Chapter 0832 – The Cave

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:36:09
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The grip and hand guard of this knight’s sword had already decayed, leaving only the rusty blade behind, Zhuang Rui squatted down his body and looked at the sword body very carefully for a while, and a rough outline appeared in his mind.

This person should be in the case of not paying attention, was from behind a sword through the heart and died, because this knight sword rotting guard, is in the back of the corpse bone, that is to say, this person was killed by backstabbing. But I don’t know why, the murderer didn’t pull the sword out again, but left it in the body of the deceased, which made Zhuang Rui puzzled.

“Shit, why think so much? Dude isn’t here for archaeology.”

Zhuang Rui looked at his watch, it was already past eleven in the morning, for him, finding something practical was far more important than solving the mystery of this man’s death.

Moving the bones to one side, Zhuang Rui accelerated the speed of cleanup, half an hour later, with a happy face, Zhuang Rui found an iron pot from the ruins.

Although the nose and ears of the iron pot had been broken, and the pot was full of rust, but it was not broken, as long as it was polished with sand, it should still be usable.

This discovery made Zhuang Rui excited, with this thing, it means there is fresh fish soup to drink, thinking of the thick white fresh fish soup cooked, Zhuang Rui’s saliva almost flowed out.

In a corner of the house, Zhuang Rui also found a few shovels, but the wooden handle of the shovel has long been rotted away, the shovel is full of thick rust, but Zhuang Rui looked for a few suitable sticks to replace them, can still be used.

See so many things, let Zhuang Rui energetic, at noon to endure the pain of that last piece of compressed cookies to eat, and then spent more than two hours of time, a wooden house to clean out.

“Shit, can’t it be that it’s really a pirate’s lair?”

Looking at those messy objects placed in front of him, Zhuang Rui frowned, although it was said that if these things were placed in front of some archaeologists now, they would surely jump up and down with joy, but they were of little use to Zhuang Rui.

More than a dozen oxidized some discolored gold coins, a silver bowl carved with ancient Roman style, a dagger inlaid with precious stones, the handle of the dagger is made of gold and silver wire winding, exceptionally gorgeous, but after years of erosion, the blade is rusted like a piece of iron in general.

In addition there is a knight’s armor, the head protector has not found, only a half armor, the fabric has been completely rotten finished, but the chest protector made of iron, is still intact.

From these things Zhuang Rui can see, here once lived in the people, I’m afraid it is not a good guy, most likely is the pirates across the sea.

Just let Zhuang Rui is a little puzzled, why these pirates will build such a place on this lonely island? And this skeleton on the ground, in life is what kind of person? And why was killed by others? Is it a pirate fire?

Looking at these things in front of me, Zhuang Rui also can not deduce in hundreds of years ago on the desert island, what happened? Perhaps wait for these huts all cleaned up, in order to come to a conclusion!

Looking at the color of the sky is already a bit late, trying to clean out those other wooden huts, it’s definitely not something that can be done in a moment, Zhuang Rui took the javelin and wandered around, he was going to stay in this neighborhood at night.

“Hm? A cave?”

At the foot of the mountain about a kilometer from the village, Zhuang Rui found a rock cave, not knowing if it was artificially excavated or naturally formed, the cave entrance was more than two meters wide and high.

Zhuang Rui did not rush into the cave, usually caves are occupied by fierce beasts, who knows if there will be any big guys inside?

“Is this …… a cat? No, it should be a cat badger.”

Zhuang Rui first used his aura to inspect the cave for a while, and sure enough, there was an animal curled up inside that was slightly smaller than a wild dog but much larger than a domestic cat, with black and yellow stripes on its body.

“Buddy, I’m sorry, this place belongs to me, move over!”

Knowing what is inside, Zhuang Rui is not afraid, this cat badger is one of the most common animals on the pirate, feeding on wild birds, Zhuang Rui immediately got up the idea of turtling at first sight.

Generally cat badgers live in holes in the ground, but this one should be considered more alternative, right?


A stone flew out from Zhuang Rui’s hand and smashed into the cave, and the cat badger, as if its tail had been stepped on, immediately jumped up and scurried towards the cave entrance.

“Oooh ……”

The cat badger issued a low whimpering sound from its mouth, and a pair of yellow fluorescent eyes, staring at Zhuang Rui with a deadly stare, obviously unwilling to give up its old nest.

“Go, go ……”

Zhuang Rui made a threatening sound from his mouth, although he wasn’t afraid of this little thing, but his body was naked, being scratched by it was also very unpleasant, it was naturally best if he could give up without a fight.

But this cat badger that has never seen a human before, is very ungrateful, the body slightly bowed, the whole thing bounced up, pounced on Zhuang Rui’s face.

“Paralyzed, give face don’t want, I roasted you to eat.”

Although not a practitioner, but to even such a thing can not deal with words, Zhuang Rui can find a block of tofu hit the dead, immediately raised his right hand, holding a javelin to the cat badger pounced over the abdomen on the javelin.

Seemingly knowing the power of the javelin, the cat badger forcefully twisted its body in mid-air, but it was still stabbed in the leg by Zhuang Rui.


The cat badger let out a sound that was almost like a baby crying from its mouth, and after landing, it rolled over and burrowed into the bushes on the hill, no longer daring to call mouth with Zhuang Rui.

“Count you smart.”

Zhuang Rui saw the blood that fell on the ground and shook his head, although he hadn’t eaten any meat in the past few days, but Zhuang Rui didn’t have much interest in cat-shaped animals.

“Shit, it stinks so bad?”

After driving away the cat badger, Zhuang Rui couldn’t wait to get into the cave, only just entering the cave, he smelled a foul odor, the smell smoked Zhuang Rui almost to vomit.

But let Zhuang Rui give up this cave, and then sleep under the tree, Zhuang Rui is not willing to, after thinking for a while, Zhuang Rui eyes bright.

Zhuang Rui first picked up a large handful of branches and dead leaves, threw them into the cave, and then outside the cave took two pieces of volcanic rock and struck it, and Zhuang Rui, who had already mastered this technique, quickly ignited the fire.

After picking the burning branch with a javelin and throwing it into the cave and igniting the dead leaves inside, a thick smoke came out from the cave.

Zhuang Rui, on the other hand, kept throwing some combustible things inside, and even ran back to the village and threw in a half-rotted wooden door.

There were also dead branches in those bushes on the mountain, which were all picked up by Zhuang Rui, and while picking up the dead branches, Zhuang Rui also harvested a nest of seven or eight seabird eggs, each of which was the size of a quail’s egg, and covered with white spots.

This made Zhuang Rui greatly excited, and immediately expanded his search, and actually found three or four more seabird nests in a patch of shrubs above the cave, with more than twenty eggs.

Zhuang Rui did not have the idea of being an old hen to incubate these bird eggs, immediately found a wide leaf, after wrapping the bird eggs, used a javelin to poke them into the cave, thinking about the bird eggs that will be eaten later, Zhuang Rui could not help but drool.

The cave is ventilated on one side only, the burning fire, soon the oxygen in the cave is emptied, the fire gradually extinguished, but the smoke became more, can’t help pouring out of the cave.

After ten minutes, Zhuang Rui used the javelin to dial out the bird eggs that were held by the leaves, peeling off the thin egg shells, baked bird eggs taste incomparably fresh, more than twenty bird eggs under the belly, so that Zhuang Rui comfortable almost moaned out.

That is, Zhuang Rui once had a few days of experience living alone on the Great Snowy Mountains, or else just this more than a week, the feeling of loneliness, can drive a person out of his mind.

However, if not for some creatures on the island, I’m afraid that Zhuang Rui is also unable to support, these days have begun to murmur to the fish in the water pool, time is not guaranteed that all kinds of problems also come.

“It seems that this day can not live.”

Looking at the Shandong Mountain that was still emitting smoke outwards, Zhuang Rui was a bit regretful, but thinking about the cat badger’s foul odor, he would rather wait for one more day.

Wanting to live here, it seemed that there was still a lot of work to be done.

Zhuang Rui will drink fish soup so important things are left behind, took a shovel, in the cave outside digging up traps, otherwise this is not even a door, night living can be at ease?

Zhuang Rui nothing else, is good physical strength, with three or four hours of time, half a meter away from the cave entrance, dug a depth of three meters, two meters wide, in a semi-arc shape will be surrounded by the cave entrance of the deep pit.

On the right side of the cave entrance, Zhuang Rui left a field that was only thirty centimeters wide, which he used to enter and exit.

After working on these things, the sky has gradually darkened, those birds returning to their nests, seem to feel that the eggs are gone, can’t help but hover in the sky color, and let out a mournful cry.

Bird thief Zhuang Rui students, naturally shrunk his neck to keep quiet, he is also ready to go to the stream early tomorrow morning, see if he can catch a goat to roast and eat.

That said, on this lonely island, Zhuang Rui seems to have nothing else to pursue other than figuring out what to eat every day.

Uh, that wooden house village can continue to be excavated, but even if the examination produces any world-shattering archaeological discoveries, Zhuang Rui doesn’t have the means to publicize them.

At night Zhuang Rui didn’t go back to the beach, but instead curled up and slept at the cave entrance.

At night Zhuang Rui had a dream, seemed to dream of his dragon and phoenix child, his son was very naughty, when Zhuang Rui hugged him, he vigorously grabbed Zhuang Rui’s hair.

“Don’t make trouble, be obedient.”

Sleeping in a daze, Zhuang Rui felt someone stroking his hair, and couldn’t help but stretch out his hand to fiddle with it.

Just after Zhuang Rui stretched out his hand, he subconsciously felt that something was not right, and immediately opened his eyes, only to find that in front of himself, he was vaguely standing in a silhouette.

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