Chapter 26.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:47:08
A+ A- Turn Off Light

When Sheng An opened the door, Li Xin felt like he was about to hang up.

Six whole hours.

No food, no drink, no toilet.

It was also fortunate that he didn’t drink anything and his body was still all turned into metal, otherwise if he hung for six hours like this, he would more than likely have to pee his pants.

There is no one in this room, Sheng An also did not give him a response throughout.

Li Xin’s mind exploded.

He felt that he had no more.

When Sheng An came in, Li Xin was hanging silently, without a single movement.

–like a corpse.

Hao Jingye lowered his voice: “Don’t be a person without a person, right?”

Sheng An expressionless: “Oh, then dragged out and buried directly.”

“And, slow down ……”

Li Xin jerked his head up, eyes wide open, “Still alive, not dead.” Don’t bury.

Sheng An was not surprised at all.

This kid was a psychic after all, or a gold system psychic, how could he die so easily?

Li Xin gritted his teeth, “You guys are too much, didn’t the country want to pull me in? Why are you doing this to me?!”

He didn’t understand.

Sheng An corrected him, “That’s called collecting, not pulling in.”

Gathering and pulling in were two completely different meanings.

The state apparatus wasn’t afraid of these so-called heretics, and Sheng An’s aim was never to corral them, not to pull them in.

Li Xin ground his teeth.

He had dark hatred in his eyes.

Sheng An: “You don’t want to come down?”

Li Xin: “……”

As the saying goes, those who know what’s good for them are good at what they do, his mouth opened, “Sister Sheng, I was wrong.”

Hungry and thirsty, he was really going crazy.

Sheng An was still satisfied and nodded: “Okay, come down.”

Li Xin was shocked, “You let me come down directly? Not giving me a mat?”

If he dared to go down directly, he would have gone down long ago!

This is not jumping down, he was hanging flat on it, once transformed into a human being, that is not face down smashed down, can still be good?

Sheng An: “I’ll catch you.”

Li Xin looked at Sheng An’s thin arms and legs with a skeptical face.

Sheng An was speechless, “And, wouldn’t you change your feet back first before changing your upper body?”

Now it was hanging flat.

But if the feet turned back to normal, wouldn’t that mean that the feet were underneath?

At this height, one could jump down.

Li Xin: “????”

His mind was filled with only two words at this moment-


Why didn’t he think of this earlier?

At this moment, Li Xin wanted to slap Sheng An and himself to death.

If he had thought of this solution earlier, why would he have to hang around for six hours?

Li Xin gritted his teeth and maneuvered to bring his legs back to normal first, no longer being sucked in, his legs naturally falling down with the center of his feet facing down.

The upper body then returned to normal, and the body fell downwards.

“Ah…” exclaimed Li Xin instinctively.

He had been hung up for too long, and his body suddenly became flesh falling downwards, limp and weak, almost in smashing on the ground.

Sheng An reached out and grabbed him, not letting him smash solidly.

Li Xin’s feet landed on the ground, his body leaning against Sheng An, breathing heavily.

–This moment, he suddenly felt that Sheng An was incomparably reliable.

Li Xin was inexplicably moved.

Sheng An was expressionless: “So, can you stand on your own?”

Li Xin: “……”

He stood honestly, rarely a little embarrassed.

Hao Jingye saw him become docile and nodded with satisfaction, “Li Xin, can you cooperate with us to do some checks now?”

Li Xin hung his head and didn’t say anything.

Sheng An swept a glance at him.

At once, he felt pain all over his body, raised his hands in surrender, and honestly –

“Cooperate, I’ll cooperate.”

Jiang Yu’s space came from the bracelet after all, so the inspection was relatively simple.

But Li Xin was different.

Inside and outside all check several times, blood are drawn ten or so tubes, and various forms of filming, metal research and so on.

It took one or two days just to do all kinds of checks for him.

Often, after an examination, the results are obtained, and more research is done immediately.

Of course it wasn’t just Li Xin, but also the previous water and fire alien.

“What’s the situation now?” Sheng An asked.

In the front lab, Li Xin was full of impatience as he was commanded to manipulate metal and change into a mechanical arm ……

Every time his patience ran out, he could see outside the glass, Sheng An’s threatening eyes.

Li Xin was honest again.

–This female villain is a ruthless character, he’ll hunker down for a moment or two.

Next to him, various emotions overlapped in Dr. Yan’s eyes, finally resolving into one sentence, “Very strange.”

“How so?” Hao Jingye was curious.

Sheng An also looked at Dr. Yan.

Dr. Yan flipped through the thick results in his hands, looking grave:

“Similar to those two water and fire aberrants, both have extra special ingredients in their bodies, covered inside the blood and meat, the three of them have both the same and different special ingredients in their bodies, all of them are unknown substances, maybe with some more samples, more conclusions can be drawn.

“At the moment, it seems that it is not certain how they manipulate the elements, but it is definitely related to this special substance.

“This special substance affects their bodies, Li Xin is a bit more special than the other two, the other two are only able to manipulate and release water and fire, while Li Xin is able to turn into a metal man and fuse metal with his body.”

Sheng An and Hao Jingye looked equally grave.

Hao Jingye looked at Sheng An and opened his mouth, “Sister Sheng ……”

Sheng An took a deep breath and calmly said, “Continue.”

Dr. Yan sniffed and continued:

“We intercepted the various control charts of Li Xin when he turned into a metal man and when he didn’t, and found that he seems to have completed his metallization with the help of a special substance, in addition ……”

There were many check results.

But most of them were confusing, with very few conclusions.

None of the researchers were sure what was going on here.

And these researchers, they were already the top group of researchers.

Dr. Yan spoke for a long time, and finally, he pursed his lips:

“We will continue our research, and when there are more samples, we might have a clearer conclusion, in addition, we apply to transfer more researchers over.”

Sheng An nodded and directly agreed: “Yes, Li Xin and all of them will also cooperate.”

After Dr. Yan finished, he went back to continue studying Li Xin.

Sheng An and Hao Jingye stood outside.

Hao Jingye said after a long time, “It seems a bit strange.”

Sheng An calmly looked at Li Xin and slowly spoke, “He has just awakened his psychic ability, but, he is very special.”

According to the results of the examination, Li Xin already possessed an unimaginable mastery over metal.

This was really very strange.

Hao Jingye scratched his head, “Everything about him looks like he just possessed an alien ability, Dr. Yan’s examination results proved this, the special elements in his body are not more than the two water and fire aliens.”

“But his control over metal is stronger.” Sheng An word for word, “It’s like already being a very powerful Alien.”

From the current research, Allomancers would have control over their Allomantic elements by the end of the day.

Li Xin already possessed the ability to do so later.

He was still “uneducated”, but when he fully understood the elements and composition of metal, his value would be beyond imagination.

This is not Iron Man, this is the metal of the ever-changing.

Hao Jingye sucked in a breath of cold air, there are doubts, there is incomprehension, and finally turned into a sentence— “Is he really a heavenly being?

“Is he not really the Chosen One?”

Sheng An didn’t say anything.

The Chosen One?

Jiang Yu, Lai Wan Yun, and then another Li Xin, whether they were reborn or not, they were all somewhat special.

Lai Wan Yun that great space, Li Xin beyond the unusual control of metal ……

It is true that more samples are still needed.

Sheng An squinted his eyes and fell into deep thought.

Countdown to doomsday: 17 days.

Inside the interrogation room, Li Xin didn’t dare to turn into a metal man, so he could only ball up his hands inside his sleeves and crouch pitifully in the corner, as aggrieved as he could be.

Sheng An stood expressionlessly in front, unmoved.

Song Linwei had just woken up from his nap when he was called over, somewhat bewildered: “What’s wrong? What happened?”

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