Volume 3 Chapter 14: The Deep Pool

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:50:28
A+ A- Turn Off Light

I opened my eyes dazedly and found myself lying on the ground. It was dark all around. I touched my wrist and realized that the flashlight I had tied to it was nowhere to be found.

I was lying on a cold slab of stone. There was a sound of running water nearby. Where was I?

I took deeply, and my memory began to slowly appear in my mind. Waterfall, boiling hot spring water, the corpse on the chain, and suddenly a white light flashed, and the situation just now appeared in my mind.

I just seemed to be falling straight down the cliff along the water flow, and then I fell into the pool below. The water was cold and cold, and it was a world apart from the boiling hot spring water. I felt my ears suddenly quiet, and then I couldn’t remember anything. I estimated I think I must have hit something when I fell into the water, knocking myself unconscious. Falling from a height of several dozen meters into the water is no different from falling onto a concrete slab if you don’t land in the right position.

I touched my body and it was still wet. Could it be that after I fell into the waterfall, the water continued to carry me here? Or could it be that I’m already dead and have come to the underworld?

I tried tried to stand up, and just as I raised my head, suddenly I hit my head on something, and it hurt so much that I saw stars. I quickly touched it with my hand, and it seemed to be a flat surface. I was surprised, and wondered why it was so short. Could it be that I had been washed into a gap between rocks or under a stone?

I touched around, and found that this was not the case. Within a foot of my body were rough wooden boards, and when I knocked on them, they were hollow. In such small space, I could only lie down and turn around, I couldn’t even lift my head or stretch.

I pushed up on it to see the thickness of the boards, but found that the upper board could move. I pushed it with my hand, and suddenly a light appeared in the darkness. I pushed up on my knees, gently moved the upper board away, sat up, and looked outside, and couldn’t help but be stunned.

Here was a white marble chamber, with torches burning in the four corners, lighting up the surroundings. I looked up at the ceiling, and saw two intertwined snakes. I was sitting in a coffin, and the lid was pushed to the side.

Damn! Where was I? Who put me in the coffin?

I walked out of the coffin and looked around. I was getting more and more curious. The material of the white marble, the ceiling carved with a python, was very familiar. After thinking about it, I immediately realized that this was almost the same as the tomb chamber of the underwater tomb.

No way?

After walking around, I found that there was more to this strange thing. I don’t know when my clothes were changed, and I was replaced with a rubber suit similar to a diving suit, the kind of clothes that divers wore in the 1980s. I was I was even more confused. Where the hell did he get such an old-fashioned outfit?

I picked up the torch at the corner of the wall and walked out of the tomb chamber. Outside was a corridor. I just looked at it and let out a cry of “Oh my God!” The white marble corridor led to three jade doors at the end, which was exactly the same as the underwater tomb!

What was going on? How did I get back here? My My scalp exploded, and my thoughts began to become confused. Was this a tomb chamber that looked a lot like the underwater tomb, or had I never actually left the underwater tomb? My God, what was going on?

I rubbed my face hard, held the torch high, and looked carefully at the environment here, trying to find any flaws. If it was a similar tomb chamber, there must be something that would be different.

Above the There was a wooden frame above the tunnel, like a scaffold, with planks laid on top to form a crude bridge over the tunnel, which could prevent the trigger mechanism from being activated. I climbed up carefully and reached the other side of the tunnel. The jade door in the middle rear hall was lit by the light of a torch, and the two side halls were pitch black.

At this moment I thought of Lao Yang, who had jumped into the waterfall with me. I fell into the pool and was unconscious for so long. I arrived at this inexplicable place. What was his situation?

I thought about it while walking towards the door from which the light came. The light was quite bright, coming through the gap under the jade door. When I got to the door, I heard a sound coming from inside. When I put my ear to the door, I heard a cough.

Then a voice said, “What should we do? Can we open the coffin?”

Another voice, which sounded very troubled, said, “Sanxing said not to move anything here for the time being, so let’s listen to him.”

When I heard these two voices, I was stunned. The first person to speak was actually the Mian Youping, but the second person was unrecognizable. And they also mentioned Sanxing. What, is Sanxing in this place?

And what I was even more surprised when I heard the voice of a third person. The person said, “Wu Sanxing is still sleeping. What’s the harm in just opening it to take a look? I’m on Zhang’s side.”

I didn’t quite understand their conversation, but the third person was undoubtedly a woman.

What did they mean by these words? It sounded it sounded like a woman was supporting the man who wanted to open the coffin, while the other man was hesitant because of Uncle San’s warning. I was confused. What? Did the man find Uncle San?

I I thought to myself, and I leaned over the crack in the door to see who was talking inside. Unfortunately, the crack in the door only allowed me to see a small part of the room, and all I could see was the back of a woman wearing a diving suit the same color as mine. She was very petite and had a long braid in her hair.

At this moment, I heard a fourth voice say, “What about Qi Yu? This kid is really something. I don’t know where he went. Are we just going to leave him here?”

I heard I couldn’t help but freeze when I heard him say that. Qi Yu, it seems, was also one of the people on the list in the third uncle’s notes. No wonder it was a bit familiar. Wait, no.

I suddenly felt very uncomfortable. Qi Yu. This name is not just familiar, it seems to be heard often, and I have a very special feeling in my heart.

At this At this moment, the woman in the doorway moved aside, making room for me to see. I saw Mian Youbing standing next to a black coffin, holding a crowbar in his hand, hesitating about something, and then another woman walked into my field of vision. As soon as I saw her face, I was so surprised that I almost dropped the torch in my hand.

Isn’t this Wen Jin? My God, what’s going on? Although I had never seen her in person, but my uncle had many photos of her, and I often saw them when I looked at old photos during the New Year, so I recognized her at first glance.

My doubts were at their peak, and I almost wanted to push the door in. At this time, another unfamiliar male voice said, “This underwater tomb is so big, it’s not easy for us to find him. I think we should forget it. We’ll mark the way along the way, and he will naturally follow us when he sees it. Zhang, why don’t you just do it.”

Muyou Bottle nodded, raised the crowbar, and was about to start. At this time, suddenly from the left side of the room, came a roar of water, which startled me.

Everyone in the back hall turned their heads, and the man asked, “What is that sound? It seems to be coming from the next room!”

“Go! Go see!” Mian You Bottle put down the crowbar and ran to the door. I saw that it was not right, so I quickly turned around and hid in the right side room. I put the torch on the ground and almost at the same time I saw a group of people running out of the back hall and rushing into the Jade Gate on the side. Then a woman cried out in alarm, “Look, there is a pool here!”

I hid behind the door, I was extremely surprised. The situation just now was exactly what Zhang Qiling described to me, what happened after my uncle fell asleep. But how could I feel like I was experiencing it myself? Was this an illusion? Or had I simply gone crazy?

The darkness returned. I took a few deep breaths and tried to rekindle the torch. At this time, another person holding a torch appeared in my field of vision. That person came down from the bridge over the tunnel, and sneaked behind the jade door in the left side room. I took a quick look, and saw that it was my uncle when he was young. He seemed very annoyed, and his eyebrows were furrowed tightly.

After a while, Zhang Qiling and the others’ voices gradually became farther away, and they should be walking up the spiral staircase into the pool. Uncle put out the fire and slipped into the jade door. I was so scared that I didn’t care if I was hallucinating or dreaming. I hurriedly followed him, and only then did I manage to stick my head into the left side of the room. I wanted to take a peek inside, but suddenly there was a flash in front of my eyes, and Uncle San suddenly walked out of the door again. He grabbed my neck and said softly, “So it was you following me!” Then he suddenly tightened his grip and locked my throat.

In a panic, I wanted to yell, “Uncle San! I’m your nephew!” But I couldn’t say it, so I desperately tried to break his hand and pull his fingers apart.

While I was doing this, I suddenly heard a voice say, ‘Lao Wu, wake up. Are you having a nightmare?’

I was startled, and suddenly everything went dark. I found that everything around me had suddenly disappeared. In the hazy light, Lao Yi was shaking me.

It turned out It was a dream. I sat up with a wry smile on my face, touched my neck, and turned around to see that I was lying on a rocky beach with a pool of water on the side. The roar of the waterfall was still very loud, but I couldn’t see where the waterfall was. There was a bonfire on the rocky beach. Lao Yang was supporting me and asking if I was okay.

I waved and said that I was fine, then I pinched my nose hard. I was very surprised. How could I have had such a strange dream? Could it be that what you think about during the day, you dream about at night?

Lao Yang handed me the water bottle. I took a drink and looked around. I asked him hoarsely, “What place is this? What happened to me?”

Lao Yang said, “This is the edge of the pool under the waterfall. The waterfall is over there. You fainted when you fell into the water. I held you tightly so you wouldn’t be swept away by the turbulent water under the waterfall. You really have to thank me. I don’t have the strength to do anything now.”

I cursed and tried to stand up. I found that I wasn’t in any danger. I took a few steps with difficulty and looked around. The light from the bonfire The light of the bonfire spread out. The stone beach we were on was not large, and it was in the shape of a crescent moon. On one side was a huge black pool of water, and countless stalactites as thick as a human leg hung from the cave ceiling and formed stone pillars of various shapes. There were several caves around the pool, some as large as an elephant’s den and some as small as a mouse’s tunnel. Some were at the water level, and some were below. Underground rivers flowed in and out from inside, making it a typical karst underground lake.

I knew I know that this kind of geographical environment is generally formed during the fourth glacial period, and it takes tens of thousands of years of gradual expansion and penetration to reach the current scale. The history of these caves is already much longer than the history of mankind. I never thought that there would be such a place in Tianmen Mountain.

On the shallow beach, in addition to us, there were many stranded branches and debris. Lao Yi had already dragged them up to dry, and that pile of campfire was made from these things. The water pool The cold was so intense that if it weren’t for the bonfire, I would have frozen to death.

I thought of Uncle Tai and the others and asked Lao Yang, “How are the others doing?”

Lao Yang said, “Those sons of bitches probably weren’t as lucky as we were. I didn’t see them when we went in, so I don’t know if they jumped in or not. If they were like us, they would have either been washed away or drowned.” He paused He then said, “But our situation is not very good either. We lost all our equipment and don’t know how to proceed. Look, there are many branches and forks here, and this kind of cave is notoriously complicated, like a maze, and it’s very tricky to walk.”

I counted I counted, and I could see that there were about seven or eight caves above the water that could be walked in, and even more in the dark. I said, “Just now I heard that fat guy from Guangdong say that in order to pass through this cave area, you must find the iron chain that the ancestors used to guide the way. This iron chain is submerged in the water, one end is at the end of the secret passage, and the other end should be in this pool. If you can touch it, you can follow it into the depths of the tomb.”

Old Itch He frowned and thought for a moment, then said, “Speaking of chains, I remember something. You know Do you know that I was awake the moment I fell from the top, and I was plunged into the water at least six or seven meters. Under the water, there were all the stone figurines we had just seen in the stone path. At that time, in a flash, I seemed to really see a chain lying in the water, but I tell you, this chain does not lead to these caves, but goes straight into the turbulent flow below the waterfall.

I listened I was stunned. How could that be? If that was the case, then the entrance to the tomb would be behind the waterfall, hidden in the rapids?

I listened to the roar of the waterfall not far away, and thought of the scene when we fell. Suddenly, a flash of inspiration came to me, and I said to Lao Yang, “That’s even more correct. And if I’m right, this tomb may not have been built in our ‘world of the living,’ but hidden in the underworld…”


Lao Yang When he heard me say this, he didn’t understand what I meant. He was infected by my solemn tone and asked in a low voice, “What are you talking about? How could there be such a thing?”

I shook my head and asked, “Do you remember what the old Liu in the village told us about the legend of the Huangquan Waterfall and the army of horses in the mountains that the Taoist priest of the Qing Dynasty said in ancient times?”

Lao Yang nodded and said, “Of course I remember. It was said that there was a Huangquan Waterfall in Tianmen Mountain. This waterfall was the channel between the two realms of yin and yang. Didn’t you say that this was superstition?”

I said I said, “No, it seems that this is not superstition, but that we have misunderstood the meaning of our ancestors. If I am not mistaken, it is the so-called ‘Yellow Springs’ waterfall.”

Old Itch After thinking for a while, he said, “It’s a bit like that, but it’s impossible. Only people who have been inside the mountain and seen this place can know about the waterfall, but the environment here is complicated, and not just anyone can come in.” At this point, he realized what it was himself, and exclaimed, “Fuck, is the legendary Qing Dynasty feng shui master our colleague?”

I nodded in agreement, praising, “At least he has some reasoning ability.”

Lao Yang He got excited and said, “That makes sense. You think that most of the legends about the Yin soldiers were spread during the Qing Dynasty. Could it be that they were deliberately spread by these feng shui masters?”

I nodded nodding: “That’s a very good possibility, but we don’t need to worry about that now. Come to think of it, there’s another saying in the legend, that the ‘Yellow Springs Waterfall is the gateway between the two realms of Yin and Yang’. If you think that the chain leads to the waterfall, then there must be a passage to the ancient tomb behind the waterfall. In that case, isn’t the ancient tomb in the underworld?”

Lao Yang’s face turned pale, and he said, “No, don’t scare me. If it really is the underworld, then we’re dead if we go in?”

I scolded and said, “Damn, you really believe it. You think those feng shui masters are our peers, so what they say can’t be worth knowing. I think there are two possibilities. First, this may have been a secret phrase at the time, meaning that this waterfall is a passage between the tomb and the real world. Second, or they saw something in the cave behind the waterfall that made them think they had come to the underworld.”

I paused I paused and then said, “If it’s the second one, then we might as well be prepared for the psychological shock of what we might find inside…”

Lao Yang fell silent for a long time before saying, “Maybe we should just go back…”

I shook my head. It was a pity not to go in and take a look. Besides, the waterfall was so huge and majestic that it was impossible to climb up. The surrounding caves were also a place where you could die at any time. Now the only sensible choice was to reach the tomb and then find a way out.

Lao Yang couldn’t convince me, so we had to listen to me. We rested while checking our equipment to see how much we had left.

In terms of weapons, we still had the pistol that we had taken from the corpse and the Tokarev pistol that Lao Yan had taken from Er Ma Zi. In terms of other things, I opened the backpack that I had taken from the corpse underwater and found some canned food, liquor, a water bottle, gloves, and a large number of sketching pens and oil paints that I didn’t know if they had expired.

Lao Yan thought they were useless and wanted to throw them away. I told him that the liquor could keep us warm, the paint could be used to mark our way, and the gloves were also useful.

After reorganizing everything, I realized that the biggest problem was that we had no lighting equipment. Lao Ye’s flashlight had completely run out of power, and I didn’t know where mine had gone. If we had to swim with a torch, that would really be bad.

Lao Ye Pulled the pistol forward, looked around at the darkness, and said, “There’s only one way. Let’s pile up the firewood, make the fire bigger, and then swim across by the light of the fire. Even if we can’t swim across, we can swim back to the light of the fire. What do you think?”

I thought about it and knew that this was the only way to go. I said, “Okay, let’s take a chance.”

We took off our clothes, put them all in the bag, and then made a few short torches with gloves and wooden sticks. We put them in the waterproof layer of the backpack, then lit a big fire to warm up our bodies. After that, we jumped into the water and started swimming towards the waterfall following the sound of the water.

The water was so cold that after a few strokes I felt all the heat in my body being sucked away. Fortunately, I had recently put on a bit of weight, so I didn’t freeze up right away.

After swimming for After about five minutes, the sound of the water gradually grew louder. Lao Yang and I stopped swimming and listened to the sounds around us while treading water, trying to determine the direction we should swim in.

At this time, not far from us, something suddenly splashed on the water’s surface. We quickly turned around, but because we had already left the fire too far away, we couldn’t see what it was.

Lao Yang pulled out his Tokarev pistol, shook the water out of the barrel, held it high in the air, looked around warily, and asked, “Lao Wu, there aren’t any naked salmon here, are there?”

My back My spine went cold. I thought to myself that if there were really such a fish, we would have already died. I was about to say that there wasn’t, but then I heard a sound of water not far away. It was very clear, and I suddenly felt uneasy. I said, “I don’t know. Anyway, let’s swim quickly. This kind of fish is afraid of noise. The closer we get to the waterfall, the safer we will be.”

We We immediately swung our arms and continued swimming towards the waterfall. At this time, the fire behind us grew weaker and weaker, turning into a small point. We had to grit our teeth and move forward in the dark while calling out to each other.

After a while, the water became increasingly turbulent as we approached the waterfall. We increased our strength, but our speed became slower and slower. Swimming became difficult. I gritted my teeth and tried to splash forward, but I failed several times.

My physical strength I was running out of energy and was about to be washed back by the current. I was desperate, when Lao Yi shouted, “You’ll never make it like this. The area in front is a turbulent zone caused by the water falling from the waterfall. There are big and small whirlpools in it. If you want to get through, you have to stay close to the bottom of the pool and slowly dive under the turbulent water.

He said He dove into the water and disappeared in an instant. I followed him and swam down with the current, desperately trying to advance a few meters. When I reached the bottom of the pool, I suddenly saw a faint white light in front of me.

I recognized the light. It was my waterproof flashlight. I thought to myself, this thing that cost over a thousand dollars is really sturdy. It is still on, so I quickly gathered my strength and swam towards it.

The bottom of the pool There were no living creatures at the bottom of the pool. Where the white light shone, I saw a large number of stone figurines neatly arranged below. Some of the human heads that had rotted into white bones had fallen off, while others were still firmly attached to the necks of the stone figurines. In the middle of the pool, there seemed to be a stone platform, and a corpse wrapped in a white cloth seemed to be floating in the water above.

At this time my flashlight was the most attractive thing to me. I looked at it a few times, then ignored the other things and sneaked into the middle of the stone figures, holding onto one to steady myself as I moved closer to the flashlight.

Just as I was about to reach it, a sudden current of water rushed over from behind. I knew something was wrong, so I immediately braced myself, but I didn’t expect anything to hit me so hard. A white shadow flashed in front of my eyes, hitting my hand. I lost my grip on the stone figure and it immediately floated up.

I cried out in alarm. I didn’t scream, and in a flash I was already in the center of the turbulent current above. The force pushing me forward suddenly changed direction, pushing me to the side. I was so confused that I fell over several times, unable to control my position.

I don’t know how many turns I was taken on in the chaos, but I felt like I saw a white shadow flash in front of me several times, but I couldn’t see what it was.

My consciousness quickly blurred, I thought I was dead, at this time, my back slammed into something, it hurt so much that I suddenly came to my senses, I quickly turned around and grabbed it, it was the iron chain that Lao Yi had mentioned.

I no longer I no longer cared about my flashlight. I grabbed the chain and crawled towards the end of it. After a few steps, I was directly below the waterfall. But my strength was already at its limit. I felt a tremendous force pouring down on me from above, pushing me towards the bottom of the pool. I had crawled less than two meters before I could no longer move.

Lao Yang He caught up from behind, grabbed my hand and pulled me up. We pulled the chain while kicking the stone men, and finally we rushed through the area under the waterfall. I suddenly felt the pressure on my head loosen, and I immediately floated to the surface. I gasped for air and felt dizzy.

It was dark, and I could only hear Lao Yan’s panting. He coughed a few times and asked me, “Are you okay? We seem to have made it.”

I also coughing a few times in response, I said, “Quickly light a fire. This pool of water is not quite right. I’m afraid there is something unclean in the water.”

Lao Yi “clicked” the lighter to see the surroundings, but the water spray was too great, and the fire went out as soon as it was lit.

We groped our way in, and suddenly I heard the sound of water outside the waterfall again. This time it was very close, and it sounded like something was swimming past two or three meters away.

“Be Be careful!” I thought of the white shadow that hit me in the water and suddenly became nervous. I said to Lao Yan, ‘There seems to be something nearby…’ Before I could finish my sentence, I suddenly felt a cold, slimy hand on my shoulder.

I was so scared that I screamed. I thought to myself, ‘What the hell is it? Could it be that the stone man under the water has come to life?’ Instinctively I instinctively rolled in the water, kicked the thing behind me with my foot, and kicked it away. Then I shot out of the water again and yelled at Lao Yan, “Damn it, there’s a ghost under the water!

Lao Yan had already lit a cigarette lighter, which startled me. I quickly turned to shine the light on me. It was not good to shine the light on me, but when I did, both of our scalps went numb and we almost died of fright. I saw Behind me, a pale human head floated up from the water, looking at us with a hideous expression.

We were so scared that we kicked backwards several times. Lao Yan tried to pull out his gun in a panic, but he couldn’t get it out.

The human head rolled its eyes and opened its mouth, as if to say something, and then suddenly pounced on me. I screamed and tried to escape, but I found that there was no way to escape, and the human head suddenly pressed down on me.

I stopped I screamed hysterically and tried to push him away, but he held me tightly. In the midst of the chaos, I suddenly heard the head say clearly in my ear, “Save… my life…”

I froze, stopped moving, and was dumbfounded. I thought to myself, how could a water ghost possibly be calling for help? I hurriedly straightened the head and looked through his hair.

My God, this is not a water ghost, this is the cold counselor from that group of people.

This person was already exhausted, his eyes were rolled back and he was almost fainting. No wonder his face was so pale. I quickly turned around and pulled him behind me, holding him above the water, while calling out to Lao Yang for help.

When Lao Yang came closer and took a look, he immediately recognized him and asked curiously, “How the hell did this guy get here? How did he get in?”

I told I said to Lao Yang, “This guy probably got separated from the group and didn’t dare to move alone, so he kept watching us from the side. When he saw us go into the water, he thought we had found a way out, so he followed us in. But he didn’t expect that we were going to such a dangerous place.” I think the sound of water I heard along the way was probably the sound he made when he followed us.

Liangshi He was still carrying a backpack, and after he had soaked it, he pulled him straight into the water. Lao Yang quickly pulled the backpack off his body and asked me, “What should we do with him now? This person is one of them. Will he cause us trouble if we take him with us?”

I also felt a headache, but we had to take the trouble. We couldn’t just leave the person here. I said, “There’s no way to do it now. Let’s find a place to get out of the water first, and then deal with him later.”

We We adjusted our positions and swam a few meters inward. Under the water, a long stone staircase appeared, and we climbed up the stairs from the bottom of the water until we were more than ten steps above the water. We slowly approached, then stepped out of the water on the stairs.

I was exhausted and immediately collapsed on the stairs, gasping for air. The old itch on the side was extremely excited, took out the prepared torch, poured in some white wine, lit it up for illumination, and suddenly the surroundings were suddenly bright.

I turned I looked around and realized that the entrance to the underworld was just a cave behind the waterfall. It was not too big or too small, and seemed to have been formed naturally, but there were traces of human intervention in some places.

Above the steps There is a stone platform made of greenish stone, with four stone pillars around it. The stone platform is engraved with patterns of birds and beasts, and there is a strange tall bronze container placed in the stone platform, like a large gourd bottle, more than a head taller than me, with rusty spots all over it, and patterns of two-body snakes and sacrificial activities.

This is an altar, I thought to myself. The She people value sacrificial rites more than burial systems. This thing, judging from its appearance, is indeed very close to an ancient tomb.

We walked up the stone platform, put the package and the cool master on the ground, and then walked to the other side of the stone platform to observe. There was a stone staircase ten people wide, winding all the way down to the depths of the cave. I said to Lao Yang, “If this is the entrance to the underworld, this is the ghost gate. I’m afraid it’s the eighteen levels of hell. Are you afraid?”

Lao Yang pointed to the old man and said, “I’m not afraid. I can’t wait to get down there, but what about this guy?”

The entrance to the tomb was so close, and both Lao Yang and I couldn’t help but want to go down and take a look right away. But because of the old man, we couldn’t just leave him behind, so we had to wake him up first.

We took off his clothes and gave him a couple of sips of white wine, and his face quickly relaxed. Lao Yang opened his eyes and asked, “Hey, can you talk?”

Liang Shiyi had gradually regained consciousness and knew that he was in our hands. He nodded helplessly and coughed.

Lao Yang said, “Don’t be afraid. We are not the same as your gang. We won’t do anything to you. But we also have to ensure our own safety. If you behave yourself, we will take you in with us. Otherwise, I will shoot you directly. Do you understand?”

Liang Shiyi nodded again, opened his mouth to say something, but couldn’t.

Lao Yang poured a few more mouthfuls of wine into his mouth, making him cough violently. He then took out his belt and tied his hands tightly. He said to me, “I’m still not at ease. These people are all desperate criminals. Let’s tie him up first.”

Lao Yang really had no strength to resist, so he let Lao Yang tie him up. We We saw that he was fine, so we picked him up and let him lead the way. The three of us went to the other side of the stone platform and walked down the stone steps.

Generally speaking, the Snake Kingdom is not good at traps and tricks, but out of caution, we still walked for a long time on these hundred stone steps. Finally, a flat surface appeared in front of us, and we reached the bottom of the steps.

At the bottom of the steps was a bare black stone beam, and beyond that was a cliff.

This landform may be caused by the underground waterway, which is a stepped downward structure of the rock vein.

It is dark below the cliff, and it is hard to see how high it is or what is there.

We were worried. If we had a flashlight, it would be better, but now with a small torch, how can we see what is down there? Lao Yang asked me what to do, whether to throw the torch down. I said that wouldn’t work, and if the torch went down, how would we go down?

At this time the old master said weakly, “two of you, in… in my bag there is a flare gun…”

The old itch quickly reached into his bag and sure enough, pulled out a flare gun. He looked at the old master and said in surprise, “hey, you’re a good guy, you really cooperate.”

I checked it out, the flare gun was fine, I pulled the safety, and then fired a flare into the air above the cliff.

The tracer flashed, illuminating a large area, and in an instant, the entire cave was clearly in front of me.

We looked down, and all three of us froze.

At first, I didn’t realize what I had seen. When I realized what had happened, I was stunned, my mouth wide open, and I couldn’t believe my own eyes.

The already weak Lao Shi Ye, seeing the situation below, collapsed on the ground a step ahead of me, almost falling, and Lao Yang also turned pale and unconsciously took a step back.

Cliff A dozen feet below, there was a large natural cave, packed with dry wood.

“This… what is this place?” I exclaimed. “My goodness, isn’t this a mass grave?”

No wonder the geomancers said they saw the underworld. This sight is so shocking that anyone who saw it would definitely think it was a scene from hell!

But I don’t know why, but I felt that the scene before me was very familiar, as if I had seen it before. I frowned, recalled, and suddenly a similar scene appeared in my mind.

I was so confused that I felt like something was stuck in my throat and I couldn’t say anything. There was indeed a connection between this place and the corpse cave in Shandong’s Guazi Temple! the crystal coffin on the mountain body, and the long-haired white-clad female corpse in the corpse pile, will there be any here?

I immediately looked around. At this time, the signal flare in the air had already slid to the end of the arc. At the moment the light went out, I seemed to see a strange place in the middle of these corpses.

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