Chapter 53 – Black Marked Stone Pillar

Release Date: 2024-07-12 13:15:30
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The vast cosmic sea was filled with endless chaotic air currents.

A silver-winged, black-haired man, swish! Swish! Swish! Leaving behind a trail of silhouettes, was performing one long distance transient in this endless cosmic sea……. It was Luo Feng who had left the primordial universe and traveled alone to the cosmic boat.

It was different from when he first went to the Tilted Peak Realm.

Although only a thousand years have passed, because before in the “feather space” absorbed a large amount of energy of the source, so that regicide Wu feather repair a lot of dark damage, reached the most perfect state. Once the golden light spread out, the power of the strong simply let Luo Feng himself are staggered, the so-called moves will be better than a fresh move!

Other strong people may be strong in attack, strong in defense, strong in god body, strong in secret method, etc. ……

But he has more weaknesses, just by virtue of the “perfect wuxia feather” “flame sand cup” “micro universe” three superimposed, at least in this item is enough to sweep away all the other peak domain treasure! I can fight as long as I want! One could fight whenever one wanted to, and leave whenever one wanted to, with all the control in one’s own hands.

“What anticipation.”

“On this journey, once I sharpen my will to the level of the strongest person in the universe. Then I can go back to the Tilted Peak Realm to get that white feather.” Luo Feng couldn’t help but look forward to it.

While leisurely ruminating in his head, he continued to instantly move at a high frequency over long distances.


It suddenly stopped.

“Natural wormhole.” Luo Feng looked at the huge distorted spatial vortex in the distance, a smile on his face, rushing in the cosmic sea is really too boring, everywhere is chaotic airflow, sometimes one time continuous transient for a day or two, and continuous high frequency transient near the limit, there is no up and down, left, right, right, forward and backward where he passes through, there is only the everlasting chaotic airflow… …”

It was indeed boring.

That’s why when one saw this natural wormhole, it was as if it was a splash of green in a white sheet of paper.

“I’m afraid I’ll have to be there for a long, long time on this trip to the universe boat.” Luo Feng recited softly, before going, he had long checked a lot of information about the universe boat to determine where to go to sharpen his will, the universe boat is too huge, and too dangerous in the inner domain, many places simply do not dare to instantly move, his destination …… is a place to sharpen his will.

Cosmic boat, is one of the three great Jedi, countless dangers.

Simply internal sharpening will place, according to the human community now have information, there are many places, the environment is also different. Among them, there was a place called “black grain stone pillar”, Luo Feng and his human group called it “heavenly magic pillar”, that was one of the countless wonders within the universe boat.

There were a total of 16 Pillars of Heavenly Devil (Black Stripe Stone Pillars)!

Each of these 16 Heavenly Devil Pillars was more than a thousand light-years tall, and their power was limitless, no attack could break them, nor could they be taken away. These 16 Heavenly Devil Pillars held up a strange space, and within that strange space, there were huge chambers with independent spaces within them. Each chamber space corresponds to a black token, must have a black token to enter that chamber space.

What Jie Fanzi left behind was a higher level of green colored token.

The same green token corresponds to the “secret space” is even deeper, is already the end of the inner domain, is already considered the edge of the core area. Even the universe’s strongest people to go there have to be careful, like the Chaos City Lord they do not dare to penetrate so far …… and through the Heavenly Devil Pillar to be much closer, the difficulty is much lower, at least the Chaos City Lord, the Lord of the River, the Lord of the Ice Peak, the Lord of the Eternal and so on have dared to try to break into, in the inner domain to spend hundreds of years can also arrive there.

The Heavenly Devil Pillar was amazing, emitting endless will impacts, and the closer it got, the more terrifying the will impacts became.

And the closer you get to the Heavenly Devil Pillar, the faster time flows!

The time flow rate is 100:1 or 1000:1?

It was because of the time flow rate that made Luo Feng decide to head to this Heavenly Devil Pillar!

After all, just to go deeper and deeper into the inner domain and reach the place where the will was honed, it would take hundreds or thousands of years.

It would take a very long time to go back and forth.

Not to mention the time it would take to reach the “strongest will in the universe”…….The Heavenly Devil Pillar saves time, so naturally it’s Luo Feng’s first choice.

“The biggest treasure of the primordial star is in the Manifestation God’s temple, there must be many parts of the peak domain class treasure in the Manifestation God’s temple.” Luo Feng had to make a choice, he had gotten a manifold mirror stone and had the qualifications to enter. But he may not necessarily arrive in time, after all, once all 36 Manifold Mirror Stones came out, then the Manifold God Hall would open.

Those who possessed the Manifold Mirror Stones would be able to enter.

If the Manifold God Hall opened, but he was at the Heavenly Demon Pillar, when he rushed back, it would be hundreds of years. I’m afraid that the Manifold God Hall’s competition for treasures would be over!

“Manifold Mirror Stone, I’ll put it in the Divine Kingdom.”

“If the Manifold God Hall opens and I happen to be able to rush back in a short period of time, then I’ll do it myself. Otherwise, I’ll hand over the Manifold Mirror Stone to teacher and the others immediately, at least I can’t waste that Manifold Mirror Stone.” Luo Feng valued the manifold mirror stone, but relatively speaking, what he valued more was the broken white feather.

Wow ……

Luo Feng turned into a stream of light and flew into that natural wormhole, soon teleporting an extremely far distance away.

Time passed.

After spending about 12 days in the vast cosmic sea, he arrived at the Cosmic Boat, one of the three great Jedi.

“Ahead is the Cosmic Ark.”

Luo Feng continuously moved for a few more minutes.

Suddenly the scenery in front of him changed, the chaotic airflow suddenly thinned out a lot, and an incredibly shocking scene appeared in the distance.

“This, this ……”

Luo Feng stood in the void, looking at the unbelievable scenery hundreds of millions of light years away in the distance, even though he had read about it through the data, seeing the real “universe boat” for the first time was still incredibly shocking.

Endless lofty universe boat ……

Is a broken incomparably huge ship, high tens of millions of light years, long hundreds of millions of light years, the whole body is deep black and charming purple barge, and the hull of the ship …… even if Luo Feng in hundreds of millions of light years away, can be seen densely packed hundreds of thousands of a large number of broken cracks, holes.

It was as if a ship had been shot through by a large number of lasers and then slashed by a large number of giant swords ……

Broken beyond repair!

“Rumble ……” A monstrous attraction was released from that universe boat, crazily devouring the surrounding chaotic airflow, making the chaotic airflow around it forever thin.

Devouring chaotic airflow, making the entire universe boat moment release endless might, only to see that a circle of huge flame river around the universe boat, there is a vast sea of cold air shrouded in its surroundings, the cold air can also be seen vaguely crystal clear as if a mirror of ice …… at the same time a huge wind vortex also raging in the surrounding ……


A huge electric snake about tens of thousands of light years long raged and roared.

A radiant ray of various colors was that eye-catching.

Huge dark green vines that climbed over the entire surface of the Cosmic Boat’s ship looked serene.

Flames, cold air, wind, lightning, vines, and light ……

In the outskirts, there are still a large number of “fragments” that are always flying around the universe boat at high speed, they should be the fragments of the universe boat’s hull detached from it, and those countless fragments are always flying at high speed.

This was not what shocked Luo Feng the most.

The most shocking is in the universe boat below …… the universe boat below, there is a dense chaos air mass, only to see the diffuse chaos air mass in the hidden gold, red, blue, cyan electricity and many other colors flashing, and in the chaos air flow is a huge broken small universe!

Small universe!

“Devouring small universes …… really is devouring small universes.” Luo Feng was shocked, “The upper part of the small universe is no longer visible, could it have been partially devoured?”

The universe boat itself was only hundreds of millions of light years long.

That small word aegis although it was broken, the maximum diameter was also hundreds of millions of light years, if you counted the height, instead the small universe was a bit bigger.

“What is the origin of the universe boat.” Luo Feng couldn’t help but think about it in his mind, “Any other powerhouse can’t directly devour chaotic air currents, only small universes can absorb chaotic air currents and convert them into cosmic origin energy. However – the universe boat can also devour chaotic air currents at all times, and even more so, it can devour small universes. And all the absorbed energy will be transformed into gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, lightning, light, time, space and other energy. There are many places where a secret room within a universe boat contains an independent space, and there are also many places where the flow of time is weird.”

“To be able to do this, it’s simply comparable to a small cosmic origin.”

“This Cosmic Boat, how exactly was it created? How is it broken again?”

“It’s just a legend of the three great Jedi …… has been unknown for many reincarnation eras.”

Luo Feng said darkly.

Countless powerful people often found some items left behind by some of the strongest people in the universe in history and found some messages, but no matter which reincarnation era, there seemed to be three great jedi recorded. The eternity …… of the three great Jedi has already rivaled the reincarnation of the primordial universe from generation to generation. No one knew how the three great jedi were born.

Luo Feng was shocked by the scene of the Cosmic Boat, and after spending a long time transmitting, he finally came to the area with a lot of debris of the high-speed flying Cosmic Boat.

Countless pieces of debris, as small as 10 billion kilometers, as large as hundreds of light years.


Luo Jun instantly landed on a piece of the universe boat’s debris, which had a maximum diameter of about 0.6 light years, and except for a few patterns that were purple, the rest were all deep black. The whole piece of debris exudes a pressure that makes Luo Feng’s heart tremble,……, and this debris is vaguely connected to the universe boat in the distance.

Endless years, countless strong people have tried, no one can take away a piece of “universe boat debris”, even full force attack on the universe boat debris, can not cause debris flying. There seemed to be an invisible rope that bound it and the Cosmic Boat together.

“I’ve arrived at the universe boat, I’ll first go to the place where my human community gathers.” Luo Feng secretly said.

The silhouette flashed in the void.

After spending about five minutes.

Luo Feng instantly appeared on a high speed flying twisted universe boat debris, this is the primordial universe human gathering place in the “universe boat”, human beings in the tilting peak realm, the universe boat, the flow of heavy mountains, these three jedi outside the region are set up a gathering place, because the process of exploration needs to be vigilant and careful, time is too long, tiredness, etc. will return to that! Rest for a while.

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