Chapter 1257 – Similar Class

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:54:19
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Zhuang Rui didn’t know that Markram and his group were just looking for the so-called “treasure”, and didn’t intend to follow them, but coincidentally, the direction that King Kong was moving in just happened to be in the same direction as their map’s markings.

“Brother Zhuang, there are too many of them, and they don’t know where they are coming from, we’d better avoid them.”

Peng Fei’s face showed a worried look, if it was those drug lords in Burma, even if there were twice as many people, Peng Fei wouldn’t have said such a thing, they were all just dirtbags who couldn’t take a hit.

But just now in the reconnaissance, Peng Fei found that the other side of the sentry is very vigilant, not only the dark and light sentry, in the campsite around one hundred meters also set up a mine, he almost got caught in the road, from this point of view, the opponent is absolutely not simple.

And the other side dared to enter the primitive jungle, must be on the jungle combat will not be unfamiliar, Peng Fei even if again confident, also do not dare to think that their own single-handedly will be able to pick over the other side of more than ten people.

Of course, in Peng Fei heart, Zhuang Rui is not any combat power, perhaps one-on-one than the strength of Zhuang Rui invincible, but in this jungle, Zhuang Rui only be abused part.

“Damn, how did they follow up ah?”

This problem is the most let Zhuang Rui entangled, in his aura survey, those people in the march at all there is no hesitation pause, straight on their own chase over, is it possible that they also have a heavenly eye?

“Perhaps there is a very powerful tracking expert amongst them?”

Peng Fei’s face became more and more gloomy, he was good at offense while Li Zhen was good at defense and tracking, judging from the other party’s current performance, the tracking expert in their team was at a level not weaker than Li Zhen at all.

“It’s still my night watch today, Peng Fei, you sleep first!”

With such a team hanging behind them, no one knew whether it was a curse or a blessing, but inside this primitive forest, it was better for everyone not to meet.

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, Peng Fei shook his head and said, “Brother Zhuang, no, I’ll keep watch for the first half of the night, you sleep first, I’ll call you at 2 o’clock.”

Although Peng Fei is also very tired, but yesterday Zhuang Rui guarded the night, if this does not sleep for two consecutive days, Peng Fei estimates that tomorrow will have to King Kong carry Zhuang Rui forward.

“Alright! I’ll sleep first then.”

Zhuang Rui observed the team that was still seven or eight kilometers away from him, they had also already prepared sleeping bags and tents to start resting, so he thought that it would be impossible for them to arrive at their camping spot at night.

And Zhuang Rui is also really a little bit unable to hold on to his energy, his aura can relieve fatigue, but not eliminate sleepiness ah! Yesterday’s four or five hours of sleep was far from being able to replenish his mental exertion.

City people are most likely to suffer from insomnia, it is estimated that all the idle pain held out, do not believe in learning Zhuang Rui in the forest through the day to try? This head just leaned against the backpack used as a pillow, the whole person entered the dreamland.

They are in the tree diameter of more than two meters thick, above the fork of the place, like a tree house in general, Zhuang Rui Jin just plus Peng Fei three people sleep on it is more than enough.

To two o’clock, Peng Fei will be Zhuang Rui called up, in this place of crisis, Peng Fei will not try to be brave, more than one minute of sleep, tomorrow will be able to restore a little more energy to deal with unexpected situations.

More than ten miles away, there are people watching, Zhuang Rui did not dare to snooze today, has been using aura to observe the situation, but in addition to a guy was bitten by a snake, but there is nothing happening.

The early morning sunlight sprinkled down on Zhuang Rui’s body through the leaves of the trees, the various creatures that were active during the night, disappeared at the same time as the sun appeared, and the forest returned to its seclusion and silence.

“Let’s go! Leave early, save the people behind us from catching up.”

Early the next morning, Zhuang Rui woke up Peng Fei and Jin Gang, because he realized that the group of people who were more than ten miles away had also packed up and prepared to set off, and if he were to fall asleep again like he did yesterday, he might be touched under the tree without even knowing it!

Today’s King Kong is surprisingly excited, traveling much faster than yesterday, running out nearly thirty kilometers in one morning, if it wasn’t for Zhuang Rui using his aura to survey its location several times, he almost lost it.

Compared to Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei, the traveling speed of the team behind them was much slower, and after more than an hour, it had already fallen out of the survey range of Zhuang Rui’s aura.

“Ram, I think …… we’d better go back! This damn place is too evil, Richard somehow got bitten, if it wasn’t for the snake medicine he brought with him, he would have been finished.”

Walking on the soft ground of the forest, David’s face was a little dark, he wondered if his head was in the water, and actually encouraged such a group of people to come to look for what “treasure”, God knows that he could have been talking nonsense at that time ah!

Yesterday, a poisonous snake had disturbed them all in the middle of the night, and poor Richard, although injected with a serum, was still lying on a simple stretcher, being carried by two other people.

“David, there are still fifty kilometers, only a short fifty kilometers left, another day of walking today, by tomorrow noon, we will be able to get there, do you think …… there will really be gold everywhere?”

David obviously underestimated the degree of financial obsession of Markram and the others, Markram who was walking in front of him was already fantasizing about the scenario when he got the treasure, even the next few guys also had a longing look on their faces.

David really wondered if the grandmothers of these guys had a super friendship relationship with the gorillas in this forest? What a person to show intellectual superiority in front of them!

“Uh, of course …… I don’t know, Ram, this map was found by you then!”

Looking at Markram and the others with an excited expression, David couldn’t help but feel a little apprehensive in his heart, if these rude guys found out that there were only a few piles of animal feces there, would they take it out on themselves as the boss?

“David, you’re right, those barbarians couldn’t have made fine gold and silverware, they must have found Solomon’s treasure.”

But all people with a single head, what they recognize is very difficult for them to make a change, Markram is like that, David’s previous description has already made him determine that this is a treasure map, and it is also Solomon’s treasure.

David also knew that he couldn’t strike the enthusiasm of these stubborn people now, so he could only nod his head and say, “Okay! But everyone should pay attention to safety, rather walk slower than let the brothers get hurt again.”

To say that David still had a hand in enlisting people’s hearts, a simple sentence made the gazes of these guys who were mostly from the Iron Blooded Army look at him become softer, and all of them were celebrating in their hearts for the fact that their boss was a merciful guy.

Of course, they didn’t know that David was wondering in his mind if he should grab a few black pussies in next time, so that he wouldn’t have to dig himself out to find things to do for these overly energetic guys.

After a slight rest at noon, under King Kong’s impatient urging, Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei traveled deeper into the forest again, and by the time it was past four o’clock in the afternoon, they had already traversed a distance of almost fifty kilometers.

To know, although the forest in Africa is not as rugged as Burma’s mountain roads, but it is also not easy to walk, looking at the front of the King Kong stretched out his arms through the thick broad-leaved trees, Zhuang Rui is envious from the bottom of his heart.

“Ow ow ow um ……”

Suddenly, just climbed over to a large tree on the King Kong, suddenly with both hands pounding chest up to the sky long whistle up, that thick voice far out, shocked the forest a flying birds startled.

Immediately after that, King Kong’s body violently leapt down from the tree, also disregarding the rule that Zhuang Rui told it to walk from the tree, like a heavy tank generally crushed forward, instantly disappearing in Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei’s line of sight.

“King Kong, King Kong …… mom, it’s just that there’s no need to be so excited when you arrive at the place, right?”

Zhuang Rui greeted a few times at the back, and didn’t see King Kong turn back, and hurriedly released his aura outside of his body, chasing after King Kong who was speedily traveling through the forest.

Zhuang Rui was afraid that something might happen to King Kong, while speeding up his steps, he turned his head and said, “Peng Fei, I’ll follow up first to see what’s going on, you be careful at the back.”

“Hey, Brother Zhuang, you be careful too!” Before Peng Fei’s words fell, Zhuang Rui’s figure also disappeared from his eyes, which caused a sense of frustration in the heart of classmate Peng Fei.

As a former member of the special forces himself, even if he couldn’t run away from King Kong, even Zhuang Rui, an ordinary person, couldn’t match him, if he hadn’t experienced many real-life battles, Peng Fei really doubted that all those skills he had learned in the army were just flowery.

Zhuang Rui at this moment can not care about taking care of Peng Fei’s emotions, his relatively “small” body, in the forest marching is still relatively advantageous, along the road opened up by the King Kong, not long Zhuang Rui chased to the King Kong behind a couple of hundred meters.

“Ow-wow ……”

Just as Zhuang Rui kept closing the distance between himself and King Kong, a long whistle came out from the jungle in front of him, followed by three or four tall figures that appeared within Zhuang Rui’s aura survey range.

“Gorillas? Finally found them?”

Zhuang Rui could clearly see that although these gorillas were nowhere near as strong as King Kong, but standing upright, they were also about two meters tall, and their long arms with broad shoulders were almost identical to King Kong.

“Eh? Doesn’t seem very friendly, huh?”

After stopping his running steps, because he found that these gorillas were waving their arms and roaring at King Kong, that was definitely not the demeanor of welcoming the homecoming of a long-distance traveled kind, but rather seemed to be warning King Kong.

However, in front of King Kong, these gorillas were somewhat like human children standing in front of their own adults, appearing to be so weak.

“Ow …… ooo, ow well ……” King Kong also stopped his footsteps, using the unique language of the same kind in communicating with each other.

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