Chapter 65: Together we’ll go to the end of the road.

Release Date: 2024-07-12 13:16:01
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Virtual Word Zeus Hong League City, the inner city, within the heavy hall of the Hong League Hall, there was a large number of universe lords gathered.

“I’ve also just heard about this from the Second Reincarnation Era, and I don’t know if it’s true or not.” The Lord of Flint looked around anxiously, “Luo Feng has done me a favor, if he’s in danger ……”

“This news should be false.” Lord of Void Gold shook his head, “Back when I entered the universe boat with Chaos, Chaos even gave strict orders to Luo Feng, and Luo Feng’s own strength is weak, it’s not so bad that he would break into the inner domain and still break into the God destroying stream! Not to mention his little strength, how could he fight the Lord of the Five Huns and them like that.”


“Right.” The universe lords present nodded their heads.

The First Reincarnation Era’s “Lord of the Five Muddies”, that could be on par with the Chaos City Lord.

“Don’t be in a hurry, I also have some friendships with a few of the Cosmos Lords from the Purple Moon Holy Land. I’ll ask.” The Lord of Peng Gong smiled, and all of a sudden, the ten or so Cosmos Lords present looked towards the Lord of Peng Gong, who was very low-profile, but his strength was on the same level as the Chaos City Lord, and his status was extremely high.

Lord Peng Gong’s expression grew solemn.

“It has been confirmed.”

The Lord of Peng Gong swept his gaze around, “Luo Feng did indeed break into the God Destroying Stream in the inner domain of the Cosmic Boat and fought with Intuition, the Lord of Five Huns, and the Lord of the Inquisitive Arrow. And then the lava demon god appeared, causing the ‘Intuo’ to suffer unprecedented damage, forcing the Lord of the Inquisitive Arrow and the Lord of the Five Huns to enter the magma sea. Among them, the Lord of the Inquisitive Arrow perished, but the Lord of the Five Huns broke through the Magma Sea, but it is estimated that the losses were also great.”

“This ……”

“Is this true?”

One by one, the Cosmic Lords of the various races within the main hall of the Hong Alliance Hall were shocked and stunned by this.

The Research Arrow perished?

In Tuo was heavily injured and Wu Hun was forced to cross the magma sea?

“Peng Gong, are you sure?” The Lord of Void Gold couldn’t help but say, jokingly, the Lord of the Inquiry Arrow was on par with him in terms of strength.

“Sure.” The Lord of Peng Gong nodded, “I’ll summon Chaos to come.”

A moment later chaos city lord arrived and knew the news, he was also shocked, the first thing he did was immediately summon Luo Feng, “Luo Feng, come here for me.”

“Teacher, Lord of Peng Gong, Lord of Void Gold, all of you ……,” Luo Feng greeted as soon as he appeared in the hall, looking around.

“Galaxy lord.”

“Galaxy lord.” Everyone opened their mouths, and a hint of respect was shouted in their voices, in the past, because Luo Feng was a newly promoted universe lord, the other universe lords didn’t really look down on Luo Feng, they were just going through the motions. But this time, the matter was too big, even causing the Lord of the Exploratory Arrow to perish. The so called undefeatable Indo has been seriously injured …… and the powerful Lord of the Five Huns has been forced to risk crossing the magma sea.


“Is it true about you and Intuo, the Lord of Five Wonders, and the Lord of the Inquisitive Arrow ……?” The Chaos City Lord spoke.

“Hmm.” Luo Feng nodded, “Intuo was kicked twice by the lava demon god, I’m afraid that the golden sulfone armor is all damaged, as for Intuo, even if he doesn’t die, it’s estimated that there’s not much left of his godly body.”

“The Lord of the Exploratory Arrow, his Blade Core Realm is in the hands of the Lord of the Five Huns, I’m afraid he’s really dead.”

“Lord of Five Huns, crossing the magma sea, I’m guessing the sacrifice isn’t small.”

Luo Feng said it directly, but it made the hearts of Chaos City Lord, Lord of Void Gold and a bunch of other powerhouses beat faster, just kidding, this is fighting for their lives.

“What about you?” Chaos City Lord asked after him.

“Of course I can only go through the magma sea.” Luo Feng said.

Immediately, the hearts of a group of universe lords hung in the air, wearing the magma sea? Simply don’t want to live.

“I was lucky enough to cross through alive to arrive at the Flame Water Lake, but I was killed by the Sealed Huller Lord of the Purple Moon Sacred Land, the Lord of Pan Ke, the Lord of You Ya …… and the Lord of Five Huns who had a great life. The four of them teamed up to hunt me down ……,” Luo Feng said directly, “Now that my disciple is fleeing for his life, teacher summoned me.”

“Four? Lord of Sealer and Lord of Five Huns?” Chaos city lord also held his breath.

Luo Feng nodded.

“What …… to do now?” Chaos city lord frowned, “You’re at the flame water lake, even if I were to get there, it would take decades. The Giant Axe Founders are even still in the Tilted Peak Realm …… Who can save you?”

“It’s too late to save.” The Lord of Void Gold shook his head.

The Lord of Peng Gong also frowned.

Luo Feng however was direct: “Teacher please don’t worry, this battle is fought to this point. That Lord of the Five Muddy and I are immortal …… disciple’s big deal is just sacrificing the main battle principal. Definitely won’t retreat in the slightest. At the moment they are chasing after disciple, disciple can’t afford to be distracted, so I’ll retreat first.”

Luo Feng bowed and with a swish, he had disappeared.

“Immortal?” The hearts of the Chaos City Lord, the Lord of Pangong and the others were completely hanging in the air, but there was nothing they could do about it.


Some of the other Masters of the Universe, especially the Masters of the Universe of the Hong Alliance’s affiliated communities were all trembling in their hearts, getting the Lord of the Exploratory Arrow killed was just a matter of fact, but now they were even going to fight to the death with the Lord of the Five Huns, and were also fighting with the Lord of the Purple Moon Sacred Ground’s Sealing Huller and the rest of them. This was simply too crazy, they normally wouldn’t dare to mess with such terrifying existences as the Lord of Fenglong and the Lord of Five Huns.

“Luo Feng, run away, run away, let’s see how long you can run away. If I don’t kill you, how can I, Five Huns, gain a foothold in the Cosmic Sea?” The Lord of Five Huns roared, “You’re dead, dead!!!”

“Dead? To kill relies on strength, not on your mouth! Better shut up!” Luo Feng, on the other hand, was rushing towards the top at a distant place.

Luo Feng was now flying at the very top.

Lord Pan Ke and Lord You Ya on the other hand were closest to him, just less than 100 million kilometers below him, with their speed of 100 times the speed of light, they could cross over in seconds.

The Lord of Five Muddy and the Lord of Feng Rong on the other hand were both diagonally chasing towards him from the other direction, the two of them were just a bit far away from Luo Feng……. The Lord of Five Muddy was also more than a hundred billion kilometers away from Luo Feng, and the Lord of Feng Rong was even further away from Luo Feng.

“Wow ……”

The more you flew upwards, the colder it got.

At the very top of the cold wind belt …… was the Frozen Lake Thunder Fire that had been prancing around and filling the air.

At a glance, endless flames spread throughout the deepest part of the high altitude, and over the long years, the Frozen Lake Thunder Fire had always existed like this. Occasionally, there will be large fluctuations, rippling toward the bottom …… and even impacting the Flame Water Lake below, causing the entire Flame Water Lake to freeze up completely.

If it didn’t ripple toward the bottom, it would always be at the highest altitude.

“At the very top is the Frozen Lake Thunder Fire!”

“It’s been days since we flew, there’s Frozen Lake Thunder Fire up there, why does this Silver Winged Lord Luo Feng still keep flying up there? The Frozen Lake Thunder Fire is extremely cold, even top palace type supreme treasures freeze and shatter in it, it’s extremely terrifying, but it seems like he should have peak palace type supreme treasures.”


Luo Feng high in the sky instantly drilled into a blood colored pyramid and rode the blood colored pyramid, directly rushing into the endless frozen lake thunder fire at the very top.

“Yuya …… come in.” The Lord of Pancake also took out a silver-white sphere with complex secret patterns, and as the two of them entered it one after another.

The silver sphere also quickly burrowed into the vastness of the Frozen Lake Thunderfire.

A long time later-

“Escape into the Frozen Lake Thunder Fire? No matter where you escape to, you won’t be able to escape!” The eyes of the Lord of the Five Huns burned with flames of anger, followed by the instant disintegration of his Extermination God Armor, which quickly condensed into the Five Beast Gods, while he was inside the Five Beast Gods. Manipulating the Five Beast Gods …… also drilled into the Frozen Lake Thundering Fire.

After a few more moments, the Lord of the Sealer also rode a peak palace type supreme treasure and rushed into the Frozen Lake Thunderfire.


“Luo Feng is slowing down.”

“Yeah …… he’s slowing down, it’s really weird.” The Lord of Pan Ke and the Lord of You Ya who were following Luo Feng closely were puzzled.

“Feng huller, Luo Feng’s flying speed has slowed down.”

“Just follow, at the very front is the desperate road, he won’t be able to escape.” Lord Fenglong echoed so.

Luo Feng’s speed slowed down, Lord Pan Ke and Lord You Ya knew that they couldn’t do anything about Luo Feng, so they also followed and slowed down. While the Lord of Five Huns and Lord of Seal Ruller behind them were always moving at the highest speed.

One slow, one fast.

The distance between the Lord of Five Huns and Luo Feng was getting closer and closer, 60 billion kilometers, 50 billion kilometers, 40 billion kilometers …… 10 billion kilometers, 5 billion kilometers, 1 billion kilometers, 100 million kilometers ……

“Luo Feng, you’re really looking for death, you’re looking for death …… If I don’t kill you, won’t I apologize for this heart of yours.” The Lord of Five Muddy’s words contained endless killing intent.

“Five Muddy …… chasing me for so long, you really have perseverance. Do you know what place is ahead.” Luo Feng’s speed gradually slowed down, his voice naturally transmitted in the ears of the Lord of Five Huns through the golden kingdom. “That’s a desperate road there.” The Lord of Five Huns said.

“Yes, it’s a desperate road, the twelve abyss to be exact.” Luo Feng said.

The topmost part of the Flame Water Lake space …… had the Frozen Lake Thunder Flame.

How was the Frozen Lake Thunder Flame born?

It was from the twelve abysses, the twelve abysses were incomparably huge twelve endless spaces, six of the abysses were continuously erupting incomparably cold Frozen Lake Thunder Fire, while the other six abysses were devouring endless Frozen Lake Thunder Fire at all times. Forming a cycle, once the eruption strength was stronger than the devouring strength, the endless Frozen Lake Thunder Fire would spread to the Flame Water Lake below.

The abyss, on the other hand, was a desperate path!

The reason why it is a dead end, one is because breaking in, there is no other way out, can only return again from the mouth of the abyss.

Secondly, it is because if you break in, only the strongest people in the universe have the certainty of survival, even the Lord of the Universe, who has the strongest treasure, does not dare to go in. To go in …… is to walk on the road to extinction.

“Abyss ……” Luo Feng flew towards the top, above the endless frozen lake thunder fire has been swallowed to form a twisted huge vortex, only to see above a vast endless abyss black hole appeared there, powerful swallowing power, so that Luo Feng only rely on the tower of stars, the golden nation Combined together to resist.

“You want to scare me? Hmph, the closer you get to the abyss the stronger the swallowing power becomes, however, the swallowing power you can withstand must not be as good as mine. You’re dead!” That hideous five beast god hissed and turned into streams of light, killing Luo Feng.

Luo Feng looked up at the endless dark abyssal black hole in the sky above him, this was a place even more terrifying than the magma sea, even if he fell into the abyss, he wouldn’t be able to come out at all.

“Don’t regret it if you come over again.” Luo Feng said.

“Haha, the regret should be yours.” The five beast god hissed, his huge hooves and claws already trampling towards the bloody pyramid.

“I’m not your opponent, so ……” Luo Feng said in a peak voice.


The miniature universe was instantly born, completely enveloping the Lord of Five Huns and Luo Feng in it, the huge miniature universe couldn’t resist the monstrous swallowing power, and it didn’t resist at all, it was instantly sucked in by the dark endless abyss, as the miniature universe collapsed under the swallowing power, the Lord of Five Huns, who had already been swallowed in the depths was struggling as hard as he could, but it was already too late… …

“No!” The Lord of Five Wonders was shocked and furious, and the Five Beast Gods frantically tried to fly back.

“It’s my honor to have the Lord of the Five Huns accompany me on the road to extinction.” Luo Feng’s voice however echoed in the ears of the Lord of Five Huns.


Beyond the black hole of the endless abyss, a silver sphere was there, and a moment later, a palace appeared there as well.

“Crazy, crazy.” The Lord of Panke and the Lord of Youya still had some battle tickets.

That was a desperate path.

Even the Lord of the Universe who possessed a supreme supreme treasure was unwilling to go in.

“This Silverwing Lord, is actually such a crazy guy, crazy about others and crazy about himself.” The Lord of Sealing Huller also looked at the huge abyssal black hole high above the sky from afar, his heart warring in his mind as he understood that the Lord of the Five Huns was finished! He suddenly realized …… how wrong a choice he had made in actually choosing to seize Luo Feng’s treasure.

“Luckily he grabbed Five Muddy, not me.” The Lord of Sealing Huller couldn’t help but secretly rejoice.

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