Chapter 28 – The Flaming Sand Cup

Release Date: 2024-07-12 13:14:25
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Luo Feng looked at the Lord of Tian Lang here in the distance, back then he had no resistance at all in front of the Lord of Tian Lang, but now he is definitely considered a first class level of the Lord of the Universe in terms of consciousness and will, and in terms of the secret method and the supreme treasure. Even if he was a step behind in terms of God’s body, the advantage in terms of the most precious treasure also allowed him to not shy away from any Lord of the Universe at all.

Hmph, that Lord of Waki Ao has a strange divine wood, and I can’t do anything about it in a battle with me!” Luo Feng secretly said, “This Lord of Skywolf, among the 19 existences of the nine powers gathered this time, is completely at the bottom of the list, in terms of true strength, it’s not even as good as Amazing Emperor and the others! It’s just one more piece of the Dream Ancestor Domain, I can completely suppress it with the triple stacking of the miniature universe, golden kingdom, and Nine Roaring Tiger River!”

“I’m slightly worse in terms of my divine body right now, and I can’t defeat some extremely strong Universe Lords.”

“But a tiny Lord of the Skywolf ……”


Luo Feng didn’t think of the Lord of the Skywolf as much of a fearsome opponent in the slightest.

“Hahaha, you want to fight me with this small chaos world of yours? Dream Demon Ancestor gave me a supreme treasure, I’ll show you the power of this supreme treasure!” The Lord of the Skywolf let out a roar, “Get the hell out of my way!”

Rumble ……

The dream world formed by countless colorful threads impacted in all directions, directly hitting the cosmic membrane wall of Luo Feng’s miniature world. However, this miniature universe was formed instantly by the strongest secret method after consuming that huge god body for a whole lot of time, how could it be so easy to crash through?

“Lord of Tian Lang, you’re only relying on this Dream Ancestral Domain, let’s see me smash your Dream Ancestral Domain, let’s see how you can still fight with me!” Luo Feng let out a furious shout.

“Haha, Dream Ancestral Domain is a peak domain type of supreme treasure, you also want to-ah!” The Lord of the Skywolf was shocked, only to see that in the distance, the dreamy colored world and the golden river began to collide, and with the dual assistance of the golden kingdom and the miniature universe, the golden river was simply unstoppable.

Bang bang bang!

The dream world seemed like a huge star field, time and time again it wanted to expand, but it was forced to contract by the constant impact of the golden river.

“Impossible, this is the Dream Demon Ancestor’s greatest treasure, it’s impossible to lose, break break break!” A turquoise, ferocious aura swept across the eyes of the Lord of the Skywolf.

The Dream Domain formed by the Multi-Ancestor Domain crashed into it time and time again, only to lose time and time again, causing its range to become smaller and smaller.

“Hahaha, you’re bound to lose, it’s useless.” Luo Feng laughed.

The combination of the golden kingdom and the ice peak lord “cold mist realm” was already comparable to the average peak realm type supreme treasures, only slightly weaker than the dream ancestor domain!

The Micro Universe was even stronger than the Cold Mist Realm.

Miniature universe, golden kingdom, nine roaring tiger river …… triple superimposed, of course, nine roaring tiger river plays the role of the smallest, but ultimately the power is still stronger than the dream ancestor domain a trace.


Luo Feng shouted angrily.

The distance between him and the Wolf Lord wasn’t that far, and he was completely within the area where the Nine Roaring Tiger River could spread out (30 million kilometers radius), only to see the golden river as if it was a giant egg, heavily wrapping the Wolf Lord. The “Dream Ancestral Domain” was forced to be like the yolk of an egg, surrounding the Wolf Lord.

“How can this be possible? The Dream Ancestral Domain is actually at a disadvantage.” The Heavenly Wolf Lord was shocked.

As soon as he unleashed his miniature universe, as well as the golden kingdom and the nine roaring tiger river, he immediately trapped and suppressed the Lord of the Heavenly Wolf. But Luo Feng was immediately faced with a choice.

“Miniature universe, it can only last for 9 seconds at a time!”

“Even at the speed of light, 9 seconds is only millions of kilometers. I’m currently about 18 million kilometers away from the Skywolf Lord, and even closer to 100 million kilometers away from the Flame Sand Cup. By flying alone, I can’t even get to the Lord of the Sky Wolves or get the Flame Sand Cup in my hands. We can only rely on that Demon Slayer Race bilocation!”

The Demon Slayer Clan’s bilocation could instantly move hundreds of times per second, reaching speeds of millions of kilometers per second.

Nearly 100 million kilometers, it was estimated to take about 3 seconds!

18 million kilometers, estimated to take about 5 seconds!

“Anyway, it’s at the end.

“The flaming sand cup arriving is most important.” Luo Feng didn’t dare to take a risk, with a movement of his mind, the Demon Slayer Clan split appeared out of thin air.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The golden river immediately appeared a phantom, the devil slaying race split completely burst the limit speed, even reached about 400 times per second forward, just spend about 24 seconds to that flame sand cup, flame sand cup …… is a translucent strange shape of the cup, the cup has a large number of sand particles, the sand particles vaguely has a flame halo.

The Demon Slayer Clan splitter grabbed the flaming sand cup and instantly put it into the world ring.

And then immediately cast the talent secret method “domain” toward the original rushed …… to spend another 2 seconds, which arrived at the earth person’s original, into the world ring.

“Hahaha ……” Luo Feng laughed.

Because he had to maintain the “I am the universe” all the time, so he couldn’t enter the “world ring”, so that the demonic killing race branch had to come and go back and forth …… miniature universe consumes 10% of the god body for every 9 seconds of maintenance. 10% of the God body, this a round trip down, consumed 60% of the God body, plus before the fight for the fragments of the drawstring diagram also performed twice, consumed 20%. Fortunately, all of it was replenished by the Golden Horned Beast’s doppelganger, so the Earthling’s main body was still able to maintain its peak state, but the Golden Horned Beast had already fallen into a state of extreme vulnerability (Luo Feng had also returned to his godly realm once during the waiting time after his battle with the Lord of Gaki Ao and the divine power replenished satisfactorily).

“Damn it!” A dreamy light domain surrounded the divine body as the black sky wolf impacted to break through layers of golden waves.

Nay, for just tens of seconds, it could only watch as the treasure reached Luo Feng’s hands, and although it fought to struggle, the golden waves were too wide, and with the aid of the golden kingdom and miniature universe, it caused him to waste these tens of seconds completely just like that.


The miniature universe dissipated without a sound.

“Lord of the Skywolf, last time you had the assistance of the Lord of the Spectral Demon and seized the fragment of that Drawing Silk Diagram. This time, you alone can fight with me, Luo Feng? It’s still almost! If I didn’t have the Dream Ancestor Domain, today I would have beaten you into hiding in the Heavenly Wolf Palace.” Luo Feng laughed, his laughter caused the Lord of the Heavenly Wolf to growl in anger: “Human Luo Feng, how long have you only been cultivating and you dare to compare yourself to me?”

“You’ve been cultivated for so long you’ve been suppressed by me, you’re not ashamed, you’re still complacent. Hahaha ……” Luo Feng’s wings revved up while withdrawing his space blockade and quickly flew towards the distance.

The black sky wolf hovered in the air and watched from afar, gritting his teeth.

“Damn it.”

Unless the difference in strength was really great, it was difficult for the Lords of the Universe to kill their opponents, so they valued face even more. In the Heavenly Wolf Lord’s opinion, before he and the Lord of the Spectral Demon joined forces to suddenly display two heaven-defying treasures, the Dream Ancestral Domain and the Devil Yu Vine,…… it was only right that he captured those two fragments of the Drawing Diagram. Just now, he had the Dream Ancestral Domain in his hand, and one on one and Luo Feng fought for the Flame Sand Cup, but he even lost and was taken away by Luo Feng …… It was as if he was severely slapped in the face by Luo Feng, and this was a great shame.

“Damn it.”

“That little human guy back then, even dared to follow me …… also dared to follow me!” As soon as the Lord of the Heavenly Wolf thought, this time because of special circumstances so was given the Dream Ancestral Domain, after going back was to give the Dream Ancestral Domain to the Dream Demon Ancestor. With the Dream Ancestral Domain are suppressed, if there is no Dream Ancestral Domain …… the more he thought about it, the more the Lord of the Heavenly Wolf was ashamed.

“If I had known, I should have immediately beheaded Luo Feng the first time I saw him.” The Lord of Heavenly Wolves gritted his teeth and suddenly glanced at the distant Lord of the Spectral Demons looking over.

“I’m coming.”

The Lord of the Skywolf immediately made an instantaneous movement and rushed straight over. (Previously, Luo Feng had revoked the space blockade, so naturally, the Lord of the Skywolf himself had also revoked the space blockade, so he could instantly move.)

In this battle, including the Black Zeus founders and the nine powers’ universe lords, perhaps some of them were angry and unbalanced, feeling that they had suffered a disadvantage compared to the other powerhouses. But overall, they could all be said to have taken advantage of it! Each of their sides had gained something, and the one who was truly unlucky was naturally the Lord of Gaki Ao who blew himself up.

Luo Feng and the Lord of Ice Peak met.

“Hahaha, as I look at it from afar, it seems like the Lord of the Skywolf suffered a loss. You took advantage?” The Lord of Ice Peak laughed.

“A fluke, got that flaming sand cup.” Luo Feng laughed.

“Flaming sand cup?” The Lord of Ice Peak’s eyes lit up and complimented, “Luo Feng, awesome. The flaming sand cup is a top level domain class supreme treasure! Every single one of these top level domain class supreme treasures is extremely precious, like that Sword River Luo …… parts are divided everywhere, collecting them alone would take a lot of effort. Like your teacher, like that Star River Lord …… many extremely famous universe lords in the universe also use top level domain class supreme treasures.”

Luo Feng nodded.

For example, this master uncle in front of him was also using a top tier domain class supreme treasure.

“This time, it’s mainly a matter of all the forces converging to take over, that’s why several of them are carrying peak domain class supreme treasures.” The Lord of Ice Peak said, “Actually, most of those aren’t theirs, they’re all temporarily lent by the strongest person in that universe. You’ve been a Lord of the universe for a very short period of time, but the supreme treasures, they’re not even comparable to many of the Lords of the universe.”

Luo Feng smiled.

Like that Lord of the Skywolf, the one he used was only at the top level of supreme treasures. The “Heavenly Wolf Palace” was also just a high flying palace type supreme treasure extreme (comparable to several top level supreme weapons).

“Your feathers, weapons, armor, and Flame Sand Cup …… pieces are extraordinary.” The Lord of Ice Peak complimented, “It’s only slightly inferior to those at your teacher’s level.”

In between conversations.

The duo had already broken through space and returned to the Gaki Ao mystic realm, three figures in the distance came over with a flash, it was the Lord of the Nine Humors, the Lord of Yunan, and the Lord of the Ember Python.

“Luo Feng, is it a good idea to make a trip to the Ancestral God Sect together?” The Lord of Nine Specters flew over and said from afar.

“Lord of the Nine Specters, I’ve already reported back to the Ancestral God that this mission has been completed, and since the Ancestral God already knows about it, I don’t need to rush there.” Luo Feng laughed, “I still have to make a trip back to my human frontier.”

“Galaxy lord, then we’ll part ways here.” Lord Yunan and Lord Ember Python stood beside Lord Nine Specters.


A golden light lit up, and the Lord of the Nine Specters, the Lord of Yunan, and the Lord of Ember Python all flew directly into that golden light before disappearing.

“Senior uncle, let’s go too.” Luo Feng turned his head to look at the Lord of Ice Peak.


The Lord of Ice Peak nodded.

Soon the turquoise light lit up, Luo Feng and the Lord of Ice Peak also teleported through the divine kingdom and quickly left, returning to the human frontier.

This time, all parties benefited from this operation, only the Lord of Gaki Ao perished, after Luo Feng and the Lord of Ice Peak returned to the human frontier, they quickly connected to the virtual universe and went to report back to the Chaos City Lord about everything that happened before.

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