Chapter 59: Urgent, Urgent, Urgent

Release Date: 2024-07-12 13:15:46
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As soon as the Lord of the Five Muddy Gods saw the Lava Demon God appearing from the distant high altitude magma sea, his heart was shocked and knew that it was not good, but he was still calm, because he was clear that according to the distance between the Lava Demon God and him, with his ability, he had enough time to escape to the cut-off point deep in the underground labyrinth for an instantaneous transfer.

Surrounding space condensation can’t instantly move, and the first time into the underground labyrinth also can’t instantly move, only the very deep space gradually have fluctuation. For example, reaching the location of the cut point would allow one to escape.

“That human is really lucky, if this Lava Demon God hadn’t appeared, I would have made him taste my Five Beasts Great Extinction.” The Lord of the Five Muddy was very discerning, he had fought with most of the best of the new generation Primordial Universe’s Masters of the Universe, even the Lord of the Star River he didn’t put in his eyes, the Lord of the Star River’s life was bizarrely special to be able to kill with him in a neck and neck match.

The only one he admired more was the Chaos City Lord. Because the Chaos City Lord’s human God body is relatively small, but it can be hard with his Five Beasts Great Extinction!

The Five Beasts Great Extinction was a fusion stance of the five strongest secret techniques of the Beast God Way! Combined with the rare and precious treasures he obtained …… the strength of the power was unbelievable. He also consumed more than one reincarnation era to truly complete this move, that Chaos City Lord was even able to match him, in his opinion, the next most promising person in the primordial universe to become the strongest person in the universe is feared to be the Chaos City Lord.

“Thumbs up …… “Some thoughts swept through his mind, the Lord of Five Huns who was turning around to fly at super high speed to escape, suddenly felt the endless golden flames around him, desperately pressing him to squeeze him, as if there were countless ropes binding him.

“What!” The Lord of Five Huns turned his head to look at Luo Feng at the back incredulously.

If there was no obstruction, he would be able to escape, but with this terrifying obstruction, he would definitely be too late.

“None of you can leave!” Luo Feng’s voice boomed in the ears of the Lord of Five Huns, Intuition, and the Lord of the Inquisitive Arrow through the golden kingdom.

“Human Silverwing Lord, have you gone mad?” The Lord of the Inquisitive Arrow was anxious, he was calm about killing Luo Feng, but letting him die on his own, he was reluctant.

“Silverwing lord, I’ve given up chasing you before, don’t get in my way.” The golden one-horned lizard hissed anxiously, “They want to kill you, it’s not me who wants to kill you.”

The Lord of the Five Muddy Eyes had an icy coldness in them, and it was clear that he was already extremely angry, “Silver Wing Lord, you want to die together?”

“Die together?” Luo Feng was flying at super high speed, “You guys are being hindered, but this is a boost for me, this is my domain ahaha, of course you die and I live! Lord of the Five Muddy …… I heard that you have a detachment, but I’m afraid this is your strongest detachment, you spent nearly three reincarnation eras accumulating precious supreme treasures on your body, losing it I believe you’ll go crazy.”

“We die and you live?” The Lord of the Five Muddy Realms’ divine power transmitted in the golden kingdom, “Too confident, once I cast the Five Muddy Realms in conjunction with my Water Wave Prison, I’ll be able to completely suppress you. Unless you cast that miniature universe …… But in that case, the Five Muddy Realm and the miniature universe will surely die together, followed by me surely casting it again, and you and I will be in a stalemate, and no one will be able to escape at that time. I have already lived for nearly three reincarnation times and am facing a great limit, while you are different, you have only lived for how long point? The lifespan is too short, it’s not worth it to die with me like this.”

“Silverwing Lord, it’s important that we all escape at this time.” The Lord of Inquiry Arrows also said.

“Yes, yes, yes, fleeing for our lives is important.” Intuo also anxiously said.

“Haha, you have a detachment, I also have a detachment. Stalemate is stalemate, big deal …… die together!” Luo Feng was however still flying at super high speed.

Describing when it was slow, with their strength at their level, divine power voice transmission communication, it was terrifyingly fast.

And the speed of the lava demon god was equally fast and terrifying!

It was so strong that it had reached an unbelievable level of strength, even the strongest person in the universe who possessed a supreme supreme treasure could only flee, so one could imagine what it could do. He can be called the strongest treasure in human form, has already reached the point of “force to break the law”, all the laws have no meaning to it, and its speed is far more than the limit of “100 times the speed of light”, and more than a thousand times ten thousand times.

It just emerged from the sea of lava, followed by–


His feet have already stepped on the endless black rocky ground, this huge lava demon god of 10 billion kilometers high stepped on …… simply than any celestial rock is thousands of times stronger, boom boom boom …… around a large area of endless black rock instantly shook to Crushed, snapped …… far is cracked open huge crack gully, at the same time around tens of billions of kilometers area of black rock ground hard completely sunk millions of kilometers.

This stamping impact sinking, but also make the black rock earth below the depth of the underground labyrinth many cave channel directly collapse.

This step ……

It was as if it had stepped on the heart and soul of the Lord of Five Huns, the Lord of Into the Tome, and the Lord of the Exploratory Arrow.


“Human, do you really want to fight to the death?” The eyes of the Lord of Five Huns erupted with ferocious light, this was his main battle principal, carrying many of the most precious supreme treasures in his body, just like Luo Feng carried the Star Tower and the Wu Slayer Feather in his body, the Lord of Five Huns was the same, he was afraid that he would have to go crazy if he perished.

“Humans, hurry, hurry, hurry.” The Lord of the Inquisitive Arrow was also in a hurry.

“Lord Silverwing, I could have given up chasing you long ago, why drag me along to die?” Intuo was also in a hurry, although they were all crazy, it was too unjust to die at the hands of the Lava Demon God just like that.

“We all die together, it’s a life and death friendship.” Luo Feng instead managed to tease.

The Lord of the Five Huns saw the Lava Demon God in the distance, in fact, the distance from the ring was now very far, the Lava Demon God because the divine body was just too huge, so even if the distance was extremely far away it could be clearly seen, it was just that …… although the distance was extremely far away, but the Lava Demon God used force to break the law, and his speed was also more than a hundred times the speed of light by a thousand times ten thousand times, ah, which caused the Lord of the Five Huns to be as anxious as a burnt heart.

His face began to distort, the fierce light in his eyes flashed, gritting his teeth, “Silver Wing Lord, if you spell it out again, we will all die together, and I swear …… that I, the Lord of Five Huns, will definitely hunt down and kill you, hunt down and kill each and every of your detachments, and decapitate one of your detachments when I see one of your detachments!!!! ”

“Your pursuit is welcome, your pressure is a sharpening for me.” Luo Feng teased, “With this kind of sharpening, only in the future will I be able to step on you and step into the hall of the strongest in the universe.

The face of the Lord of Inquiry Arrows twitched.

This abominable human this life and death situation can still joke like this, but he is also clear …… that at this time he is still joking and still able to laugh, obviously that Luo Feng’s determination has been set, and simply can’t be changed.

“I, I, I didn …… t” Intuo was anxious.

“Didn’t you just want to kill me to take the treasure? This time you want to escape, it’s too late.” Luo Feng glanced at the golden one horned lizard behind him, also at the same time he saw the incomparably looming and huge lava demon god in the direction behind him, although the distance was extremely far away, but its looming body still made Luo Feng feel pressure.

“Ah ah ah ah ah ……” the Lord of the Five Muddy hearts burned with anger, he was angry ah he was angry ah, the little guy that he was completely able to kill before now even wanted to hold him up to die together, he really didn’t want to plant in the hands of a human upstart little guy, so he had to endure!

“Lord Silverwing, let’s run away together, if you release the domain’s suppression on me, I will swear never to hunt you down and give you a peak supreme treasure.” The Lord of the Five Huns truly compromised.

Because time was too tight.

In the distance, the Lava Demon God was already flying at super high speed, his huge feet stomping on that endless black rocky earth again and again, each time he stomped that was a destruction, much more terrifying than the attack of any of the strongest people in the universe: boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Running, stomping, the endless rocky earth trembled.

“Silver Wing Lord!!!” The Lord of Five Muddy stared at Luo Feng in death, as arrogant as he was, a hint of pleading inevitably surfaced in his eyes at this moment, it was so not easy to make such a haughty being like him bow his head. But he really didn’t want to give up the precious accumulation of nearly three reincarnation eras.

“Hurry, it’s almost too late, Silverwing Lord, Silverwing Lord.” The Lord of Inquiry Arrows was also praying anxiously.

“Why didn’t I leave earlier before, I had to watch that Luo Feng and the Lord of the Five Huns engage in battle from the side, watching the spectacle and watching the fun, and winding my life in.” Intuo also regretted immensely.

“Hahaha ……”

Luo Feng who had been teasing and flirting suddenly burst out endless ferocious light in his eyes, there was also a hideous color in his face, “It’s really interesting to see the Lord of the Tang Tang Five Huns bowing down, but don’t dream about it, just now my little life you guys are at liberty to fight and kill, have you ever thought of letting me go directly? You want to leave now? It’s too late!”

“We gave you the chance just now.” The Lord of the Exploratory Arrow even said.

“A chance? You call that a chance? You guys said that you would let me put down my palace supreme treasure and feather supreme treasure and spare my life?” Luo Feng laughed coldly, “Very well, Lord of the Five Muddy …… you hand over the ‘Water Wave Prison’, ‘Forbidden Elucidating Palace’ and ‘Extinction Divine Armor’, I’ll let you go!”

“And Lord of the Exploratory Arrow, hand over the ‘Blade Core Realm’! I’ll let you go as well.”

“Intuition, you hand over the ‘Golden Sulfone Armor’! I will also spare your life!”

These words came out.

The Lord of the Five Huns, the Lord of the Inquisitive Arrow, and Intuo all went quiet.

Especially the Lord of Five Huns, the Water Wave Prison was a peak domain supreme treasure, the Forbidden Explanation Hall was a peak palace supreme treasure, and the Extermination Divine Armor was even more precious than the Water Wave Prison and the Forbidden Explanation Hall combined, and it was definitely comparable to a wondrous artifact.

“Didn’t you guys say you gave me a chance? I’ll give you guys a chance too, here’s your chance, grab it.” Luo Feng’s eyes were filled with snickers and disdain.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The lava demon god’s pace was terrifyingly fast, each step advanced nearly 10 billion kilometers, it was completely visible in the field of vision, the lava demon god became bigger and bigger.

This made the Lord of the Five Huns anxious, so anxious that he was going crazy, so anxious that he wanted to gnaw off Luo Feng’s flesh, bite Luo Feng’s bones, and suck out Luo Feng’s blood!

“This damn Luo Feng!” The Lord of the Five Huns roared in his heart.

“Then you don’t want to live either!” The Lord of Five Huns roared violently.

The one-eyed silhouette behind him instantly released endless light, the sky and earth changed color, instantly transforming into a world “Five Muddy Realm”, and that Water Wave Prison was once again cast …… with Five Muddy Realm, instantly annihilating Luo Feng’s golden kingdom and the sea of flames. Luo Feng, on the other hand, laughed hideously and cast a miniature universe.

Endless chaotic air currents filled the air.

On one side was the five muddy realm and water wave prison, on the other side was the golden kingdom, miniature universe, and sea of flames.

The two were crazily entangled, and the Miniature Universe and Five Hun Realm even collided with each other.


The two collapsed and shattered.

However, just by entangling them for a second or so, the Lava Demon God was already incomparably close.

“It’s already too late.” The golden one-horned lizard of the Lava Demon God that was closest at the very back contained despair in its voice.

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