Chapter 288 – Inflated Ambition

Release Date: 2024-07-20 02:02:51
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Su Ling’er’s attachment to Yun Che would seem a little strange to outsiders, and even a little unwarranted, and even Su Ling’er herself didn’t understand why, from the day she saw him, her mind and heart had been filled with his shadow, and waiting for him to return almost made up the entirety of her longing. And Su Haoran’s words, for her, is undoubtedly the world’s most cruel language, because every word of his, are like a vicious steel needle, in a vicious stabbing her most beautiful and happy dream.

“You nonsense …… you lie!” Su Ling’er shook her head vigorously and shouted angrily, “Brother Yun Che said that he likes me, he said that he would come to marry me after I grow up, Brother Yun Che definitely won’t lie to me …… It’s you who are talking nonsense! You can’t talk nonsense like that!”

“Oh really?” Su Haoran grinned, “If he really likes you, then why didn’t he take you with him when he left? Since he likes you so much, did he tell you where his family is and what clan he comes from?”

Su Ling’er’s small face instantly blanched, “That’s because …… that’s because ……”

“That’s because he simply can’t possibly like you a little girl, how could he take you away, and also afraid that if you really go to look for him, so even his own place of origin has not said to you, and anyone else, you in addition to know his name, and know him what? Maybe, even his name was made up on the spot.” Su Haoran laughingly said, completely disregarding how cruel his words were to Su Ling’er.

“You’re talking nonsense …… you’re talking nonsense! None of this is true, Brother Yun Che wouldn’t lie to me, he will definitely come to me.” Su Ling’er covered her ears with both hands and shook her head vigorously, feebly defending herself, her eyes had begun to fill with water mist.

Su Haoran spread his hands, “Then you can continue to fantasize. It’s a pity that my good sister, Taisu Sect’s hallowed princess, a good man of the future Jiangdong generation is available for you to choose from, but you have to foolishly wait for a person who cheated you for fun, if this matter is rumored, tsk, I’m afraid our entire Taisu Sect is going to be laughed at.”

“You lie …… all your words are lying to me, I hate you!!!”

Su Ling’er covered her ears and ran away far away, and in the breeze of the bamboo forest, the sound of her suppressed sobs was faintly heard.

“Why is that girl from Su Hengshan here?” Not far behind Su Haoran, a middle-aged man dressed in black slowly walked out, it was definitely Su Hengyue!

“Don’t bother with her.” Su Haoran indifferently brushed his mouth and turned around, “I heard that you have something important to discuss with me, what is it?”

“With Haoran virtuous nephew’s intelligence, can’t you still guess?” Su Heng Yue smiled faintly, “Of course it’s to help you get the sect’s greatest treasure early and ascend to the position of sect master!”

The two looked at each other for a moment and laughed out loud at the same time. …………………………

It wasn’t until nightfall that Su Ling’er returned to Taisu Sect, soulful all the way. She was unwilling to believe Su Haoran’s words, but that nightmarish voice always echoed in her mind, making it impossible for her to forget it.

Will brother Yun Che really not come looking for me ……

No! Brother Yun Che will definitely not lie to me …… He treats me so well, the way he looks at me is as warm as the moon in the bamboo forest.

But why didn’t he take me away that day, why didn’t he tell me where his home was ……

All I know …… is his name …… all the rest, don’t know ……

If, he really forgets me, he doesn’t like me …… what should I do …… what should I do ……

Su Hengshan walked out of the practicing room, at a glance he saw Su Ling’er whose footsteps were light and feeble, he hurriedly greeted him and said, “Ling’er, where have you been? Why did you come back so late?”

Su Ling’er raised her tearful eyes, forcibly holding back her sobs, and pitifully asked, “Father, Brother Yun Che, will he …… he really come back to marry me? Will he …… will he just casually talk about it, will he already forget about me?”

Su Ling’er’s cheeks were still hanging with a few teardrops, obviously she had just cried sadly, Su Hengshan was stunned for a moment, squatted down and smiled, “Ling’er, tell me with your own feelings, do you think he likes you?”

Su Ling’er gently blinked her eyes and nodded, “Brother Yun Che …… must like me.”

“Then that’s it.” Su Hengshan smiled and nodded, “When other people’s words, and your own feelings clash, what you have to believe, is of course your own feelings. It’s not just Ling’er, I can also sense that your brother Yun Che likes you very, very much, and when he was looking at you, it was as if he was looking at his own life. Especially the day he left, I could tell that he wanted to want to take you with him …… very much Just that, your age is too young, and if he takes you away now or marries you, it will definitely cause many, many disagreements. Therefore, he wants you to wait for him, and wait until the day you grow up, then he will definitely come back to marry you …… Although he is not by your side right now, however, there is already a marriage contract between you two, and there are so many people witnessing it, which, will definitely not be cut off.”

Su Hengshan understood very well that after Yun Che left, everyone was thinking that it was simply impossible for him to come back, and as for the marriage contract with Su Ling’er, it was also just a smooth move to settle Su Hengyue’s matter. But Su Hengshan didn’t think so, the way Yun Che looked at Su Ling’er, and the way he treated her well …… was something that couldn’t be faked at all.

Her father’s words were like a peaceful spring breeze that instantly washed away all of Su Ling’er’s worries and trepidation, and she happily nodded her head: ”Father, I know! I knew that Brother Yun Che must like me …… I will grow up fast and wait for him to come back to marry me every day.”

“Hehe,” Su Hengshan laughed slightly helplessly, this precious daughter of his who was only ten years old was originally an innocent, carefree little elf, since the Yun Che that he had encountered, who was originally a young age whose love was not yet open, but began to spend the whole day immersed in lovesickness, and also thought of marrying every day, he as a father was really unable to cry or laugh. He casually asked, “Did someone say something to you that made you sad?”

Su Ling’er gently nodded her head, “Well …… it’s my brother, when I was in the bamboo forest, he also arrived there and said to me that brother Yun Che was all lying to me, so …… so… …”

“You said …… your brother he went over to the bamboo forest?” Su Hengshan’s eyebrows jerked.

“Hm! Father, what’s wrong with you? Why have you suddenly become so serious?”

“Oh, nothing.” Su Hengshan hurriedly smiled, his eyes glanced at the Dragon Scale Treasure Armor underneath Ling’er’s outer garment, tucked Su Ling’er’s collar upwards, and once again seriously instructed, “Ling’er, remember well what I said, this dark golden garment of yours, you have to wear it on your body at all times, and it must be well hidden, and it must not be seen by any other person, including the clan siblings who often play with you. If it is accidentally known by others, it will most likely be snatched away, understand?”

Su Ling’er subconsciously tightened her tunic for a moment and nodded her head very seriously, “Got it daddy, this is given to me by brother Yun Che, I will definitely protect it properly.”

Su Ling’er finally opened her heart and happily ran away, while Su Hengshan, on the other hand, became preoccupied.

Only after the night had completely fallen did Su Haoran quietly return to Taisu Sect, as soon as he returned to his room, he saw his father, Su Hengshan, standing in his room, his heart snapped and he hurriedly said, “Father, why are you here?”

“I have something to say to you ……,” Su Hengshan glanced at him horizontally and faintly said, “Where did you go this afternoon?”

“I practiced for too long this afternoon, I was a bit tired, so I went to the bamboo forest in the back of the mountain to take a walk, and I also met Ling’er, I don’t know what important things father has to say to me?” Su Haoran respectfully said without changing his face.

“You didn’t meet anyone else in the bamboo forest besides Ling’er?” Su Hengshan’s face slightly lowered, and his voice also became a bit unkind.

Su Haoran raised his head, with surprise on his face, “The bamboo forest at the back of the mountain has always been secluded, I indeed only met Ling’er and said a few words to her, other than that, I never met anyone else, why is father asking this?”

Su Hengshan locked eyes with him for a good while before averting his gaze, letting out a sigh and faintly said, “Haoran, it is not a bad thing for a mature man to have ambition, without ambition, he can never reach the top. Being ruthless and devious is also often something that a successful topper must have. These, however, are only suitable to be used on an enemy; if they are used on someone close to one’s heart, then that person, cannot be called a human being, but an animal. This point, you must remember.”

Su Haoran’s eyebrows jumped, immediately nodded his head vigorously and said sincerely, “Haoran honors his father’s teachings.”

Su Hengshan turned his face sideways and nodded his head lightly, “A person should have self-knowledge. Whether or not this Sect Master for my father is competent, I know clearly in my heart. Many times, I am not decisive enough, not ruthless enough, not tough enough, otherwise, there wouldn’t be so many people who are rampant and unrestrained in front of me as a Sect Master. But I Su Hengshan all the things I have done in this life are asking the heart without shame, although bumbling, but also afford the heaven and earth, afford the clan, afford the ancestors …… You are my Su Hengshan only son, I hope that you in the future …… must not let me down. ”

“Yes …… child will not forget father’s words, will definitely not do anything to let father down.” Su Haoran said decisively.

“Hmph!!!” Su Hengshan faintly answered and stopped talking, his footsteps slowly walked out.

Seeing Su Hengshan leave, Su Haoran’s face sank a little, followed by a sinister smile, “Although I have the identity of the son of the Sect Master, but above the qualifications, my position is too dangerous, so I have to plan for myself in advance …… to my relatives? Hey, if I am as pedantic and indecisive as you are, this Taisu Sect will never be able to have a place for me in the future, and at that time, I will really be finished. As your son, how can I let you down …… hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe ……”

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