Chapter 9

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:46:14
A+ A- Turn Off Light

You’re asking me to farm as a reborn person?

This question was answered by Sheng An.

“–I’ll take Team 0’s captain Qi Lingmu, and all three heretics go to Team A.”

Team 0!

Hearing this term again.

Then she thought that Hao Jingye had just said that Sheng An and Qiu Yu were both from Team 0.

She opened her eyes wide and wondered, “What exactly is Team 0? It’s very powerful?”

“Very powerful.” Hao Jingye looked in awe, “When I was in the information group, I looked forward to working with Team 0 the most. Let’s put it this way, Team 0 is a group of omnipotent people who specialize in carrying out the country’s most secret and difficult missions.”

After a pause, he described it with a phrase, “The nation’s humanoid weapons, flesh and blood fighters.”

Jiang Yu’s breath stuttered.

Humanoid Weapon, Flesh and Blood Fighter ……

What a terrifying evaluation.

She subconsciously looked at Sheng An, only to see the other party’s cold and sharp side face.

Jiang Yu was suspicious.

Sister Sheng looks quite skinny and weak, but also so strong?

Hao Jingye saw her skepticism and rolled his eyes, “Jiang Yu, never doubt Sister Sheng, you’ll understand after time.”

Jiang Yu nodded hesitantly.


Half convinced, she stopped dwelling on the issue and asked again:

“Team 0 is very powerful, Team Qi is their leader, so it must be very strong?”

Hao Jingye nodded and raised his chin proudly.

“Of course, Team Qi is also a legend, he is a top sniper, we all privately evaluate Team Qi as ‘field of view is a limitation of the eyes, but range is not a limitation of a sniper’, Team Qi has no limits.”

Jiang fish inexplicably awe.

Hao Jingye rubbed his hands together and was a little smug, “Team Qi joining Team B also means that Sister Sheng can deploy the entire Team 0. Do you think that this wave of Sister Sheng has lost money?”

Jiang Yu subconsciously shook his head.

Sheng An drove the car with a lazy voice: “I’ve seen those two water and fire alien, not to mention now, even if they become strong in the future, they won’t be a match for Team 0.”

The Alterans could be strong, but Team 0 was already strong.

It was a group of people who were cute and terrifying to the extreme.

–And she came from there.

Jiang Yu had one more question.

She put her head next to Hao Jingye and shone brightly, “Since Team Qi is so powerful and still represents Team 0, can Team A leader Qiu Yu be willing to do that?”

Team B wants to suppress Team A, and Team A also wants to suppress Team B ah.

Hao Jingye suddenly laughed in a swinging manner, but quickly put it away and pushed his glasses in a serious manner-

“It can’t be helped, who let Team Qi be our Sister Sheng’s lover, even if Qiu Yu snatches it over, she’s still afraid that Team Qi will screw her over.”

Jiang Yu: “!!!”

She subconsciously looks at Sheng An, she can’t believe it, this person even has a date?

And so on!

Jiang Yu: “Why is it a lover, not a boyfriend?”

Hao Jingye is helpless, “You’ll have to ask Sister Sheng about that.”

Jiang Yu looked at Sheng An and blinked her starry eyes.

Sheng An glanced at her from the rearview mirror and hooked her lips in a smile, “Less prying, don’t be full of love and affection, be healthy.”

Jiang Yu skimmed her mouth, “Being in love is not healthy?”

She cushioned her head on the backrest in front of her and looked at Sheng An, “Sister Sheng is really good looking, the more I look, the better I look, I just can’t think of anyone who would be good enough for Sister Sheng?”

Hao Jingye gave her a disgusted look.

–Truly, it’s only the first day and this person is already Sheng An’s little fan girl.

–Hey, have you forgotten when Sister Sheng pointed her gun at you?

In the midst of gossiping, the three of them returned to the unit.

The so-called “unit”, in fact, is the mountainside temporarily empty out a whole camp, the place is secluded, but the guards are strict, the surrounding adjacent several experimental base, several office buildings.

After all, there is a psychic, the place is too small also can not be utilized.

Jiang Yu has been sizing up the place, sighing, “I’ve been living in the capital for so many years, I never knew there was a mountain here, let alone what …… is inside.”

Hao Jingye: “Of course, how can a classified place be accessible to ordinary people?”

Sheng An led the two of them on a long drive.

“This building is shared by Group A and Group B. Above it are several laboratories, as well as some researchers, so it’s possible to meet someone from Group A here at any time.” Hao Jingye lowered his voice.

Jiang Yu subconsciously probed to look.

Hao Jingye pulled her, “Don’t look, Team Leader Qiu took three people from Team A out to look for other heretics, it’s unlikely that they’ll appear here now, they might be able to see them at night.”

Jiang Yu retracted her eyes, “There are more heretics?”

Hao Jingye: “Of course, every abnormal person has to be examined, you are the third one we examined today, the previous two were misunderstandings, you are a real heretic.”

And still a very rare heresy.

Jiang Yu was a little disappointed, after all, realizing that she was not the unique daughter of heavenly destiny, she was still a little bereft.

But she was also a bit curious, “That means we have to continue to line up other heretics? Any targets?”

Hao Jingye nodded, “There are some.”

Sheng An swiped her card and led the way to the elevator, pressing a floor.

“The logistics are being prepared on the way here, you’ll report first, do a check, then come with us to load the stuff into the space, plus there are some arrangements for you.” Sheng An said.

Jiang Yu couldn’t care less about her curiosity and got excited.

She had only stored supplies herself, and there were still large swaths of empty space inside, although things would expire, it would be good to be able to fill it up ah.

If all of them are loaded with some weapons and controlled drugs …… then it is simply not too beautiful!

How secure ah.

Jiang fish went upstairs, was checked inside and out, the film were taken several, and blood was drawn, the use of space to take things, and even dug a pot of black mud out …… before being respectfully sent out.

She was very afraid of being “sliced”, so Sheng safety Cheng accompanied.

Looking at her, Jiang Yu is inexplicably at ease.

When everything is over, Jiang Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

She excitedly said, “Let’s go load up the stuff now!”

Sheng An nodded and said as she walked:

“You can take out the place inside your space, the country is stocking up on food, and the end times won’t lack a bite of food for you.”

After a pause, thinking that this talent has just joined the Special Intelligence Service, and may not be particularly trusting of the country ……

Sheng An: “Forget it, leave it, the supplies you hoarded are not much, put it inside you feel more at ease.”

Jiang Yu nodded frantically, like a chicken pecking at rice.

–That’s great!

–The country must be giving her lots and lots of supplies!

Otherwise, why would it let her make space?

Sister Sheng was even considerate enough to let her leave the supplies behind ……

Jiang Yu was somewhat touched.

But at the same time, there was also some faintheartedness.

Sheng An looked back and at a glance, she noticed Jiang Yu’s agitated and vain look.

The corner of her mouth hooked.

Jiang Yu’s mind was easy to see.

She had lied, and she was definitely not the only one who could enter her space.

After all, it was a golden finger, so it was normal to hide it a little.

This little mind Sheng An could understand.

But bar ……

She had a smile in her eyes and her footsteps were light and calm.

Sheng An brought Jiang Yu to a warehouse next to the camp.

Looking at the huge warehouse door, Jiang Yu’s eyes grew brighter and brighter, practically dying to jump up and cheer.

The two approached.

A middle-aged man came out from inside the warehouse with a stern look, “Head Sheng, the things are ready, they are all inside the warehouse, and the researchers have also arrived.”

Sheng An nodded.

Jiang Yu was puzzled, researchers?

As he got closer and closer, Jiang Yu finally got a good look at the things inside the huge warehouse ……

Tractors, tumblers, seeders, sprinklers, fertilizers, fertilizers, seeds …… and all sorts of seedlings and strange plants and so on.

Next to a group of old men in white coats were careful.

“Aiya, finally someone has come, all these things need to be taken care of carefully, quickly hurry and plant them in the ground!” An old man jumped up and waved at them.

Jiang Yu: “?”

She looked at Sheng An.

What does it mean?

Where were the supplies she was going to pack?

Sheng An looked back at her with a smile:

“This is what you’re going to pack into your space, and the task you’re given now is – to preserve the Hope Harvest and experiment with Hope Seeds, so that your space will be full of tired fruits, and even if the Earth is scorched, your space will still be full of vitality.”

The words were a bit roundabout, and Jiang Yu was dizzy from hearing them.

She muttered, “Seedling, seed, fruit, full of life ……”

As if thinking of something, her pupils quake.

She pointed at herself and looked at Sheng An incredulously:

“So, you’re asking me to-plant?!”

Sheng An smiled brightly, “This is called cultivating Hope Harvest.”

That large piece of black land was always going to be useful.

Although it wasn’t as good as the mountains, water, and worlds of the “Tokishino” space, it didn’t matter, just make do.

Jiang Yu: Isn’t that still farming?

At this moment, an old man came over, very excited–

“Little girl is that space alien? Aiya, you’re finally here, after we received the notice of the end of the world, we were worried to death about a group of old men. Luckily we found you, the world has turned into scorched earth, your space is the last hope, hurry up, I’ll teach you how to plant these.”

“Who are you?” Jiang Yu was impatient.

Sheng An smiled slightly, “Academy of Science Academician Zhou, one of the most authoritative botanists in the world, you don’t know how to plant, from now on, they are all your teachers, teaching you how to plant the seeds.”

Jiang Yu: “?”

She almost thought she heard wrong.

Sheng An held her hand and smiled brightly:

“They are all experts in this area, in the future, scorched earth planting, post-apocalyptic planting and so on, all of them will have to use your space to study it, they are your teachers, and they are also the ones who will follow you around.”

Jiang Yu: “??”

She was a bit confused, “What do you mean? They are under my charge?”

Sheng An: “Don’t worry, as an outstanding contributor, the food you share is definitely enough to feed them.”

Jiang Yu: “????”

Is that what I’m fucking talking about?

And so on!

–So she worked hard to plant her output just to raise a group of people to direct her on how to plant?

Sheng An spread his hands and made a regretful face, “There’s no way, who made it so that only you can enter your space?”

Jiang Yu: “…………”

What is meant by lifting a stone and smashing her own foot, she suddenly deeply realized.

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