Chapter 92: Humanity in Peril

Release Date: 2024-07-12 13:54:25
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“Let’s follow this plan.”

Each and every Universe Lord of the Freedom Alliance answered, they had already discussed the plan …… This plan is completely based on the common interests of “all Universe Lords of the Freedom Alliance”! Of course they won’t oppose …… After all, only an alliance with common interests is the strongest.

Inside the gorgeous hall of the independent dimension of the virtual universe, Luo Feng, Chaos City Lord, Lord of Darkness, and Lord of Pangong who were sitting on the side, were all looking at the six opposite them, waiting for their replies.

“Lords of all universes on our side.” The eight-armed man among those six wearing a silver battle armor with silver horns and eyes that were also glowing with a slight golden light spoke, “Uniformly represented by me.”

“Hm?” Luo Feng and the four of them on the human side were startled.

On the other hand, the “Beginning Harmonization Island Master” amongst the six representatives of the Freedom Alliance was a bit stunned, and he even turned his head to look at the leaders of the other factions on his side.


“Yes, represented by the Lord of Lightwalking.”


Beginning Transformation Island Lord immediately had an ugly expression, his reality in the original, naturally immediately divine power transmission voice to ask a large group of universe lords under his command, in fact, before more than 400 universe lords each other’s divine power transmission voice, that the virtualization of divine power spreading …… Beginning Transformation Island Lord naturally also have noticed, just that all those universe lords didn’t have a voice transmission conversation with him, plus the divine power transmission voice was originally Fast, a few seconds will be completely talk.

Although he was puzzled, he didn’t have time to ask more questions, this “Lord of the Light Walks” directly told the humans that he would be the sole representative.

“Brother Beginning Harmonization, we have indeed all unified to let the Lord of Light Walks be our representative.”

“Island Master ……”

“Beginning Harmonization, don’t blame us, this also involves our own interests. We’ll explain the details to you after the negotiations.”

One of the Cosmic Lords under his command said so, immediately causing the Beginning Harmonization Island Lord to hold his fire, but he couldn’t do anything about it, after all, this was his fundamental in the Free Alliance, and also the group of Cosmic Lords that had the best relationship with him, and treating the Cosmic Lords could only be a brotherly friendship, and it wasn’t good for him to be dictatorial.

The human side Chaos City Lord, Luo Feng and the other four looked at each other and also found that the other five leaders such as the Beginning Harmonization Island Lord didn’t speak out to veto it, it seems that the Freedom Alliance was actually really unified to be represented by this Lord of the Light Walk.

“Lord of the Light Walk?” The Chaos City Lord smiled, “Please speak.”

“We have read the inheritance message you gave us.” The Lord of Light Walks swept his golden eyes, his voice cold, “Unfortunately, it cannot satisfy us.”

“Hmm?” Chaos, Luo Feng, Darkness, and Peng Gong’s faces all changed.

Not satisfied?

Luo Feng frowned, this was a message that he had personally organized and could definitely make any of the forces of the three great reincarnation eras of the current cosmic sea have to be greedy and excited. How could this freedom alliance be dissatisfied?

“Lord of light walk, what do you mean?” The Chaos City Lord frowned.

“These inheritance messages alone are not worth the risk for my Freedom Alliance.” The Lord of Lightwalking’s golden eyes were icy cold as he said, “If I want my Freedom Alliance to help your human camp, then I hope that your human camp will show sincerity …… and give us more inheritance messages, more detailed and richer inheritance messages.”

“More detailed and richer?” The four powerhouses on the human side looked at each other while also secretly communicating.

“The Freedom Alliance, how greedy, getting together an opportunity and determining that I, the human race, must now beg for it, so it’s asking for more.” The Dark Lord transmitted his voice.

“Hmm.” Peng Gong transmitted, “Greedy hearts, bottomless pits, we’ll give more detailed inheritance messages …… they’ll only think we have more, I’m afraid they’ll continue to press.”

“Luo Feng.” Chaos then transmitted, “Do you think the inheritance message we gave, is it enough?”

“Enough.” Luo Feng also said.

“Giving more will still squeeze.” Darkness also said, and Peng Gong agreed.

The human side looked at the six leaders of the Freedom Alliance in front of them, the Chaos City Lord opened his mouth and said, “This is already the most and most detailed inheritance message that my humans can provide, if there is more detail needed, I’m sorry, my humans don’t have any more. If the Freedom Alliance helps our humans, after the war, the other half will be given.”

“Really no more?” The Lord of Lightwalk frowned.

“No.” Chaos city lord shook his head.

Luo Feng also frowned as he watched, this Free Alliance’s behavior of squeezing at critical moments was indeed irritating.

“In that case!” The Lord of Lightwalking turned his head to look at the few other leaders at his side, those leaders also nodded slightly.


The Lord of Lightwalking stood up, the other four also stood up, and the Beginning Harmonization Island Lord slowly followed suit.

“The inheritance message given by you humans is too sketchy and not worth the risk. Sorry!” After the Lord of Lightwalking rose, he said indifferently, “Let’s go.”


One after another, they disappeared and directly detached from the virtual universe, including a large group of other Freedom Alliance’s universe lords who were listening to the negotiations going on outside the grand hall, who also followed and detached at the same time.

“Don’t they want the latter part of the inheritance?” The Lord of Peng Gong stood up violently with an incredulous expression.

“How could this be?” The Lord of Darkness couldn’t believe it.

Luo Feng and Chaos also stood up.

“Something’s not right.” Chaos frowned, “Why did they just leave? After all, what they got was only the front part of the message, some of the main points are still in the back part. Don’t they want to become the strongest in the universe? How could they give up so easily?”

“Beginning Transformation, what’s going on?” The Lord of Darkness looked towards the Beginning Harmonization Island Lord.

“Beginning Harmonization, what we agreed before wasn’t like this.” Luo Feng also spoke.

At this moment, the only one left on the Freedom Alliance side in the main hall was the only Beginning Harmonization Island Lord, the Beginning Harmonization Island Lord’s face was ugly as he said in a low voice, “You guys wait for a while, I’ll tell you later.”

Within the six palaces of the Freedom Alliance side’s Supreme Treasure, one of them was led by the Beginning Harmonization Island Lord.

“All of you, what’s going on?”

The Beginning Transformation Island Lord looked at one of the surrounding Masters of the Universe, these were all one of the Masters of the Universe that he had befriended and had excellent friendships with, and it was also one of the relies that he had enough say in the Freedom Alliance.

“Beginning Transformation.” A dark green rock giant said in a low voice, “We have friendship, but each of us wants to be stronger, our strength …… can make our respective communities in the primordial universe, have a higher status, especially to become the strongest, have their own small universe, then the community will have a real foundation place ……. a true place of foundation …… So, we can’t be blamed.”

“What exactly is the situation?” The Beginning Transformation Island Lord said in a low voice.

“It’s like this.” A plant life similar to water plants let out a voice that resounded in the surrounding space, “At the time when the humans were pulling us in, and the allied camps were pulling us in …… We in the Freedom Alliance were also experiencing a lot of strife internally, it was at this time that the ‘Awakening Transformation True God’ of that Purple Moon Sacred Ground Universe ‘ and the Lord of Lightwalking contacted, that the Purple Moon Holy Land’s originator – that is, the Purple Moon Patriarch, is willing to provide our Freedom Alliance ‘Ancient Civilization Inheritance Messages’, how the Lord of the Universe breaks through as the strongest person …… will have extremely detailed inheritance messages for us, and also said that if what the humans give is better than what he gives, then we can still help the humans. If what the humans give isn’t as good as what he gave …… then it requires us, to help the allied camp, to deal with the humans, especially with that Luo Feng.”

“That’s how it is.”

“The Lord of Lightwalking is an intermediary between the Purple Moon Holy Land and us! Before, he quietly contacted each of us and gave us each of our inheritance messages……. He has already given us half of our inheritance messages, and in terms of richness and detail, it’s ten times more than what the humans have given us. Compared to what humans give, it is simply crude.”

“Beginning Transformation, you say, how should we choose?”

“You say!”

One by one, they all looked at the Beginning Transformation Island Lord.

The Beginning Transformation Island Lord revealed a bitter smile, a helpless bitter smile.

It was actually like this.

“It’s not unfair, it’s not unfair to lose.” The Beginning Harmonization Island Master sighed darkly, this time he was scheming for himself, wanting to get the inheritance message of the strongest person in the universe, but he didn’t expect that the “Purple Moon Sacred Land Universe” would also intervene from it.

On the mysterious and unfathomable.

East Emperor Holy Land, Purple Moon Holy Land, is indeed mysterious and unfathomable, who also do not know what the two holy places in the end to get what ancient inheritance, and now take out part of it, but also normal.

“All we seek is to survive, all we seek is to be strong.”

“The Purple Moon Sacred Ground gave us a message of inheritance that good.”

“And it’s not like the Purple Moon Sacred Ground and us are in danger of a future Borderland Battle, while humans are really powerful and a threat to us.”

“And it’s also easier for us to join the allied camp in this battle.”

“Many aspects …… Whether it’s from the present, the future, or the benefits we get, many aspects, our choice, I believe that you, Initiate, also understand.”

One by one, the universe lords all looked at the Beginning Transformation Island Lord quite frankly.

Beginning Transformation Island Lord was helpless and sighed, “That Purple Moon Holy Land, didn’t mention me?”

“We had spoken up for you, only, the Purple Moon Sacred Ground was also unwilling to provide the message of the inheritance of cultivating to the limit of the strongest person in the universe. Since that’s the case, we didn’t tell you about it to prevent any accidents.” That plant life said.

The Beginning Harmonization Island Lord smiled bitterly, “It seems that you guys already knew about it when the message was passed on to the allied camp.”

“This is part of our plan.” The plant life responded.

“Regardless, our plan is for the common good of all the universe lords of our Free Alliance.”

Inside the virtual universe hall.

Luo Feng, Peng Gong, Darkness, and Chaos, the four of them still had doubts about each other.

“If they are still eager for the inheritance message, then they will never give up.” Chaos city lord slowly said, “The reason why this freedom alliance was formed was to deal with the predicament, and secondly, they also wanted to have enough say to gain enough benefits. Who among them doesn’t want to become the strongest? Who of them doesn’t want to pass on the message?”


Luo Feng and the four of them waited while the only one who stayed in the great hall, the Beginning Harmonization Island Lord, closed his eyes for a long time and finally opened them.

Luo Feng and the four of them were startled.

What kind of existence were they all? From the eyes of the Beginning Harmonization Island Lord alone they could peek out some messages, this Beginning Harmonization Island Lord’s eyes …… were full of helplessness at the moment.

“The Freedom Alliance has joined the allied camp.” The first sentence that the Beginning Harmonization Island Lord just opened his mouth scared Luo Feng and the others, causing Luo Feng and the others to blush, the next situation would be very, very dangerous.

“Impossible!” Luo Feng was the first to chime in, “It’s impossible for them to give up the inheritance message.”

“What if they have a detailed richness ten times greater than what you guys gave?” The Beginning Transformation Island Lord looked at Luo Feng.


Luo Feng’s face changed.

Ten times?

The entire cosmic sea, the first reincarnation era, the second reincarnation era, and the primordial universe era, aside from the three major eras of mankind there was no one who had gotten this kind of detailed inheritance message. If there was, I’m afraid that only the two great holy lands had it, and whether or not the two great holy lands had it could only be said to be a certain possibility. However, the two great holy lands were so transcendent and had no interests entangled with their own side, so why should they intervene?

“It’s the Purple Moon Holy Land.” Beginning Transformation Island Lord sighed indifferently, “It’s the Purple Moon Holy Land that gave the Freedom Alliance a message of inheritance, they want to deal with you humans, and it should be mainly against you, Luo Feng.”

“Deal with me?” Luo Feng’s eyes widened, beside him, Chaos, Darkness, and Peng Gong also looked at Luo Feng.

“Purple moon holy land?” Luo Feng had trouble understanding.

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