Chapter 14.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:46:29
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Opening five billion dollars, didn’t stock up on goods

After Sheng An and Hao Jingye left, Jiang Yu wanted to delay.

But he was caught by Academician Zhou and the others and dragged off to learn how to drive tractors and other agricultural equipment.

It seemed like the entire Doomsday Special Intelligence Service was busy.

Jiang Yu had arrived here yesterday, but she hadn’t seen a single person from Team A. The people from Team 0 likewise hadn’t met up.

–She didn’t even have time to ask Sheng An!

The Doomsday Special Intelligence Division appeared to be small in number, but in actuality, it covered an extremely wide range of areas.

She alone, for example, involved the entire agronomy research system behind her, and these people weren’t considered direct members of the Doomsday Special Intelligence Service, but they were part of them.

Not to mention the nationwide armed forces that could be utilized, as well as the pervasive information queries.

Jiang Yu sat on the tractor and asked curiously, ”Where are the people from Team A going? And Team 0, how come I haven’t seen any of them either?”

Academician Zhou sat next to her and looked at her expressionlessly, “Drive properly.”

Jiang Yu: “Teacher Zhou, don’t be so serious, it’s not just driving a tractor, what’s so hard about it-hey hey-”

She was a dejected and took the tractor with her into the ditch.

Jiang Yu: “……”

And so, the “Tang Monk Chanting” was heard all around again.

There are still 20 days to go before the end of the world.

Sheng An and Hao Jingye had a lot of things to do, both of them were busy with the matters at hand while supervising Lai Wan Yun’s side.

Jiang Yu doesn’t need to worry much nowadays.

Lai Wan Yun’s side, however, had just begun.

At this moment, Li Wan Yun has already gotten off the plane and went straight to the place where she can buy food.

Not wanting to attract attention, she rented a large truck and drove there.

But in reality, Lai Wan Yun had long been under their supervision.

The car she “rented” next to the airport has also been installed by their people to monitor.

On the screen, Li Wan Yun’s expression could not hide her excitement.

This is a woman with a big difference in personality with Jiang Yu.

Jiang fish temperament is better, while Li Wan Yun name is very gentle, but the person is very arrogant, with hostility and killing between the eyebrows.

–This person didn’t see a lot of blood in his previous life.

Sheng An calmly withdrew his sight.

Next to him, Hao Jingye was lining up information.

“How’s it going?” Sheng An asked, “How many suspected heretics were among the people who issued the doomsday warning yesterday?”

Heretics didn’t appear at the same time, and the information on the internet had to be screened every day.

The Information Department intercepted the anomalies at 12pm for initial screening.

And then, between 12:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m., backtracking is the second step of screening.

After going through these two rounds, not many come to them.

“There were a total of over two hundred people who had posted relevant posts yesterday, and after the Information Department screened them, there were nine suspects.” Hao Jingye immediately returned.

Nine, not too many.

After all, they were only suspects.

The Information Department didn’t want to have any leaks, so as long as they couldn’t rule out a hundred percent, they would submit them directly.

In here, most of the time one is not.

Sheng An: “Any anomalies?”

Hao Jingye pushed up his glasses and briefly described-

“There are two posts that are strange, one of them is a doomsday warning that was posted yesterday at an internet cafe in Dong’an District, pinpointed to 21 days from now.”

Because of the news of the meteorite, although the world was still stable, all kinds of news kept coming.

There were also quite a few posts speculating about the end times.

But most of them could be determined as soon as they were screened and were not heretical.

But if it could be determined to a specific time ……

Then it is indeed questionable.

–This person is a suspected heretic.

“The other post was even stranger, the owner said that he met the Iron Man in their neighborhood, and the Iron Man told him – the end is coming, and told him to hurry up and stock up.” Speaking later, Hao Jingye looked very odd.

Roughly, the end was coming, and as Sheng An’s assistant, he had to receive all sorts of strange information on a daily basis.

But this one today, it was still hard to explain.

Sheng An nodded his head, still remaining calm:

“What makes you value this post?”

“One is because of the back-tuning of the poster, the owner is a sensible researcher. He suddenly started stocking up yesterday and was particularly adamant that he’d seen ‘Iron Man’. The police interrogated him, and his words seemed to be gibberish, but not like a lie.” Hao Jingye said seriously.

Sheng An was enlightened.

This showed that no matter what happened, no matter if it was true or not, this building owner who came from a scientific research background was truly convinced that he had seen the ‘Iron Man’.

“If it’s true, we can’t rule out the possibility of an alien.” Sheng An summarized.

Iron Man?

A gold-type alien?

Sheng An’s eyebrows moved slightly.

Hao Jingye naturally thought of it as well.

Sheng An: “What about the second reason for suspicion?”

Hao Jingye added, “The owner of the building is in the same neighborhood, and yesterday night, a resident of the neighborhood called the police to say that someone had broken into their house and robbed it, and affected their children.”

Sheng An looked at him suspiciously.

“That family had something to go out yesterday, leaving the child alone at home, closing the home’s doors and windows tightly and locking the door again, but when they came back, the child was lying on the open window.”

“The child opened it?” Sheng An asked.

“No, the child couldn’t reach the height of the window, and, after checking, that window was indeed opened by someone from the outside, and on the outer window sill, a handprint without fingerprints was left.”

Hao Jingye took a deep breath, slowly said, “That family lives on the 21st floor, a total of 32 floors, it is difficult to touch their windows from above or below, at the same time, that child also claimed to have seen – Iron Man.”

Two people claiming to have seen Iron Man in the same neighborhood?

And no fingerprint handprints on the outside of the 21st floor?

Seems suspicious.

“Any surveillance?”

Hao Jingye shook his head, “There’s no surveillance captured for now.”

Sheng An frowned.

That meant that there was no direct evidence.

As if she thought of something, she was puzzled, “You said that the reason their family called the police was for burglary, what was missing?”

Hao Jingye looked instantly odd.

“Lost …… the kid’s several Ultraman hand puppets. According to the kid, ‘Iron Man’ asked him if he believed in the light and then took his hand puppets.”


Sheng An: “????”

Rao was as calm as she was, but at this moment, her expression became strange, the corners of her mouth twitching with a speechless face.

If everything is true, then it’s an “Iron Man who believes in light”?

After a long period of silence, Sheng An suddenly said, “What’s the situation of the first person, explore again, let’s first contact the owner of the building who predicted the end of the world in 21 days.”

The second one, she didn’t really want to investigate.

Hao Jingye was about to open his mouth when a message popped up on his cell phone.

He glanced at it and looked at Sheng An with a complicated expression, “Sister Sheng …… Autumn Team Leader and the others have already gone to keep an eye on the first one.”

That is to say, there is only that second heresy left for them to line up.

Believe in the light of …… Iron Man.

Sheng An fell into silence.


Trekking across the mountains, Lai Wan Yun finally arrived at her destination.

The amount of goods she wanted to stock up on was extremely large, which could not be purchased at any wholesale market, much less order takeout or online shopping.

It is inconvenient and more expensive.

She prided herself on being a smart person, and thought of the best way – direct origin hoarding!

Stock up on the most goods at the best price.

Once the end came, what did she have to fear?


Lai Wan Yun: “What? No grain for sale?!”

She unbelievably pulled up her voice: “How can there be no grain? Rice? Noodles? Sorghum? Corn? None of it?”

What a joke!

She traveled so far to buy grain and there was none?

The owner of the private farm she was looking for pulled out his ears and was very calm: “No, they’ve all been acquired.”

“Acquired by whom? All sold?” Lai Wan Yun stepped forward.

“Yeah.” The boss waved his hand, “The granaries have all been emptied, they are long gone.”

Li Wan Yun sucked in a breath of cold air.

She eagerly asked again, “Boss, then where can I still buy grain now?”

“If you want less, you can buy it in supermarkets and wholesale markets, if you want more, there’s no way, you can’t buy it anywhere, all the grain has been bought.”

The boss didn’t really want to talk to her anymore, waved his hand and turned to leave.

Lai Wan Yun breathed heavily, but had no choice but to leave.

She ran to several more private farms, state-run farms, and even went to middlemen and countryside farmers.

However, she only got the same answer –

All, no, there, no more.

Lai Wan Yun was at a loss.

She did not understand: “Why? Who actually bought the grain?!”

Finally someone answered her-

“The Grain Bureau, ah, the whole country’s grain is under the Grain Bureau’s dispatch, and the ones assigned to local supermarkets and middlemen are all from the Grain Bureau.”

Lai Wan Yun: “……”

She was a resolute person, seeing this she gritted her teeth and went straight to the various farms and slaughterhouses.

There was no way for the grain to be purchased directly in bulk, so it was time to buy meat first!

And so, directly bought a plane ticket to leave.


Lai Wan Yun jumped up, “What? If you purchase more than a ton of meat, you have to go to the Commerce and Industry Bureau to get an approval slip?!”

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