Chapter 74 The Bottleneck of Life Gene

Release Date: 2024-07-12 12:12:32
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Luo Feng sat on the throne, overlooking the black pressurized group of special beings kneeling below, the excitement and worship in the eyes of these thousands of special beings …… made Luo Feng stare and realize that the sad thing about these seemingly rare and powerful special beings …… was that they were too weak They are too weak.

They because of the extremely high life level, talent secret method …… lured the universe of billions of ethnic groups one by one to do, will they either enslave, or seize the body!

If a group of special beings did not have a powerful protector, then they would soon be torn apart by the greedy mass of the universe’s billions of ethnic groups! Swallowed and eaten!

Back then, the “Blood Cloud Palace Master” was a great master of the universe, when the number of special beings was still quite a lot, he saw some special beings arrested and killed, and then he felt compassion, and saved one group of special beings after another, and finally gathered together to have thousands of these special beings! After infinite years of growth ……

It was only with Sitting Mountain Guest’s guidance that a top cosmic overlord like Lord Black Sky, Venerable Silver Gnarl, and Prickly Wool Demon Lord were born.

If it was back then, I’m afraid they would have been hunted.

Of course after a long period of time to the present day, special life communities without protectors have long since disappeared in the long river of cosmic history, so there are quite a few ancient existences, such as Chaos City Lords and so on, that possess special life doppelgangers. But the further back they went, by the time Luo Feng’s era wanted to find special beings to take over again it would be too difficult.

“The mountain sitter protects them, guards them, and instructs them. It’s as if he’s their father ……,” Luo Feng said silently, “No wonder they all call their masters, yet they worship and respect them from the bottom of their hearts.”

“From today!”

“I am the blood cloud hall master, although I have such a powerful force in addition, I also have another responsibility in addition to the earth lineage.”

Luo Feng secretly said.

This was indeed a force that the cosmic forces would covet, three top cosmic overlords! Especially the Black Sky Lords, the purity of divine power was nearly a hundred times stronger than Venerable Yang Tian, the same high level supreme treasure armor, Luo Feng needed an attack two levels higher to cause the same result as killing Venerable Yang Tian …… and the Black Sky Lord’s divine body was even a million kilometers taller! The size of his divine body is billions of times bigger than Venerable Yang Tian’s less than ten meter tall divine body ……

“Venerable Silver Gnarl and Prickly Wool Demon Lord, although their divine bodies aren’t as exaggerated, they’re similarly not small.”

“There are three of them.”

“This special life force can resist unless it encounters a universe lord.” Luo Feng secretly nodded, protecting such a force wasn’t as difficult as protecting the earth lineage, this lineage of special beings had after all grown for endless years and had the ability to protect themselves.

Luo Feng also suddenly understood.

Why were there so many precious materials, heavy treasures, and ordinary supreme treasures in the treasure room, after all, Luo Feng’s future opponent would be a master of the universe, ordinary supreme treasures would even directly shatter in a battle at the master of the universe level! Obviously these ordinary supreme treasures sitters were not reserved for Luo Feng, but for this group of special beings.

“Black sky.” Luo Feng spoke.

“Master.” Lord Black Sky opened his mouth naively.

“All 18 of you tell me the supreme treasures you possess.” Luo Feng looked down.

“Yes, I have high grade supreme treasure armor and six high grade supreme treasure divine hammers!” Lord Black Heaven smiled nervously, “Master, are you going to grant me top supreme treasure armor? Last time you even said …… that you would find a way to get me a top supreme treasure armor next time, saying that if I had top supreme treasure armor, it would be hard for a universe lord to kill me.”

Luo Feng was stunned.

Top tier supreme treasure armor? There were only hundreds of ordinary supreme treasures in the treasure room that teacher left for himself.

“Teacher Sitting Mountain Guest is also too sinister, now that I’ve inherited the position of blood cloud hall master, the responsibility of equipping the strongest under my command with treasures is also on my shoulders?” Luo Feng cursed, but there was nothing he could do.

“I’m thinking of a way, top level supreme treasure armor isn’t easy to get.” Luo Feng spoke.

“Yes, but master will definitely be able to do it.” Black sky lord said.

“Next.” Luo Feng even commanded.

One by one, the Silver Gnarled Venerable Lord, Thorned Wool Demon Lord and the others reported on their respective supreme treasures, causing Luo Feng to realize that all 18 universe overlords had supreme treasures, and all of them were clearly based on their strength. Like the three top universe overlords had high level supreme treasures and each had several of them! Luo Feng, who had planned to bestow supreme treasures, gave up on this idea and ended up merely bestowing some heavy treasures on some immortal special beings, and this meeting was considered over.

“This is a force.”

“Even though I’m tasked with the responsibility of commanding and guarding, they can also help me with a lot of things.” Luo Feng secretly said, “In the future, I will naturally be the one to guard my Earth lineage. This group of special beings, the black sky lords and them, and the earth lineage should be able to complement each other.”

On that day, Luo Feng made these special beings retreat.

And alone with Lord Black sky, silver gnarled venerable, prickly crow demon lord and the three of them, he passed on the order, “Black sky, silver gnarled, prickly crow, I’m going out, I’ll leave all the matters of those children in the ancient chin secret realm to you. If you encounter anything you can’t solve, inform me again.”


“Yes, master.” All three replied through the token.

On the same day, the Golden Horned Beast split quietly returned to the human frontier and returned to the divine kingdom.

Since then, Luo Feng’s life was divided into two parts, one was the Golden Horned Beast researching the “Star Tower” with the secret pattern flow, and the second was the Earthling’s original body cultivating on Zijing Island!

The earthling original first began to cultivate the eighth stage of the Nine Tribulation Mysteries!

The advantage of having a small god body was that it was extremely fast to cultivate.

In a year or so, Luo Feng practiced the eighth robbery, and the life gene level grew from about 9,800 times to about 10,050 times, purely a vague determination by Luo Feng. Then Luo Feng continued practicing the ninth robbery of the “Nine robberies secret canon”…… During the process of practicing, the vital gene level grew extremely slowly, especially when practicing to the middle of the ninth robbery – suddenly the vital gene level got stuck! Stagnant, in the “perfect gene” is only the last trace of the time stagnation, let the “Nine Secret Canon” has been down the cultivation, life gene level is no longer increased by the slightest.

“Just a little bit short.”

“The phantom sea bilocation, the golden horned beast bilocation are all directly reached the perfect gene level, but my earthling self is only a hair’s breadth away from the perfect gene, how to cultivate the “Nine Hijacking Mysterious Canon” the ninth hijacking started midway …… will not be of any use at all?” Luo Feng was anxious in his heart.


Let the cultivation keep moving backwards, but the life gene level was stagnant.

“It’s just a little bit short, what should I do?”

In the third year on Zijing Island.

Luo Feng sat cross-legged on a stone bridge by a pond in the compound of his mansion, it was at this moment that the Nine Tribulation Mysterious Code was finally cultivated to the last step! No matter if it was the Golden Horned Giant Beast alter ego or the Phantom Sea alter ego that hadn’t cultivated to the end they had already reached genetic perfection, the Earthling proper was the first to cultivate the complete Nine Tribulation Mysterious Canon.

“Wow wow wow ……”

Luo Feng was sitting there, but his whole body was emitting the sound of the ocean surging, at the same time the surface of his skin started to flood with silky golden threads, a huge arcane and incomparably complex secret pattern diagram appeared on Luo Feng’s whole body! If Luo Feng’s entire skin was recorded and put down flat, the secret pattern diagram formed …… was not the same as the secret pattern diagram formed by the words of the Nine Robberies Mysterious Code, but the mood was the same.


Luo Feng felt a fundamental breakthrough in his life essence, seemingly breaking a certain bottleneck, and the life gene level finally took that small step again at this time! Just this small step …… but represents a fundamental breakthrough across.


“Breakthrough.” Luo Feng’s eyes were filled with joy.

“I have to go back to the divine kingdom.”

Luo Feng clearly felt the god body deludedly absorbing energy to keep growing, just on Zijing island, there wasn’t enough energy to absorb, immediately teleported through the god kingdom and quickly left Zijing island.

In the divine Kingdom.

The endless sea of ghosts raised hundreds of kilometers of waves, and in the sky above the waves, a black-haired youth was standing naked in mid-air, and countless seawater surged up from below, like countless ribbons surrounding the black-haired youth, and was continuously absorbed by the black-haired youth. The black-haired young man began to grow bigger and bigger.

From less than two meters high, began to rapidly become taller and larger.

10 meters, 100 meters, 1000 meters ……

The divine power in the divine body was also constantly increasing, increasing by more than a billion times! It reached an incomparably raging and terrifying point.

When it became an incomparably lofty 90,000+ kilometers tall, it finally stopped.

“From this day forward!”

“The Earthling proper and the Golden Horned Beast split will be my two main battle forces!” Luo Feng smiled, before, although the earthling’s original body had a high purity of divine body, it was too small and couldn’t perform “I am the universe”. And now on the divine body …… the earthling essence and the golden horned beast are the same, naturally can play a stronger strength, and like casting the master of the universe’s ultimate secret method “golden light”, also do not worry about the consumption of the divine body is too big.

“It’s also time to make a trip to Chaos City.”

“That Yue Zhan blade is too fragile for me.”

Luo Feng first traveled to the initial universe chaos city, and took the “chopping yue knife” as well as a large number of ordinary supreme treasures he had gotten from hunting in the primordial star! Plus the more than 20 pieces of supreme treasures in the treasure room of the “blood cloud hall”, completely accumulating them, along with the remaining supreme treasure points he had. It was only then that he exchanged it with the clan for a top-grade supreme treasure, the Sorrowful Nine Snow!

The original name of the sword was “Sorrow Nine Snow”, but Luo Feng named it Blood Shadow Blade.

“The hundreds of supreme treasures in the Black Sky, Silver Gnarl, and Stabbing Crow …… treasure room were left by the teacher for you special beings, but those little ones still need an extremely long time to grow. I’ll take away some of them for now and will definitely get them back in the future.” Luo Feng was also feeling the pressure, right now the bug race, mechanical race, and demon race were stupid.

The stronger he was, the better.

He had the peak treasure “robber armor” that could be activated to the third level (weakening the enemy’s attack to one hundred thousandth), and he also had more than ninety thousand kilometers of divine body …… to reach an extremely terrifying level of natural survivability. If you’re fighting with the Lord of the Universe, a high grade supreme treasure battle sword is obviously too weak.

Leaving the Divine Kingdom to return to Zijing Island.

The Golden Horned Beast split from the secret pattern flow, still researching the “Star Tower” secret pattern in the divine kingdom.

Luo Feng’s main body is in the purple bauhinia island silently cultivation, constantly increasing the “beast god way” of enlightenment, after all, the more the beast god way …… on the secret pattern flow of attainment is also helpful, so peaceful days, in the blink of an eye will be the past 61 years.

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