Chapter 0503 – Savage Mountain (VII)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:21:51
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“It’s fine. Aigoo, damn, I can’t lift my hand.”

Zhuang Rui tried to move his left arm, and immediately felt a sharp pain coming from it, it should be hurt to the bone, and on the small arm, it was torn off a piece of meat whole, and the blood couldn’t stop seeping outward.

“Brother Zhuang, you sit down ……”


Peng Fei tore the camouflage clothing on Zhuang Rui’s arm that was already tattered and torn, then looked down in his bag and took out a bottle of alcohol and gauze.

“Aigoo, aigoo, don’t, just wrap it directly.”

When the medicinal alcohol splashed on Zhuang Rui’s bloody arm, the pain Zhuang Rui shouted loudly, the body violently to stand up, this kind of pain is simply not a person to suffer ah! The feeling of salt in the wound.

Peng Fei a hold Zhuang Rui, he did not care so much, in the mouth holding the light of the lamp, a little bit of Zhuang Rui wound of some animal hair are carefully cleaned off.

“I say old brother, brother I’m not Guan Yunchang, you don’t give me the whole scraping ah!”

When Peng Fei was looking for gauze alcohol just now, Zhuang Rui had already treated himself with Reiki, but he didn’t dare to increase the amount of Reiki, he just stopped the bleeding.

This will look at Peng Fei took out his small knife as well, Zhuang Rui couldn’t help but struggle again, had he known that he had just moved faster and treated his injury before Peng Fei looked at it, it would have been fine.

However, the wound torn by the leopard claws is very deep, almost already caught on Zhuang Rui’s arm bones, even with aura protection, I’m afraid that it can’t be completely healed, although Peng Fei’s movements are very gentle, but the corners of Zhuang Rui’s mouth, it still hurts straight twitching.

“Brother Zhuang, it’s estimated that the bones are injured, don’t you move ……”

Peng Fei’s face is very heavy, that leopard is fifty or sixty pounds, this pounce down from the tree is strong enough to break the spine of a wild boar, fortunately Zhuang Rui just retreated a step back, or else this splitting of the head to hit down, it’s not just the consequences of a broken arm.

“Bang …… bang …… bang …… bang …… bang ……”

“Da da da …… da da da ……”

While Peng Fei was bandaging Zhuang Rui’s wound and then making a simple sling with gauze for him to hang his left arm under his neck, several gunshots suddenly came out of the forest, starting with the sound of a pistol. Immediately followed by the ringing sound of a burst of sub-machine guns, echoing for a long time in the silent forest.

“It should be Big Brother Hu and the others looking for them.”

Zhuang Rui pulled out his pistol from his bag and was just about to shoot when Peng Fei snatched it away.

Peng Fei put Zhuang Rui’s pistol and his own one, as well as the pieces of plastic bombs and grenades, into a plastic bag and threw it into a small muddy pond behind him, and watched the bag sink before picking up his sub-machine gun and firing a point blank shot into the sky.

Zhuang Rui looked at the pistol did not play a few days, so no, the heart can not help but a little pity, but he also knows, now want the gun is not much use, and so back to the country, if it is found out, it is ultimately a piece of trouble.

Although he knew that it might be Hu Rong and others, Peng Fei still extinguished the lighting, helped Zhuang Rui to come under a big tree, and disappeared his figure into the gloom.

“Da da …… da da …… da da ……”

A few more point blank shots from submachine guns came from the distance. It was getting closer and closer to Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei’s hiding place, and Peng Fei shot a few single rounds, pointing out the location to the searchers.

“Zhuang Rui, Elder Brother Zhuang, Brother Peng, is that you guys?”

After about twenty minutes or so, a few beams of light from a strong flashlight shone in the in the dense forest, Hu Rong and Zhang Guojun’s voices rang out alternately, shouting Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei’s names.

“It’s Big Brother Hu, it’s okay.”

Peng Fei hadn’t let Zhuang Rui speak until Hu Rong’s figure was revealed under the light, only then did Peng Fei stand up, while helping Zhuang Rui up.

“Big brother Hu, it’s us ……”

Zhuang Rui’s voice caused a cheer, followed by the several beams of strong light, all of which shone onto him and Peng Fei.

“What? Injured?”

Hu Rong saw Zhuang Rui’s dangling bladder at a glance and quickly walked over.

“It’s fine, I was scratched by that leopard, Big Brother Hu, I’m really sorry, I’ve startled everyone.”

Zhuang Rui pretended to be unconcerned and wiggled his left hand, but he bared his teeth in pain, this time the wound was too deep, even his aura was not working well.

“Brother Zhuang, it’s all my fault, I shouldn’t have left you behind.”

Zhang Guojun, who had a guilty face, walked out from behind Hu Rong, having searched for five or six hours in the dense forest. They were all almost disappointed, if they couldn’t find any more, Hu Rong was ready to ask the military for help tomorrow and send a helicopter to search.

Now that he suddenly saw Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei, Zhang Guojun was so excited that tears were coming down, the two were lost, but it was because of his mistake!

“Brother Zhang, don’t blame you, really don’t blame you, the two of us saw a wolf and then chased after it, somehow we got lost, this is not your fault ……”

Zhuang Rui heart that is really guilty, because of the reasons that can not be said, the straight big man as a scapegoat, this will be busy to put him and Peng Fei discussed a good excuse to say out.

“Okay, don’t say so much, Da Jun, hurry up, where is the stretcher, hurry up, first go back to the mine, overnight back to Pagang to find a doctor ……”

Hu Rong waved his hand to interrupt the self-criticism of the two men, he has no doubt about Zhuang Rui’s words, because in the forest can not identify the direction, often think it is the direction out of the mountains, but in fact it is just the opposite, lost inside is very normal, is some experienced old hunters, are often a few days to go out.

“I’m fine, hey …… hey, don’t …… don’t, I can’t lie down myself!”

Zhuang Rui just wanted to say that he is fine over there two men spread a stretcher, a person to support the shoulders of a person to lift the legs, put Zhuang Rui to the stretcher, this thing are into the mountains when Hu Rong ready, is afraid of two people out of any accidents.

“I’m fine, I’m really fine, you see, can run and jump ……”

Peng Fei saw Hu Rong’s gaze looking at himself again, he was so scared that he hurriedly ran forward a few steps, although he was also a bit tired, he was not used to lying on a stretcher.

“Brother Hu, take that leopard away ……”

Zhuang Rui has not forgotten to hurt their culprits, said that the leopard skin is really beautiful, bring back to the country after and Liu Chuan bragging, envy death that kid, save him in the crop field to play two wild rabbits, on the whole day to show off to their own.

“Hey, this shot is really accurate ah! A shot in the eye, luck is really good, the skin is not hurt at all, no, there is a wound at the bottom of this, is a military stab stabbed out, right?”

Zhang Guojun heard Zhuang Rui’s words, took the flashlight to the leopard, after checking some, mouth tsked, although Peng Fei that shot is in the leopard on the tree after turning back to observe the situation hit, but look in the eyes of Zhang Guojun, naturally, is to think that this is a blind cat catching dead rats …… happenstance.

Zhang Guojun carried the leopard hind legs, threw behind him, actually carried on his back like this, and followed the team to the mountains.

Hu Rong into the mountain search team divided into four, each team more than ten people, in the forest on the road, someone from time to time put a gun, slowly the other several teams heard the sound of gunfire are close together, to get out of the forest on the outskirts of the savage mountain, just one not more one not less.

“How is it, did you sleep well yesterday?”

Still in this wooden house at the foot of the mountain, Hu Rong came to Zhuang Rui’s room early in the morning.

After returning to the camp yesterday, Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei were really lackluster, and didn’t go back to Pagang overnight, in the camp itself there was a doctor invited from Pagang, and at that moment gave Zhuang Rui to re-bandage the wound, ate some anti-inflammatory medicine and went to sleep.

“It’s not bad, Brother Hu, I’m really sorry for giving you trouble yesterday.”

Zhuang Rui sat up, but it still hurt to move his left arm, it hurt the bones, even after using Reiki to treat it, the effect wasn’t very good.

Hu Rong came forward and held half of Zhuang Rui’s body, said, “Don’t talk about that, I see you like this, can’t withstand the tossing and turning, why don’t you go back to your country after the New Year’s Eve in Myanmar!”

“Hey, that can’t be, I’m going to take the exam the day after tomorrow, and I have to go back …… today.”

Zhuang Rui counted the time, the face can not help but some anxious, this is still 3 days, the preliminary examination of graduate students will begin, if you can not catch up, not to mention sorry uncle De, is Professor Meng, they will not have the face to see in the future.

And this injury is fortunate or left arm, will not delay the written examination, if the right hand, then it is really a problem.

“Are you so …… okay?”

After Hu Rong asked about the matter, his eyebrows wrinkled.

“It’s okay, Hu, it’s just a little tendon injury, walking and everything is fine.”

Zhuang Rui climbed down from the bed in a single bound and walked back and forth in the house twice, signaling that he had no major problems at all.

“Alright then! When we return to Pagang, I’ll still let the helicopter send you to the China-Burma border, and then exit from there, and when you arrive in Ruili you can take a plane directly back to Beijing from the Dehong Mangshi Airport, and this line is even closer than going to Mandalay ……”

See Zhuang Rui insisted, and indeed there is something, Hu Rong arranged for him the fastest route back to Beijing, he went to China are often take this road, both fast and convenient.

But this quickness is also relative, if it is by car, from Ruili to Mandalay, it is estimated that it will take more than ten days to walk up.

“Thank you Brother Hu, by the way, yesterday’s exploration, what are the two professors’ opinions on the vein?” Hearing that he could return to Beijing today, Zhuang Rui relaxed.

“Alas, Prof. Chen’s opinion is that when this mountain range was formed, the pressure of the earth’s crust was not uniform enough, so it resulted in only some parts of the area producing raw jadeite, not only is the amount small, but the difficulty of mining it is also large, basically it’s considered a waste mine.”

Hu Rong smiled with some bitterness, consumed his huge financial and material resources of this mine, actually came to such a conclusion, let him for a time hard to accept.

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