Chapter 42.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:47:57
A+ A- Turn Off Light


Surprisingly, it was an overlap?

Upon hearing this, the two men stared with wide eyes, their faces unbelievable.

Never would they have thought that the two heretics they wanted were actually overlapping!

The “ghost” that Zhang Jia Liang had photographed was also involved in the theft case.

The looks on their faces changed again and again, pondering over the logic of it, and soon, their eyes widened in surprise, in realization, and also in remorse that they hadn’t connected the dots earlier.

Sheng An put down the photo and tapped his fingertips on it, his tone relaxed:

“Both in Stone City, I’ve long wondered if I could connect these two things together? Why did that person use his psychic abilities under the unpopulated mountain? It’s highly likely that he purposely found a place where no one was around and trained.

“And the training must have been to accomplish some purpose, such as – stealing food.

“The characteristics of this person’s psychic ability are obvious, instantly disappearing to appear in another place, and according to the four photos Zhang Jia Liang took, the distance he disappeared was limited, meaning that he had to land once every other distance.”

Hao Jingye tapped the table and picked up:

“It’s like the Speed Ability, as long as it’s fast enough you won’t be able to see it clearly, and if he unleashed his ability twice consecutively, with almost no time interval, it’s highly unlikely that an ordinary camera would not be able to take a picture of it!”

Song Linwei still had one more doubt: “What’s the deal with that ghost bumping?”

Sheng An laughed softly, her tone very calm: “Two times of alien energy launch can have no time interval, but space alien collects grain stuck in the middle of the interval, it will surely drag out the interval time, making the two times of alien energy discontinuous, the camera will surely be able to capture it.”

She had one hand propped up on her chin, the other playing with the two photographs, twirling them around her fingertips, her eyes full of amusement –

“So the ‘Kid’ needs a dead space where he can block the cameras, then he has to know what’s going on inside the warehouse ……

“It becomes inevitable to install a miniature camera to a staff member to monitor the warehouse situation in real time, and to know the location of the camera and the real-time dead space.”

Last night, the staff “hit the ghost”, is the “little ghost” to put the camera on him.

And today feel the wind, is the “little ghost” to take away the monitoring!

Hao Jingye suddenly realized.

As if thinking of something, he was busy clicking on the surveillance video, pulling it to the moment when the grain disappeared, and pausing it.

Song Linwei also looked over, and then, he pointed to the position on the staff member’s side and sucked in a breath of cold air.

“It’s here, the tall grain and this staff member’s movements made it so that this position in the side corner couldn’t be captured by the camera!”

Hao Jingye nodded with a complex expression, “It’s also only unseen for a moment, because that person will move afterward, and the grain also disappears immediately after ……”

“That bit of time is enough, the space alien collects the grain and he immediately takes the surveillance and leaves with the man.” Sheng An tapped the paused surveillance interface and lifted his chin, “Have someone deal with this point in time, this location, and this angle.”

Hao Jingye nodded, busy sending orders.

Song Linwei shook his head, “The mechanism is quite impressive.”

“Yeah, that’s why I said it’s really a smart ‘brat’, with a clear goal and a clear path of action, from training to stepping on the spot, to identifying the person who installs the surveillance, and finally taking action and erasing the traces …… did a beautiful job. ”

Sheng An did not mince words in her praise.

Song Linwei stole a glance at her with a complex mood.

–And then a clear course of action, and then a beautiful modus operandi, was still raked over the coals by Sheng An.

Stringing together the scattered clues, from among the clues and traces, precisely locking the ……

It is considered heresy bad luck to meet her.

Song Linwei sighed, the state father is really good at picking the person in charge of heresy.

Hao Jingye finished sending out the notice and wondered, “Sister Sheng, what kind of psychic ability is that ‘little kid’?”

Sheng An called it “Little Kid”, and he followed suit.

A very powerful alien ability expert, living to have his aura affected by this name.

Sheng An picked up the four photos taken by Zhang Jia Liang, the corners of his mouth raised, his voice with a smile, “A very special kind of supernormal ability, it should be called – flash.”

Hao Jingye and Song Linwei stared wide-eyed.


It was at this moment that the communication rang, followed by a high-definition photo coming out of the fax machine, as well as a dossier.

Hao Jingye glanced down and stood up violently, taking the photo and the file with a serious expression-

“Sister Sheng, we’ve found the Flash Alien file.”

Shi City, a certain abandoned factory building.

“Hahaha, that went really well, sure enough, when the boss comes out, he is invincible!” Ke Jiaxue laughed out, very pleased with herself.

Another calm-looking man’s voice was calm: “I have special psychic abilities, and this time it’s thanks to Zhang Kun’s space, or else we wouldn’t be able to collect so much food.”

The tone seemed calm, but the slightly raised chin and the confident eyes were enough to show his arrogance.

Next to him, another shy man revealed a smile and his tone was gentle, “It’s Tian Yu’s powerful supernormal ability, and it’s also the perfect plan that Tian Yu has formulated, otherwise I definitely wouldn’t have been able to do anything.”

“Don’t be modest all of you, Brother Zhang Kun your space is very useful, and Brother Long is really awesome too, flash alien ability hey!” Ke Jiaxue starry-eyed.

Long Tianyu, a flash adept.

Also the core of their team, the one who brought them together.

Upon hearing this, a slightly smug smile appeared on Long Tianyu’s unsmiling face, which was quickly retracted again, maintaining his calm and composed tone.

Long Tianyu: “There are still fifteen days, no, it will be early in the morning, sort of fourteen days …… the end will come, the world will produce a huge change, we awakened the supernormal ability before the end of the day, to the end of the world, will certainly shine.”

He swept over the two men in front of him, they were the xenos he had gone to great lengths to find.

They were also the teammates he had chosen for himself.

Ke Jiaxue’s eyes brightened even more, and she was extremely cuddly, “Although I have awakened my psychic abilities, if it wasn’t for Brother Long, I wouldn’t have known that the end would come, much less stocked up on supplies in advance.”

The shy Zhang Kun also smiled and nodded, his eyes expectant:

“Although the arrival of the end of the world is terrifying, but Brother Long predicted the end of the world and brought us to stockpile food in advance, so as long as there are sufficient supplies and a strong fighting force, there is no need to be afraid of the end of the world at all.”

Hearing this, Long Tianyu’s heart stirred.

He looked at the two and got serious: “You are my chosen teammates, I trust you and know that you won’t betray me, so there are some things that I can tell you.”

When the two heard this, they were immediately filled with curiosity.

“Actually, I’m not predicting the end, but …… rebirth.” Long Tianyu slowly said.

Zhang Kun: “!”

Ke Jiaxue: “!!!”

Long Tianyu: “Will you guys blame me for hiding it from you before?”

“Of course not!” The two said in unison.

Ke Jiaxue was even more excited, her cheeks excited to the point of redness:

“Brother Long, I thought you were unusual before, I didn’t expect that you were still a reborn person, a powerful alien ability, reborn …… Brother Long, you must be the world protagonist!”

She was a freshly graduated college student, just the age to love reading novels.

Zhang Kun nodded, very agreeable:

“It’s really our luck to be able to follow Brother Long, according to the law of the second dimension, a reborn alien like Brother Long must be the Chosen Son, there is meat to eat by following Brother Long, and if you go against Brother Long, you will definitely die.”

Ke Jiaxue nodded her head furiously.

Long Tianyu could no longer suppress the corners of his mouth from rising, his face full of pride and arrogance.

Reborn and strengthened with great supernatural abilities, even if he got food away from the national warehouse, he was confident that no one would be able to discover him.

–He is the Chosen Son.

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