Chapter 40: Small Universe

Release Date: 2024-07-12 16:58:12
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The Endless Spectral Sea was extremely vast, while above it, there was an even more vast ocean of Laws’ silhouettes.

A large amount of divine seawater continuously descended, as if it was raining torrentially.

“It’s the Ocean of Laws!”

“Surprisingly, so much divine power is descending!”

In the palace complex of the Milky Way Holy Land, those True Gods, Cosmic Lords, and a large number of Cosmic Exalted and the like all looked over remotely one by one, looking at the Ocean of Laws silhouette from afar and were all shocked by it.

There was a white-robed figure standing under the shroud of endless divine seawater.

“Swallowing speed can be so fast.” Luo Feng marveled.

The average god body recovered.

If one was seriously injured, recovering from 90% divine body to 100% divine body would generally take a shorter time.

But if it’s from 50% god body recovery to 100% god body, the time needed starts to skyrocket ten thousand times a million times! Because the loss of the divine body is equal to the loss of part of the soul, to recover up extremely difficult …… This is the cause of the loss of minor recovery is very easy, for example, 98% of the divine body naturally can be quickly recovered.

A reason.

The volume of the endless ghost sea was about 90% of what it was before, but because it was reorganized by divine power, Luo Feng didn’t actually lose the slightest bit of his soul! Therefore his swallowing speed was extremely rapid ……

“I can feel that every bit of my divine energy is screaming as if it’s being swallowed madly.” Luo Feng marveled, “And it’s normally more difficult to absorb the divine power in the ‘ocean of laws’, but I’m swallowing now, and the ocean of laws is directly descending into the void, it seems to be extremely cooperative.”

Crossing into Immortality, crossing into Exaltation, and crossing into Lord of the Universe.

At each threshold crossing, the ocean of laws would directly pour divine energy, Luo Feng’s breakthrough this time was a breakthrough at the level of divine body life, not a threshold crossing. Even if the origin will wanted to help Luo Feng improve his godly body as soon as possible it had to follow the ‘rules’, Luo Feng had to actively swallow and suck in order to lure those godly seawater to descend.

One, Luo Feng’s soul was complete, two, the 100,000 times divine power itself had an amazing swallowing power, and three, the origin will was extremely cooperative as permitted by the ‘rules’.

In just over a year’s time it allowed the Endless Spectral Sea to, once again, expand to a diameter of 12 light years.

“Unable to expand.”

White-robed Luo Feng stood on the surface of the Endless Psi Sea while the ocean of laws silhouette high in the sky finally dispersed.

“When you reach 12 light years in diameter, you won’t be able to swallow divine power.” Luo Feng nodded his head thoughtfully, “Reaching the third level of the god body, the so called size follows the heart, infinite god body, I’m afraid this infinite god body isn’t truly infinite.”

It must be known that the reserves within the primordial universe’s ocean of laws had a limit.

How could it be truly infinite?

A diameter of 12 light years was a limit that couldn’t be surpassed.

Luo Feng glanced at a distant place, there were indeed quite a few powerhouses in the distant palace complex watching from afar, obviously the ‘law ocean shadow descent’ that lasted for more than a year and the massive amount of divine seawater at all times like torrential rain had shaken those powerhouses as well.


Luo Feng’s mind moved, only to see a figure emerge next to him one after another.

They were the spectral sea doppelganger, the demon slayer doppelganger, the golden horned beast doppelganger, plus the earthling himself, all of them stood here.


Luo Feng looked at the vast endless spectral sea below.

“Rumble ~ ~ ~ ~” with a thought of Luo Feng, at once the endless sea of ghosts below rumbled towards Luo Feng’s earthling self, only to see Luo Feng’s earthling self like a bottomless pit, swallowing all the divine seawater to his heart’s content, in the blink of an eye, the original vast and endless endless sea of ghosts even disappeared into thin air.


To be precise, there was still a small lake left, which was simply negligible compared to the previous Endless Psi Sea.

“Eh?” Luo Feng frowned at the small lake in the distant void.

“My earthling essence, I can’t even contain the divine power of the entire endless spectral sea?” Luo Feng said darkly, “That small lake is equivalent to the previous storage capacity of my Earthling’s original divine body. That means …… the divine power my Earthling essence possesses is exactly the same as the Endless Psi Sea with a diameter of 12 light years, not one point more, not one point less.”

“Can’t be too greedy either.”

White robe Luo Feng looked to his side, buzz ~ ~ ~ ~ vague golden light lit up.

At once, the earthling himself, the golden horned behemoth split, the demon slayer race split, the small lake, and the phantom sea split, all of them entered the golden light.

“Going to the Divine Kingdom.”

“The Galaxy Lord, returning to his divine Kingdom, having swallowed that much divine power, should begin the expansion of the divine Kingdom into a small universe.” The Void Gold True Gods, Fire Vault True Gods, and the others watching from afar each looked forward to it.

The vast divine Kingdom.

There were grasslands, oceans, and mountain ranges …… Luo Feng stood high in the sky, looking at his endless divine kingdom from afar.

“My divine kingdom, it reached its limit long ago.”

“As long as it starts expanding, then it will quickly diffuse into a small universe. My divine power has also absorbed to its limit, I can’t absorb any more …… then …… let’s start.” Luo Feng stood high in the sky, he couldn’t help but be a little excited, how could he not be excited? After all, he had been looking forward to this day for trillions of eons.

With Luo Feng’s thought, the vast divine kingdom rumbled and began to expand.

The original divine kingdom boundary wall once again expanded outwards.

With this expansion, a violent reaction immediately occurred.


The entire Divine Kingdom shook, and instantly a void channel, directly connected to the Divine Kingdom, this end of this void channel, which originated from nowhere, madly gushed out endless chaotic air currents, and as soon as the dense chaotic air currents gushed in, it instantly tore apart the earth, tore apart the oceans, and everything shattered, reverting back to chaos.

Getting supplied with a large amount of chaos airflow power, the divine Kingdom began to expand crazily.

“Boom!” As the divine Kingdom expanded, another void channel was born, and even more chaotic airflow surged in.

It was like a scene of annihilation.

Luo Feng stood in the center of the divine kingdom, looking around, one void channel after another was born, pouring in endless chaotic air currents, causing a chaotic vortex to form within the entire divine kingdom, and the divine kingdom continued to expand.

While expanding.

The Kingdom of God itself is also constantly moving, the Kingdom of God itself is in the ‘spatial sandwich’, the spatial sandwich is the original cosmic membrane wall, through the membrane wall is to enter the cosmic sea! At this moment, the Divine Kingdom is constantly on the move. ……

To expand from a divine Kingdom to a small universe in a single leap, a certain amount of time was needed.

Seven days passed in the blink of an eye.

“It’s about to reach 100 million light years.”

“One hundred million light years in diameter, True Gods’ small universes are uniformly like this.” Luo Feng stood in the endless chaotic airflow, anticipating sensing his divine kingdom.

The diameter of a void true god’s small universe was from a billion light years to ten billion light years in diameter.

But true gods, it was uniformly 100 million light years.

Because at the beginning of the birth, are the same, small universe just born, when the expansion molding, then immediately carry out the small universe internal architecture and so on …… when the future breakthrough for the void true god, this small universe internal architecture and true god strength and so on, will affect the size of the small universe of the void true god.


The entire divine Kingdom shook violently.

The original Divine Kingdom barrier had already changed into a cosmic membrane wall, and had turned into a gigantic celestial body with a diameter of 100 million light years.

Immediately afterward, this small universe with a diameter of 100 million light years was actually expanding continuously.

“Still getting bigger.” Luo Feng, who was already excited, was stunned, “All true gods have small universes of average size. How come my small universe is still getting bigger?”

“Could it be related to my god body?” Luo Feng couldn’t help but think.

Before he broke through to 100,000 times, it was a scene where billions of communities in the primordial universe knelt down to congratulate him, the scene was unbelievable.

And the divine kingdom expansion was originally most related to the divine body!

The divine power route was that the divine body broke through first, allowing the divine Kingdom to continue to expand a little. The general route of divine power, no matter if it’s 30,000 times, 60,000 times or 90,000 times, their small universe is 100 million light years in diameter.

Luo Feng, however, was breaking through this shackle.

In the Broken East River lineage, the world of Jin’s records of ancient civilizations, no true gods with 100,000 times the life genes were found to have been born. This could be a lot harder and rarer than 90,000 times. In such a case, would a 100,000 times life gene level be that simple?

One must know that reaching 30,000 times is a tenfold surge in the height of the divine body. Sixty thousand times would be a thousand-fold increase, and ninety thousand times would be an infinite divine body, size at will. This 100,000 times? Even more so, it caused the rules to descend on billions of communities to congratulate, if it was not special at all, that would be a joke.

It’s just that Luo Feng is now so focused on becoming a true god that he hasn’t scrutinized it.

Now, the small universe exceeded the normal diameter of 100 million light years is one of the special features of the ‘100,000 times life gene level’.

The larger the diameter, the more the volume skyrocketed. The smaller the universe expands, the slower it gets, because it requires more chaotic airflow.

200 million light years in diameter, 300 million light years ……

Luo Feng was there expanding the small universe, but the entire primordial universe and even the various races of the cosmic sea had long been looking forward to it, waiting for a new small universe to appear, but waiting left and right just couldn’t wait.

“What’s going on?” Chaos City Lord was also a bit anxious, “Luo Feng said to me earlier that he had started to diffuse small universes, it shouldn’t take long to diffuse small universes. It’s already been half a year, why is there still no news?”

Opposite him was another white robed man, Original Ancestor.

Luo Feng hi white robe.

Original ancestor was also.

But the two had different temperaments, Luo Feng was more like a spear, firm and sharp and unstoppable! While the original ancestor was more gentle.

“I don’t know.” The Original Ancestor shook his head, “The virtual universe can only vaguely sense that area, I’m sure that Luo Feng’s divine kingdom is in that area …… but at the moment his divine kingdom is expanding, and even started to give birth to the origin, so I wouldn’t have been able to invade. Not to mention that during the expansion, there was the will of the origin to help and also the supreme rules to catalyze it …… No one can influence him or contact him.”

When breaking through, it was absolutely protected.

No one could interrupt the other party’s breakthrough.

The races of the cosmic sea were anxious.

Luo Feng on the other hand was in his own mini universe, sensing the continuous expansion of the entire mini universe, finally one day, the entire mini universe stopped expanding with a bang and everything took shape. At the same time, an irresistible vast force acted on the small universe, causing the small universe that had already touched the membrane wall of the primordial universe, the entire small universe seemed like a glass ball that had been ejected.


The entire small universe, directly blasted out of the primordial universe, such as fish into the sea, birds into the sky, this small universe also finally entered the vast cosmic sea.

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