Volume 7 Chapter 15 Reunion

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:57:07
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The moment I recognized the voice, I should have had countless reactions, such as confusion, anger, surprise, doubt, fear, etc., but in fact my mind was blank.

Hearing his voice here was really unexpected. In my mind, he could be anywhere in the world, or even not in this world, but there was no reason for him to be here.

Indeed! How could he be here? What was he doing here?

Could it be that the person who sent the video was really him? Was he hiding here?

Or was he here because he had followed a clue, just like me?

After my mind went blank, a flood of questions came rushing in, and I couldn’t think straight. At the same time, I saw him walking into the bronze door. I felt an urge to grab him and strangle him to find out what he was up to.

However, the reality was that he was covering my mouth. In the dark, I couldn’t even moan, and I couldn’t move at all. I could clearly feel that his strength was continuing, and he had no intention of letting go, but wanted to keep me like this. This made me very uncomfortable. I struggled again, and he pressed even harder, and I could hardly breathe.

At this point I heard the wooden door I had just closed creak open with a very loud squeak, as if something had pushed it open.

The thing was out, and I took a deep breath, immediately calming down, holding my breath, and no longer struggling, trying to feel the strange movements in the dark.

All of a sudden, the entire room was extremely quiet, and without the interference of my own voice, I immediately heard more sounds, extremely light breathing, almost right next to my head.

It was the breathing of the oil bottle. He was alive. When I saw him walk into the door, I thought he was dead and had gone to hell.

The oil bottle probably sensed my quietness and let go of my hand a little, but still didn’t let go. Soon, it was so quiet that I could hear my own heartbeat.

It was like being in a plaster cast. I didn’t know how long the stalemate lasted, but then I heard a very strange “puff puff” sound coming from the door.

After a while, I couldn’t hear anything anymore, and the hand covering my mouth finally let go. Suddenly, my eyes swam, and a firecracker was lit.

It took me a long time to adjust, and when I squinted, the familiar face finally appeared clearly in front of me.

The oil lamp was almost the same as when he disappeared a few months ago. The only difference was that he had a beard. I was very surprised. I looked more carefully and realized that it wasn’t a beard, but dust stuck to his face.

My mind was completely frozen. I looked at him stupidly, forgetting all the questions I had thought about before. He seemed to be completely indifferent to me, just giving me a brief glance, not asking me anything, and then carefully bending down to the door, shining the torch inside the door, and then closing the door.

After closing the door, he stood up and raised the torch to shine on the ceiling, looking for something. I was furious, and several times I wanted to rush out and say something, but he stopped me with a gesture.

The strength of his movements was very fast, making me feel the urgency of time, and his behavior made me feel very confused. I followed his torchlight all the way.

The torchlight was not very bright, but in such darkness, coupled with my own imagination, I quickly understood the situation of the house.

When I came in, I didn’t pay attention to the ceiling of the basement. When I looked up, I found that it was full of pipes. This is the same as the garage now. These pipes are painted with a layer of whitish paint, and it can be seen that it has been renovated several times, and there is still old paint in the paint. The roof is painted with white plaster, and the plaster on the outside of the brick has almost peeled off, revealing a section of brick surface. It seems that the forbidden woman is climbing along this thing.

But how could there be such a thing here? What the hell is going on?

He looked around the bottle, very carefully, but quickly. The fire in the lighter went out halfway through, so he quickly lit another one. There really wasn’t anything hidden, so he returned to my side.

“Nothing came out.” He looked at the door and whispered.

All my questions were about to explode from my mouth, but what I didn’t expect was that he turned his head and looked at me, made a gesture as quietly as possible, and then asked in a light tone, “What are you doing here?”

My brain suddenly became congested, and I wanted to jump up and strangle him. I thought to myself, “Your grandfather’s turtle-headed fool, you’re asking me, I haven’t even asked you yet! Did I want to come here? If it weren’t for those tapes, I would never have come here!

I wanted to swear, but looking at his face, I couldn’t be as free as I was with the fat guy. I gritted my teeth and endured for a long time before answering, “It’s a long story. How did you… end up here? What the hell is this place? You… didn’t you go through that door at that time? What the hell is going on here?”

These questions were really hard to ask. My mind was already in a mess, and I didn’t know how to ask these questions in a way that made sense.

“It’s a long story.” I don’t know if he didn’t want to answer or was avoiding it. When I asked him questions, his attention was drawn to the huge sarcophagus. I looked at it and saw that the lid of the sarcophagus had been pushed open, revealing a large gap, but it was dark inside and I didn’t know what was inside.

I was most afraid of him looking like this. I remembered that whenever I asked him any key questions in the past, he would almost always look like this, and I immediately wanted to ask again. But before I could open my mouth, he waved his hand at me, telling me to be quiet and look into the coffin.

I was so familiar with this gesture that, although I didn’t know what was going on, I immediately reflexively closed my mouth and looked into the coffin. Because Mian Youbing had extended the lighter, I could see inside at once. The coffin was empty. I saw a clean stone coffin bottom, as if nothing had been spared. What was strange was that there was a hole at the bottom of the coffin.

I was curious, and I heard some slight sounds coming from the hole. After listening carefully, I couldn’t tell what it was. After waiting for a while, suddenly a hand appeared from the hole. A person crawled out of the narrow hole like a loach, then rolled over and fell lightly in front of us through the gap in the coffin lid.

I was startled. I saw the man wipe the cold sweat on his head after landing, glance at the oil bottle, then wave the object in his hand and say softly, “Got it.”

The latter seemed to be waiting for this moment, slapped me and said softly, “Let’s go!”

I followed them, carefully tiptoeing, and crept up the same way we had come. But before I had gone two or three steps, I heard the door to the corridor behind me creak open.

The man in front of me cursed and started running. I immediately followed him, running all the way, rolling and crawling, and rushing out. We only let out a sigh of relief when we reached the courtyard and climbed over the wall.

I was exhausted and out of breath, but the two men didn’t even stop for a second. After we jumped over the wall, they just kept running, leaving me behind. I thought to myself, “This time I’m not going to let you get away!” I ran after them.

We ran as fast as we could, all the way out of the old town. Suddenly, an Iveco came out of the darkness, and the doors opened. The two men jumped on, but the car didn’t wait for me. The doors were about to close, but I barely made it in.

I was out of breath, and it was a real struggle to get there. I collapsed as soon as I got in the car, and I had to close my eyes and take a few deep breaths before I could recover.

I immediately looked around, and I was dumbfounded. The car was full of people, and they were all looking at me with a strange smile. What surprised me the most was that I knew many of them. I saw several familiar faces at a glance.

Oh my god, it was the whole group of people who had survived the disaster in the sky. This group of Chinese and foreigners had been hanging out with me in Jilin for a long time.

Seeing my surprised expression, a few of the people who were particularly close to me laughed. A Caucasian man said to me in broken Chinese, “Super Wu (a nickname given to me by Aning), fate has brought us together after thousands of miles.” Then I saw Aning’s head poking out from behind a chair, looking at me in surprise.

I looked at the man in the stone coffin, and then at the young man in the sunglasses who had just climbed out of the stone coffin. They both looked at me without breathing. Suddenly I felt very confused, and asked them, “You bunch of assholes, can anyone tell me what the hell is going on?”

A-Ning said, “I should be asking you that. How did you end up in the basement?”

The Iveco sped all the way out of Golmud, straight into the Gobi Desert, and I was in the car, with the darkness outside the window, not knowing anything about it.

Along the way, I had a long chat with Aning, talking about everything on both sides.

It turned out that Aning had also found the address and key in the video tape. Apparently, one of the “three people” written in Wenjin’s notes was her. After discovering this secret, she immediately divided her work into two parts: on the one hand, she had someone come here to look for the address, and on the other hand, she came to Hangzhou herself to test me. She wanted to know if I knew anything about the situation in the video.

However, what she didn’t expect was that I had actually received such a tape, and after she came to find me, I left for Golmud as quickly as possible, and even found the haunted building at almost the same time as them.

(It was also thanks to my quick and precise actions this time, without too much hesitation, otherwise, I definitely wouldn’t have seen the notebook. I was scared to think about it, but at the same time I was a little happy, touching the notebook in my pocket. This was the first time I had achieved such great results on my own, and it seemed that Grandpa was right, it was really better to take the initiative in doing things.)

Afterwards, I asked Aning what was going on with the Mian Youping, and how they had ended up together.

Aning laughed and said, “What? Your uncle can afford it, but we can’t? These two are clearly marked prices. Now, they are our consultants.

He said that the black glasses smiled and waved at me.

“Consultant?” When I think of consultants, I think of the fat man. I thought that Ning had learned her lesson this time and hired a reliable one, but it was strange that the mummy would become Ning’s consultant.

At this time, the Caucasian on the side said, “Don’t listen to her nonsense. These two are now our partners, directly appointed by our boss. Ning is just a deputy. Now the main actions are all in their charge. We are only responsible for intelligence and support. This is safer. The boss said that in the future, professional things should be left to professionals.”

This should be because there were too many deaths at the top of the mountain. I remembered the situation at the time and asked, “So what is the whole thing about? Do you have any idea about the content of the video tape and the forbidden woman inside?”

These people all shook their heads, and their eyes were cast on the muffled oil bottle and the black glasses. A-ning gave them a glare, then gave me a wink and said, “We don’t know the specific situation either. It should be similar to what you know. We are now acting according to what they say. These two friends are very difficult to communicate with.”

After hearing this, I turned to the muffled oil bottle. At this time, I couldn’t hold back anymore. I had to find him and ask him clearly, and let him tell me what was going on.

But before I could get ready, there was suddenly a commotion in the car. The Tibetan driver called out, and everyone began to take their luggage.

Then the car slowly came to a stop, the door was suddenly opened, and a ray of morning sunlight could be seen outside the door. A cold wind from the Gobi Desert suddenly blew in.

I was pushed out of the car and then I saw a scene that made me dumbfounded. A dozen Land Rovers were parked in a row in the Gobi Desert, with a large amount of supplies piled up on the ground, bonfires one after another, and my eyes were full of people wearing windbreakers, as well as many people lying in sleeping bags, with huge satellite dishes and lanterns standing on one side.

It seemed like a gathering place for people who were going on a road trip, but a closer look revealed that it was not. All the cars here had the same paint job, and the logo on the door was a rotating, softened antler coral, which was clearly the property of the Aning company.

When they saw us get off, many people gathered around, and Aning said something to them, and many people cheered.

This scene made me very frightened. I grabbed the Caucasian who was high-fiving someone and asked him what was going on.

The Caucasian man patted me on the back and said, “Friend, we are going to Tamudu.”

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