Chapter 0704 – Closing the Case

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:30:33
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“What the …… hell is going on here?”

After receiving Zhuang Rui’s call, Jiang Hao Jiang, the big team leader who immediately rushed over, looked at Yu Zhenping who was tied up into a ball on the ground and couldn’t help but ask in surprise.

This Yu Zhenping was bundled very interesting, hands behind the back, feet are also backward folded over, was a shoelace tied solidly, a little bit like playing acrobatics in general, the mouth was also stuffed with a rag, just that pair of eyes staring at Zhuang Rui, full of grudges color.

And at this time, outside also came out of the clamor, dozens of police armed police into the village, immediately let this small village stirred, those who followed the township level leaders, is to pacify the villagers.

But this place is high up in the mountains, these villagers do not really buy, outside the people are more and more gathered, if not the front of the house was pulled on the cordon, more than a dozen live guns and nuclear weapons of the armed police stood there then, I’m afraid that the villagers have long rushed in.

“Nothing, he somehow found out my identity, took a gun to beat me, was subdued by my friend, right, is it that you guys didn’t ambush well, was he found out?”

Zhuang Rui spread his hands innocently, he wouldn’t say the thing that he had let himself slip, otherwise this group of policemen might turn their backs on what they had promised themselves earlier!

And just now is indeed very dangerous, if not Peng Fei quick eyes and hands, in Yu Zhenping just raised the gun when the knife in his hand lightning stabbed Yu Zhenping’s wrist, to Peng Fei’s hands against Yu Zhenping, it is really a bit of adult bullying the flavor of the child.

However, this time is obviously not as thrilling as the last time, because from the time Yu Zhenping pulled out his gun to the time he was subdued by Peng Fei, it was not even two minutes before and after, Zhuang Rui didn’t even react, Peng Fei had already untied Yu Zhenping’s shoelace and tied him up.

And it’s that gun, after Peng Fei had a look at it, he also skimmed his lips, the safety is not open, take it out there is no use ah?

“Cuff him first, protect the scene.”

Jiang Hao at this time also saw the pistol on the ground, and quickly let the people to the plastic bag, the heart is also scared by the light, Jiang leader but know Zhuang Rui background, if it is really hurt by this Yu old eight, I’m afraid that even if their case is solved, but also can not fall into the favor.

But to be honest, at this moment caught Yu Zhenping, Jiang Hao heart really relieved, because this guy is like a loach general, is too slippery, if you are not careful will be he ran away.

This place is out of the door is a big mountain, dense jungle, is to drill a few thousand people in it, but also revealed, if it is really by Yu Zhenping ran into the words, I am afraid that the whole Zhengzhou City, the police are mobilized, all to no avail.

Yu Zhenping also knows that he planted, and did not resist, even after the rags in his mouth were taken out, he did not say anything, just a pair of eyes, still staring at Zhuang Rui.

“What are you looking at me for? I’m also cooperating with the police on the case!”

Zhuang Rui was Yu Zhenping looked at some oozing panic, hastily twisted his face to the side and said, “Team Leader Jiang, my task is considered to be completed ah! I don’t want much of the artifacts you seized this time, just two.”

Zhuang Rui afraid of Jiang Hao over the bridge, quickly reminded a sentence, the last time in Shaanxi buddies see righteousness, what benefits did not fall, but instead is the car was burned and was shocked a bit, this time but can not come back empty-handed.

“Two? Didn’t you say you need one-third?”

Jiang Hao froze for a moment, this is not like the Zhuang Rui who bargained with himself before coming! However, Jiang Hao didn’t care about these things, and according to him, giving more to Zhuang Rui could also land him a favor.

“Okay, one third then, you have to keep your word, Team Leader Jiang!”

Zhuang Rui was happy when he heard this, he was originally afraid that the two pieces he was going to pick were too big and expensive, so he changed the conditions, since Team Leader Jiang was going to insist on it, then if there was any pressure, just let him step in.

“By the way, Team Leader Jiang, this Yu Brothers once donated money to the village to build a school, it’s very popular with the villagers, I think you’d better take the people out quickly!”

Zhuang Rui heard the clamor outside, he couldn’t help but kindly remind Jiang Hao, these villagers don’t know what the law is, if you give them the law, they will designate to talk to you about favors, if you give them favors, uh …… then they don’t know what the law means either.

“Well, good, I will arrange, you are now back? Or cooperate with the cultural relics experts we invited to clean up these stolen and excavated cultural relics ah?”

Jiang Hao was very submissive, he knew that in these remote areas, there are some things that don’t make sense, and he quickly used his walkie-talkie to call the police who stayed at the village entrance to come and bring the people.

Zhuang Rui thought about it, said, “I’m going back now, overnight back to Beijing, Jiang leader, I would have been now are in Hainan to take wedding photos, is delayed by you guys this, I said, this batch of cultural relics inside that bronze tripod and bronze chimes, must be left to my museum ah!”

“OK, Mr. Zhuang, you can rest assured! After the stolen cultural relics are counted out, we will negotiate with the cultural relics department, and put the bronzes you mentioned in your museum for exhibition temporarily.”

Jiang Hao nodded and agreed, this thing is not very difficult, more than a thousand pieces of antiques, lending to Zhuang Rui museum a few pieces is not a big deal, that said, the ownership is still the country’s well, in which museum is for the people.

Not much more General Assembly, the door rang the sound of car brakes, two armed police pressed Yu Zhenping, on the police car, the villagers saw Yu Zhenping handcuffed out, immediately exploded, some impulsive young man, to go forward to grab people.

“Bang! Bang Bang!”

Three crisp gunshots shocked these people, Jiang Hao stood in the doorway and shouted, “Folks, this person is breaking the law of the land, don’t be impulsive.”

Maybe Jiang Hao’s Mandarin with Beijing flavor, these villagers could not understand, but that pistol was real, and Yu Zhenping was not their village’s second dog and big benefactor, Boss Yu, at once, those few lads who rushed in front of them, all retreated back.

Although these people’s ancestors are rebel to kill the official started, but the boss Yu bought them that color TV, more or less also let them know that now is a new society, not popular ancient times of spears and swords.

Seeing the villagers gradually dispersing under the pacification of the township leaders, Jiang Hao took a long breath. “Mr. Zhuang, the two of you should also go with this car! I have to stay with these cultural relic experts today, and I can’t go back until tomorrow.”

Jiang Hao had carried out the mission of rescuing trafficked women back then, and that time, he was beaten by some ignorant villagers and laid in bed for a week, that’s why when he saw that the seed was not right just now, Jiang Hao immediately fired a warning shot.

“Hey, I say Team Leader Jiang, can’t you arrange another car?”

To be honest, letting Zhuang Rui and Yu Zhenping sit in a car, he was really reluctant to do so, the way this dude looked at himself, like a vicious cub, that grim and bratty look, Zhuang Rui didn’t doubt that he would pounce up and bite himself.

Jiang Hao thought for a moment, nodded and said, “Okay! I’ll arrange another car then.”

Due to the toughness of the people here, this time with the township leaders, this day is not to go back, Jiang Hao arranged a local criminal police, driving with his colleagues and Zhuang Rui back to Zhengzhou, although he can not go, but still have to Yu Zhenping for a surprise trial.


“Fuck me, this kid is not difficult for me?”

Jiang Hao, who was watching those experts counting the artifacts all night, couldn’t help but burst out, after a night of cultural relics knowledge, he finally understood the value of those two bronzes, and also understood why Zhuang Rui named these two objects yesterday.

After understanding the value of these two objects, Jiang Hao did not dare to make a decision, gave a report to the ministry, let them go to deal with this matter, while he was on the car back to Zhengzhou.

Because the number of artifacts counted out, and Yu Laoqi accounted for some discrepancies, Jiang Hao must pry open Yu Zhenping’s mouth, dig out the hiding place of the remaining artifacts.

I don’t know why, Yu Zhenping, who is a hobnail in Yu Laoqi’s mouth, didn’t wait for Team Leader Jiang to come, and explained the remaining two cultural relics hiding places one by one, and explained the tombs he had stolen for more than ten years, one by one.

Until Yu Zhenping said, he this figure, is young by the Yu boss drugged caused by the inability to grow, Jiang Hao suddenly understand something.


Hainan’s sky is very blue, the beach side of the sea water, is clear to see the bottom, but this time of the year tourists, but not a lot.

July and August to go to Hainan, that is purely to find a crime, more than 30 degrees of heat, but also suits posing, tortured Zhuang Rui is about to go crazy, the morning to shoot the sunrise, the night also shoot the sunset, Zhuang Rui almost didn’t ask that the photographer, their own night and their daughter-in-law OOXX, they want to do not also to shoot down?

After returning to Beijing from Zhengzhou, Zhuang Rui with Qin Xuan ice and Peng Fei two rushed to Hainan, but after coming, he felt he missed the boat, here, although the seascape is very beautiful, but the weather, there is not a moment to feel the clothes on the body is dry.

So easy to day down, Zhuang Rui feel more tired than in Zhengzhou and Yu Zhenping fight.

“Kid, don’t laugh at me, tomorrow it’s time for you to shoot.”

The hotel where Zhuang Rui was staying was not far from a harbor, standing on the balcony of the hotel, he could clearly see the lights on those ships.

This time Zhuang Rui and Qin Xuan Bing wedding photos, incidentally also let Peng Fei and his daughter-in-law with the shoot, otherwise today’s day, Zhuang Rui’s task has been completed, he is to wait for tomorrow Peng Fei shoot finished, before returning to Beijing together.

“Shoot that thing dry.”

Peng Fei skimmed his mouth, halfway through the sentence, saw the original birdie-like girlfriend stared up, could not help but shorten his body, then said: “To shoot, must shoot!” Peng Fei’s action caused several people to laugh.

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