Chapter 24: Unstoppable

Release Date: 2024-07-12 14:39:17
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The Demon Beast Patriarch kept his distance from the distant behemoth, fending off the shockwaves and doing his best to look.

Only to see in the dazzling light formed under the super high speed flight …… is vaguely a humanoid creature, a humanoid creature with an altitude of more than one hundred million light years, it is just lying flat …… even if the demon beast originator is powerful and tries his best, he can only see a blurred situation. Immediately followed by a boom! The behemoth with incomparably terrifying speed had already disappeared at the end of the demonic beast originator’s field of vision.

“Human, human, humanoid creature?” The Demonic Beast Patriarch froze for a long time.


A behemoth that, in terms of size, was slightly larger than a small universe and slightly larger than a universe boat. How could it be a humanoid creature? It must be known that even the strongest people in the universe can try their best to make their godly bodies bigger, reaching the size of one light year is very strenuous, and the bigger they get the more their godly power is consumed……. They don’t have anyone who can do it to reach one hundred million light years big!

Not to mention the need to maintain such a terrible speed, simply comparable to uninterrupted instantaneous transfer, although the universe’s strongest person can break through the speed limit, but with the faster the speed, the consumption of divine power, the body pressure is constantly getting stronger, so none of the universe’s strongest person in the speed to reach this level. As for the volume becoming super large, that speed was even slower.

Bigger than a small universe! The speed was beyond imagination!

“No, it can’t be a living being, it can’t be a strong person. There’s no such terrifyingly heaven-defying strong person.” The Demonic Beast Patriarch was unwilling to believe it, if such a strong person really existed, how much stronger would it have to be than him, he was afraid that a single look would be able to destroy him, “It must be a strange object, a strange object similar to the Cosmic Boat. It’s just that the Cosmic Boat is ship-shaped and he’s human-like.”

The Demonic Beast Patriarch was instantly much more comfortable when he thought so.

“Another Cosmic Boat?” The Demonic Beast Patriarch still felt breathless when he thought of that.

The Three Great Jedi ……

A long, long time ago, there weren’t originally three great Jedi in the Cosmic Sea, and the Cosmic Boat appeared later.

“Another existence that is at least at the level of a Cosmic Boat?” The Demonic Beast Patriarch was excited beyond measure, “And no strong person has ever encountered it before, I’m the first as long as I can seize the opportunity ……”


The Demonic Beast Patriarch was full of fighting spirit, he didn’t care about the danger at all, after all, no matter if it was a heaven-defying terrifying creature or a “strange object”, it didn’t matter much. If it’s a heaven-defying terrifying creature …… look at the way it’s lying, it’s either sleeping or perishing. If it is a strange thing, then it is even less to be feared.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Successive super long distance transients, and immediately caught up with that super high speed flying behemoth.

Boom ……

As the behemoth kept flying, the Demonic Beast Patriarch often had to instantly move ahead, and then when the other party surpassed him, he immediately instantly moved again.

“Change direction!” Demonic Beast Beginner cast open endless field class treasure, hazy black light shrouded the surrounding area, then he was manipulating the field to cast his strongest secret method, for a moment, the endless field of nearly ninety percent of the power convergence into a huge fuzzy tail, the huge tail directly a whistling whip!

Calculated in advance.

It directly lashed at the high-speed flying behemoth.

“Boom!!!” The fuzzy tail directly collapsed.

And the behemoth continued to advance!

“It seems, it seems that the direction hasn’t changed?” The Demonic Beast Patriarch was slightly stunned.

He wanted to change the direction of the behemoth, just now from the side of the blow …… Obviously he did not dare to use the supreme treasure weapon to directly bombard, after all, the impact of the shock alone is afraid to make him seriously injured again. So he used the “field class treasure”, even if the field attack collapsed, the impact on him is also very small.

Originally he thought …… that is a dead thing, from the side bombardment, at least should slightly change the direction.

“Could it be too big? So the flight is extremely stable?” The demonic beast originator muttered.





The Demonic Beast Beginner instantly moved again and again to catch up with the super-fast flying behemoth, and again and again, he attacked powerfully from the side. Almost every day, it attacked hundreds of times ……

More than a hundred years had passed in the blink of an eye.

“It’s not that my attacks didn’t change direction, my attacks still have an effect on it, it’s just that the effect is too small and insignificant.” The Demonic Beast Patriarch was thrilled by this, “I bombarded it for more than a hundred years in a row before making it change direction slightly. The magnitude of the change of direction was so small …… that the strongest person in my universe only barely noticed it.”

The strongest person in the universe barely noticed it, how small was the amplitude?

And it took more than a hundred years of continuous bombardment to do so.


“We must make it stop before the other powerhouses realize it.” The Demonic Beast Patriarch was full of fighting spirit, and he thought that he was still very hopeful, because after all, the Cosmic Sea was very large, and generally strong people had to rely on “natural wormholes” to advance in the Cosmic Sea. And this kind of continuous instantaneous …… according to the direction of the behemoth, to fly to the “primitive universe” is afraid of a million years up.

A super strong patience is very strong, even if the demon beast ancestor entangled millions of epochs he has patience, just …… his heart has been worried about, worried about will be found. Although the cosmic sea is vast, although other strong people are normally through natural wormholes, to encounter this behemoth probability is very low.

But he was still worried!

“Continue bombarding.”

“In addition to the three great Jedi in the Cosmic Sea, there are also numerous second-rate dangerous places, according to the direction of this behemoth’s flight, as long as it changes slightly, it will pass through the dangerous place of the ‘Spinning Water River’.”

The Demonic Beast Patriarch looked forward to the continued attack.

There were many dangerous places in the Cosmic Sea.

The most famous ones were the three great Jedi Lands, and there were extremely many secondary ones as well, such as Sitting Mountain Guest’s residence in the Cosmic Sea, which was in a dangerous land.

Another six thousand five hundred years passed.

“The direction has been accurate.”

With the perseverance of an ant gnawing on a large mountain, the attack of the Demonic Beast Patriarch that lasted for more than six thousand years finally caused the behemoth to deviate from its direction by a sliver, and this sliver of direction …… coupled with the long flight distance would naturally form an incomparably huge error. This caused it to crash into the Spinning Water River, a place of danger!

“The three great Jedi lands have a large number of strong people at all times, while the many second-rate dangerous places are rarely visited by strong people. There is even a regular dangerous place with not a single strong person.”

“I hope for the Spinning Water River, there are no strong people.” The Demonic Beast Patriarch looked forward to it.

Another three years passed.

The Spinning Water River!

It was spinning at all times, with twelve huge water flow spinning arms, and there was also a small island in the spinning water, with each island ranging from several light years to hundreds of light years. As for the entire spinning water river …… maximum diameter is to reach six million light years! Of course it was quite a bit smaller than the three great Jedi.

“A Cyclone Water River with a diameter of six million light years.” In the distance beside the Spinning Water River, the Demonic Beast Patriarch was coiled up and looking at it from afar, it was the one that had successively performed super long distance instantaneous transfer as well as a natural wormhole to rush to arrive here in advance.

“Such a large Spinning Water River, that behemoth is over 100 million light years in diameter. The difference between the proportions of the two isn’t too outrageous, there is a possibility of stopping it.” The Demonic Beast Patriarch muttered.

Although so muttered.

But the demon beast originator is clear …… that the hope of stopping is very small! Just if this time is not successful, he demon beast originator is afraid of a short period of time is very difficult to “behemoth” once again redirected to hit another dangerous place.



The incomparably tranquil Spinning Water River spun eternally, with twelve huge spinning arms of water, each of which possessed endless and unfathomable power. In terms of might, it was naturally a thousand times greater than any of the powerhouses.

This natural power is incomparably terrifying, and the history of its existence is even older than that of the Cosmic Boat …… And just at this moment!

An existence much more massive than the entire Spinning Water River!

“Boom ……” with incomparably terrifying speed, the height of more than 100 million light years of lying humanoid creature, mercilessly crashed into the “Spinning Water River”, the original strong and powerful The twelve spinning arms of the original powerful water current were instantly violently collapsed by the impact, and a large amount of water splashed towards the far side of the cosmic sea.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

An island within the Spinning Water River, under the impact of the endless super high speeds, was like an exploding egg, one directly exploding away ……

“What’s going on here?” At this moment, deep within the waters of the Spinning Water River, a Master of the Universe who was riding a top-tier palace treasure was exploring the Spinning Water River. For him exploring the Spinning Water River …… was much easier and safer than exploring the King’s Great Jedi, and for him it was a kind of relaxation.

But he suddenly felt the entire Spinning Water River trembling, apparently the shockwave brought about by the ultra-high-speed collision also shook this palace supreme treasure, just that the behemoth was too fast, this Lord of the Universe merely had a trace of doubt in his mind, followed closely by –


Endless behemoth instantly whistling rushed through, the top palace treasure than those islands are even more fragile, instantly fragile blow up, inside the Lord of the Universe is directly annihilation and perish, this level of impact in the …… even wearing the most powerful supreme treasure armor of the Lord of the Universe have to perish, not to mention him.

It’s just sweeping.

It is as if a car at high speed, rushing through a small pool of water, splashing countless, but the car is still high speed whistling past.

Same situation.

Behemoth in the vast cosmic sea with incomparable terrible speed, instantly rushed through the “spinning water river”, so that this dangerous place is instantly broken, countless water splash to all corners of the cosmic sea, as for the behemoth …… still leave a stream of light in the rear, it itself is With still terrible speed, whistling instantly disappeared at the end of the demon beast originator’s vision.

“Uh……” The Demonic Beast Patriarch froze as he watched this scene.

He longed for the Spinning Water River to stop the behemoth. Even though he felt in his heart that there was little certainty, he still longed for it.

The truth was as cruel as that.

Did the behemoth’s speed decrease? Because it was too fast, the Demon Beast Patriarch couldn’t even tell. But it knows …… very well that even if it impacts ten hundred more Spinning Water Rivers, it will not be able to stop this behemoth.

Within the universe of the Divine Eye Clan’s First True Lord.

“It’s the Spinning Water River! I was still inside my palace treasure when I felt a strange and terrifying vibration, and before I could react, my top-tier palace treasure instantly blew up, and my divine doppelganger instantly perished. Teacher, that’s it.” The unlucky Universe Lord was reporting to the First True Lord.

“A top-tier palace supreme treasure instantly shattered?” The First Allah also felt that something strange had happened, “Spinning Water River?”

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