Chapter 56 – The Change of Feathers

Release Date: 2024-07-12 12:11:44
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The two pairs of supreme treasure feathers are like incomparably precise instruments combined layer by layer, and even the secret pattern lines on the two supreme treasures have formed a larger and more esoteric secret pattern because of the combination, and the endless mighty pressure constantly radiates away …… Watching this scene carefully, it feels very long, but in fact it has already ended in just tens of seconds.

Everything returned to calm.

Only the huge silver feathered wings were left unfolding in mid air, beautifully transcendent, unlike some of Luo Feng’s common supreme treasures that were plain, instead they were blossoming in all their beauty.

“Four wings?” Luo Feng looked at the silver feathered supreme treasure, the combined feathered supreme treasure had four wings.

“Come on, Wu Slayer feather wing, let me feel your current might.” Luo Feng still called this feather wing “Wuicide”, the silver feather wing suspended in mid air in the distance immediately turned into a silver stream of light and directly merged into Luo Feng’s body, only to see Luo Feng’s back immediately unfold two pairs of silver feather wings with endless pressure.

When the wings unfolded …… then vaguely hooked the surrounding space and time.

“Space and time?”

“The feather wing supreme treasure obtained from the Tian Yang venerable one, the secret pattern engraving is in the aspect of time law. My original Wuicide Feather Wing is good at the spatial aspect. The two knot life …… can actually have an effect on space and time.” The four wings behind Luo Feng vibrated slightly, divine energy was continuously pouring into the feather wings, carefully studying the secret pattern carvings of the feather wings themselves.

Even though he didn’t cultivate the law of time, the secret patterns on the feathered wings …… were still within the scope of Luo Feng’s secret pattern diagram school research.

With Luo Feng’s research attainments in the secret pattern diagram school, after only half an hour of pondering, he had developed the initial abilities of this new feathered wing supreme treasure.



Luo Feng’s four wings vibrated moving swiftly.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Only to see the sky above the Endless Specter Sea almost instantly appear densely packed with countless Luo Fengs, as many as ten million of them.

“Hahaha …… incredible feather!”

“This move is actually able to cause a disorganization of space and time, so the first form of this new Wu Slayer Feather will be ‘disorganized space and time’.” Luo Feng said softly.

Before the fusion, the second form of the Wu Slayer Feather Wing could cause spatial turbulence, and the second form of the Flowing Light Feather Wing could cause temporal turbulence.

And the first form of the new feather wing – ‘misplaced space-time’.

In fact, it is the combination of space turbulence, time turbulence after the move …… make space and time completely disorganized, the movement will be more ghostly and unpredictable. And this is only the first form of the new feathered wings.

“There is a second form.” Luo Feng studied and pondered carefully.

For three days, Luo Feng finally chose to give up, after all, his foundation in time law was too weak, even if he was able to deduce the method of driving the first form by virtue of his profound attainments in the secret pattern diagram school and his familiarity with the Wuicide feather. But the method of driving the second form would be too difficult.

According to Luo Feng’s speculation, the second form of the new feather wing should be a move formed from the combination of the third form of the Wusicide Feather Wing and the third form of the Flowing Light Feather Wing.

“And I feel …… that this new feathered wing, there are still cripples.” Luo Feng frowned.

“Although the secret pattern on the new feather wing is extremely profound, a part of it should be missing.” Luo Feng’s eyes were extremely high, he had even created the master of the universe’s ultimate secret method, and had often studied the micro universe’s secret pattern diagrams! So although he hadn’t studied it thoroughly, he was able to sense that the new feather secret pattern was missing ……

“Could it be that there is a third pair of feathers?” Luo Feng was startled in his heart.


There was definitely more than just these two pairs of feather wings, according to his own knowledge of the secret pattern, there was definitely still a missing part. There should be a third pair of feathered wings!

“The power of these first two pairs of feather wings alone should be considered a top tier supreme treasure.” Luo Feng was secretly shocked, “If there is a third pair of feather wings fused …… the might will definitely skyrocket!”

“Don’t think about it much for now.”

“Chaos city master teacher got the wuxia feather wings for so many years and didn’t realize that the wuxia feather wings were crippled, I was lucky enough to run into venerable Tian Yang before I realized that the two feather wings were attracted to each other.” Luo Feng also knew that it wasn’t the Chaos City Lord’s fault because the pure Wuicide Feather Wing, or the pure Flowing Light Feather Wing …… couldn’t see the flaws from the secret pattern.

From the secret pattern, the Wuicide feather was pure spatial flow, and the flowing light feather was pure time flow. It was so perfect that no flaws could be seen at all.

However, once the two are combined, it will be realized that there is a lack of a “pivot” part in the middle of the combination of time and space! Precisely because of the lack of the center part of life …… the power of this feather wings did not reach the ideal limit.

Back in the day, we only had the Wusicides wings, and we didn’t even succeed in researching the third form. Now you want to understand the second form of the “New Wusicide Feather Wing”…… Luo Feng tried for three days and knew that it would take a long time.

“No matter what, this feather is much stronger than before, as for the third pair of feathers, let’s see what happens.” Luo Feng’s mind moved.

The piece of supreme treasure floating in midair in the distance began to immediately categorize.

“Phantom sea split!”

A godly body over 9,000 kilometers tall appeared next to Luo Feng – the Phantom Sea Split.

“Carrying a high level supreme treasure armor! Domain type supreme treasure …… and a high grade supreme treasure battle sword.” Luo Feng quickly had the Phantom Sea doppelganger armed, the high level supreme treasure armor and domain type supreme treasure were from the “Heavenly Yang Venerable”, as for the high level supreme treasure battle sword, it was also obtained from the five universe overlords Luo Feng had killed in the past year.

“Bring some more precious materials, many heavy treasures, some items and so on… the sea of ghosts split back to Earth to station.” Luo Feng secretly said.


The Psi sea doppelganger quickly shrunk into a mere one meter eight tall, wearing black battle armor and a purple battle sword, Luo Feng and Luo Feng looked at each other, then they directly left the divine kingdom with an instantaneous movement.

“The many supreme treasures will be placed in the divine kingdom, it’s useless to bring them.”

“Well …… Zhenyan teacher must also lack supreme treasures, turn around and pick the suitable ones for teacher.” Luo Feng smiled faintly, and immediately took a step, taking the golden horned giant beast doppelganger and demon slayer clan doppelganger with him and left directly.

Earth outer space.

Wearing black armor and carrying a purple battle sword, the You Hai bilocation stood in the atmosphere, his divine power enveloped the entire earth, from today onwards, he would silently guard the earth and also the Luo family.

Luo Feng made this decision because after nearly a year of wandering in the primordial star he realized …… that it was useless to bring the Phantom Sea doppelganger with him.

In terms of the purity of divine power, the sea of ghosts split is one tenth of the Golden Horn Beast. On the volume is only one thousandth! God body gap is so big …… Then even if the Earthling’s original body is a bit consumed during the battle, it can be completely replenished from the Golden Horned Beast. With the Golden Horned Beast’s huge divine body can automatically recover in a moment.

And self-detonation? The power of the self-blast of the Yu Hai split is not as powerful as Luo Feng’s ultimate secret method of the Master of the Universe, “Golden Light”.

Therefore,…… divine power replenishment, fighting and so on do not need the sea of ghosts split.

However, the sea of ghosts itself is also extremely strong, once equipped with high grade supreme treasure armor, battle sword, domain type supreme treasures, and then with the master of the universe ultimate secret method “golden light”! His combat power was only slightly worse than that of the Earthling himself, and was even stronger than that of an ordinary Universe Hegemon.

It was enough to sit on Earth! Although Luo Feng had long left some tokens for his relatives, he could sense them when he crushed them at critical moments.

However, when he sensed the tokens, he still needed to rush back. It’s better to personally sit in the town.

The secluded sea branch traveled to Earth and took control of it.

Luo Feng’s main body on the other hand once again traveled to the primordial star ……

In the distant Thorny Ring Alliance, in front of a lofty palace, a universe lord was performing the “reversal of time and space”, only to see a figure shrouded in black mist standing in front of the palace, the time around him kept going back in time …… but he stood silently, the laws of cosmic functioning Backlash layer by layer completely transmitted to that lofty Lord of the Universe divine body.

After a long time, everything returned to calm.

That Lord of the Universe nodded towards the distance, and then directly turned around and returned to his palace.

“Thank you Lord of the Universe.” A giant man who had been silently watching from afar immediately bowed.

“I’m alive, me, I’m alive?”

Venerable Fierce Mist stood there frozen, then revealed a look of surprise.

“Venerable Fury Mist.” The giant man let out a low drink, causing the distant Venerable Fury Mist who was still in surprise to instantly wake up and even turn his head to look, as soon as he saw that giant man, he even flew over and respectfully said, “Fortress Master Van Nu.”

“I asked you to follow that Venerable Yang, I rushed there immediately, but I didn’t expect that while I was waiting for news from you, you perished.” The giant man said in a low voice, “I came specifically to ask the ‘Lord of the Sovereign’ to revive you by reversing time and space, and as for the cost of reversing time and space to revive you, I’ll bear it.”

Venerable Fierce Mist let out a sigh of relief when he heard this.

The cost of reversing time and space resurrection was not small.

“What in the world is going on? How did you perish?” Fortress Van Nu’s Lord drank.

“It’s like this.” Venerable Fierce Mist even said, “I saw Venerable Yang Tian and a golden-horned giant beast flying into the spatial vortex one after the other that day. So I went to report to you, Fort Master. Later on, on the orders of you, Fort Master Van Nu, to follow …… me as soon as I entered the spatial vortex to pass into the past, I saw the sparring match in the distance, and both of those two powerhouses had domain-type supreme treasures!”

“Well, Venerable Yang Tian does have a domain type supreme treasure.” The Van Nu Fortress Lord snorted coldly, “It’s something he just got by luck.”

“They were fighting at the time.” Venerable Fierce Mist even said, “I also suspected that Venerable Yang was in the middle of it, so I quietly watched carefully, but I didn’t dare to break into the middle of that domain. The two fought extraordinarily fiercely, and the domain supreme treasures were also at odds with each other …… I finally saw it clearly. One is indeed Venerable Yang Tian, while the other is really that Golden Horned Beast.”

The Van Nu Fortress Lord listened carefully.

“Venerable Tian Yang was clearly at a disadvantage and quickly fled immediately.” Venerable Fierce Mist said.

“Fleeing? Losing the wind?” Fortress Master Van Nu was shocked, “That Golden Horned Beast has such a strong strength, could it be that you didn’t recognize that Golden Horned Beast as which Venerable Lord of the Starry Sky Beast Alliance?”

“I don’t recognize it, I’ve never seen it before.” Venerable Fierce Mist shook his head.

“Oh?” Fortress Van Nu’s lord was puzzled.

“As they fled and chased, I had to follow, not wanting to be thrown off. But just then-” Venerable Fierce Mist revealed a hint of disbelief, “Just as they were chasing each other, suddenly the heavens and earth instantly darkened, and I was completely plunged into the endless dim heavens and earth, surrounded by endless dim air currents. ”

“Dim heaven and earth, dim air currents?” The Van Noble Fortress Lord revealed a shocked expression, “Could it be a chaotic air current?”

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