Chapter 57: The Secret Method of Talent

Release Date: 2024-07-12 11:44:12
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The “Nine Robberies Secret Code” must be a flesh life to cultivate, and Luo Feng’s Demon Slayer clan bilocation is an energy life, so the Demon Slayer clan bilocation has a big gap with the Earthling’s original and the Golden Horned Beast bilocation, even though the essence of the core of that origin type treasure, “the heart of space” was completely transferred to the Demon Slayer clan bilocation to metamorphose, it didn’t break through the “hundred times” threshold. Even though the essence of the core of the Origin-type supreme treasure “Space Heart” was completely transmitted, causing the Demon Slayer Race’s split to transform, it still did not break through the boundary of “100 times”.

It was destined that the Demon Slayer Race’s split body would be much worse in terms of pure power.

More mainly used for “escape”, “concealment”, “camouflage” and so on.


You still had to rely on your own body and the Golden Horned Beast’s split.

When he chose the split that was similar to the sea of nine ghosts, Luo Feng was also looking at the endless expanse of divine power oceans.

“Hahahaha, this is like pie in the sky.” The black clothed Luo Feng’s laughter was like a shockwave, sweeping away in all directions, “Give me a surprise! This third bilocation, can cultivate the Nine Tribulation Mysterious Code that will have unlimited potential, comparable to that Lord of the Nine Specters I’m afraid it can be done, then I’ll call this third bilocation …… the Phantom Sea bilocation.”

The Sea of Phenomena!

From this moment onwards, the main body and the three major bilocations had been finalized!

One had the Earthling principal, the first bilocation was the Golden Horned Beast bilocation, the second bilocation was the Demon Slayer Race bilocation, and the third bilocation was the Phantom Sea bilocation!

“The foundation has been set, can I, Luo Feng, become one of the weak saplings in this forest of cosmic powerhouses, or become one of the thickest and tallest heavenly trees? It all depends on my own efforts in the future!” Luo Feng at this moment was full of bravado, with his main body and the three great doppelgangers, there was no longer any difficulty in gaining a foothold in the forest of cosmic powerhouses.

“And first, I’ll scrutinize this Psi-sea bilocation of mine.”

The Phantom Sea doppelganger was indeed very handsome, it was just that its body size was too big, nearly 10,000 kilometers tall.

Sitting cross-legged on the grassland, it was like a giant statue.

“Power, about 300 times the power of a Realm Lord.” The Phantom Sea bilocation let out a low voice, “It seems that the life gene level of this Phantom Sea bilocation of mine is about 300 times! That Boundary Lord level World Tree’s life level is about a thousand times, no wonder this Psi Sea Fractal was able to be birthed successfully, but with a mere 300 times of life gene level, it’s so big?”

Generally speaking, when the life gene layer was super high, the volume would also be super large.

Of course, like plant-type, rock-type special life, even if the life gene level hundreds of times, the volume is still big and scary. After all, even the ordinary life “Mo Yun Vine” and so on is millions of kilometers, so it can be seen that plant life and so on inherently has an advantage in terms of volume.

“How could the sea of ghosts split into a flesh and blood type of life be so large in size?” The sea of ghosts bilocation sat down on its knees, at the same time began to carefully sense itself, and soon felt that the bones, muscles, blood vessels, blood and so on of its own huge body all had a hidden aura of law, containing a hint of message.

Luo Feng’s consciousness absorbed these messages.

“So it’s like this.” The spectral sea doppelganger muttered softly, “Even the Chaos City Lord doesn’t know what kind of gifted secret techniques the ‘Lord of the Nine Specters’ actually has, whereas in reality, the Lord of the Nine Specters definitely has gifted secret techniques, after all, this spectral sea doppelganger of mine is in possession of two major gifted secret techniques.”

The message contained in this huge body also caused Luo Feng to fully understand some of the mysteries of that Nine Sephiroth World.

The secluded sea bilocation had two major gifted secret methods:

One, transforming the sea

Two, creation.

The first talent secret method, “transforming the sea”, means that the sea of ghosts bilocation can instantly transform into an ocean with a diameter of about 100,000 kilometers, and the space-time around the ocean will be controlled by the “ocean”, and this control will be accompanied by the strength of the “sea of ghosts bilocation” continuously. This control is accompanied by the “sea of ghosts” strength continues to increase and more and more exaggerated, the strength of the weak, the impact on space-time is very small, but the strength of the strong …… like the Lord of the Nine Specters, his “Nine Specters of the sea” on the surrounding space-time control to reach the limit, no other universe! No other universe lord dares to break into the “nine ghosts of space and time”.

The second talent secret method “creation”, in the sea at the same time, the whole body sinews and bones blood and flesh completely into the sea of blood, with this “creation” talent can be refined energy, the combination of life genes, and ultimately cohesion of life. If utilized well, one can create a tribe by this means. Since this group was created, it would always be submissive and reverent to the master who created it.

“What a powerful secret talent technique.” The Phantom Sea detachment let out a low voice, “No wonder, no wonder it has to be so large in size.”

“With a small size, how can one transform into a sea?”

“Once you turn into a sea, being able to control the surrounding space and time to a certain extent is equal to a surge in strength. This should be considered a heaven-defying means of attack. A bit like the World Tree’s ‘mastery of space-time’.”

“As for creation, perhaps it’s a bit chickenish, but I’m afraid that that one community in that Nine Hells World was created. Energy based life, should be the easiest type of life to create, as long as one researches the life crystals, one can get a life.” Luo Feng secretly nodded, “Even though it’s chicken ribs, it’s quite an accomplishment to get a community that completely submits to you.”

“Hahaha ……”

“What I didn’t expect, I got them all one by one. This ‘Phantom Sea Split’ is able to influence the surrounding space and time, and is gifted in both space and time.” The Phantom Sea Split’s voice was low and thick, echoing between heaven and earth, “And it’s also a blood-meat type of life.”

Blood meat type life, space-time talent, all were unexpected gains that surprised Luo Feng.

“Just …… how is the size of the blood sea wrong?”

“The message passed on by the secret method of talent was that it could be instantly transformed into an ocean with a diameter of about 100,000 kilometers. However, that Emperor’s and the Lord of the Nine Specters’ oceans are much larger.” The Phantom Sea Split frowned in thought.

Sector Lord level Emperor, the blood ocean was about 80 million kilometers in diameter.

Immortal-level Emperor Prince, the Emperor Sea was about 4.6 billion kilometers in diameter.

For Exalted level imperial sons, the diameter of the imperial sea ranged from about 32 – 101 billion kilometers.

But now, his own talent secret method message was saying “Sea Transformation”, and he was only able to transform the sea into a diameter of about 100,000 kilometers, which was a huge gap with the Realm Lord level emperors.

“Sea Transformation!” The Psi-Sea Split instantly executed the Secret Law of Talent.

Rumble ……

The whole body sinews and bones, flesh and blood instantly dissolved, in the blink of an eye, it has been transformed into a surging sea of blood, the sea of blood is about 100,000 kilometers in diameter, in the mid-air of Luo Feng’s internal world surging, in the instant after the sea of transformation, Luo Feng’s consciousness will feel this “sea of blood” on the surrounding space and time of a kind of hidden control, it may be sector master level, the control of space and time is obviously very good, but it may be a realm master level, the control of space and time is very good. The control over space and time was obviously very weak.

However, the sense of “time” and “space” was extremely clear, and it was obvious that it had an extremely strong spatial and temporal talent.



“Give me big.” Luo Feng’s consciousness manipulated the blood sea, but no matter how much he tried, the diameter of the blood sea was still only about 100,000 kilometers, not even the normal level of 80 million kilometers in diameter of a realm lord level emperor.

“How can this be?” The sea of blood tumbled in mid-air as the Golden Horned Beast and the Demon Slayer Clan’s detachment all pondered bitterly in the grasslands.

“After my phantom sea split transformed into a sea, why is it different from the lord of the nine phantoms and the 108 emperors, the volume is obviously not as big as them.” Luo Feng was puzzled, a sea of blood with a diameter of just 100,000 kilometers, if it was just 100,000 kilometers of special life, there were plenty of them in the universe, those plant and rock types were much, much bigger than that!

Thinking for a moment, integrating the message.


“The Lord of the Nine Specters and the 108th Prince, they seem different from me.”

“The gifted secret method, ‘Sea Transformation’, is capable of instantly transforming into a sea, as well as instantly transforming back into its original form again.” The blood sea tumbling in midair instantly recovered, changing back to the previous Phantom Sea doppelganger that was nearly 10,000 kilometers tall, and the Phantom Sea doppelganger spoke in a low voice, “However, those 108 imperial seas, and the Sea of Nine Pantheons, have remained unchanged, and haven’t even moved, in hundreds of millions of years!”

The Sea of Nine Secrets was over 10 light years in diameter!

The formation of the Nine Secrets of Time and Space had been in the Ancestral Mysterious Realm for endless years. And the ocean of 108 emperors had also been at the core of the Nine Specters world without moving.

“And listening to what the Chaos City Lord teacher said, the Lord of the Nine Specters went out to kill, and after he died, that Nine Specters Ocean …… would once again spawn the Lord of the Nine Specters.”

“However, the gifted secret method ‘Sea of Transformation’, or the Sea of Transformation, or the Honored One, simply cannot coexist at the same time. When the principal being is struck down, it should simply perish. If it can be conceived again, it means that the one who died wasn’t the original diety!” Luo Feng pondered, “There’s only one way to do what the Lord of the Nine Specters did, and that’s to …… first turn into a sea, and then with the ‘creation’ talent, create an energy alter ego, while the consciousness is mostly gathered in the energy alter ego. ”

“This way the energy bilocation is destroyed, then it can be condensed again.”

“And why has the sea of nine ghosts never moved, I’m afraid, it’s not that he doesn’t want to move, but he can’t.” Luo Feng quickly made an inference, “If he was able to move, then, if the Lord of Nine Specters carried the Sea of Nine Specters across the universe, wouldn’t that be unrivaled?”

“That means ……”

“While the Sea of Nine Specters is endlessly vast, it can’t be moved.”

Luo Feng quickly deduced many messages based on many clues, gradually, the truth unfolded before Luo Feng.

“The Lord of the Nine Sephiroths and his royal son, utilized some special method to make the ocean they transformed into constantly grow bigger and bigger and bigger …… and the price was that it couldn’t move on its own.” Luo Feng secretly said, “Although they can’t move, their huge size made their divine power almost endless, achieving immortality.”

Like plant type and rock type special beings, it was rare to move.

The more oversized the volume, the harder it was to move on their own.

It wasn’t surprising that someone as large as the “Nine Sephirotic Oceans” couldn’t move on their own.

“What method did they use to transform into an ocean that became so large?” The blood sea with a diameter of nearly 100,000 kilometers was constantly vibrating in midair, how could it go from 100,000 kilometers to 80 million kilometers? This can be completely different levels, 80 million kilometers of the ocean, energy can be more than the diameter of 100,000 kilometers of the ocean, and in accordance with the usual practice, even if they become immortal, the volume is generally unchanged, the body height is still nearly 10,000 kilometers, the transformation of the sea is still 100,000 kilometers.

But the emperors, immortal level, venerable level into the ocean, but more and more large, universe venerable level emperors, the largest one ocean straight through to 101 billion kilometers.

“How in the world did the Lord of the Nine Sephiroths and his royal sons manage to do this?”

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