teacher is more powerful, even if he provides more resources and better treasures, if the disciple doesn’t cultivate …… then it’s impossible to even become immortal.” The lofty old man said in a low voice, “The external resources are important, and the own efforts are even more important, but the more powerful the strength, the smaller the role of external help will be, with endless treasures despite the qualification is even worse as long as you take the initiative to cultivate, can be cultivated to become immortal, can cultivate the universe venerable …… on their own efforts to have a harsh requirement But if you want to become a master of the universe, it is even more difficult to become a master of the universe, and the road is bumpy. If you become the Lord of the Universe …… want to go further and reach my level, it is any treasure is useless, your eldest brother, second elder brother, are trapped in this step for endless years, your human community in addition to the giant axe founders, each of the other did not cross out the last step.”

“Disciple understands, disciple will definitely work hard.” Luo Feng was excited.

Many strong people were afraid of not having enough resources.

Why did peak communities and super powers fight? Why do they fight and kill? It was for resources!

Clans needed resources to cultivate geniuses!

What strong people need to grow are also resources!

Having resources …… equals having a foundation, the rest is relying on one’s own efforts. The alien celestial energy master prepared for Luo Feng,……, so that Luo Feng has the qualification of “ranked among the super strong in the universe”. This qualification was those resources that made hearts tremble.

“I’ve prepared two supreme treasures for your second senior brother and you.”

“In total, there are four pieces of supreme treasures.”

“Three of these supreme treasures are of a similar caliber, except for the Star Pagoda!”

“Of your two supreme treasures, the ‘Star Pagoda’ is exceptional, even stronger than your second senior brother’s supreme treasure.” The lofty old man lamented, “Back then, I spent endless precious materials and treasures to refine the supreme treasure ‘Star Pagoda’, and in the middle of it, there were some special circumstances that happened, circumstances that were unexpected to me, causing the Star Pagoda’s power to increase greatly! It can be called one of the strongest supreme treasures in the universe!”

“Although the power has increased greatly, but the most basic recognition is a thousand times more difficult.”

“In order for this Star Tower to recognize its owner, I specifically guide the Earthling lineage that was conceived with a firmer sense of will in the soul, and even so, the first candidate and the second candidate still failed. Whereas back then, the Amazing God Clan lineage was able to recognize the master of the most precious treasure with ease, unlike you, who had such a hard time.”

Luo Feng sighed in his heart.

Yes, hard, recalling the more than six thousand years of pain and suffering, every second is like a year long as if, this more than six thousand years …… than normal hundreds of millions of years more difficult to endure, as if in an endless purgatory, can never see the end, has been enduring difficulties, has been insisting on, insisting on… …In the end, the only thing left is the obsession with loved ones in hard resistance ……

Until it gets weaker and weaker.

Fortunately, it succeeded at the last moment!

“The Star Tower power is extremely powerful, because of the special changes that have occurred, even I don’t know what the limit of its power is, the most basic recognition alone is this difficult, to drive it, it’s also much harder.” The lofty old man said, Luo Feng also understood, like the most basic form of the Wusicide Feathered Wing one would have to comprehend the first layer of the Beast God Transformation.

The Wusicide Feather Wing, would be of little use to the Lord of the Universe.

But the Star Tower, it was a treasure suitable for the strongest of the universe! One of the strongest treasures in the universe! Without an owner to control it, it rendered those Masters of the Universe helpless, and not even the strongest of the four peak clans of the Universe were able to do anything about it. The conditions of use would naturally be much harsher than the Wu-Slaying Feather.

“Your teacher among humans, the Chaos City Lord, is the uppermost rank among the ‘Cosmic Lords’ of the vast universe, and even your second elder brother, who is barely comparable to the Chaos City Lord, might be slightly worse.”

“But if you can become a Lord of the Universe in the future, having these two supreme treasures, especially the Star Pagoda, will be enough to make you comparable to the Chaos City Lord, and even force the Chaos City Lord.”

“This is the power of the strongest supreme treasure.

The towering old man said, “The Star Pagoda is a supreme treasure, and the other supreme treasure prepared for you is called the ‘Hijack Armor’.”

“Hijacking armor?” Luo Feng was stunned.

“The hijacking armor is something that has been stored amongst the Amazing God Clan, temporarily kept by your second senior brother, this hijacking armor …… is able to give birth to a large number of armor beads of varying strengths and weaknesses under the provision of special resources, which are soldier armor beads, general armor beads, king armor beads, and emperor armor beads… . those armor beads are very suitable for the Amazing God Race, but they are all used by the Universe Exalted or below, at most, they provide the overall combat power of the entire race… that Hijacking Armor is the supreme treasure, suitable for the Lord of the Universe to use, with infinite power, it’s your second supreme treasure.”

Luo Feng’s heart surged as he listened.

Soldier armor, general armor, king armor, emperor armor …… were actually all born out of the hijack armor?

“A robber armor, a star tower that is even more terrifying than a robber armor.”

“The two supreme treasures prepared by the foreign race’s great powers, for the chief of the Earth lineage to cross the universe in the future?”

“Both of these are even more formidable than the Wu-Slaying Feather, and are enough to make the Lord of the Universe hot-eyed and even crazy for a supreme treasure. I hope the conditions for using them aren’t too harsh.” Luo Feng on the other hand was worried, with this amount of strength, could he use that kind of terrifying supreme treasure?

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