Chapter 0980 – Legend (III)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:42:29
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“Whether this …… is an emerald or not is still unknown!” Big Liu said with a red face, he knew that he had blown his own cowhide big time.

“Hey, Tang Lao said green, this can still be false, brothers, throw this kid in, let him eat that raw stone in the stomach ah!”

The people next to this coaxing, but led to the crowd laughed and laughed, the original kind of shocked and heavy atmosphere, suddenly dissipated.

“Tang Lao, is what material jadeite ah?”

“Yes! Tell us, what’s the seed water like?”

“This fucking Burmese government is really pitiful, even a big screen are not willing to buy ah! Otherwise you wouldn’t have to stand here and see nothing.”

Now people are concerned about is, Zhuang Rui in the end solved out what quality of jadeite, after seeing the glass seed purple eyes, their appetites have been lifted, are wide-eyed ears, looking forward to the performance of this piece of raw stone.

If Zhuang Rui again can solve the excellent jadeite, then today’s gambling competition, will become a jade world a good story for the ages, as for who wins and who loses, in fact, in the hearts of the crowd has been unimportant.

“Everyone wait, the green has just come out, the rubbing surface has not yet come out.”

Zhuang Rui just rubbed open the white crystalline particles, in the light of the light reflects the green luster inside, the emerald is not yet fully revealed.

“Elder Tang, you have experience, you will rub it next?”

Rub stone consumes energy is not big, and in the case of already see green, control the force on the line, Zhuang Rui handed over the meaning of the sander, in fact, is to let Tang old hand to unravel this piece of material.

“You kid, forget it! Your hand is much more stable than me, and this eyesight is also stronger than my old man, you continue to rub, I see!”

Tang old man in the world of business with so many years, for Zhuang Rui heart this Dao Dao clear very clear, to his seniority reputation, do not need Zhuang Rui so do.

Although the old man just said that the level of gambling is not as good as Zhuang Rui, but what he said is the power of the eye, and did not admit defeat on both sides of the stone in the emerald, Zhuang Rui’s eyesight is certainly very admirable, but the old man does not think that Zhuang Rui this piece of material in the emerald can win their own purple eyes.

To know, the top jadeite but just a few kinds, purple eyes as can be comparable to the emperor green jadeite jade, make Tang Lao has enough confidence, their own ultimately still can win this competition.

“Chop-chop …… chop-chop …… chop-chop ……”

Zhuang Rui had already put down the sander at this moment, and instead picked up the coarse sandpaper provided by the assembly, and polished up the surface of the window, knowing that the very best jadeite would lose a lot if it was scratched a little.

Especially think about this piece of glass seed material, may be a small cut, is hundreds of thousands of dollars up and down, so Zhuang Rui show very careful.

After about seven or eight minutes of time, the grainy crystals on the rubbing surface was finally cleaned up by Zhuang Rui, a piece of rubbing surface the size of the palm of the hand, clearly appeared in front of the crowd.

Zhuang Rui signaled Peng Fei to open the tap water, such as leather pipe out of the water, the rubbing surface directly flushed, at once, the glittering green light scattered, look at the crowd a dizzying.

The water droplets that dripped from the rubbing surface also seemed to be rendered green, as if the dew on the leaves in the early morning, crystal clear, under the refraction of the light, it looked so ethereal and beautiful.

“Xiao Zhuang, let me take a look.”

Tang Lao did not care that Zhuang Rui had not yet removed the leather tube, squatted his body in front of the window cleaning, the splashing water wet the old man’s hair, the white hair hanging down, messing up the original image of a high profile person, Tang Lao, the appearance is very messy.

Tang Lao but did not care about these, reached out to wipe away the water on his face, and then his right hand gently touched the window, and then picked up a strong flashlight to look up, after seven or eight minutes, before standing up the body.

“Glass seed head of water, although the green is a little less, but very uniform, Xiao Zhuang, this piece of material as long as it can seep inward three fingers, then the value of at least two hundred million above.”

When Tang Lao said these words, his face was a bit moved, he didn’t think that this piece of wool that didn’t look like a raw stone could actually have a glass seed green emerald?

To know, Tang old man in solved decades of jadeite raw stone, handled the glass seed material is not less, but most of them are glass seed colorless jadeite, only by chance a few times solved out of the glass seed green emerald to. However, compared to Zhuang Rui this piece of material uniform color distribution, Tang old man previously solved out of the emerald is to be slightly inferior to three points.

“Two hundred million?”

Zhuang Rui heard the words of Tang Lao, he knew, this piece of glass seed material seeped in more than three fingers, but a full forty centimeters long, more than twenty centimeters thick, at least in the fifty kilograms or so of a huge piece of jadeite bright material.

Not to mention the hidden in this piece of material behind the emperor green emerald, alone this piece of material, are to grams to calculate its value, processed into jewelry, at least to Zhuang Rui brought more than five hundred million income.

“The material that Mr. Zhuang solved is worth two hundred million?”

Tang Lao’s words spread to the square, the crowd immediately stirred up, originally did not look favorably on Zhuang Rui’s people, are stunned by this news, obviously a rock, how can you solve out the emerald?

“Two hundred million, brother le, you did not hear clearly right? Tang Lao said is at least two hundred million.”

“Then who won this bet ah? I also pressed the Tang old fifty thousand dollars!”

“There’s no need to ask, Tang Lao’s piece of purple-eyed jadeite, if you make a few necklaces, it’ll be worth at least three hundred million dollars, of course Tang Lao won!”

“It’s hard to say, Mr. Zhuang’s material hasn’t been unraveled yet, who wins and who loses can’t be seen.”

“I said, this thing is very simple, determine the value of jadeite, not to the amount of victory, but to look at the grade of jadeite, Tang Lao this material is rare, of course, Tang Lao won.”

This present thousands of people, almost half of them were involved in the betting game between Boss Jin and Lao Guo, when they heard that the emerald deciphered by Zhuang Rui was also of great value, they immediately began to argue.

It’s not a matter of being heartbroken about winning or losing that 50,000 dollars, no one who can come to Burma really takes 50,000 dollars seriously. But this is a matter of principle, if it is Zhuang Rui won, then the new king of the jadeite line will be born, this is a very significant thing, marking the past of an era, and the arrival of a new era.

“Tang old man, today you solve out the purple eyes, my piece is only glass seed material, this competition or you win.”

Zhuang Rui proved his own vision with this piece of material that couldn’t possibly have emerald, I believe that those who had doubts about him will definitely shut their mouths now, winning or losing doesn’t really matter anymore.

“Mr. Zhuang, this can’t be, maybe you can also solve the emperor green, how can you determine the winner and loser now?”

A cry came from the cordon, but Lao Guo heard Zhuang Rui’s words, couldn’t hold his breath and shouted out, this buddy just saw a little hope, is praying that Zhuang Rui can solve the king of emerald jade – emperor green!

Zhuang Rui does not care about winning or losing, but Lao Guo cares! This is related to his life, if he loses this time, his family’s wealth is gone, it is also equal to losing half of his life.

“Xiao Zhuang, he is right, with the color of your piece of material, maybe the back will be able to come out of the emperor green, I see …… you still proceed to solve the material out! This way take away also more convenient.”

Tang Lao agreed with the man’s words, because from the current rubbing surface, this material is not estimated to be small, Tang Lao also wanted to see, this piece of glass seed color green material is actually how big?

In more than 20 years ago, Tang Lao once solved a piece of glass seed jade weighing more than 30 kilograms, known as the world’s largest at that time, he is also because of this piece of material renowned at home and abroad, was honored as the “Jade King”.

Tang Lao now wants to know, Zhuang Rui deciphered this piece of jadeite, whether it can break his own record.

“Alright! Then I’ll continue to solve it.”

Zhuang Rui eyes some complex look at Tang Lao, back to start the stone cutting machine, although only half a piece of material left, but also full of five or six hundred pounds, if you can grinding wheel polishing, I’m afraid to tomorrow are not out of these jadeite.

Tang Lao saw Zhuang Rui again ready to cut the stone, would like to persuade, but think of Zhuang Rui’s actions just now, or hold back, this young man every time there are amazing, can not use common sense view.

“Click …… click click click!”

With the “click” sound of the stone cutting machine, there are constantly broken stones from the huge stone material to break apart.

Zhuang Rui used a stupid method, he broke down the rock from the corners little by little, this practice can maximize to ensure the integrity of the jade flesh inside.

An hour passed, five or six hundred pounds of giant raw stone, only a hundred pounds of size, Zhuang Rui’s cut surface has not seen the jadeite, as much as some with green granular crystals.

After another half an hour, that piece of raw stone shrunk a circle, only seventy or eighty kilograms in size, Zhuang Rui’s movements have become slow, almost inch by inch to eliminate the outer stone skin.

On one side of the cut surface, revealing a hint of green, Zhuang Rui immediately stopped, change one side to cut, two hours later, a long seventy centimeters width and thickness in twenty centimeters or so of the emerald, presented in front of the crowd.

The original stone is not finished, even with this piece of jade, there is a piece of stone slightly smaller than a soccer ball, Zhuang Rui in the observation of some, spent a dotted line, directly with the stone cutting machine cut down.


Slightly smaller material fell on the soft ground, after tumbling around, a touch of moving green color flashed out, will be surrounded by the eyes of the people beside the decomposer, all attracted over.

Qin Haoran stared at the piece of wool on the ground emitting green light, said to Hu Rong at his side: “Xiao Hu, I’m not blind, right? That piece of material seems to …… seem very green ah?”

“Old …… old uncle, you did not spend eyes, this …… this is a miracle ah! Whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway!”

Hu Rong has been completely dumbfounded at this moment, he did not expect his family’s stepping stone, actually can solve so many emeralds.

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