Chapter 94: Go and die.

Release Date: 2024-07-12 12:13:26
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This silent and ancient starry sky seemed as if it had been frozen, appearing incomparably oppressive.

The four huge shadows transformed by the four ideas were in three directions.

Among them, the huge silver-white snake head and a foreign beast shrouded in a serrated shell were in the same orientation.

The slender figure was in another orientation.

The huge oval black sphere silhouette was also in a separate orientation.

“The situation is known to everyone.” The voice of the slender figure “Insect Empress” was as gentle as ever, full of endless charm, “Luo Feng executed the strongest secret method of the Lord of the Universe, forming a micro universe, instantly causing more than 6,000 Universe Exalted to perish within the range of the micro universe, and repelling the Lord of Banff, escaping back to the domain of his teacher, the Chaos City Lord. Thousand Treasure River domain.

“Empress, the Lord of Banff, you chose him!” The black sphere shadow let out an angry voice.

An old voice came out from the mouth of the jagged shelled alien beast, “Queen of the Insect Race, this matter was executed by the Lord of Banff of your Insect Race Alliance, and when it finally came down to this, your Insect Race has to take more responsibility.”

“You guys are also in agreement.” The Bug Queen’s voice was vaguely icy, “Not to mention that Luo Feng was able to execute the Lord of the Universe’s strongest secret technique, which one of you wanted it? Totally unexpected, even if you Demon Alliance or Mechanical Alliance sent a Universe Lord, could you have done better?”

Those two Demon Ancestors of the Demon Race and the Father God of the Mechanical Race naturally understood the reasoning, but the losses this time were after all great.

Although some of those 6,000 or so Universe Exalted had the ability to split, they were after all a very small number. Together with the 800 or so that Luo Feng had killed before, adding up, the number of Universe Exalted that needed to be resurrected was roughly 7000! And all of them were at least Higher Cosmic Exalted!

This was a terrifying number.

This involved the distribution of responsibilities, who shouldered more from the three parties, so at the beginning, the demon race and mechanical race started mentioning “Lord Banff’s poor execution”, obviously to prepare for more demands later on.


The Queen of the Insect Race coldly snorted, “We three parties, our respective Universe Exalted, each came to resurrect! The two of you will never want my Insect Alliance to shoulder more.”

“Empress.” The huge silver-white snake head also spoke, “This time, our Demon Race Alliance sent out the most Universe Exalted on that primordial star, more than half of our Demon Race Alliance’s Universe Exalted! More than half of the dead Universe Exalted are also from our Demon Race Alliance, in the operation …… we made the most effort, and now we’re being made to bear the most burden instead? That’s not fair!”

“I didn’t force your Demon Race to send so many Cosmic Exalted.” The Insect Empress said, “You guys purely volunteered, and with so many dead, you naturally have to bear the burden. And we all said at the time that …… perished Universe Exalted are naturally borne by their respective alliances.”

No one had expected so many Universe Exalted to die before.

Even thought that the dead universe honored ones would be few and far between, and then Luo Feng’s Demon Slayer Race detachment showed up, only then did the three major alliances feel that they had miscalculated, but it was still within the range of bearing.

It s just that the last great extinction …… made all three major alliances heartbroken.

The three parties argued.

Even as noble as the strongest person in the universe, once the interests of the community are involved, it is natural that they will not easily bow down. Because the interests involved this time were indeed very large, resurrecting a Cosmic High Exalted would cause a Cosmic Lord to be seriously injured! There were only some exceptionally gifted ones, such as the World Tree, the Mountain Giant, and other universe lords with oversized god bodies, who were able to resurrect more instead.

The number of resurrected Cosmic Exalted has nothing to do with strength, it has to do with divine body!

The more resistant they are, the more they can be resurrected! The more they were resurrected, the more they were resurrected!

But after all, there were too many this time, about 7000! Those perished Universe Overlords …… alone made the four strongest people in the universe feel a lot of pressure, and the number of Universe Lords of the three major alliances only totaled how many points? All of the powerhouses were seriously injured, and they couldn’t even resurrect that many Universe Lords.

“In my opinion.” The black sphere shadow said, “There’s no need to argue anymore, we three major alliances will go together to invite the Lord of the Nine Specters! Let the Lord of the Nine Specters come and resurrect …… his Sea of Nine Specters, comparable to a supreme supreme treasure. It’s completely capable of resurrecting 7,000 Universe Exalted!”

“The more you resurrect, the stronger the punishment backlash from the universe will be!” The silver snake head said, “With the ability of the Lord of the Nine Specters, his Sea of Nine Specters is indeed able to withstand the more terrifying the backlash. However, …… the vast majority of those 7,000 Cosmic Exalted have never been to the Sea of Nine Specters, and the Sea of Nine Specters can’t be moved. With just the one divine body that the Lord of the Nine Sepulchres had divided into ……”

“At first, one of his divine bodies was still able to resurrect a Cosmic Exalted. Even if he teleported a divine body over each time, but in the later stages, the backlash is even stronger, and he’s afraid that his one divine body’s divine power won’t be able to resist the backlash …… can’t even resurrect a Cosmic Exalted.”

The three parties were quiet once again.

Reversing time and space to resurrect a strong person is punished by the laws of cosmic operation, which is against the laws of cosmic operation. To violate it once, twice, three times …… too much, it was a provocation to the origin of the universe! The punishment will also become heavier and heavier! Of course, the sea of nine ghosts that endless can completely resist.

Nay, the Sea of Nine Sephiroths could not move.

“It’s impossible to let all the Cosmic Lords of our three major alliances go and resurrect.” The black sphere shadow said, “It would cause our three major alliances to weaken like never before. And if we don’t resurrect or postpone the resurrection for a long time …… it won’t work either, since we made a promise, we have to carry it out.

“In my opinion, specifically invite those special life universe lords of the God Body Supersize.” The black sphere said, “Our three major alliances also have several of them, like in the Northern Border Alliance and Ancestral God Sect, the Lords of Special Life Universe, are even more numerous. Inviting them, each of them can resurrect hundreds of Universe Exalted or even more! After we resurrect the Universe Overlords, we reckon that we can also resurrect some more Universe Exalted.”

The strongest people in the universe quickly deliberated, their consciousnesses operating at an astonishingly fast speed, quickly formulating the Oceanic Fine Program.

This was already the least costly scheme to pay.

The three alliances shared it evenly!

Each alliance was equal to losing a peak domain-type supreme treasure, which caused the four strongest people in the universe great heartache.

“The resurrection plan is finalized, talk about that Luo Feng.” The black sphere shadow said.

“Luo Feng, must be killed!” The insect queen said.

“He’s gifted with the art of detachment and is extremely strong, the universe lords are afraid they can’t do anything about him. Unless we step in, but there’s only four of us in total, can’t we all step in? That would be a joke! And if we go out alone, just one of us, how can we catch up with him in the Primordial Star?” The Sawtooth Shell Alien Beast’s voice was pale, “But I also agree with you, Empress, this time, our three major alliances failed in their plans, and also suffered a big loss, if we end this, then our three major alliances will become the laughing stock of many other forces in the entire universe! Even if we kill a bilocation, we still have to end it by killing his bilocation!”

“Right.” The huge silver-colored snake head also spoke out.

“Kill his bilocation and take away his supreme treasure! Otherwise, if we let him leave arrogantly, we’re afraid we’ll be snickered at even more.” The black sphere shadow also said.

“Luo Feng has a Demon Slayer Clan doppelganger and escapes very fast, we’re afraid we’ll be too late.” The pale voice said.

“Even if he escaped the primordial star.” The insect race empress said icily, just still full of seduction, “We will also proceed to hunt him down, we must kill him once and take his supreme treasure, it’s barely enough to offset some of the shame of this defeat.”

These four lofty existences understood ……

The moment Luo Feng killed over 6000 universe reverends, it was doomed, the three great alliances had lost face. Even if they could kill one of Luo Feng’s doppelgangers for the end …… it was still more humiliating. But if they didn’t kill Luo Feng’s detachment and let Luo Feng do what he did to slap the three great alliances face and still get away with it.

That would be even more humiliating and would even become a laughing stock!

“Have the other universe lords track Luo Feng’s trail, it’s best to hold him back!”

“Dream tea, you will be the one to make the move.”


Number 02933 primordial star.

In the Thousand Treasure River realm, a blurry Chaos City Lord figure coalesced in front of Luo Feng, of course the Chaos City Lord’s real body was more than 30 billion kilometers away from Luo Feng.

“Teacher, you’re asking me to die?” Luo Feng was shocked.

“What you did this time, you did it painfully, we in the Hong alliance all cheered and screamed for it, teacher would have done the same if he was in the same situation as you.” Chaos city lord’s virtual shadow said, “Doing it is doing it, but this is because the three big alliances are the ones who deserve it, they want to kill you first, so it’s not good for them to go on a rampage if you do it.”

Luo Feng nodded.

Between super god powers, the lord of the universe generally prohibited mass slaughter, if one slaughtered, it was a provocation to the other party, it was normal to even cause a war.

It was just that this time, those three parties wanted to kill Luo Feng, but they planted themselves in Luo Feng’s hands, so naturally, it wouldn’t cause a war to be set off.

“Even if they can’t go on a rampage, they have to maintain face! The three super powers suffered such a big loss at your hands, if they all endured it without a word, I’m afraid they would be laughed at by the entire universe.” The Chaos City Lord’s virtual shadow said, “They will definitely make a move, and even one of the strongest people in the universe will descend.”

Luo Feng’s heart fluttered.

“They need to maintain face and must end by killing you. Even if it’s just killing one of your doppelgangers.” Chaos city lord said, “You put all your supreme treasures with your other bilocations, and send out a random bilocation such as your Demon Slayer race bilocation …… to go directly to your death! Just one Demon Slayer Race bilocation, without any supreme treasure, merely consumes a little bit of your divine power. Those three major alliances …… are also using this to publicly kill you, also counting this matter has an end, face slightly salvage some.”

“What do you think?” Chaos City Lord looked at Luo Feng.

Luo Feng pondered silently.

He wasn’t a fool.

If he didn’t have a series of plans beforehand, he would have nodded his head, after all, it wasn’t too humiliating for a Demon Slayer detachment to die at the hands of one of the strongest in the universe. Just …… this way, his other “blood cloud” plan would not be able to be carried out.

“Teacher, I won’t tangle with them, yet I’m also unwilling to directly send them to their deaths.” Luo Feng directly said, “Teacher you know what I’m capable of, I’m completely capable of escaping the primordial star easily.”

“Even if you escape the primordial star, they will continue to hunt.” Chaos city lord said, “If you use your demon slayer clan detachment to suffer death, this matter will be settled.”

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